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Events for Fusion

Events for Fusion

Jul 6, 2019, 16:0307/06/19
Not impossible. This is day 2 and I’m mostly done. I lack getting a Rotting Mage & a Centurion and leveling / ascending everything up to finish.

Now, I’m lucky enough to have a Towering Titan and Kytis already, so started nearly halfway done. Through just doing the events and leveling up I’ve gotten most of what is needed. The 4 uncommon are easily obtained either through the events or through just opening up green shards while leveling food.

More of a concern are the two dungeon droppable champions. They seem to be exceedingly rare.  From the looks of it all of the other champions will be obtainable with a little bit of effort in the events, but that doesn’t even seem to hard so far. I have yet to see either drop or know anyone who has seen one drop. I managed to get Treefeller from a random pull a bit ago on the 10 ancient shards I opened for the opening event, but that depends on random luck.

The Towering Titan run may be the roughest for people. Math wise if you are very efficient it will be a close call for anyone doing completely FTP. I’m lucky in that I’ve had a fair bit of energy stored and daily exp boosters Iv’e been saving for the release.

So long as the rare (especially void) champions are going to be available via events (would be nice if the two dungeon ones were too) then this is very doable. (Yes, I had two of the epics already, but all I lack to fuse another Kytis is a Steel Bowyer who looks to be available in the next event, and I will be 5000 points into the 20,000 points needed for a second Titan 2 days into the week long event. It will be tight but I expect to get another Titan) If they run the event again it may be nice to give people a few more days to finish it off.
Jul 6, 2019, 17:1907/06/19
Jul 6, 2019, 17:23(edited)

Vennto said:

Lykaon. said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster.

Cirilla, please, please stop with the "events should not be easy" mantra.

We. Get. That. And. It. Is. Insulting.

Are you able to describe what scenario you and/or the developers envision would allow a F2P player to complete the current leveling event in its entirety?  I cannot come up with any scenario that is achievable for a F2P player.  The best I could come up with is the following:

Let's assume that the F2P player has a large number of mystery shards saved up.  A vast majority of players don't have many, if any, ancient/void/sacred shards saved up, so this seems to be a reasonable assumption.  As an example, I have over 2000 mystery shards, but only 27 ancient and just one void shard currently.  That void shard has gone unused for about a month now, so it is not like I'm using shards as soon as I get them.

Most F2P players, regardless of any "advance warning", do not have large numbers of higher rank (4*, 5*, 6*) champions just sitting around, ready to be leveled/ranked up, so I will assume we happen to have none at all.  I had about five of them not already leveled up.

We're going to use solely champions summoned using mystery shards and see where that gets us.

We will use the campaign level Brutal 11.3 as our farming level.  Yes, we could use 12.3 or 12.6, but 11.3 is pretty close to those in terms of experience gained and I can consistently beat it whereas 12.x results in some defeats which just complicates the math here.

We also will assume we're somehow able to keep 2x exp up and running during the entire event.

At 2x exp it takes three runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 1* from lv1 to lv10.  That gets us 10 points.  We can run three at a time when farming, so 30 points.  Three runs costs us 24 energy.

At 2x exp it takes ten runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 2* from lv1 to lv20.  That gets us 20 points.  Again, running three at a time gets us 60 points.  Ten runs costs us 80 energy.

For a 3*, fully leveling three at a time through brutal 11.3 gets us 180 points (23 runs through brutal 11.3 at 2x exp, 184 energy).

If, over the course of this 10 day period, we use 498 mystery shards, we should get, on average, around 370 1*, 121 2*, and 7 3* champions.

We can fully level up 369 of the 1* champions for a total of 3690 points.  We can rank up 184 of them for an additional 920 points.  That gets us 4610 points and costs us 2952 energy.

We can then take the 121 2* champs from the mystery shards along with the 184 that were ranked up from 1* and fully level 303 of them for 6060 points.  We can then rank up 101 of them for an additional 1515 points.  That gets us another 7575 points and costs us another 8080 energy, for a total of 12185 points and 11032 energy expended.

We can then take the 7 3* champs from the mystery shards along with the 101 of them ranked up from 2* and fully level all 108 of them for 6480 points.  We can then rank up 27 of them for an additional 1350 points.  That gets us another 7830 points and costs us another 6624 energy, bringing us to a grand total of 20015 points and 17656 energy expended.

17656 energy... we get 480 energy per day (1 energy every 3 minutes).  We also get a free refill as a daily quest reward and another free refill each day if we play for 60+ minutes.  Let's assume that the F2P player is level 50, so each refill is another 120 energy.  That's 720 energy per day, or 7200 energy maximum over the 10 days.  Yes, we probably will get some additional energy from a weekly quest reward or something, but let's just keep it at 7200 for the sake of argument.

17656 energy needed minus 7200 free energy over the 10 day event leaves 10456 energy that has to come from somewhere...  time to purchase some refills!  How many would we need?  At 120 energy per refill, we would need a mere 88 refills!  No problem... how many gems might that cost?  40 gems per refill... 3520 gems!  Those can be had for a small sum of $89.97 in the shop.

F2P... $89.97 in the shop... Hmmm...

So, tell us again, Cirilla, how this event is supposed to be completed by a F2P player, someone who likely doesn't have dozens of 4*, 5*, and 6* champions just sitting around waiting to be leveled/ranked?  If it's something that can be achieved, then lay it out for us in detail.  Don't just brush us off with "it's not supposed to be easy... we will pass this on to the developers" nonsense; doing so just insults your players.

Yes, your Math is correct. But your forgot some things (or rather don´t Mention them because they don´t fit in your Little world of mimimi-crying?):

First of all, the argument with missing preparation is neglible, since it was announced, that we are supposed to prepare the event. I, for instance, had a blank 5* and a leveled up 5* to upgrade right away, + you get the points from leveling those newly upgraded hereos as well. And this is not even a good preparation compared to to other Players. 

2nd, you totally ignore experience-potions: I started the event with 60 blues, 85 Greens, 71 reds and 120 voids. Lets ignore the voids for a second and focus on the other ones, and do another math-example: Every potion gets - when put on the right affinity - 18.750 experience. Meaning with my - quite small I might add - bank I have a bit over 4 Million experience points stored up. So, lets take this number and set it into context of energy.

A run on 12.3 with double exp will net you around 8.600 xxp per Hero, meaning a total of 25.800 xxp per 8 Energy. Meaning you would save around 1240 Energy already. 

