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UDK is unbeatable...

UDK is unbeatable...

Dec 23, 2022, 09:5312/23/22
Dec 23, 2022, 09:53(edited)

Ronda works, but not always. Depending on who is on the other team, she may die first, so once she is down UDK is very hard to kill again. He will get into that state where even though his hp is at zero, multi hits will not kill him.

The other problem is that UDK himself seems to have a bug occasionally, where he just will sit at 0 health and not die at all even with Ronda's debuffs. I have just had a fight like that, with Ronda alive and landing her debuffs. Went on for half an hour before I quit out. Like I said, he was literally at zero hp most of the fight, and nothing would kill him, including multi hits and including when Ronda had her debuffs on him.

There is something seriously wrong with UDKs coding. I am pretty sure that he is not supposed to go into these invulnerable states like that.

It seems to be primarily an issue at the lower end of the game. On my main account, where I play at gold 5 in arena and gold 1 in 3v3 it seems not to be an issue. UDK at those levels is annoying but least he is killable.

I've read about this bug in a post Harle made in another thread, that's a visual bug that has to do with the healing he gets from regeneration set. The healing is not displayed in the health bar, so it looks as if he has 0 health, while the health bar may be full or anywhere between these extremes.

That should really be fixed. It's annoying that players think they have beaten him and don't even know why it's not working, as they see an UDK with 0 hp for the whole fight.

Dec 23, 2022, 10:2612/23/22

You know right now 3 of my 60's are facing off against a single UDK, who isn't the highest end tricked out UDK I've seen, so I figure he's about mediumly equipped and talented. 3 60's Ruarc, Stalton, and Demthya took 40 minutes to beat a run of the line UDK. That's called overpowered. I don't care where you are taking your math from. I had Ronda in the fight she does a wonderful job of neutralizing UDK's, but she got knocked out. I took the remaining 3/4 of my team 40 minutes to beat him.

I was going to post a screen shot guess the forum site blocks that. It was a marathon going for over an hour total the last 40 minutes of it just being the UDK. I think the UDK at even 50 is a tad overpowered.

Dec 23, 2022, 12:1212/23/22

You know right now 3 of my 60's are facing off against a single UDK, who isn't the highest end tricked out UDK I've seen, so I figure he's about mediumly equipped and talented. 3 60's Ruarc, Stalton, and Demthya took 40 minutes to beat a run of the line UDK. That's called overpowered. I don't care where you are taking your math from. I had Ronda in the fight she does a wonderful job of neutralizing UDK's, but she got knocked out. I took the remaining 3/4 of my team 40 minutes to beat him.

I was going to post a screen shot guess the forum site blocks that. It was a marathon going for over an hour total the last 40 minutes of it just being the UDK. I think the UDK at even 50 is a tad overpowered.

I am going to try and give you a bit of constructive feedback here.

If you are losing your Ronda in fights, or if you can't kill a UDK with just a Staltus Dragonbane, or if you are using Demytha in Arena at all, the best thing you could do is post your roster and arena builds in a new thread and let the experienced players here help you with your arena team.

Ronda shuts down all his healing, and if you cant keep her alive long enough to do that, you need to rethink your arena team. It's a shame to not be able to keep Ronda up long enought to handle UDK, or have her just go first or even several times before UDK goes.

Staltus doesn't care about UDK's Dec Atk, and just happens to be the best Defense based nuker in the game. His Incr Def self buff + his AoE can nuke the core champs in most any teams. He can one hit UDKs for up to 100k if you debuff them, which would be almost enough to even kill my Duchess.

UDK isn't overpowered in the slightest against Ronda and Staltus. He IS overpowered against poor builds and/or arena teams that aren't arena teams. Please start a new thread and we can source some good ideas from the people here who have placed Plat, and fight in G3/G4 Tag, even as F2P players.

Dec 23, 2022, 16:3412/23/22

You know right now 3 of my 60's are facing off against a single UDK, who isn't the highest end tricked out UDK I've seen, so I figure he's about mediumly equipped and talented. 3 60's Ruarc, Stalton, and Demthya took 40 minutes to beat a run of the line UDK. That's called overpowered. I don't care where you are taking your math from. I had Ronda in the fight she does a wonderful job of neutralizing UDK's, but she got knocked out. I took the remaining 3/4 of my team 40 minutes to beat him.

