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Events for Fusion

Events for Fusion

Jul 5, 2019, 10:5607/05/19

Events for Fusion

The new patch introduced a new fusion event along with new events in general. 

Over all the new approach to events and fusion is pretty nice. 

Except that it became so P2W that at this point it is not even fun to do them. 

Before the patch we were able to finish the events without spending any money or in some cases smaller amounts, and that was ok with me. Unfortunately the new events are build in such a way that it is not possible to complete them without spending extended amount of real world money, and I mean a lot of money.

For me that is a game breaker. I do not mind spending some money to support the development and to show the appriciation if the game is fun, but this is redicules. 

This new system is an excellen exemple of extreem predatory P2W way of using microtransaction (should be megatransactions).

Plarium is heading a dangerous way here. 

Most of the negative response surrounding patch 1.8 is the nerf and underwhelming performance and content of the patch in general, so few people actually noticed the change in events that is a way bigger issue for me.

I would like to see some stats of people that acctualy were able to do the fusion event or the events in general without spending huge sums of money.

Jul 5, 2019, 11:4607/05/19

true... so sad to see these things happened... for a lv up event  you need 15 k energy per day to complete it!.... a bad joke

think about those 300 points for a lv 6 hero ( LATE GAME FFS ) 300 points to 20000 ....i think those  that are making decision need to go a little to school to learn some math - no hate just the truth !!!

Jul 5, 2019, 12:1007/05/19

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster. 

The Legendary Hero in the new Fusion is a pretty strong character and it shouldn't be easily crafted. Even if it happens so that you don't manage to get it in the end, you still have the great opportunity to farm and craft excellent heroes for strengthening your teams in the process.
Jul 5, 2019, 12:1707/05/19
It's not even possible. 20000 is 66 rank 6 upgrades in a week. I put money into your game. More than I should do. Your p2w and your f2p players will not achieve this. It's an impossible task unless you have thousands to spend this week.
Jul 5, 2019, 12:3207/05/19

Thank you for your reply Cirilla. 

I do not agree with you. 

Not easy is a strong underestimation. 

The fusion event as well as other events are not possible to compete without investing extended amount of real time money and that is the issue here. 

It is not as with the pre patch events that you could invest some or none money in to complete them, here if you want to complete the events you have to invest money, and that amount is pretty extensive. 

That is a really greedy approach that is extremely predatory and of turning for a lot of players.

 The time to prepare is/was not relevant as well taking into consideration that almost all champions you need for the fusion are new, and some of them are event rewards.

So if you are not able to complete the events you are not able to get the champions you need for fusion. Also the champions you need for the fusion are not that great.

That said, as per comment of LYCLAUDIU someone should do the math a bit better. 

Jul 5, 2019, 12:3707/05/19
Jul 5, 2019, 12:40(edited)


Also why have you changed the title of the topic?!

The original name of the topic was Events become P2W in extreme predatory matter.

It is not disrespectful or wrong, so I do not see a need to for you guys to try to make the topic to sound less important.

What it is is extremely disrespectful from your side!

Jul 5, 2019, 12:4707/05/19

OK I am sorry but that answer is complete crap. We get it, you guys need to get paid but that is not hard, it is impossible unless you pay a ton of money. With all the predatory practice going on in games today I would hope you guys would have some integrity and keep this game at least a little more fair and moderate. I don't mind paying you guys for a great game but events like this show true colors. 

Sadly I think my time for this game is coming to an end due to the P2W BS. Pretty words do not make it right. I know you guys could care less about someone who doesn't pay hundreds leaving the game but I did pay some in and now I regret that.

This video shows everyone what they are doing. It is just sad.

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster. 

The Legendary Hero in the new Fusion is a pretty strong character and it shouldn't be easily crafted. Even if it happens so that you don't manage to get it in the end, you still have the great opportunity to farm and craft excellent heroes for strengthening your teams in the process.

Jul 5, 2019, 12:5907/05/19

Cirilla the problem here is the money not the dificulty. Stop creating events p2w, the event should be a way to help all the players. NO MORE EVENTS LIKE THIS OMG.