You also ignored the possible 3* drops on the way while farming, the 2* drops while farming, any stored 3* units that will result in more points and the workaround with upgraded 4*, where you can level them up to around 25 for a more effective point-energy-result.

And at last, because it is just a minor difference, you ignored the energy and energy refills from other events during that period, but I´ll let that one go, since we also need some Energy to grind the dungeons for some of the rares ;-)

All in all: Yes, the event is quite hard. Yes, I don´t know if I can manage to get it done. But calling it "impossible for a f2p-player (like I am for instance) is quite a joke, especially, since it is not that difficult in this game to store up rubys for such occasions as well. You need about a month for 1k with mine Level 3, you could have kept that in the bank.

Who the hell has enough gems to keep double exp up for more than a week? 1 day of double exp costs a lot already (140 gems). Also lets not forget we currently have to spend energy on multiple things right now. A near impossible training event as well as farming the hell out of dungeons to get specific champions for the fusion. It's not like we can store energy in case we get a ridiculous event like this.

Having enough energy for 1 of those things is hard/impossible enough.

Now being prepared is a terrible excuse. So what, we are suppossed to not train, upgrade, get new champions for weeks or months on end, in CASE something like this happens? Those things are the very thing we play for. They are what we login to do. There is only so much we can do to prepare, without ruining the experience all together.

You can try to defend this all you want, but its blantely obvious its not meant to be possible for f2p players. This event is meant to strongarm players into spending money. They didnt even have the decency to give us a double exp week for free to help us here.

Im comfortable enough to make the assumption that no one is truely excited for this crap. No one is having "fun". People just tolerate it and spend the cash they can spare to be able to realisticly participate. Is that really what a game event should be about?

The people in charge of this dont even have the balls to come and face the fire of the backlash themselves. Instead of rely on the moderators to take the blunt of the force, while they cower behind, and wait for the storm to settle. I feel bad for the moderators.
Jul 6, 2019, 20:3407/06/19

Don't expect much from mods or CMs. They try to defend Plarium when they're clearly doing very shady things. I've made a few threads on unethical package pricing depending on spending habits. Mods avoid my threads because they don't want any trouble from me anymore so it's only Cirilla that responds (once and she stopped). If they know that Plarium is wrong they avoid it because they can't really say anything to respond. 

Jul 6, 2019, 22:2307/06/19

ZenZombie said:

Vennto said:

Lykaon. said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster.

Cirilla, please, please stop with the "events should not be easy" mantra.

We. Get. That. And. It. Is. Insulting.

Are you able to describe what scenario you and/or the developers envision would allow a F2P player to complete the current leveling event in its entirety?  I cannot come up with any scenario that is achievable for a F2P player.  The best I could come up with is the following:

Let's assume that the F2P player has a large number of mystery shards saved up.  A vast majority of players don't have many, if any, ancient/void/sacred shards saved up, so this seems to be a reasonable assumption.  As an example, I have over 2000 mystery shards, but only 27 ancient and just one void shard currently.  That void shard has gone unused for about a month now, so it is not like I'm using shards as soon as I get them.

Most F2P players, regardless of any "advance warning", do not have large numbers of higher rank (4*, 5*, 6*) champions just sitting around, ready to be leveled/ranked up, so I will assume we happen to have none at all.  I had about five of them not already leveled up.

We're going to use solely champions summoned using mystery shards and see where that gets us.

We will use the campaign level Brutal 11.3 as our farming level.  Yes, we could use 12.3 or 12.6, but 11.3 is pretty close to those in terms of experience gained and I can consistently beat it whereas 12.x results in some defeats which just complicates the math here.

We also will assume we're somehow able to keep 2x exp up and running during the entire event.

At 2x exp it takes three runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 1* from lv1 to lv10.  That gets us 10 points.  We can run three at a time when farming, so 30 points.  Three runs costs us 24 energy.

At 2x exp it takes ten runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 2* from lv1 to lv20.  That gets us 20 points.  Again, running three at a time gets us 60 points.  Ten runs costs us 80 energy.

For a 3*, fully leveling three at a time through brutal 11.3 gets us 180 points (23 runs through brutal 11.3 at 2x exp, 184 energy).

If, over the course of this 10 day period, we use 498 mystery shards, we should get, on average, around 370 1*, 121 2*, and 7 3* champions.

We can fully level up 369 of the 1* champions for a total of 3690 points.  We can rank up 184 of them for an additional 920 points.  That gets us 4610 points and costs us 2952 energy.

We can then take the 121 2* champs from the mystery shards along with the 184 that were ranked up from 1* and fully level 303 of them for 6060 points.  We can then rank up 101 of them for an additional 1515 points.  That gets us another 7575 points and costs us another 8080 energy, for a total of 12185 points and 11032 energy expended.

We can then take the 7 3* champs from the mystery shards along with the 101 of them ranked up from 2* and fully level all 108 of them for 6480 points.  We can then rank up 27 of them for an additional 1350 points.  That gets us another 7830 points and costs us another 6624 energy, bringing us to a grand total of 20015 points and 17656 energy expended.

17656 energy... we get 480 energy per day (1 energy every 3 minutes).  We also get a free refill as a daily quest reward and another free refill each day if we play for 60+ minutes.  Let's assume that the F2P player is level 50, so each refill is another 120 energy.  That's 720 energy per day, or 7200 energy maximum over the 10 days.  Yes, we probably will get some additional energy from a weekly quest reward or something, but let's just keep it at 7200 for the sake of argument.

17656 energy needed minus 7200 free energy over the 10 day event leaves 10456 energy that has to come from somewhere...  time to purchase some refills!  How many would we need?  At 120 energy per refill, we would need a mere 88 refills!  No problem... how many gems might that cost?  40 gems per refill... 3520 gems!  Those can be had for a small sum of $89.97 in the shop.

F2P... $89.97 in the shop... Hmmm...

So, tell us again, Cirilla, how this event is supposed to be completed by a F2P player, someone who likely doesn't have dozens of 4*, 5*, and 6* champions just sitting around waiting to be leveled/ranked?  If it's something that can be achieved, then lay it out for us in detail.  Don't just brush us off with "it's not supposed to be easy... we will pass this on to the developers" nonsense; doing so just insults your players.