I was going to post a screen shot guess the forum site blocks that. It was a marathon going for over an hour total the last 40 minutes of it just being the UDK. I think the UDK at even 50 is a tad overpowered.

Here's your math right nyah. If your team is struggling to take him out, that's on you. My Staltus alone would have torn this thing apart. 


Dec 23, 2022, 21:2512/23/22

You know right now 3 of my 60's are facing off against a single UDK, who isn't the highest end tricked out UDK I've seen, so I figure he's about mediumly equipped and talented. 3 60's Ruarc, Stalton, and Demthya took 40 minutes to beat a run of the line UDK. That's called overpowered. I don't care where you are taking your math from. I had Ronda in the fight she does a wonderful job of neutralizing UDK's, but she got knocked out. I took the remaining 3/4 of my team 40 minutes to beat him.

I was going to post a screen shot guess the forum site blocks that. It was a marathon going for over an hour total the last 40 minutes of it just being the UDK. I think the UDK at even 50 is a tad overpowered.

Sorry but I'm caing bs on this. Like 40 mins on a single DK ?  Either you're the worse raid player ever or you're talking poop.

Dec 23, 2022, 21:4012/23/22

Sorry but I'm caing bs on this. Like 40 mins on a single DK ?  Either you're the worse raid player ever or you're talking poop.

I'm not surprised, tbh. I've seen people make all kinds of mistakes gearing their champs. In fact, one of the most common mistakes is thinking that a great champ can make up for trash gear to begin with. 

Dec 25, 2022, 05:4412/25/22

You know without Ronda, I had 3 champions incuding Staltus, the HIgh Kautun, and Tallia beating on him. His companions first killed off Ronda, then all his companions died minus him. I have spent the last 40 minutes beating on him with 3  Staltus, the High Khatun, and Demthya. He been down to less then 1000 hp, but won't die even when subejected to killing blows. This is the 2nd time this has happened, correctly equipped, and the right skills taken. He is still unbeatable unless you bring a UDK killer, and even then they have to equipped right.  Otherwise he is unbeatable even on 0 health.

Sorry that's Bullshit. I like the concept of the chracter, but unbeatable is substandard of what this game can deliver. Nerf him, or give us a true counter champion to him, otherwise you are just failing the community.

Dec 25, 2022, 05:5512/25/22

I love the math. But you work with what champions you've got, not with the ones you might have that come up with a better ending. Right now I am working with what has been a pretty solid arena team,

Staltus, Demethya, the Hight Khaltun, and Ronda. And they haven't come across much I can't kill. But any team that eliminates Ronda early (usually due to devestating damage) means that I end locked up with the stupid UDK against 3 characters, and he can't beat (if equipped right), and that leads me down the path of what heroes should be deployed to counter the UDK, generally with your most powerful heroes who are not specifally made to counter him you loose.

Claim what you like I've tried variations. None of them work. Its always by chance that I beat UDK when he's properly built.

Dec 25, 2022, 07:3412/25/22

You guys are humoring this guy far too much.

Here are the list of rare champs that can campaign farm Brutal stage 12 in a reasonable amount of time, and without requiring an unreasonable amount of gear for the point in the game at which they are recommended to be used:

[Starter champ]


Soulbound Bowyer


That's it. And, before you start being pedantic - there may be one or two others I've missed, but they're surely almost entirely worthless outside of proving a point.

Just quit humoring the guy and let this thread die off :/

Humor ? From sarcasm, the truth wont be change. No matter how they tried.

Dec 25, 2022, 10:1212/25/22
Dec 25, 2022, 11:03(edited)

I love the math. But you work with what champions you've got, not with the ones you might have that come up with a better ending. Right now I am working with what has been a pretty solid arena team,

Staltus, Demethya, the Hight Khaltun, and Ronda. And they haven't come across much I can't kill. But any team that eliminates Ronda early (usually due to devestating damage) means that I end locked up with the stupid UDK against 3 characters, and he can't beat (if equipped right), and that leads me down the path of what heroes should be deployed to counter the UDK, generally with your most powerful heroes who are not specifally made to counter him you loose.