Jul 5, 2019, 13:1807/05/19
Jul 5, 2019, 13:19(edited)
I agree it is hard, perhaps too hard, but if you start with a level 1 epic and take that epic to level 60 using only 2 stars for the food, how many points is that worth?  It has be at least 5,000, no?  I cannot see a FTP player having a shot at 20k in 10 days, especially given the need to complete the underlying events to get the epics needed for the fusion.  I think maybe the 20k would only be a touch too much for a 10 day event without the need to also complete all the other events to get the other elements of the fusion. I think the energy costs here will be truly staggering.  I am also sure that the devs will look at the end to see how many Foli are in the game and how the revenue pattern changed over the course of the event when deciding whether to do it again.  
Jul 5, 2019, 13:4607/05/19

Cirilla i think you should just reduce the points needed to get Towering Titan.This event really is impossible to complete if you are a f2p or a casual player.I am not a f2p player but even i am finding it difficult.

Jul 5, 2019, 13:5907/05/19
A healthy game needs to keep everyone excited not just whales.  I too have invested in this game but not another dime unless you all cease this blatant cash grabbing.
Jul 5, 2019, 14:3107/05/19
Jul 5, 2019, 14:35(edited)

Its really a shame. They had an event period where things became comfortable and realistic. The rewards were obtainable without spending money. Then after that they took a 180 and went back to tidious, unrealistic and p2w focused.

It almost felt like they wanted to give us the illusion that they gave a crap about our feedback, and after feeding us a litte bit of "we listen", they went straight back to the previous practice.

I feel bad for the people who work on this game, and genuinely are passionate about it, and have it ruined by these typical p2w practices, probably forced on them by the top suits. And let's not forget the moderators on the forum, who has to the listen to the negative feedback while the people in charge don't have to take any responsibility.

There are 2 things that can change what this game is:

1. Massive public pushback. Media coverage, public outcry, etc.

2. People stop spending on the "micro" transactions.

But here's the problem. This is not battlefront 2. This is a small mobile game. And these mobile games will ALWAYS have whale spenders, covering the costs and making it finacially viable for them to keep up these practices.

All in all, this wont change. The most we can get if enough people complain, is an arbitrary PR speech.

Jul 5, 2019, 14:3607/05/19

Not only that.

Before the maintenance one hour ago, they changed the requirements for Foli.

You needed 4 star ascended champions, now you need 5 star ascension. lol

Jul 5, 2019, 14:4307/05/19

Cmon guys this is not P2W, we are just not prepared. lol CIRILLA

Jul 5, 2019, 19:5507/05/19

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster.

Cirilla, please, please stop with the "events should not be easy" mantra.

We. Get. That. And. It. Is. Insulting.

Are you able to describe what scenario you and/or the developers envision would allow a F2P player to complete the current leveling event in its entirety?  I cannot come up with any scenario that is achievable for a F2P player.  The best I could come up with is the following:

Let's assume that the F2P player has a large number of mystery shards saved up.  A vast majority of players don't have many, if any, ancient/void/sacred shards saved up, so this seems to be a reasonable assumption.  As an example, I have over 2000 mystery shards, but only 27 ancient and just one void shard currently.  That void shard has gone unused for about a month now, so it is not like I'm using shards as soon as I get them.

Most F2P players, regardless of any "advance warning", do not have large numbers of higher rank (4*, 5*, 6*) champions just sitting around, ready to be leveled/ranked up, so I will assume we happen to have none at all.  I had about five of them not already leveled up.

We're going to use solely champions summoned using mystery shards and see where that gets us.

We will use the campaign level Brutal 11.3 as our farming level.  Yes, we could use 12.3 or 12.6, but 11.3 is pretty close to those in terms of experience gained and I can consistently beat it whereas 12.x results in some defeats which just complicates the math here.

We also will assume we're somehow able to keep 2x exp up and running during the entire event.

At 2x exp it takes three runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 1* from lv1 to lv10.  That gets us 10 points.  We can run three at a time when farming, so 30 points.  Three runs costs us 24 energy.

At 2x exp it takes ten runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 2* from lv1 to lv20.  That gets us 20 points.  Again, running three at a time gets us 60 points.  Ten runs costs us 80 energy.

For a 3*, fully leveling three at a time through brutal 11.3 gets us 180 points (23 runs through brutal 11.3 at 2x exp, 184 energy).

If, over the course of this 10 day period, we use 498 mystery shards, we should get, on average, around 370 1*, 121 2*, and 7 3* champions.

We can fully level up 369 of the 1* champions for a total of 3690 points.  We can rank up 184 of them for an additional 920 points.  That gets us 4610 points and costs us 2952 energy.

We can then take the 121 2* champs from the mystery shards along with the 184 that were ranked up from 1* and fully level 303 of them for 6060 points.  We can then rank up 101 of them for an additional 1515 points.  That gets us another 7575 points and costs us another 8080 energy, for a total of 12185 points and 11032 energy expended.