Yes, your Math is correct. But your forgot some things (or rather don´t Mention them because they don´t fit in your Little world of mimimi-crying?):

First of all, the argument with missing preparation is neglible, since it was announced, that we are supposed to prepare the event. I, for instance, had a blank 5* and a leveled up 5* to upgrade right away, + you get the points from leveling those newly upgraded hereos as well. And this is not even a good preparation compared to to other Players. 

2nd, you totally ignore experience-potions: I started the event with 60 blues, 85 Greens, 71 reds and 120 voids. Lets ignore the voids for a second and focus on the other ones, and do another math-example: Every potion gets - when put on the right affinity - 18.750 experience. Meaning with my - quite small I might add - bank I have a bit over 4 Million experience points stored up. So, lets take this number and set it into context of energy.

A run on 12.3 with double exp will net you around 8.600 xxp per Hero, meaning a total of 25.800 xxp per 8 Energy. Meaning you would save around 1240 Energy already. 

You also ignored the possible 3* drops on the way while farming, the 2* drops while farming, any stored 3* units that will result in more points and the workaround with upgraded 4*, where you can level them up to around 25 for a more effective point-energy-result.

And at last, because it is just a minor difference, you ignored the energy and energy refills from other events during that period, but I´ll let that one go, since we also need some Energy to grind the dungeons for some of the rares ;-)

All in all: Yes, the event is quite hard. Yes, I don´t know if I can manage to get it done. But calling it "impossible for a f2p-player (like I am for instance) is quite a joke, especially, since it is not that difficult in this game to store up rubys for such occasions as well. You need about a month for 1k with mine Level 3, you could have kept that in the bank.

Who the hell has enough gems to keep double exp up for more than a week? 1 day of double exp costs a lot already (140 gems). Also lets not forget we currently have to spend energy on multiple things right now. A near impossible training event as well as farming the hell out of dungeons to get specific champions for the fusion. It's not like we can store energy in case we get a ridiculous event like this.

Having enough energy for 1 of those things is hard/impossible enough.

Now being prepared is a terrible excuse. So what, we are suppossed to not train, upgrade, get new champions for weeks or months on end, in CASE something like this happens? Those things are the very thing we play for. They are what we login to do. There is only so much we can do to prepare, without ruining the experience all together.

You can try to defend this all you want, but its blantely obvious its not meant to be possible for f2p players. This event is meant to strongarm players into spending money. They didnt even have the decency to give us a double exp week for free to help us here.

Im comfortable enough to make the assumption that no one is truely excited for this crap. No one is having "fun". People just tolerate it and spend the cash they can spare to be able to realisticly participate. Is that really what a game event should be about?

The people in charge of this dont even have the balls to come and face the fire of the backlash themselves. Instead of rely on the moderators to take the blunt of the force, while they cower behind, and wait for the storm to settle. I feel bad for the moderators.

As I have already explained, ist not that difficult to collect up to 900 gems - thats what you do in a month with daily logins and Mine Level 3. You actually should do that anyway since the package for 11 shards is more favourable than the one for 3 ancients. Yes, the Event is quite a challenge, I don´t even deny that. I just think the assumption that it is completely impossible for F2P-Players is hilarious. I, for instance, I did not pay anything for the event right now (talking about real money). We have only Day 2 of the event, and I am close to 9k Points. Sure, I had a pretty boosted start, but do you honestly believe that it will take me longer than another 3 days to finish it? I mean, what the hell are you guys doing when you are online?

And another point that you have mentioned: No, you are not supposed to level and rund down dungeons at the same time.  Use your brain - Foli can be fused for more than 3 weeks, the level-Event only is available for 10 days. So you are not supposed to farm dungeons and level at the same time. Time is a ressource too, since energy regenerates. You can put the free daily Energy in dungeons once you´ve optained the Titan. But I guess preparing, planning and conquering a 3-week-event in total is too difficult for most People... Maybe you should start using logic and maths to actually manage the event properly instead of randomly showing up in the forum and screaming at mods and Plarium, that this is way too unfair, while I just grab all the things I need and fuse that hero without any Problems.
Jul 7, 2019, 01:0407/07/19

The chickens dont help at all - they are insults.

I mean you have to acquire the chickens in the same amount you would champions. And the event only gives three 2* chickens, two 3* chickens, and one 4* chicken. 

The chickens should not have to be accumulated in the same way champs are - I should have been able to rank up three 2* champs with three 2* chickens - not only one and a half 2* champs. 

Jul 7, 2019, 01:3507/07/19
I have been using gems to get energies and i am on the way to make a second 6 stars champion today, However It impossible to achieve 20K !!!! My phone is almost on fire!!!  To those who said the training event is possible i found it super ridiculous........Maybe i am not doing things right???
Jul 7, 2019, 02:4307/07/19

This event is quite difficult, I know but I think it is necessary because a legendary champion like Foli should not have a by easily

Everyone complaining that this event will cost them a lot of money but I think if you prepare it before then it will be so expensive. The event took place for 2 days and I got 6000 points.In my inventory,I also keep many posion energy and x2 exp that I have saved before and there are many ruby to be able to buy energy from the store. The last thing I want to say is that I believe I can complete this event without having to deposit a penny (and the fact that from the beginning of this game, I didn't spend money on this game)

Jul 7, 2019, 11:2607/07/19

quocdat3801 said:

This event is quite difficult, I know but I think it is necessary because a legendary champion like Foli should not have a by easily

Everyone complaining that this event will cost them a lot of money but I think if you prepare it before then it will be so expensive. The event took place for 2 days and I got 6000 points.In my inventory,I also keep many posion energy and x2 exp that I have saved before and there are many ruby to be able to buy energy from the store. The last thing I want to say is that I believe I can complete this event without having to deposit a penny (and the fact that from the beginning of this game, I didn't spend money on this game)

So what you are telling us is that you are F2P and that you prepared for this event for the past month...That means you didn't do most of the events of the last month and didn't upgrade any champions for the past month which means you didn't need to.You see my point there?

No sane F2P person can tell me that he was sitting for the past month on some maxed 5* and 4* good epics or LEGs and were waiting for this event with inventory full of leveled food and millions of xp in potions and without doing the rest of the events that were continuously running meanwhile.

Unless you are a person who only logs in for dailies and to stack up on energy for the past 2 months i don't see you saving up 20k energy and enough gems to do this.And even then where the hell you got all the food for the event,and the shards and the silver to use up so many millions of XP in the tavern if you don't play daily and use every ounce of energy you get?