Claim what you like I've tried variations. None of them work. Its always by chance that I beat UDK when he's properly built.

IMO, if you haven't already, Ronda needs to be 3-star ascended so she has her passive shield, which at 40% of her HP isn't to be sniffed at. Additionally, my Arena Offense now includes a HP tank on shield artifacts (currently, Endalia from the fusion event) to provide additional protection against those first turn cleave defences, giving Ronda plenty of breathing room to do her thing. A fast HP tank on shield who could also block debuffs on allies to prevent UDK applying fear would be even better.

Might be worth swapping out Khaltun for something like that where you think it might be required? If you're being outsped it sounds like maybe Khaltun isn't adding much to your team and that Ronda would be best as your team lead.

For context I'm level 45 on a 37 day account, farming between Bronze VI and Silver II in arena. My team is Ronda (50) [L}, Athel (60), Noct (60), Endalia (40). Now it's not UDK I worry about facing, it's Deliana. :)

Dec 25, 2022, 14:0312/25/22

You know without Ronda, I had 3 champions incuding Staltus, the HIgh Kautun, and Tallia beating on him. His companions first killed off Ronda, then all his companions died minus him. I have spent the last 40 minutes beating on him with 3  Staltus, the High Khatun, and Demthya. He been down to less then 1000 hp, but won't die even when subejected to killing blows. This is the 2nd time this has happened, correctly equipped, and the right skills taken. He is still unbeatable unless you bring a UDK killer, and even then they have to equipped right.  Otherwise he is unbeatable even on 0 health.

Sorry that's Bullshit. I like the concept of the chracter, but unbeatable is substandard of what this game can deliver. Nerf him, or give us a true counter champion to him, otherwise you are just failing the community.

First of all, if you're using Tallia and Demytha in your arena team, you need to rethink your arena team. We in fact need to stop and think about what a "pretty solid arena team" is. Cause that ain't it.

UDK is not unbeatable in the slightest, and shouldn't be giving you any problems at all with a Saltus to nuke him. Much less, you already have the direct counter you are asking for in Ronda. Ronda shuts down all his healing, and if you cant keep her alive long enough to do that, it's yet another reason you need to rethink your arena team.

Secondly, if you're only "working with the champions you've got" then you need to stop playing arena for a couple days, long enough to go farm a Warmaiden from Campaign, and then copies for all her books, so you can use an AoE 60% Decrease Defense champion and actually help your nuker push damage through. 

One of your major issues is that you are ignoring a major arena debuff and expecting to win against anyone who is actually building champs properly. Let me break it down why you're failing your Staltus and Ronda here. Defense mitigates damage. Enough defense, such as what a properly built Ultimate Deathknight can have, mitigates up to 90% of your damage. This is why Decrease Defense is important, cause with 60% of their Defensive Stat gone, tanky and well built champs cannot mitigate such huge chunks of your damage. Then you can actually kill them, which is sweet! If you're struggling against lowly UDK, a well built Siphi, Duchess or Wythir is gonna really really upset you. Wait until you're facing enemies with 120k health that heal their entire team to full every turn.

Thirdly, if a Staltus cannot kill the lowly UDK, he is not "properly equipped" ... or perhaps he is not fully leveled. The only reason anyone should be having problems outputting enough damage to kill a UDK is if their starter champion is not finished being leveled, ascended and booked. And if they're still having trouble after that, they need to go farm some better gear in Dragon to get closer to 8k defense/attack, 100% Crit rate and 300% Crit Damage. And if that seems like a lot to you, or impossible, then you have a long way to go still on gear farming before a champ is "properly equipped" or anywhere near it. I would assert that just approaching 3k attack and 100% Crit Damage on my Athel was enough to take me straight into Gold 1... it was the entire point of this thread, and I included the screens to show this, and my terrible builds on that new account just to demonstrate how bad your builds could be and you could still be in Gold Arena.

Basically if you can't hit those gearing numbers, after taking a break to farm and build your AoE Dec Defense champ (Warmaiden is freely available), then it's time to take another arena break to go farm the gear needed to build your nuker better. Dragon is your friend. It's easy to get to 20, has solid gear you'll use forever, and will help you get build your Staltus to a point where you might start thinking "Wow, I might not even need this AoE Dec Def champ anymore!" (Hint, you still will).

