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Events for Fusion

Events for Fusion

Jul 10, 2019, 05:0207/10/19

Hi Crilla,

I have been trying to reach the technical support team but I couldnt get a proper response.

I have been trying to rush the training event as much as others do. Levelling and ranking the champions to get the rewards upto towering titan.

But I accidentally ranked up my Fortress Goon to rank 5 in the process. And now, I couldnt use it for fusion anymore.

It's really depressung considering that I paid a lot already for this game.

Would really need the support to either revert the Fortress Goon to Rank 4 or allow the champ to still be used in fusion process even if its rank 5 already
Jul 10, 2019, 13:3007/10/19

sinsolena said:

And in the end?

 i bet they will add a second event for the towering titan so the "late starters" get a chance to do it too. 

Would only be logical as Foli is a 4week thing!

By then couples will be divorced, and people will have lost their jobs and/or friends.. 

I am looking forward to the big horray when that second chance on the titan is revealed and Ciilla and Marius claim they added it for the people, and should be celebrated.

(If that second event is to come it should have been announced rigth away, along with it's rules - to avoid pissing off Plariums customers)

This.This is what it's all about.They will have another 10 days or similar for the titan and prolly a few of the rares but they will make it again nearly impossible to finish it by normal means.

The new dungeons need to get 106x 6* legendary gear or 167x 5* epics or 250x 5* rares to be able to finish it,in 2 days which is impossible without energy refills because you will still get lots of green shards and brews.Meanwhile you need to keep leveling champions for the Titan event.
Jul 10, 2019, 15:2507/10/19
rjbalmesgsnp said:

Hi Crilla,

I have been trying to reach the technical support team but I couldnt get a proper response.

I have been trying to rush the training event as much as others do. Levelling and ranking the champions to get the rewards upto towering titan.

But I accidentally ranked up my Fortress Goon to rank 5 in the process. And now, I couldnt use it for fusion anymore.

It's really depressung considering that I paid a lot already for this game.

Would really need the support to either revert the Fortress Goon to Rank 4 or allow the champ to still be used in fusion process even if its rank 5 already
Just another example of poor insight and planning on Plarium's part. Should be no reason you cant use a 5 star. I get not being able to use a 3 star, but a higher rank should be accepted.
Jul 10, 2019, 16:0007/10/19
I was spending 20 dollars every week. Thats it, no more. That 10 day quest killed all the fun. I hate this game now. 
Jul 10, 2019, 16:2007/10/19

infidelkastro said:

rjbalmesgsnp said:

Hi Crilla,

I have been trying to reach the technical support team but I couldnt get a proper response.

I have been trying to rush the training event as much as others do. Levelling and ranking the champions to get the rewards upto towering titan.

But I accidentally ranked up my Fortress Goon to rank 5 in the process. And now, I couldnt use it for fusion anymore.

It's really depressung considering that I paid a lot already for this game.

Would really need the support to either revert the Fortress Goon to Rank 4 or allow the champ to still be used in fusion process even if its rank 5 already
Just another example of poor insight and planning on Plarium's part. Should be no reason you cant use a 5 star. I get not being able to use a 3 star, but a higher rank should be accepted.

Right? I mean, sacrificed 4 - 4 star champs. My 5 star fortress goon is more qualified than the "only" required 4 star. It's an overqualified fusion material.

Why can we use legenday books to level up rare champion skills? But I cant use a higher ranked champ as fusion material?
Jul 10, 2019, 16:3807/10/19

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster. 

The Legendary Hero in the new Fusion is a pretty strong character and it shouldn't be easily crafted. Even if it happens so that you don't manage to get it in the end, you still have the great opportunity to farm and craft excellent heroes for strengthening your teams in the process.

Ok, let me correct a few things here:

1)  We can't be "prepared" for something when we have NO idea what to "prepare" for.  We have tried to tell you this countless times, but it just goes in one ear and out the other.  We had NO forewarning that we were going to have to save TONS of energy for an upcoming event.  So no, we can't "prepare" for something we don't see coming.

2)  10 days for the expectations is absurd.  Even with 100% bonus XP and the 20% bonus from my monthly subscription, I am STILL having to farm ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT long to stay ahead of it.  And god only knows how much energy I have used, but there is NO way someone could've saved that much energy up without a forewarning.  Your company knew very well what it was doing.

3)  As if the 10 days for champion training wasn't bad enough as it is, then your company got even GREEDIER and started adding in these dungeon divers events too!  And no, you CANNOT farm the campaign to fulfill those.  I was playing pretty much 24/7 during the last dungeon divers event, and wasted 1,500 energy in FK Castle, along with tons more in the campaign.  Even at that, I STILL didn't finish the dungeon diver event rewards!!!  So, not only did I waste TONS of energy trying to do it, but I also wasted two entire days doing it, and STILL didn't get it.  So no, "not easy" does not do it justice.  "Near impossible" and "completely unreasonable" would be much better ways to describe it.  Not to mention FAR from fun when you have to turn a game into two full-time jobs just to get the worthwhile rewards.

