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Dark Fae - Normal

Dark Fae - Normal

Dec 4, 2022, 14:5612/04/22
Trevor Wilson

Sorry i had assumed deacon was faster but ninja 'overtaking' him by round 3 hence i mentioned masteries

Yes make the turn manipulator the quickest.

@baltazar that is odd, i assume you are leading with a turn manipulator of some sort? yes you go first.

It went away, but I still wonder what may have caused it. Either way, looks like building a Dark Fae team is going to be a focus this CvC. 

Dec 4, 2022, 16:0112/04/22

It went away, but I still wonder what may have caused it. Either way, looks like building a Dark Fae team is going to be a focus this CvC. 

I tend to farm lethal gear while asleep - i have a team that isnt even all level 60's and works on all levels of hard.

Its slow, but who cares if i am asleep

As you can see, i go the turn meter control route, once the clones are dead she doesnt get a go.


Dec 26, 2022, 09:1912/26/22

I have upgraded ALL gear on the champs mentioned, and got a book on Ninja, but i can not beat DF on the final floot on normal........

She get`s to freeze one champ (normally Coldheart) and then take the rest out bit by bit (and even reviving champs (Deacon first)

I run AUTO, and i have turned off those skills mentioned, so Deacon runs first with Turnmeter, decr def, then Ninja with Cyan and then Visix with Provoke.

What more can i do... (will it help running it manual with same procidure or shall we start looking at gear change.. ( i have invested A LOT on the gear right now)

Suggestions are welcome, as time is running out on DT for this turn (and really want to take her down now )

Dec 27, 2022, 09:5412/27/22

Deacon (lead), Ninja, Armiger, Coldheart, Visix.

Do the fight manually or disable all cooldown skills for wave 2, so your team arrives with all skills aviable at the boss.

Deacon tm-boost and decrease def. Visix provoke. Ninja A3. All copies should be dead now, and even if not, they are provoked or frozen.

Armiger, Coldheart and Visix can keep the turnmeter of the Fae down, so she never gets a turn. Easy victory.

Still could need some help here, because i am not near winning, even if i have upgraded ALL gear and made sure your advice is followed.

Dec 27, 2022, 21:3112/27/22

Still could need some help here, because i am not near winning, even if i have upgraded ALL gear and made sure your advice is followed.

The champs are able of beating Dark Fae. The threadstarter did it with these champs.

If it doesn't work for you, the equipment of your champs is wrong. Post their stats and we can help.

Dec 28, 2022, 17:5012/28/22

The champs are able of beating Dark Fae. The threadstarter did it with these champs.

If it doesn't work for you, the equipment of your champs is wrong. Post their stats and we can help.

hope it is the correct way, have clipboardet on ipad and sent through email πŸ˜€

The used ones, and then those i got, if any should be replaced.

And with a total free removal of gear coming up this weekend, perhaps it is time to start them all over again 😁










Dec 28, 2022, 18:1212/28/22

Scyl was a add to the others i used, so you could give her a review perhaps

Dec 28, 2022, 18:1512/28/22

hope it is the correct way, have clipboardet on ipad and sent through email πŸ˜€

The used ones, and then those i got, if any should be replaced.

And with a total free removal of gear coming up this weekend, perhaps it is time to start them all over again 😁










speed is what's killing you here. astranyx has 190 speed on normal 120, so she's significantly faster than most of your champions. ninja and deacon are fine, but the rest are all much too slow.

aside from that, both armiger and coldheart need some serious work. armiger needs to be at 100% crit rate for his tm decrease to function and he also will need more accuracy (125 should be fine for this, but i'd aim for more if you can manage it). coldheart will also need more crit rate; only her a3 is important and it has an extra 30% crit chance so you can leave her at 70%, but you really do want to ensure that it always crits. more importantly, her most important gear pieces (gloves, chest, boots) are all only at 4*, so they should all be replaced with better gear.

Dec 28, 2022, 18:2712/28/22


The speed i build was for Deacon to be fastest and then Ninja, the others have i not looked at here.

But as i made clear in another threat i made, this weekend could be time for a big overhaul of all champs.

Just to get these champs to were they are atm has cost a lot of ressources (and i proberly do not have all the equipment i need, even if i remove everything from everybody)

The next question for me is then, when i remove everything and start over, is it then better to go stats build or set build (as i proberly could find better gear with stats, than i can with sets)

Example Armiger with 6 different gear types, but with better stats, than Armiger with a 2 set (or 3 set) build with stats not as good (but with set bonusses) 

Dec 28, 2022, 18:5012/28/22


The speed i build was for Deacon to be fastest and then Ninja, the others have i not looked at here.