We can then take the 7 3* champs from the mystery shards along with the 101 of them ranked up from 2* and fully level all 108 of them for 6480 points.  We can then rank up 27 of them for an additional 1350 points.  That gets us another 7830 points and costs us another 6624 energy, bringing us to a grand total of 20015 points and 17656 energy expended.

17656 energy... we get 480 energy per day (1 energy every 3 minutes).  We also get a free refill as a daily quest reward and another free refill each day if we play for 60+ minutes.  Let's assume that the F2P player is level 50, so each refill is another 120 energy.  That's 720 energy per day, or 7200 energy maximum over the 10 days.  Yes, we probably will get some additional energy from a weekly quest reward or something, but let's just keep it at 7200 for the sake of argument.

17656 energy needed minus 7200 free energy over the 10 day event leaves 10456 energy that has to come from somewhere...  time to purchase some refills!  How many would we need?  At 120 energy per refill, we would need a mere 88 refills!  No problem... how many gems might that cost?  40 gems per refill... 3520 gems!  Those can be had for a small sum of $89.97 in the shop.

F2P... $89.97 in the shop... Hmmm...

So, tell us again, Cirilla, how this event is supposed to be completed by a F2P player, someone who likely doesn't have dozens of 4*, 5*, and 6* champions just sitting around waiting to be leveled/ranked?  If it's something that can be achieved, then lay it out for us in detail.  Don't just brush us off with "it's not supposed to be easy... we will pass this on to the developers" nonsense; doing so just insults your players.

Jul 5, 2019, 20:4807/05/19

i must say that i honestly can't believe that they went this way, especialy after the most underwhelming update i have ever seen (for me personaly, the hype and dishonest promises were main factor ...)

anyway, for new fusion, i'm super disapointed ... not only it's not doable even for some cashers, but i think it's almost insulting that they put out "new" fusion and instead of actualy new unit, they use months old unit, BUT we need new units for the recepi ... it just absurd 

i'm honestly sad, since i was always enthusiastic (atleast i tryed :)) and i actualy defend the desicions in the game, but the mods on this forum and the game itself just killed my excitement for the game basicly in less than 1 week ... just amazing ... and sad

Jul 5, 2019, 21:4107/05/19
Jul 5, 2019, 21:49(edited)

Why is it that hard for the developer to listen to the customers???  I hope they still make a lot of money by doing that.

The fuse event is a mission impossible.......Maybe those who have summoned thousands prior have those required epic champions ready.  Perhaps this fuse event is targeted to those whales.

The champion training event is another insanity.  We do still need to work and eat if we skip sleep.  Ironically, the moderator still thinks it is within the reach though it is not easy........
Jul 5, 2019, 21:5707/05/19
Lykaon. said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster.

Cirilla, please, please stop with the "events should not be easy" mantra.

We. Get. That. And. It. Is. Insulting.

Are you able to describe what scenario you and/or the developers envision would allow a F2P player to complete the current leveling event in its entirety?  I cannot come up with any scenario that is achievable for a F2P player.  The best I could come up with is the following:

Let's assume that the F2P player has a large number of mystery shards saved up.  A vast majority of players don't have many, if any, ancient/void/sacred shards saved up, so this seems to be a reasonable assumption.  As an example, I have over 2000 mystery shards, but only 27 ancient and just one void shard currently.  That void shard has gone unused for about a month now, so it is not like I'm using shards as soon as I get them.

Most F2P players, regardless of any "advance warning", do not have large numbers of higher rank (4*, 5*, 6*) champions just sitting around, ready to be leveled/ranked up, so I will assume we happen to have none at all.  I had about five of them not already leveled up.

We're going to use solely champions summoned using mystery shards and see where that gets us.

We will use the campaign level Brutal 11.3 as our farming level.  Yes, we could use 12.3 or 12.6, but 11.3 is pretty close to those in terms of experience gained and I can consistently beat it whereas 12.x results in some defeats which just complicates the math here.

We also will assume we're somehow able to keep 2x exp up and running during the entire event.

At 2x exp it takes three runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 1* from lv1 to lv10.  That gets us 10 points.  We can run three at a time when farming, so 30 points.  Three runs costs us 24 energy.

At 2x exp it takes ten runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 2* from lv1 to lv20.  That gets us 20 points.  Again, running three at a time gets us 60 points.  Ten runs costs us 80 energy.

For a 3*, fully leveling three at a time through brutal 11.3 gets us 180 points (23 runs through brutal 11.3 at 2x exp, 184 energy).