4)  Nothing but the top rewards from events are worthwhile, so don't bother making the claim "everyone can get some rewards."  No, 10 gems and some coins for 1,000+ energy is not a decent reward for people.

5)  I would not consider Foli "pretty strong."  Mediocre at best.  A3 requires at least 2 debuffs to be on the opponent to kick in it's anti-ressurect ability.  So, unless he is paired with specific champions, he is a trash legendary.  His A2 is trash in arena.  Leech is WAY too slow for arena.  The only reason I personally wanted Foli was for aesthetics and to add to my collection.  However, after I spent over 1,500 energy on FK Castle and STILL didn't get Rotting Mage, I came to realize it was a complete waste of my time.

6)  Foli is complete garbage for vets.  The only players it would be worthwhile for are fairly new players, and you know very well new players aren't going to just sit around saving up energy.  You have made it literally impossible for new players to get him without paying TONS of money.  And again, your company new damn well what they were doing here.  You just happen to have that $5 deal for energy keep popping up for everyone.  You want them to buy in $5 increments and keep buying and buying.  It is gouging at its worst.

7)  Paying should give someone an advantage, sure.  But, events shouldn't depend purely on having to pay a ton of money in order to get the only worthwhile rewards.  When that starts happening, players start leaving, as they quickly realize that unless they are willing to pay a ton of money, they will NEVER get the really good rewards and will always be at a disadvantage.  Hell, I have wasted over $100 on this app in the last couple months, and I am STILL struggling to keep up with these current events!!!  That is INSANE!!!  And after the Pain Keeper nerf, which was a blatant attempt to get people spending money on shards to replace her, I have stopped buying anything.  I have realized it's a waste.  The only energy and bonus XP I am using is the stuff I bought before the nerf and trash patch 1.8.  I also cancelled my subscription, as this Foli event made it clear I am not willing to spend the hundreds upon hundreds each month that your company requires for the best rewards.

8)  This company is EXTREMELY near-sighted.  It keeps looking at immediate revenue, rather than long-term customer retention.  You guys are digging into the customers pockets at the expense of the company's reputation.  In the end, it is going to be the downfall of this company.  None of my friends play the game anymore, and it is a shame, as it was fun to share and compare with them.  But after 1.8, the last friend I had gave up too, as they realized they could never keep up or get decent rewards from events without paying.

9)  I feel the worst part of all this is that you and the other staff there keep trying to pull the wool over your customer's eyes rather than admitting you are being called out and fix it.  You keep giving us the BS lines "oh, everyone can participate.  You don't *have* to spend money."  Like we are that stupid!  We are playing the game, we see firsthand!  Are you lying like that to try to fool the new players, because you certainly aren't going to fool us when we can see it right in front of us in the app.

10)  Events should be based on effort, not money.  Money should give a person an opportunity to accelerate their progression.  However, paying should not be the ONLY way a person can complete events.  You guys got it right with the arena battles, where EVERYONE at any level can participate.  But then, you guys go and throw multiple events that conflict with one another out there and continue to lie and act like we can finish them without paying.  I find it VERY hard to believe that if you play yourself, you are not blatantly aware of how much you need to spend to complete the events, let alone how much time you need to put into it.  Again, a game is not fun when you have to play it 24/7 just to win the only good event rewards.

11)  You can keep coming up with BS excuses and lying about it not costing money to finish the events, or your company can fix it.  You don't fix it, people are going to keep leaving.  You fix it, and retention will compensate for the lack of immediate income from these events.  By gouging people now, you are p*ssing them off and killing retention.  Just imagine the frustration of someone when they spend $50-100 on in-game purchases, then waste all that energy farming and DON'T get Rotting Mage, or DON'T finish a particular event that they need for Foli.  You think that person will keep playing the game afterward, or you think they will dispute the charge and move onto a game that doesn't require so much money to be competitive?
Jul 10, 2019, 16:4607/10/19
Jul 10, 2019, 17:00(edited)

Also, I have given up any hope of getting Foli myself.  After wasting over 1,500+ energy on FK Castle and not getting Rotting Mage, I gave up.  There is NO gear I need from that dungeon, and the only reason I was farming it was for the mage.  I get that the game is RNG, but to make it THAT rare to get him is just absurd.  It makes it so that it is no longer about effort, but about paying and lucking out.

I really don't even care anymore though.  I probably never would have even used Foli anyway.  He's not that great for arena, certainly not suited for clan boss, and there isn't any particular dungeon I can think of that would be worth maxing him out for.  So no, he is not this "amazing" reward you are making him out to be.  If it were Roshcard, Reinbeast, Gorgorath, Crimson Helm, or something along those lines, then yes, it would be worth it.  But even then, all it would do is flood the market with OP champions, which is already a problem since your company doesn't balance champions.  And no, the Pain Keeper nerf wasn't "balancing."  That was Plarium intentionally destroying a healer so people had to replace her.