I'll put it this way. Start your own thread. Include your roster and pictures of each of your arena champ builds. I don't want to hear you tell me that your champs are built well or whatever else, I want to see it. If my buddy @Balltazer can smack around a full Stoneskin, Ascended UDK with an Uncommon and a Soulbond Bowyer.... then hopefully you would recognize that your best option to make progress, instead of just complaining about how a champ is too hard or unbeatable, is to ask the people who can beat him with uncommons how they did it, and perhaps learn what it is they are doing to trivialize this guy. Then you can make the improvement necessary yourself! Improvement should be the goal, rather than asking the entire game to change because you can't currently beat a champ using your current methods.

Lastly, don't use language on my forums, or call anyone else's advice bullshit as they are trying to help you. Thank you.

Dec 25, 2022, 14:0412/25/22

Humor ? From sarcasm, the truth wont be change. No matter how they tried.

You are correct.

The truth of my Arena Platinum, Gold 3 Tag Team account that I built without spending, it speaks for itself.

Dec 25, 2022, 21:2312/25/22

You are correct.

The truth of my Arena Platinum, Gold 3 Tag Team account that I built without spending, it speaks for itself.

I'll quote this rather than your prior post for formatting purposes. :D

The underlying issue I've seen over and over again with UDK is pretty static: Rather than adjust the approach to him, get angry instead. We saw that plenty with your megathread and the ones that came after it.

When met with good, practical advice, make excuses as to why it cannot work for you, but only everyone else. Or cherry pick reasons why that advice is bad - and somehow null and void - because you had a specific champion, rather than asking how it can apply to them with what they have available. 

Like any other problem in the game it's going to be a lot better for the player facing the problem and the other ones trying to help them - who sometimes take on toxicity - to be curious how to solve problems rather than rage in every direction. 

If you don't know how to solve the problem, ask. If you know how to solve the problem but are unwilling to do so, then I really start to lack sympathy especially when that toxicity comes out. 

Dec 25, 2022, 23:4612/25/22

Abandoned account at 109 days. I've fought every single UDK team I've seen over last couple nights. The problem is not him.

I expect this to go ignored like what ever other thread I posted beating all these free win udk teams with my account that has not even farmed gear because it disproves all the complaints.


Mar 12, 2023, 05:1403/12/23

I'm going to jump in this thread a few months after. I guess you can argue that taking significantly more-leveled champs in vs lower level ones is a good strat, as is knowing how to properly gear them. 

I think I saw literally 1 6* enemy UDK in the entire thread that was still maybe 25 levels lower than yours, and maybe 1 other 6* at all. There is a huge power gap between 5* and 6* UDKs and Athels as well. My Athel is still sitting at 5* and she hits like a wet noodle.

The arena tiers I am experiencing now look nothing like what you are showing. If a team in Silver 3 where I am now has 45k power level it is literally a 1 man defense. It's rare to find power levels of less than about 85k for a full team, although something I see a lot is leveled/geared UDKs surrounded by a team of less geared champs where the large part of their power level comes from the UDK. It's like they bait you into facing their OP UDK and many times they just outsurvive your 4 man team. More often than that they are paired with Deliana and/or Scyl. Better teams tend to pair UDK with extra shielding, ally protect, counterattack, continuous healing, revives, and crowd control.

I started right around New Years, thus I never got a UDK yet I fight him ALL THE TIME, and it's an often laborious and sometimes futile event. Well built and/or protected the guy is nigh indestructable. He takes little damage, applies a solid shield frequently, gets life back in spades, deflects your attacks, applies fear, has a massive aoe, and hits like an absolute truck with single-target as well.

As an example here, I just fought a 60 UDK, 60 Kael, 50 Lady Kimi, 50 Aleksandr. After taking out the rest of his crew, the UDK took a few minutes of manual play to get down to zero health (empty bar) and then just didn't die, ever. After forfeiting the match I show the stats and the UDK did more damage than my entire team for the match, and healed for more than my Pythion and Lifeleech Ronda combined. There is a reason the guy is used up and down in arena defense at my level. Partly it probably just that many people got him and haven't found 'better' to fill their defense. And partly it is just that the guy is absolutely stacked in what he brings.