If, over the course of this 10 day period, we use 498 mystery shards, we should get, on average, around 370 1*, 121 2*, and 7 3* champions.

We can fully level up 369 of the 1* champions for a total of 3690 points.  We can rank up 184 of them for an additional 920 points.  That gets us 4610 points and costs us 2952 energy.

We can then take the 121 2* champs from the mystery shards along with the 184 that were ranked up from 1* and fully level 303 of them for 6060 points.  We can then rank up 101 of them for an additional 1515 points.  That gets us another 7575 points and costs us another 8080 energy, for a total of 12185 points and 11032 energy expended.

We can then take the 7 3* champs from the mystery shards along with the 101 of them ranked up from 2* and fully level all 108 of them for 6480 points.  We can then rank up 27 of them for an additional 1350 points.  That gets us another 7830 points and costs us another 6624 energy, bringing us to a grand total of 20015 points and 17656 energy expended.

17656 energy... we get 480 energy per day (1 energy every 3 minutes).  We also get a free refill as a daily quest reward and another free refill each day if we play for 60+ minutes.  Let's assume that the F2P player is level 50, so each refill is another 120 energy.  That's 720 energy per day, or 7200 energy maximum over the 10 days.  Yes, we probably will get some additional energy from a weekly quest reward or something, but let's just keep it at 7200 for the sake of argument.

17656 energy needed minus 7200 free energy over the 10 day event leaves 10456 energy that has to come from somewhere...  time to purchase some refills!  How many would we need?  At 120 energy per refill, we would need a mere 88 refills!  No problem... how many gems might that cost?  40 gems per refill... 3520 gems!  Those can be had for a small sum of $89.97 in the shop.

F2P... $89.97 in the shop... Hmmm...

So, tell us again, Cirilla, how this event is supposed to be completed by a F2P player, someone who likely doesn't have dozens of 4*, 5*, and 6* champions just sitting around waiting to be leveled/ranked?  If it's something that can be achieved, then lay it out for us in detail.  Don't just brush us off with "it's not supposed to be easy... we will pass this on to the developers" nonsense; doing so just insults your players.

That's some impressive math. Loved it. I was aware that the situation is bad and the events are completely P2W, but I didn't realize it was this bad. This is insane. I am so disappointed in this game and how it is being managed and developed. Once again I had my hopes up by a mobile game and it ended like EVERY OTHER TIME. God damn mobile gaming is just dumb.
Jul 6, 2019, 09:1207/06/19

I think this deserves a decent reply from the community managers. 

As I said I pay in this game and I don't see this challenge at all being plausible. And the event is not for an legendary it's for an epic.

We still have to acquire the other epics for this legendary which I imagine is going to be another impossible task.

I think the daily login etc and other changes have been good this patch. 

Though this event has not been aimed at your entire player base but at an select few that will pay alot of money to complete this. 

Jul 6, 2019, 14:2607/06/19

Lykaon. said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. It is true that the event is not an easy one, but it shouldn't be, either. Yes, it was best to be prepared for it and we also mentioned this when warning about the big break between the events a couple of weeks ago. The event lasts for 10 days, which should be enough to level and rank up a lot of champions. Also, we have added Chickens, which will help you to grow your food for heroes faster.

Cirilla, please, please stop with the "events should not be easy" mantra.

We. Get. That. And. It. Is. Insulting.

Are you able to describe what scenario you and/or the developers envision would allow a F2P player to complete the current leveling event in its entirety?  I cannot come up with any scenario that is achievable for a F2P player.  The best I could come up with is the following:

Let's assume that the F2P player has a large number of mystery shards saved up.  A vast majority of players don't have many, if any, ancient/void/sacred shards saved up, so this seems to be a reasonable assumption.  As an example, I have over 2000 mystery shards, but only 27 ancient and just one void shard currently.  That void shard has gone unused for about a month now, so it is not like I'm using shards as soon as I get them.

Most F2P players, regardless of any "advance warning", do not have large numbers of higher rank (4*, 5*, 6*) champions just sitting around, ready to be leveled/ranked up, so I will assume we happen to have none at all.  I had about five of them not already leveled up.

We're going to use solely champions summoned using mystery shards and see where that gets us.

We will use the campaign level Brutal 11.3 as our farming level.  Yes, we could use 12.3 or 12.6, but 11.3 is pretty close to those in terms of experience gained and I can consistently beat it whereas 12.x results in some defeats which just complicates the math here.

We also will assume we're somehow able to keep 2x exp up and running during the entire event.