But Cirilla, Marius, I don't know how you guys are NOT getting it by now.  You are p*ssing customers off with the greed.  Customers are leaving as a result.  People are getting tired of having to treat the game like two full-time jobs just to get the decent rewards.  The game is NOT fun anymore.  It is a job with minimal rewards, and instead of getting paid, we are having to pay in.  If things keep going the way they are going, I will be leaving soon myself.  As it is, the Foli event and the blatant greed and RNG of it has already caused me to cancel my monthly and refuse to buy anything else unless I see a dramatic change in this company's blatant greed.
Jul 10, 2019, 16:4907/10/19
alxtca said:

I was spending 20 dollars every week. Thats it, no more. That 10 day quest killed all the fun. I hate this game now. 
Are you crazy?  I could think of a LOT better things to spend $20 a week on than this game.
Jul 10, 2019, 19:5907/10/19

What a thread to read through while farming... Glad Im setup with dual monitors... Anyways, I'm in favor of the structure and requirements of event. If everyone could get every single legendary/epic offered everyone would have him and that just wouldnt be fun. As I stated in another thread, no one is forcing anyone to do this event or try for Foli. If you want a game where everything gets handed to you this isnt it. 

It seems the majority of people here (the people claiming to be f2p and should be praised like a God for doing so :/) dont realize that they do, in fact, have a CHOICE! you think its too hard? DONT DO IT

This is a business, what gaming business makes games 100% for free? NONE. All this time wasted whining could be better spent farming for those 'impossible to get' champions...

You guys are arguing for the wrong things concerning this game...
Jul 10, 2019, 21:1007/10/19

Do we have any way of getting Centurion coming in the next few events? I might be able to get towering titan and the rest but spending all my energy in the stupid fire knight and spider dungeons not getting the heroes there and find centurion is only available via void shards (which I have 0 of...)

Jul 11, 2019, 04:4707/11/19

I have just completed the training event. I blew all my resources and gems to get it done. And real money investment.

I can farm 12-6 and 12-3 brutal, and i still had no idea if id get it done.

It wasn't fun, i didnt enjoy it.

I have 3 out 4 of the epics, and with no resources left i still have to lvl and ascend them.

All this and im still missing a void champ for the last fusion.

So did i just grind away my love of the game for nothing.

I couldnt grind for gear scrolls or anything. Just had to keep levelling. 

Lots of good ideas this patch




But i have not been able to stop and actually enjoy the game.

If this centurian void champ is not a prize in an event this weekend, i will just stop playing this game.

You guys took it way to far, and just killed the fun
Jul 11, 2019, 09:2607/11/19

Well for me it's average 1min 15 sec to do 12-3 run. Lucky i have free time now because it takes all day all the days to grind for this event. It's not fun i don't play game anymore i just grind for event - it's shouln't be like that.

If only auto battle was not limited. Then i could set queue and enjoy life while grind for event, now i'm fcked but i want to finish this event.

One more event like this and possible i will quit.
Jul 12, 2019, 10:5307/12/19

God said:

alxtca said:

I was spending 20 dollars every week. Thats it, no more. That 10 day quest killed all the fun. I hate this game now. 
Are you crazy?  I could think of a LOT better things to spend $20 a week on than this game.

You sir, seem to be just trolling. I have never seen a single post of you where you are not complaining, crying or flaming Plarium. Do us all a favour and stop the game if you are that upset with it. And by the way, I suppose the reason you don´t get this event done lies totally in your handsl - lets ignore the random RNG in FK and Spider Den, I even get that this could be very upsetting and I would be too if I wasn´t lucky there, but I finished the leveling-event around 2 days ago with about 300 extra diamonds that i saved up. All in all I only spent around 600 Diamonds through all events right now to get everything done, and all I lack right now is Centurion from the next event. Yes, I admit, lucky on FK and Spider Den, but calling the leveling event for Titan impossible is just a joke. I have no idea how you burn that much ressources and cannot get it done.

And for someone crying that much in the Forums you seem very involved, so you shouldn´t talk about financial Investments of others. If they are at least half emotionally engaged like you they could easily spend double the amount.

Jul 12, 2019, 12:2107/12/19

Very salty thread, but still: It has the right title for the question, hope Marius still reads this:

Will there be a second wave of events fo Foli? 

-Foli Fusion wil last 14 days longer, the 20k-Event ends in two days.

 For those that will finis 20k but missed Eviscerator for example, and are now fearing all their work was wasted, it would save a lot of furstration to KNOW.

 Might even save Plarium a few customers to announce this....

If there will be a second wave of Events: will they be exactly the same as the previous wave?

-I can imagine there would be a mayor uproar if they were not..

Jul 12, 2019, 13:5107/12/19
Jul 12, 2019, 13:52(edited)

Will there be another chance at Eviscarator? I fell asleep after running xp runs over 16 of the day to try and keep up with the leveling event and I missed Evis by less than 20 points. Now it all seems pointless because of that  

Edited do to xp because dumb autocorrect  

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster. 

The Legendary Hero in the new Fusion is a pretty strong character and it shouldn't be easily crafted. Even if it happens so that you don't manage to get it in the end, you still have the great opportunity to farm and craft excellent heroes for strengthening your teams in the process.

Sep 1, 2020, 17:5209/01/20

Where are the chickens?