I must be doing something wrong because i just can't keep up.For the past 2,5 months i haven't wasted 1 energy.It almost never got to regenerate fully and those 500 you get from dailies were used ASAP to let it regenerate.I have decent champs and didn't level more than 10 to 50 and 5 to 60 yet it seems i can't keep up even tho i farm 12.3 on brutal...

You sir are a liar or a hacker,TYVM.

Jul 7, 2019, 11:5507/07/19

skye said:

quocdat3801 said:

This event is quite difficult, I know but I think it is necessary because a legendary champion like Foli should not have a by easily

Everyone complaining that this event will cost them a lot of money but I think if you prepare it before then it will be so expensive. The event took place for 2 days and I got 6000 points.In my inventory,I also keep many posion energy and x2 exp that I have saved before and there are many ruby to be able to buy energy from the store. The last thing I want to say is that I believe I can complete this event without having to deposit a penny (and the fact that from the beginning of this game, I didn't spend money on this game)

So what you are telling us is that you are F2P and that you prepared for this event for the past month...That means you didn't do most of the events of the last month and didn't upgrade any champions for the past month which means you didn't need to.You see my point there?

No sane F2P person can tell me that he was sitting for the past month on some maxed 5* and 4* good epics or LEGs and were waiting for this event with inventory full of leveled food and millions of xp in potions and without doing the rest of the events that were continuously running meanwhile.

Unless you are a person who only logs in for dailies and to stack up on energy for the past 2 months i don't see you saving up 20k energy and enough gems to do this.And even then where the hell you got all the food for the event,and the shards and the silver to use up so many millions of XP in the tavern if you don't play daily and use every ounce of energy you get?

I must be doing something wrong because i just can't keep up.For the past 2,5 months i haven't wasted 1 energy.It almost never got to regenerate fully and those 500 you get from dailies were used ASAP to let it regenerate.I have decent champs and didn't level more than 10 to 50 and 5 to 60 yet it seems i can't keep up even tho i farm 12.3 on brutal...

You sir are a liar or a hacker,TYVM.

No, you stated it yourself: You just Play wrong. Because that is exactly what I did. F2P.

Jul 7, 2019, 12:5407/07/19

The reason this "event" is badly designed is that:

1. The 20.000 point reward of the training event is the fusion champ, and for most of us that's an unrealistic goal, even if we spend all our daily energy on ranking up. If he was around the 5000 point mark people wouldn't be so pissed, and people who could afford to reach the 20k marker would have other rewards to look forward to.

2. Another bad aspect is simply that doing the same thing for 10 days straight it unbelievably boring and time consuming, which in my humble opinion isn't something that games should be.

3. RNG. Yep, the rng blocking us from getting the necessary fusion champs from dungeons is another extreme factor that simply reduces the fun of this event. If time wasn't a factor, then it might be fair, however since the Foli fusion isn't permanent (unlike the Relic keeper), it just makes the players even more stressed when they have to waste time/resources due to terrible RNG.

To sum up, to me "Special" Events such as this one should be for EVERYONE, a rewarding sort of a catch-up mechanic for players who had bad luck thus far or simply started playing later, a way for them to feel valued and perform better, especially in clan boss fights. The Foli fusion "event" is the opposite of that, since players who fit this description are most certainly unable to fuse him in time, and the people who can, did and will spend money to be able to reach this goal, already have a far more impressive roster of usable champs and in some cases won't even end up using him.

Jul 7, 2019, 15:4407/07/19
Jul 7, 2019, 15:50(edited)

skye said:

quocdat3801 said:

This event is quite difficult, I know but I think it is necessary because a legendary champion like Foli should not have a by easily

Everyone complaining that this event will cost them a lot of money but I think if you prepare it before then it will be so expensive. The event took place for 2 days and I got 6000 points.In my inventory,I also keep many posion energy and x2 exp that I have saved before and there are many ruby to be able to buy energy from the store. The last thing I want to say is that I believe I can complete this event without having to deposit a penny (and the fact that from the beginning of this game, I didn't spend money on this game)

So what you are telling us is that you are F2P and that you prepared for this event for the past month...That means you didn't do most of the events of the last month and didn't upgrade any champions for the past month which means you didn't need to.You see my point there?

No sane F2P person can tell me that he was sitting for the past month on some maxed 5* and 4* good epics or LEGs and were waiting for this event with inventory full of leveled food and millions of xp in potions and without doing the rest of the events that were continuously running meanwhile.

Unless you are a person who only logs in for dailies and to stack up on energy for the past 2 months i don't see you saving up 20k energy and enough gems to do this.And even then where the hell you got all the food for the event,and the shards and the silver to use up so many millions of XP in the tavern if you don't play daily and use every ounce of energy you get?

I must be doing something wrong because i just can't keep up.For the past 2,5 months i haven't wasted 1 energy.It almost never got to regenerate fully and those 500 you get from dailies were used ASAP to let it regenerate.I have decent champs and didn't level more than 10 to 50 and 5 to 60 yet it seems i can't keep up even tho i farm 12.3 on brutal...

You sir are a liar or a hacker,TYVM.

I didn't cheat and didn't lie, I accumulated compensation rewards from maintenance games and energy bottle as well as x2 exp for up to 99 days. I had 6 champions lvl 60 and me upgrade them from daily energybottle and x2 rewards per week. I have played many F2P games so I know how to prepare items for these events, that's how F2P players like me can Play these games now, If you don't believe, look at these photos taking my account tonight

Jul 7, 2019, 18:0907/07/19
I was really excited with the new champions and events. But when I saw this insane goals I felt disrespected. I have spent a lot of money in this game these weeks, and now it seems that I'll have to spend about 400 BRL, and a lot of time to do this fusion. The developers once reduced the points for  training champ events, and now set a unreallistic goal, that will consumo a lot of money and a lot of time. I honestly wait for a decent answer from the developers to the players, and some changes. Say that "the event isn't to be easy" is not an answer. This need to be hard, but not insane, otherwise th game will become boring and exhaultfull, and not funny. 
Jul 7, 2019, 20:1207/07/19
You wont complete the event. There is still another event exclusive epic you aren't taking into account. If it's at the same lvl of difficulty as this current one, good luck. 
Jul 7, 2019, 20:2807/07/19

Vennto said:

No, you stated it yourself: You just Play wrong. Because that is exactly what I did. F2P.

I'm sorry but i'm not interested in login game play.I either play the game and grind or i don't.That's a pretty messes up way of having fun...continuously pulling back,not touching any of the rewards.that's not even game's a chore you do every morning.I wonder if you people have any idea what fun means if you are so easily willing to accept this restrictive game mechanics.