Looking at this original post I just take it to mean 'Yes I used the OP UDK on my offense team and we couldn't be beaten, and yes we were just fighting lower level teams non-stop'. So I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here was. UDK is an outright obstacle in the arena atm if you don't have a good way to counter him. At best he is just a time sink, at worst he makes you forfeit the game with a stalemate because he won't take enough damage to die before healing again.

Mar 12, 2023, 05:2203/12/23

I'm going to jump in this thread a few months after. I guess you can argue that taking significantly more-leveled champs in vs lower level ones is a good strat, as is knowing how to properly gear them. 

I think I saw literally 1 6* enemy UDK in the entire thread that was still maybe 25 levels lower than yours, and maybe 1 other 6* at all. There is a huge power gap between 5* and 6* UDKs and Athels as well. My Athel is still sitting at 5* and she hits like a wet noodle.

The arena tiers I am experiencing now look nothing like what you are showing. If a team in Silver 3 where I am now has 45k power level it is literally a 1 man defense. It's rare to find power levels of less than about 85k for a full team, although something I see a lot is leveled/geared UDKs surrounded by a team of less geared champs where the large part of their power level comes from the UDK. It's like they bait you into facing their OP UDK and many times they just outsurvive your 4 man team. More often than that they are paired with Deliana and/or Scyl. Better teams tend to pair UDK with extra shielding, ally protect, counterattack, continuous healing, revives, and crowd control.

I started right around New Years, thus I never got a UDK yet I fight him ALL THE TIME, and it's an often laborious and sometimes futile event. Well built and/or protected the guy is nigh indestructable. He takes little damage, applies a solid shield frequently, gets life back in spades, deflects your attacks, applies fear, has a massive aoe, and hits like an absolute truck with single-target as well.

As an example here, I just fought a 60 UDK, 60 Kael, 50 Lady Kimi, 50 Aleksandr. After taking out the rest of his crew, the UDK took a few minutes of manual play to get down to zero health (empty bar) and then just didn't die, ever. After forfeiting the match I show the stats and the UDK did more damage than my entire team for the match, and healed for more than my Pythion and Lifeleech Ronda combined. There is a reason the guy is used up and down in arena defense at my level. Partly it probably just that many people got him and haven't found 'better' to fill their defense. And partly it is just that the guy is absolutely stacked in what he brings.

Looking at this original post I just take it to mean 'Yes I used the OP UDK on my offense team and we couldn't be beaten, and yes we were just fighting lower level teams non-stop'. So I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here was. UDK is an outright obstacle in the arena atm if you don't have a good way to counter him. At best he is just a time sink, at worst he makes you forfeit the game with a stalemate because he won't take enough damage to die before healing again.

Well, you brought at least two champions that either heal your team or self heal and didn't kill the UDK first, which is a suboptimal strategy versus a team that has no revivers. 

So I'm seeing some issues in the kinds of teams you bring to fight UDK, as well as the choices you're making in the fight itself. 

Furthermore, DPS are going to hit like wet noodles when they're not fully ranked up. That's just a fact of how the game works and shouldn't be used to detract from the OP, the thread or the thought process and approach to tackling UDK. Handicapping yourself is a bad idea. 

As it pertains to OP having UDK: I will never understand the arguments in which we should handicap our own teams to prove a point of a champion or team being beatable. In what world would that be realistic? 

UDK is a completely fair champ, I dunno what to say to anyone at this point other than farm better gear, make better choices in the teams you bring, and better choices in the fights against UDK. 

Mar 12, 2023, 05:2903/12/23
Mar 12, 2023, 05:34(edited)

I'm going to jump in this thread a few months after. I guess you can argue that taking significantly more-leveled champs in vs lower level ones is a good strat, as is knowing how to properly gear them. 

I think I saw literally 1 6* enemy UDK in the entire thread that was still maybe 25 levels lower than yours, and maybe 1 other 6* at all. There is a huge power gap between 5* and 6* UDKs and Athels as well. My Athel is still sitting at 5* and she hits like a wet noodle.