But as i made clear in another threat i made, this weekend could be time for a big overhaul of all champs.

Just to get these champs to were they are atm has cost a lot of ressources (and i proberly do not have all the equipment i need, even if i remove everything from everybody)

The next question for me is then, when i remove everything and start over, is it then better to go stats build or set build (as i proberly could find better gear with stats, than i can with sets)

Example Armiger with 6 different gear types, but with better stats, than Armiger with a 2 set (or 3 set) build with stats not as good (but with set bonusses) 

stats over sets for sure. stats are always the more important of the two. if you have good pieces from the same set, like a pair of crit rate gloves and a weapon or shield with good substats, go ahead and use them but don't try to force it. an extra 15% defense isn't worth it if you have to pick up 3 garbage substats to get it.

Dec 28, 2022, 19:0512/28/22


Is there a good place to look for those stats regarding what is best for each champ..

HH has the show of whar stats required, but i miss something on what gear

(what is good for gloves , chest, boots, ring, amule etc etc)

So if/when i build i could take advice on the exact gear i want info on.

Or shall i search the entire youtube for this πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚

I don`t mind it takes some time, as i think it is time for next step to first endgame level of many of the champs i got

Dec 28, 2022, 19:1212/28/22


Something like this, could that be a usefull place to take the stats from..

FOLI EQUIPMENT GUIDEArena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

Savage, Cruel, Lethal, Lifesteal, Bloodthirst, Accuracy, Perception

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (ATK%)
Boots (SPD)
Ring (ATK)
Amulet (C.DMG)
Banner (ATK / ACC)

Stats Priority

Attacker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD
Attacker & Debuffer: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Taken from Ayumiloves page

Dec 28, 2022, 20:0812/28/22


Is there a good place to look for those stats regarding what is best for each champ..

HH has the show of whar stats required, but i miss something on what gear

(what is good for gloves , chest, boots, ring, amule etc etc)

So if/when i build i could take advice on the exact gear i want info on.

Or shall i search the entire youtube for this πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚

I don`t mind it takes some time, as i think it is time for next step to first endgame level of many of the champs i got

between ayumi and hellhades, you can usually get a pretty solid idea of what a champ needs gearwise, but i can give you a general breakdown.

  • Gloves: crit rate, crit damage, hp%, def%. any champion whose primary job is to deal damage will want 100% crit rate. if you can get to that through substats, use crit damage gloves; otherwise use crit rate gloves. crit rate gloves are also good for champions like armiger or vrask who need crit for their abilities but aren't really concerned with damage. pretty much every other champion will want hp% or def% (which is better can depend a bit on the champion, but they're usually both pretty helpful. you'll often end up building a champ with either hp% gloves/def% chest or vice versa).
  • Chestplate: atk%, def%, hp%, acc, res. any damage dealer will want whatever their damage scales off, so atk% for champs like ninja, def% for someone like staltus, or hp% for someone like magnarr. acc/res chestplates are usually most useful in pvp (acc for a debuffer, res if you're building a go-second comp) because you can generally hit the necessary targets for pve content without using a chestplate, but you can use one if you're having trouble hitting the accuracy you need on a debuffer. all other champs will want def% or hp% (again, i tend to go for whatever i didn't use on their gloves, but that's not always the best choice. it can depend on the champion and the gear you have available).
  • Boots: speed. that's it, that's the list. there are a few very specific builds that are exceptions, but just about every champ will want speed boots.

accessories are a bit easier since they have fewer options for both main and substats and there really aren't any useless options (okay, there's one). with a ring, your dps champs will want their damage stat and all others will go for hp or defense. with amulets, your dps will want crit damage and all other champs will want hp or defense (attack is rarely useful since the only champs who care about it are damage dealers and they're better off with crit damage). for some champs however, the substats are more important than the main. debuffers will generally prefer an amulet with a triple roll on accuracy regardless of the main stat. banners are more of the same; your debuffers will want accuracy, your dps will want their damage stat, the rest can use res, hp or def, and every champion will want speed substats

Dec 28, 2022, 21:2712/28/22

Your Scyl has a pretty high attack stat. That doesn't do any harm to her. Indeed it does literally nothing. Her damage sacles from her own defense. All these points in attack are useless.

You can read the stat that increases damage in the skill descriptions for each skill, and you should really have a look at this for all of your champs. A lot of them don't benefit from attack at all. Further examples are Armiger, Visix, Drexthar.

Dec 28, 2022, 21:5412/28/22

Your Scyl has a pretty high attack stat. That doesn't do any harm to her. Indeed it does literally nothing. Her damage sacles from her own defense. All these points in attack are useless.