So how is it that i "play the game wrong"?I might use the wrong team or artifacts but how you can play wrong a game?Anyway i won't even bother doing this bait Plarium put in front of dumb people.I'm ok with what i can get and damn microtransaction mentality.
Jul 7, 2019, 21:1707/07/19

Vennto said:

Yes, your Math is correct. But your forgot some things (or rather don´t Mention them because they don´t fit in your Little world of mimimi-crying?):

First of all, the argument with missing preparation is neglible, since it was announced, that we are supposed to prepare the event. I, for instance, had a blank 5* and a leveled up 5* to upgrade right away, + you get the points from leveling those newly upgraded hereos as well. And this is not even a good preparation compared to to other Players. 

2nd, you totally ignore experience-potions: I started the event with 60 blues, 85 Greens, 71 reds and 120 voids. Lets ignore the voids for a second and focus on the other ones, and do another math-example: Every potion gets - when put on the right affinity - 18.750 experience. Meaning with my - quite small I might add - bank I have a bit over 4 Million experience points stored up. So, lets take this number and set it into context of energy.

A run on 12.3 with double exp will net you around 8.600 xxp per Hero, meaning a total of 25.800 xxp per 8 Energy. Meaning you would save around 1240 Energy already. 

You also ignored the possible 3* drops on the way while farming, the 2* drops while farming, any stored 3* units that will result in more points and the workaround with upgraded 4*, where you can level them up to around 25 for a more effective point-energy-result.

And at last, because it is just a minor difference, you ignored the energy and energy refills from other events during that period, but I´ll let that one go, since we also need some Energy to grind the dungeons for some of the rares ;-)

All in all: Yes, the event is quite hard. Yes, I don´t know if I can manage to get it done. But calling it "impossible for a f2p-player (like I am for instance) is quite a joke, especially, since it is not that difficult in this game to store up rubys for such occasions as well. You need about a month for 1k with mine Level 3, you could have kept that in the bank.

Ad-hominem attacks are the last resort of the logically inept.  I find it fascinating that you chose to lead your reply with one.  No crying here as I completing or not completing this event doesn't define me in any way.  I'm just pointing out silliness where I see it.

I will address your points in turn.

I will just have to assume that you are correct in that the event was announced, because I cannot find any announcement for it in the in-game news feed going back to May 31 (where my news feed stops).  You know, the place inside the actual game that players will see as a popup to announce these sorts of things.  Please tell me that Plarium didn't announce it solely on this forum somewhere, as that would be beyond stupid of them to do and hardly counts as "it was announced" when the game itself provides an internal mechanism for such announcements.  I wouldn't announce a concert taking place in San Francisco by taking out a classified ad in New York City and then turn around and tell upset fans who missed out on the concert that "well, it was announced".  Maybe things are different in Plarium-land.

Perhaps this event was mentioned in-game prior to May 31?  Did it state a timeframe for when the event would occur, or did it just say "coming soon".  As we know from experience with Plarium, "coming soon" can mean anything from a week to nine months or longer.  Exactly how much time was allotted for preparation?

I do see a post in this forum's Announcements section dated June 15 (about two weeks' notice!) stating that a big event is coming, and to prepare.  However, no indication regarding what to prepare (silver? energy? gems? champions? artifacts? chickens? arena refills? who knows?) and it was subsequently downplayed by Cirilla herself as "minor news".  Is that the "announcement" Plarium is talking about, this "minor news" put out a little over two weeks ahead of time for an event whose magnitude would take your run-of-the-mill level 50-60 F2P player a couple of months to prepare for?

True, I ignored experience brews in my computations.  It is hit-and-miss as to how often one obtains these.  Some people used them up during the last training event, and some may have never ever used one during their entire gameplay experience.  At one point in May... prior to whatever announcement they may have made regarding this current training event... I had over 100 blues, 60+ green and red, and maybe 50 void, and then some more sane training event came along and I used some of them.  Oh well.  Currently I have a bit over 2.5 million exp stored in my remaining brews.

Out of curiosity, did you save up all those experience brews starting from the time this event was announced, or did you happen to have a substantial number saved up prior to the announcement?  Hypothetically speaking, if you started from zero brews at the time this event was announced, how many brews would you expect to have amassed by the start of the event?  That number would be a reasonable place to start when estimating stored experience and the resultant energy saved from it.  Since we don't have that estimate, let's just use you as an example of a reasonably prepared individual.

You state that all those brews you have will save you around 1240 energy.  That is right around 10 energy refills (assuming players level 50-60).  Congratulations, using every experience brew you have kept in reserve saves you 400 gems, or about 11 percent of what you need for energy refills to complete the event.

True, I ignored 2* and 3* drops obtained during farming.  They are random.  Some people get several in a single evening, while others have obtained none at all during a couple of days' play.  Without drop rate percentages for these, it is not reasonable to try and incorporate them into any computation, as including them without that information would yield results just as erroneous as not including them at all.

But hey, for the sake of argument, let's consider the 2* and 3* drops obtained during farming.  All those drops do is reduce the number of mystery shards required to start with, and my stated assumption was that the player had more than enough of those green shards at the beginning of the event.  It does not affect the amount of energy required to complete the event, as far as I can tell, and energy is the killer here.  Spurious champion drops during farming are a non-issue.

For simplicity's sake I did not consider partial-leveling of champions, but rather assumed any champion to be used in the event would be leveled completely prior to ranking them up or being used as food for ranking up a different champion.  How much of an effect that might have is up for discussion.  Would it save 500, 1000, 10000 energy?

While you brought up all these points about things I didn't include, you have failed to describe how much each of them (with the exception of the saved-up experience brews) would affect the amount of energy required to complete this event.  Such hand-waving doesn't make for a strong counter argument.

Regarding energy refills from other events taking place during this training event's duration, my only response is to ask "so how much energy do you expect to get from all the other simultaneous events taking place?"  Please be sure to include all the simultaneous events that have yet to even be announced.  You can borrow my crystal ball if you like.  Summon rush netted 150 energy (yay, 40 fewer gems to spend).  Dungeon divers has no energy rewards and a mere 30 gems.  If we had one event per day that gave us around 150 energy total in rewards, and if completing those events didn't take energy away from the primary objective, you end up saving somewhere around 480 additional gems.  With the gems you save from your experience brews, you are a whopping 25 percent of the way towards the additional energy required to complete this event!