The arena tiers I am experiencing now look nothing like what you are showing. If a team in Silver 3 where I am now has 45k power level it is literally a 1 man defense. It's rare to find power levels of less than about 85k for a full team, although something I see a lot is leveled/geared UDKs surrounded by a team of less geared champs where the large part of their power level comes from the UDK. It's like they bait you into facing their OP UDK and many times they just outsurvive your 4 man team. More often than that they are paired with Deliana and/or Scyl. Better teams tend to pair UDK with extra shielding, ally protect, counterattack, continuous healing, revives, and crowd control.

I started right around New Years, thus I never got a UDK yet I fight him ALL THE TIME, and it's an often laborious and sometimes futile event. Well built and/or protected the guy is nigh indestructable. He takes little damage, applies a solid shield frequently, gets life back in spades, deflects your attacks, applies fear, has a massive aoe, and hits like an absolute truck with single-target as well.

As an example here, I just fought a 60 UDK, 60 Kael, 50 Lady Kimi, 50 Aleksandr. After taking out the rest of his crew, the UDK took a few minutes of manual play to get down to zero health (empty bar) and then just didn't die, ever. After forfeiting the match I show the stats and the UDK did more damage than my entire team for the match, and healed for more than my Pythion and Lifeleech Ronda combined. There is a reason the guy is used up and down in arena defense at my level. Partly it probably just that many people got him and haven't found 'better' to fill their defense. And partly it is just that the guy is absolutely stacked in what he brings.

Looking at this original post I just take it to mean 'Yes I used the OP UDK on my offense team and we couldn't be beaten, and yes we were just fighting lower level teams non-stop'. So I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here was. UDK is an outright obstacle in the arena atm if you don't have a good way to counter him. At best he is just a time sink, at worst he makes you forfeit the game with a stalemate because he won't take enough damage to die before healing again.

Bringing fully built champs is one of the ways to win yes. If you're still ranking up champs to fight in Arena, you won't win as much as you want to.

Ronda is a great way to deal with UDK, but using lifesteal gear on her shows you still have some things to learn about arena gearing or you don't have enough champs yet built to have your Ronda exclusively built for Arena and are still using her in content where you feel Lifesteal is necessary.

If you wish to get some suggestions as to how to more easily deal with UDK, or what steps might be good to take for your account overall, then feel free to post a thread with your champs, your common arena teams you are using, what dungeons you are farming, what CB you are hitting.

As Thorne says above me, part of your problems are the same as other newer players in this thread. If you started back on Jan 4th, there's still likely a long ways to go building your first true CB team, dungeon farming teams and dedicated arena teams. That really should be our focus, and if you start your own thread, a few people here will be happy to make some suggestions.

The only other thing I can say is that on referrals, takeovers and my test accounts, UDK has not ever been a real issue. We can help you get to that point too, if you'd like.

Mar 12, 2023, 13:3703/12/23

I'm going to jump in this thread a few months after. I guess you can argue that taking significantly more-leveled champs in vs lower level ones is a good strat, as is knowing how to properly gear them. 

I think I saw literally 1 6* enemy UDK in the entire thread that was still maybe 25 levels lower than yours, and maybe 1 other 6* at all. There is a huge power gap between 5* and 6* UDKs and Athels as well. My Athel is still sitting at 5* and she hits like a wet noodle.

The arena tiers I am experiencing now look nothing like what you are showing. If a team in Silver 3 where I am now has 45k power level it is literally a 1 man defense. It's rare to find power levels of less than about 85k for a full team, although something I see a lot is leveled/geared UDKs surrounded by a team of less geared champs where the large part of their power level comes from the UDK. It's like they bait you into facing their OP UDK and many times they just outsurvive your 4 man team. More often than that they are paired with Deliana and/or Scyl. Better teams tend to pair UDK with extra shielding, ally protect, counterattack, continuous healing, revives, and crowd control.

I started right around New Years, thus I never got a UDK yet I fight him ALL THE TIME, and it's an often laborious and sometimes futile event. Well built and/or protected the guy is nigh indestructable. He takes little damage, applies a solid shield frequently, gets life back in spades, deflects your attacks, applies fear, has a massive aoe, and hits like an absolute truck with single-target as well.