You can read the stat that increases damage in the skill descriptions for each skill, and you should really have a look at this for all of your champs. A lot of them don't benefit from attack at all. Further examples are Armiger, Visix, Drexthar.

So if i understand you correctly, i should gear her up on defense stats on all parametres...

So are there any champs at all, who should be based on attack stats..

Dec 28, 2022, 23:1412/28/22

So if i understand you correctly, i should gear her up on defense stats on all parametres...

So are there any champs at all, who should be based on attack stats..

Most champs have their damage based on attack, some don't. You have to read the skills of your champs. This, for example, is Scyl's A1 skill:


Dec 28, 2022, 23:3112/28/22

Thx guys/girls ?

Think i will use Thursday bye looking my gear through and maby come with a suggestion, just to se if i amgetting it into my brain πŸ˜›

Sleep tight all.

Dec 28, 2022, 23:3312/28/22

So if i understand you correctly, i should gear her up on defense stats on all parametres...

So are there any champs at all, who should be based on attack stats..

in order for a champion to need attack, they must meet 2 criteria. the first is that they must be a dps champion and the second is that their damage must scale from the attack stat. from the champions that you showed above (just the highlighted ones, not your entire collection), the only two who meet those conditions are ninja and coldheart. deacon is an example of a champ who meets the second condition, but not the first. his damage does scale from attack, but he isn't a damage dealer. a champion like staltus or ragash is a good exmaple of the opposite. both are dps champions, but neither one scales off attack so it's a wasted stat for them. scyll is an example of a champion who fails both criteria. she scales off of defense and her role in your team is a cc/support champion, not a dps.

as to whether you should just focus on defense stats when building her, all i can say is absolutely not. a well-built scyll needs four statsβ€”acc, speed, def, and hp (certain builds will also need resistance, but those are pretty pvp focused and i expect you'll have a hard enough time just juggling four stats for the moment). accuracy should be pretty obvious; one of her major draws is her aoe stun and she needs enough accuracy to land her debuffs consistantly. speed is necessary because speed is always necessary. it's rare that speed is the most important stat for any given champion, but it's still regarded as the most important stat in the game because it's the only one you can't ever ignore completely. every other stat can be skipped under the right circumstances, but champions will always need speed. hp and def are both important because a champion needs both in order to survive. a champion with a lot of hp but no defense will take a huge amount of damage from every hit because they're getting no damage mitigation. a champion with lots of defense but no hp will also fall in a few hits because even though the damage reduction is high, they have a tiny health pool that falls to pieces immediately. there are certainly times to favour one over the other (scyll does lean towards a more defense-oriented build because her damage scales off of it, but she's still not a damage dealer), but you really need both to ensure your champs can survive.

Dec 29, 2022, 12:4012/29/22

So here we go (with a look at Yuamilove and HH, and advice from this group)


Banner . Epic 6*  HP 900  -  Sub. Def - Speed - Def%

Amulet  Epic 5*  ATK 225  -  Sub. Crit D - HP (2) - Def (1) - Resist  OR

Amulet Epic 5*  HP 450  -  Sub. Crit D - Resist - ATK

Ring Epic 6*  ATK 265 -  Sub. Def - HP% (1) - Def% (1) - Atk  OR

Ring Rare 5*  ATK 143  -  Sub. HP% (2) - HP - Def%

Boots  Cruel (lvl 8) - Leggo 4*  Speed 16  -  Sub. HP% - Atk - Crit R (1) 9% - Accu (1)  OR

Boots  Percep (lvl 16) - Rare 5*  Speed 40  -  Sub. HP (1) - Def (1) - Def% - Crit R 6%

Chest  Speed (lvl 16) - Epic 5*  Def% 50  -  Sub. Crit R 5% - Speed (1) 13  - HP% (2) - HP  OR

Chest  Div.Speed (lvl 0) - Leggo 5*  Def% 8  -  Sub. Def - Speed 5 - Ark% - Crit D

Gloves  Imortal (lvl 4)  - Leggo 4*  Crit R 13%  -  Sub. HP - Def% - Speed (1)  7- HP%  OR

Gloves  Div Crit R (lvl 8) - Epic 5*  Crit R 24%  -  Sub. Atk (1) - Accu - Speed 9

Shield  Accueacy (lvl 12) - Leggo 6*  Def 170  -  Sub. Crit R (2) 18% - Accu (1) - Resist - Speed 6  OR

Shield  Guardian (lvl 5)  - Leggo 5*  Def 74  -  Sub. Speed 4 - Accu - Crit D (1) - Crit R 4%  