So, where does the other 75 percent come from?

Something you didn't mention but I will -- I did not include the gem cost for keeping 2x exp running for ten days (880 gems unless you have managed to save up ten days' worth of xp boosts starting from the time of this event's announcement).  That cost alone wipes out your experience brews savings along with any estimated energy rewards (converted to gems) obtained from events occurring simultaneously with the training event.

You mention being able to save up 1000 gems in a month.  Yes, you can get 15 gems per day from the level 3 mine.  That's 900 gems in a month.  Add to that another 300 from completing all the daily quests, and you're at 1200.  You might get some other gem rewards during that month as well, so let's call it 1500.  Again I ask you, "when was this event announced?"  Was it announced far enough in advance to save up nearly two and a half months' worth of gems?

I wish you luck on completing the event.  I look forward to hearing how far you get and (believe it or not) I do hope you manage to complete it.  It will be an interesting measure of an individual who is substantially prepared for this training event.

Jul 7, 2019, 22:2807/07/19
Lykaon. said:

Vennto said:

Yes, your Math is correct. But your forgot some things (or rather don´t Mention them because they don´t fit in your Little world of mimimi-crying?):

First of all, the argument with missing preparation is neglible, since it was announced, that we are supposed to prepare the event. I, for instance, had a blank 5* and a leveled up 5* to upgrade right away, + you get the points from leveling those newly upgraded hereos as well. And this is not even a good preparation compared to to other Players. 

2nd, you totally ignore experience-potions: I started the event with 60 blues, 85 Greens, 71 reds and 120 voids. Lets ignore the voids for a second and focus on the other ones, and do another math-example: Every potion gets - when put on the right affinity - 18.750 experience. Meaning with my - quite small I might add - bank I have a bit over 4 Million experience points stored up. So, lets take this number and set it into context of energy.

A run on 12.3 with double exp will net you around 8.600 xxp per Hero, meaning a total of 25.800 xxp per 8 Energy. Meaning you would save around 1240 Energy already. 

You also ignored the possible 3* drops on the way while farming, the 2* drops while farming, any stored 3* units that will result in more points and the workaround with upgraded 4*, where you can level them up to around 25 for a more effective point-energy-result.

And at last, because it is just a minor difference, you ignored the energy and energy refills from other events during that period, but I´ll let that one go, since we also need some Energy to grind the dungeons for some of the rares ;-)

All in all: Yes, the event is quite hard. Yes, I don´t know if I can manage to get it done. But calling it "impossible for a f2p-player (like I am for instance) is quite a joke, especially, since it is not that difficult in this game to store up rubys for such occasions as well. You need about a month for 1k with mine Level 3, you could have kept that in the bank.

Ad-hominem attacks are the last resort of the logically inept.  I find it fascinating that you chose to lead your reply with one.  No crying here as I completing or not completing this event doesn't define me in any way.  I'm just pointing out silliness where I see it.

I will address your points in turn.

I will just have to assume that you are correct in that the event was announced, because I cannot find any announcement for it in the in-game news feed going back to May 31 (where my news feed stops).  You know, the place inside the actual game that players will see as a popup to announce these sorts of things.  Please tell me that Plarium didn't announce it solely on this forum somewhere, as that would be beyond stupid of them to do and hardly counts as "it was announced" when the game itself provides an internal mechanism for such announcements.  I wouldn't announce a concert taking place in San Francisco by taking out a classified ad in New York City and then turn around and tell upset fans who missed out on the concert that "well, it was announced".  Maybe things are different in Plarium-land.

Perhaps this event was mentioned in-game prior to May 31?  Did it state a timeframe for when the event would occur, or did it just say "coming soon".  As we know from experience with Plarium, "coming soon" can mean anything from a week to nine months or longer.  Exactly how much time was allotted for preparation?

I do see a post in this forum's Announcements section dated June 15 (about two weeks' notice!) stating that a big event is coming, and to prepare.  However, no indication regarding what to prepare (silver? energy? gems? champions? artifacts? chickens? arena refills? who knows?) and it was subsequently downplayed by Cirilla herself as "minor news".  Is that the "announcement" Plarium is talking about, this "minor news" put out a little over two weeks ahead of time for an event whose magnitude would take your run-of-the-mill level 50-60 F2P player a couple of months to prepare for?

True, I ignored experience brews in my computations.  It is hit-and-miss as to how often one obtains these.  Some people used them up during the last training event, and some may have never ever used one during their entire gameplay experience.  At one point in May... prior to whatever announcement they may have made regarding this current training event... I had over 100 blues, 60+ green and red, and maybe 50 void, and then some more sane training event came along and I used some of them.  Oh well.  Currently I have a bit over 2.5 million exp stored in my remaining brews.

Out of curiosity, did you save up all those experience brews starting from the time this event was announced, or did you happen to have a substantial number saved up prior to the announcement?  Hypothetically speaking, if you started from zero brews at the time this event was announced, how many brews would you expect to have amassed by the start of the event?  That number would be a reasonable place to start when estimating stored experience and the resultant energy saved from it.  Since we don't have that estimate, let's just use you as an example of a reasonably prepared individual.

You state that all those brews you have will save you around 1240 energy.  That is right around 10 energy refills (assuming players level 50-60).  Congratulations, using every experience brew you have kept in reserve saves you 400 gems, or about 11 percent of what you need for energy refills to complete the event.

True, I ignored 2* and 3* drops obtained during farming.  They are random.  Some people get several in a single evening, while others have obtained none at all during a couple of days' play.  Without drop rate percentages for these, it is not reasonable to try and incorporate them into any computation, as including them without that information would yield results just as erroneous as not including them at all.

But hey, for the sake of argument, let's consider the 2* and 3* drops obtained during farming.  All those drops do is reduce the number of mystery shards required to start with, and my stated assumption was that the player had more than enough of those green shards at the beginning of the event.  It does not affect the amount of energy required to complete the event, as far as I can tell, and energy is the killer here.  Spurious champion drops during farming are a non-issue.

For simplicity's sake I did not consider partial-leveling of champions, but rather assumed any champion to be used in the event would be leveled completely prior to ranking them up or being used as food for ranking up a different champion.  How much of an effect that might have is up for discussion.  Would it save 500, 1000, 10000 energy?

While you brought up all these points about things I didn't include, you have failed to describe how much each of them (with the exception of the saved-up experience brews) would affect the amount of energy required to complete this event.  Such hand-waving doesn't make for a strong counter argument.

