Yes, when automaticly know how set a team, because playing 4 years ago, and pick out a starter and when see your team is better 2x times at least (^_-) Not every starter read forums, dont have knowledge just want to enjoy a game. For us this is an easy question, who is beateble in the game fast and how. But we are not starters, try to see their problem fromother aspect.
If you, or they, can come on the forums to complain, they can see this thread and have a team, champs and builds to model to get them out of the hole. Arguing that they aren't good enough to learn and improve isn't helpful to them, nor is arguing that wins aren't wins. :)
Let the folks see the thread, see the wins, check out the builds in peace. That way they can improve. My team will continue to be better for quite some time, yes. I assume until at least Silver 3-4. But the builds aren't anything special, and should be replicateable by most.
If people don't want to learn and improve, if they just want enjoy the game at their level, that's great! I am happy they are enjoying themselves. But then there's no need to suggest a champ get nerfed. Cause those players are just happy at their current level, and are happy without getting better or advancing. The answer to facing difficult defense teams shouldn't be to want nerfs, it should be a desire to improve, to figure out a way to win. And once you've figured a way to win, it should be to figure out a way to win better and faster. :)