As an example here, I just fought a 60 UDK, 60 Kael, 50 Lady Kimi, 50 Aleksandr. After taking out the rest of his crew, the UDK took a few minutes of manual play to get down to zero health (empty bar) and then just didn't die, ever. After forfeiting the match I show the stats and the UDK did more damage than my entire team for the match, and healed for more than my Pythion and Lifeleech Ronda combined. There is a reason the guy is used up and down in arena defense at my level. Partly it probably just that many people got him and haven't found 'better' to fill their defense. And partly it is just that the guy is absolutely stacked in what he brings.

Looking at this original post I just take it to mean 'Yes I used the OP UDK on my offense team and we couldn't be beaten, and yes we were just fighting lower level teams non-stop'. So I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here was. UDK is an outright obstacle in the arena atm if you don't have a good way to counter him. At best he is just a time sink, at worst he makes you forfeit the game with a stalemate because he won't take enough damage to die before healing again.

A team with 4 lvl 60 champs has allways good chances to win vs. a team with less than 4 lvl 60 champs, that has nothing to do with UDK. Maybe you could browse throug lower arena with a win ratio close to 100%, but now you reached a stage where you have to pic your fights. It's not neccessary to do fight all enemies in one column. If you allready know you can't beat teams with UDK + several other defensive champs like Pythion, Deliana and so on, don't do this fights. Pick the opponents you can beat and wait for the refresh after 15 minutes.

While doing so, go on to play the PvE parts of the game and lvl up your champs, get better artifacts from dungeons and so on.

Mar 12, 2023, 13:4803/12/23

One thing that the game doesn't tell you is that the actual difficulty of a league such as "Gold I" varies a lot with your account level. You will fight people of roughly the same account level, so very early, arena is much easier. Makes it hard to do a fair comparison.

Mar 12, 2023, 14:2603/12/23
Mar 12, 2023, 14:28(edited)

 You know, harleQuinn invested her time into creating a new account, leveling & gearing the champions, then testing and documenting (rather precisely) her journey from Bronze to Gold. She even targeted the teams with UDKs specifically in order to gather as much information as she could and put together a comprehensive guide on countering one specific  character.  

I was having a difficult time with UDK as well. I came here, read the post concerning him, asked for advice, AND TOOK THE ADVICE THAT WAS GIVEN. I'm less than 180 days in (I don't even have Scyl yet.) I live in Gold 5 and have been in Plat arena several times. All it takes is to take the guidance given from the people who have been there and apply it.

I honestly don't know what new players want. 

Yes, in the beginning UDK was a pain in low level arena. This was more a result of new players not understanding game mechanics well enough to counter him and lacking the Champions / Gear to contend with him. 

After months of complaints (and frankly... blatant hostility towards anyone who tried to give advice) Plarium basically gave everyone a free "I WIN" counter to UDK in Ronda. They even threw in the Savage Gear to negate his high defense. 

So here you go. The brutal truth of why you can't win against UDK (or Arena for that matter): 

1. You won't listen. 

2. You refuse to admit to yourself that your loss / inability to progress is due to YOUR bad choices when gearing / building your team and that instead the game is somehow "broken" or "unfair". 

3. You won't listen.

4. You que up for Arena with a scrub team of un-leveled, mismatched, un-tuned, under geared, un-ascended, 0 Mastery crap champions. 

5.You won't listen. 

6. Your account is level 20, and you think you're supposed to win against a level 80 account. 

7. You won't listen. 

8. You think that you should be able to climb the ladder to Gold Arena with whatever team you throw together.

9. You won't listen.  

10. You still think "team power" actually means something.

I have news for anyone struggling with UDK, if they removed him tomorrow, you'd be back next week complaining about the Arbiter speed teams, Mortu-Macaab Stone-skin teams, Lord Shazar, Gnishak, Gaius Bomb teams, Rotos / Siphi combos, etc. Because if you struggle with UDK then you don't stand a chance against the well-built, properly geared, tuned meta teams that make up Gold+ Arena.

So in closing... I feel that there is already more than enough information on these forums to help anyone who is honestly seeking advice for countering UDK. As a community, I feel that we should just stop trying to have rational conversations with these individuals. If they want to be "butthurt" and have a pity party maybe they should head over to Reddit and host one.