Regarding energy refills from other events taking place during this training event's duration, my only response is to ask "so how much energy do you expect to get from all the other simultaneous events taking place?"  Please be sure to include all the simultaneous events that have yet to even be announced.  You can borrow my crystal ball if you like.  Summon rush netted 150 energy (yay, 40 fewer gems to spend).  Dungeon divers has no energy rewards and a mere 30 gems.  If we had one event per day that gave us around 150 energy total in rewards, and if completing those events didn't take energy away from the primary objective, you end up saving somewhere around 480 additional gems.  With the gems you save from your experience brews, you are a whopping 25 percent of the way towards the additional energy required to complete this event!

So, where does the other 75 percent come from?

Something you didn't mention but I will -- I did not include the gem cost for keeping 2x exp running for ten days (880 gems unless you have managed to save up ten days' worth of xp boosts starting from the time of this event's announcement).  That cost alone wipes out your experience brews savings along with any estimated energy rewards (converted to gems) obtained from events occurring simultaneously with the training event.

You mention being able to save up 1000 gems in a month.  Yes, you can get 15 gems per day from the level 3 mine.  That's 900 gems in a month.  Add to that another 300 from completing all the daily quests, and you're at 1200.  You might get some other gem rewards during that month as well, so let's call it 1500.  Again I ask you, "when was this event announced?"  Was it announced far enough in advance to save up nearly two and a half months' worth of gems?

I wish you luck on completing the event.  I look forward to hearing how far you get and (believe it or not) I do hope you manage to complete it.  It will be an interesting measure of an individual who is substantially prepared for this training event.

Thank you for this very in-depth, well-thought answer. I will answer in kind as well in the next days, but my week will be a bit stressful. Just to keep you up to date: right now I am prior to my 3rd 6* hero to upgrade, and I am a bit over 11.250 Points. The partial leveling and the leveling of the 6* willl net me another 1.500 Points, If I add that to what I am planning for tomorrow I should hit around 15.000 points tomorrow and got 1 week left to get the last 5k Points done. Screenshot will be following to prove that statement. Best regards for now.
Jul 7, 2019, 23:5807/07/19
Jul 8, 2019, 00:00(edited)

quocdat3801 said:

skye said:

quocdat3801 said:

This event is quite difficult, I know but I think it is necessary because a legendary champion like Foli should not have a by easily

Everyone complaining that this event will cost them a lot of money but I think if you prepare it before then it will be so expensive. The event took place for 2 days and I got 6000 points.In my inventory,I also keep many posion energy and x2 exp that I have saved before and there are many ruby to be able to buy energy from the store. The last thing I want to say is that I believe I can complete this event without having to deposit a penny (and the fact that from the beginning of this game, I didn't spend money on this game)

So what you are telling us is that you are F2P and that you prepared for this event for the past month...That means you didn't do most of the events of the last month and didn't upgrade any champions for the past month which means you didn't need to.You see my point there?

No sane F2P person can tell me that he was sitting for the past month on some maxed 5* and 4* good epics or LEGs and were waiting for this event with inventory full of leveled food and millions of xp in potions and without doing the rest of the events that were continuously running meanwhile.

Unless you are a person who only logs in for dailies and to stack up on energy for the past 2 months i don't see you saving up 20k energy and enough gems to do this.And even then where the hell you got all the food for the event,and the shards and the silver to use up so many millions of XP in the tavern if you don't play daily and use every ounce of energy you get?

I must be doing something wrong because i just can't keep up.For the past 2,5 months i haven't wasted 1 energy.It almost never got to regenerate fully and those 500 you get from dailies were used ASAP to let it regenerate.I have decent champs and didn't level more than 10 to 50 and 5 to 60 yet it seems i can't keep up even tho i farm 12.3 on brutal...

You sir are a liar or a hacker,TYVM.

I didn't cheat and didn't lie, I accumulated compensation rewards from maintenance games and energy bottle as well as x2 exp for up to 99 days. I had 6 champions lvl 60 and me upgrade them from daily energybottle and x2 rewards per week. I have played many F2P games so I know how to prepare items for these events, that's how F2P players like me can Play these games now, If you don't believe, look at these photos taking my account tonight

You won't make it.......I already got the 4* chicken and realized there was noway i can reach 20K in 1 week without spending $$$ and non stop grinding.......I do have to work, eat and sleep if i skip my social life for a week lol  

Complete the training event and dungeon event and then fuse event on time is a total madness for a normal person.........Why design and create the events knowing that normal people won't be able to finish them??? 

Jul 8, 2019, 00:5607/08/19

I think people are blowing this too far out of a proportion. Yes the event is difficult, very difficult if you are strictly a F2P player and are not prepping in advance. Raid showers you with early gems and other resources in the beginning. If used properly, you should easily unlock a stage 3 mine, and the 5 basic slots in the sparring pits. These generate constant (yet key) value on their own. Some champions are just shy of hitting the max level before ranking them up. Having 5 slots in the sparring pits saves so much energy by throwing them in their for their final level. And with the gem mine and daily quests constantly giving you 25 gems per day, you can get an exp boost or energy refill every 2 days. Only use these on events and you are golden. F2P players should be swimming in gems.

Also, farming 12-3 on brutal should be expected for this event. If a player can't reach end game, then expecting to finish a grand event like this should not really shock anyone. Yes some of the mechanics and grinding are not as fun as they could be, but this event is by no means impossible to finish. You just have to pick your battles (i.e. events) wisely. Maybe its not the best idea to pop your sacred shard right now, hold off until you have 1 and some epics + rares to complete an event.

With a little forward thinking, these events are really not that difficult. They are just time and labor intensive. If someone through money at the game, yes, it would be way easier. But there are mechanics that allow us F2P players to get around it when you use your brain and optimize as much as possible. 

Thank you to the whales who make this game free for everyone else!
Jul 8, 2019, 02:0707/08/19
Jul 8, 2019, 02:13(edited)

Based on my calculations, you can complete the event for $29.99.


  • You will need to be level 50.
  • You will need to be able to login to the game at least 4 times per day.
  • You will need XP Boost for 10 days.
  • You will need 3,500 Mystery Shards.
  • You will need 1 Hero who can Solo Brutal 12-6.
  • You will need the 31th Daily Log in reward (500 Energy)
  • You will need the Compensation reward (250 Energy)
  • You will need to finish your Daily Mission.
  • You will need Crystal Mines Max lvl. 