Helmet  Div. Life (lvl 16) - Leggo 5*  HP 3480  -  Sub. Crit R (2) 10% - Def% - Def - Atk (1)  OR

Helmet  Resilience (lvl 16)  Leggo 5*  HP 3480  -  Sub  Crit R (1) 10% - Accu - Speed (3) 21 - Crit D

Weapon  Frenzy (lvl 4)  - Epic 5*  Atk 64  -  Sub. Crit D - Crit R 5% - Speed (1) 8  OR

Weapon Resilience (lvl 16)  - Leggo 5*  Atk 225  -  Sub Resist - Crit D (2) - Crit R (1) 11% - Speed (1) 9

Hope it is ok info  (think regarding Helmet and Weapon best choice is the set of resilience..??)

Dec 29, 2022, 14:4912/29/22

So here we go (with a look at Yuamilove and HH, and advice from this group)


Banner . Epic 6*  HP 900  -  Sub. Def - Speed - Def%

Amulet  Epic 5*  ATK 225  -  Sub. Crit D - HP (2) - Def (1) - Resist  OR

Amulet Epic 5*  HP 450  -  Sub. Crit D - Resist - ATK

Ring Epic 6*  ATK 265 -  Sub. Def - HP% (1) - Def% (1) - Atk  OR

Ring Rare 5*  ATK 143  -  Sub. HP% (2) - HP - Def%

Boots  Cruel (lvl 8) - Leggo 4*  Speed 16  -  Sub. HP% - Atk - Crit R (1) 9% - Accu (1)  OR

Boots  Percep (lvl 16) - Rare 5*  Speed 40  -  Sub. HP (1) - Def (1) - Def% - Crit R 6%

Chest  Speed (lvl 16) - Epic 5*  Def% 50  -  Sub. Crit R 5% - Speed (1) 13  - HP% (2) - HP  OR

Chest  Div.Speed (lvl 0) - Leggo 5*  Def% 8  -  Sub. Def - Speed 5 - Ark% - Crit D

Gloves  Imortal (lvl 4)  - Leggo 4*  Crit R 13%  -  Sub. HP - Def% - Speed (1)  7- HP%  OR

Gloves  Div Crit R (lvl 8) - Epic 5*  Crit R 24%  -  Sub. Atk (1) - Accu - Speed 9

Shield  Accueacy (lvl 12) - Leggo 6*  Def 170  -  Sub. Crit R (2) 18% - Accu (1) - Resist - Speed 6  OR

Shield  Guardian (lvl 5)  - Leggo 5*  Def 74  -  Sub. Speed 4 - Accu - Crit D (1) - Crit R 4%  

Helmet  Div. Life (lvl 16) - Leggo 5*  HP 3480  -  Sub. Crit R (2) 10% - Def% - Def - Atk (1)  OR

Helmet  Resilience (lvl 16)  Leggo 5*  HP 3480  -  Sub  Crit R (1) 10% - Accu - Speed (3) 21 - Crit D

Weapon  Frenzy (lvl 4)  - Epic 5*  Atk 64  -  Sub. Crit D - Crit R 5% - Speed (1) 8  OR

Weapon Resilience (lvl 16)  - Leggo 5*  Atk 225  -  Sub Resist - Crit D (2) - Crit R (1) 11% - Speed (1) 9

Hope it is ok info  (think regarding Helmet and Weapon best choice is the set of resilience..??)

First of all: be aware that a free gear removal comes this weekend. If you want to change equip, wait a few days.

The Amulets are both not good for Scyl. No. 1 has atk main stat (does nothing on Scyl) and not the substat you want for Scyl on Amulets, wich is Accuracy. No. 2 has at least a usefull main stat, but is not really good either.

The rings both have a bad (for Scyl) atk main stat, but the substats, hp% and def%, are exactly what you are looking for.

Boots no. 2. You don't want to use gear below 5*, unless the artifact is allready lvl 16 and has exeptional good stats. Don't upgrade any further gear below 5*.

Chest no. 1. Good main stat def%, good substats speed and hp%.

Gloves: none of them. You don't have the equip to care about Scyl's damage in addition to speed, accuracy, hp% and def%. Sell gloves no. 1 (they are only 4*) and find another champ for gloves no. 2. For Scyl, you should use gloves with def% or hp% main stat, speed and accuracy substats. If these are the only aviable gloves, clearly no. 2.

Shield no. 1 is good, but maybe wasted on Scyl. A real damage dealer would love this shield with the high crit rate substat.

Helmet and weapon no. 2.