Things which can help you save money, but you don’t need them in order to finish the event with my calculations:

  • Raid Pass
  • Any Other Food.
  • Any XP Brews.
  • Any Other Energy.
  • Any Other Gems.
  • Any Chickens.

Let’s begin: I will underline any statement I make which correlates with my requirements! So you can see why I made them requirements!

You get 1 Energy every 3 mins.

You get 20 Energy every 1 hour.

Your max energy storage is 120 Energy at lvl 50.

It will take 6 hours to reach max storage amount.

You will need to login 4 times a day to burn up energy.

You generate 120 energy in 6 hours.

You generate 480 energy in 24 hours.

You get 1 Refill by finishing your Daily Mission + 1 Refill by staying on for 60 mins.

480 + 2 refills (240 energy) = 720 energy per day.

Now you have to digest the following information:

  • Leveling a 1 Star hero from lvl 1 to 10 = 9 Event Points 
  • Leveling a 2 Star hero from lvl 1 to 20 = 19 Event Points
  • Leveling a 3 Star hero from lvl 1 to 30 = 58 Event Points

  • It takes 3 Brutal 12-6 Runs with XP Boost to Max out a Batch of 1 Star food heroes = 27 Event Points = 24 Energy Used
  • It takes 10 Brutal 12-6 Runs with XP Boost to Max out a Batch of 2 Star food heroes = 57 Event Points = 80 Energy Used
  • It takes 23 Brutal 12-6 Runs with XP Boost to Max out a Batch of 3 Star food heroes = 174 Event Points = 184 Energy Used

Here is what people don’t understand!

The higher your heroes go up in level.

The more experience it takes you to reach the next level! 

Or in other words the more energy you need!

You reach a point where you have diminishing returns!

Let’s give an example:

Let’s say you have 80 energy.

You can use this full 80 energy to do 10 Brutal Runs to level up 1 batch of 2 star food to max! 

You will get 57 Event Points for doing this!


You can use this same 80 energy to do 9 Brutal Runs to level up 3 batches of 1 star food to max!

You will get 81 Event Points for doing this!

Do you notice something strange? The 1 stars giving more points, but why?

Remember, the information I gave you?

3 runs can max out 1 batch of 1 Star food.

It takes 24 energy to do it, BUT WE WILL HAVE 56 ENERGY AS A REMAINDER!

Do you see it?

The remainder can be used to do more runs!

Once, you understand what I’m telling you a huge burden is lifted off your shoulders!

You thought you had to make 2 - 6 stars every day to finish this event!

Guess what? The highest star level you will have is lvl 2 & the highest hero level you will have is lvl 10!

You will finish the event with out ever seeing a 6 star!

Cirilla didn’t leave you out to dry!

Don’t listen to the propaganda!

Let me show you how to do it!

  • 1 Refill = 120 Energy
  • 120 Energy = 15 - Brutal 12-6 runs.
  • 15 runs = 5 Batches of Max out heroes 
  • You will gain 135 Event Points for having maxed leveled these heroes!
  • You will gain 70 Event Points for ranking up these level 10 hero’s to rank 2!
You will use a total of 30 hero’s or 30 M.Shards roughly.

You will have a total of 205 Event Points.

In order to complete this event, you need 2,000 Events points per day.

You will need 300 M.Shards per day.

Basically, you need 10 refills a day!

You can get 720 energy (6 Refill) per day for free.

The remaining 4 Refills need to come from where else.

4 Refills = 160 Gems per Day.

The event is 10 days so you need 1,600 gems in total.

You will get 25 gems per day from Daily Rewards + Crystal Mines.

You will get 250 gems in 10 days.

The above amount will deduct from your total!

1,600 - 250 = 1,350 gems needed!

You should have 500 Energy from 31th Daily Log in reward + 250 Energy from Compensation Rewards.

500 + 250 = 700 energy which is the equivalent of 5 refills or 300 gems.

The above amount will deduct from your total!

1,350 - 300 = 1,050 gems needed!

If you saved up XP Brews, miscellaneous Gems, miscellaneous Energy, or 🐥, you will be able to use them to make up the 1k gem deficit!

The event can be 100% free!

If you didn’t save up, for what ever reason, you will need to spend roughly 29.99 for a gem pack or packs which gives you near 1k gems.

The only thing I didn’t account for is the mass 2 star hero’s you will have + leveling 3-4-5 stars hero’s to lvl 10 than stopping.

You can gain points by sacrificing the 2 Star hero’s into each other or into 1 Star hero’s to level them up with out using energy or gems.

You can gain points by leveling up 3-4-5 Star heroes to level 10 than stopping before the hero begins giving you diminishing returns.

There is a breaking point where it is beneficial vs. counter productive!

I didn’t feel like going super nerdy on you guys.

This is my causal nerd outfit. 🤓 

Everything I said can be sum up with a TL:DR.

TL:DR - Mass Level 1 Star Heroes, forever, until event ends. If Event times get desperate, Drop 30 bucks on gems/refills.

As far as the controversial argument goes about whether or not this event is F2P vs. P2W.

I think the event is neither.

The event is a shark event which requires a person to understand the method in which to gain points efficiently.

F2P & P2W Player can both finish the event if they both understand how to earn points.

F2P & P2W Player can both fail at this event if they both don’t understand how to earn points.

I call this event a Shark Event because when you are in the water.

A shark doesn’t care if you are rich or poor.

All the Shark see’s is lunch!

You are nothing more than a fat seal waiting to be eaten.

This event can swallow you whole if you don’t understand how it operates.

Cirilla promised a Challenging Event!

Cirilla delivered a Challenging Event!

Hopefully, by sharing notes + information, we can find our way thru the Challenge!

This is why I want to share this information with you peeps, today!


From Team: Do You Even Raid, BRO?

Base Channel: 9 

  • Coalition with the Team’s of Channel 9
  • Alliance with a Team in Channel 75
  • Truce with the Team’s of Channel 7
Jul 8, 2019, 08:3907/08/19
Zachton said:

Not impossible. This is day 2 and I’m mostly done. I lack getting a Rotting Mage & a Centurion and leveling / ascending everything up to finish.

Now, I’m lucky enough to have a Towering Titan and Kytis already, so started nearly halfway done.
Do u understand that NOT POSSIBLE part of this fusion is the Towering Titan which requires 20k points in event to get him?