At 2x exp it takes three runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 1* from lv1 to lv10.  That gets us 10 points.  We can run three at a time when farming, so 30 points.  Three runs costs us 24 energy.

At 2x exp it takes ten runs through brutal 11.3 to raise a 2* from lv1 to lv20.  That gets us 20 points.  Again, running three at a time gets us 60 points.  Ten runs costs us 80 energy.

For a 3*, fully leveling three at a time through brutal 11.3 gets us 180 points (23 runs through brutal 11.3 at 2x exp, 184 energy).

If, over the course of this 10 day period, we use 498 mystery shards, we should get, on average, around 370 1*, 121 2*, and 7 3* champions.

We can fully level up 369 of the 1* champions for a total of 3690 points.  We can rank up 184 of them for an additional 920 points.  That gets us 4610 points and costs us 2952 energy.

We can then take the 121 2* champs from the mystery shards along with the 184 that were ranked up from 1* and fully level 303 of them for 6060 points.  We can then rank up 101 of them for an additional 1515 points.  That gets us another 7575 points and costs us another 8080 energy, for a total of 12185 points and 11032 energy expended.

We can then take the 7 3* champs from the mystery shards along with the 101 of them ranked up from 2* and fully level all 108 of them for 6480 points.  We can then rank up 27 of them for an additional 1350 points.  That gets us another 7830 points and costs us another 6624 energy, bringing us to a grand total of 20015 points and 17656 energy expended.

17656 energy... we get 480 energy per day (1 energy every 3 minutes).  We also get a free refill as a daily quest reward and another free refill each day if we play for 60+ minutes.  Let's assume that the F2P player is level 50, so each refill is another 120 energy.  That's 720 energy per day, or 7200 energy maximum over the 10 days.  Yes, we probably will get some additional energy from a weekly quest reward or something, but let's just keep it at 7200 for the sake of argument.

17656 energy needed minus 7200 free energy over the 10 day event leaves 10456 energy that has to come from somewhere...  time to purchase some refills!  How many would we need?  At 120 energy per refill, we would need a mere 88 refills!  No problem... how many gems might that cost?  40 gems per refill... 3520 gems!  Those can be had for a small sum of $89.97 in the shop.

F2P... $89.97 in the shop... Hmmm...

So, tell us again, Cirilla, how this event is supposed to be completed by a F2P player, someone who likely doesn't have dozens of 4*, 5*, and 6* champions just sitting around waiting to be leveled/ranked?  If it's something that can be achieved, then lay it out for us in detail.  Don't just brush us off with "it's not supposed to be easy... we will pass this on to the developers" nonsense; doing so just insults your players.

Yes, your Math is correct. But your forgot some things (or rather don´t Mention them because they don´t fit in your Little world of mimimi-crying?):

First of all, the argument with missing preparation is neglible, since it was announced, that we are supposed to prepare the event. I, for instance, had a blank 5* and a leveled up 5* to upgrade right away, + you get the points from leveling those newly upgraded hereos as well. And this is not even a good preparation compared to to other Players. 

2nd, you totally ignore experience-potions: I started the event with 60 blues, 85 Greens, 71 reds and 120 voids. Lets ignore the voids for a second and focus on the other ones, and do another math-example: Every potion gets - when put on the right affinity - 18.750 experience. Meaning with my - quite small I might add - bank I have a bit over 4 Million experience points stored up. So, lets take this number and set it into context of energy.

A run on 12.3 with double exp will net you around 8.600 xxp per Hero, meaning a total of 25.800 xxp per 8 Energy. Meaning you would save around 1240 Energy already. 

You also ignored the possible 3* drops on the way while farming, the 2* drops while farming, any stored 3* units that will result in more points and the workaround with upgraded 4*, where you can level them up to around 25 for a more effective point-energy-result.

And at last, because it is just a minor difference, you ignored the energy and energy refills from other events during that period, but I´ll let that one go, since we also need some Energy to grind the dungeons for some of the rares ;-)

All in all: Yes, the event is quite hard. Yes, I don´t know if I can manage to get it done. But calling it "impossible for a f2p-player (like I am for instance) is quite a joke, especially, since it is not that difficult in this game to store up rubys for such occasions as well. You need about a month for 1k with mine Level 3, you could have kept that in the bank.

Jul 6, 2019, 15:4807/06/19

First to start this off,in my honest opinion this isn't even business anymore,it's just evil.In the past month there have been 3 dungeon divers events without any artifact upgrade event,now we are getting the 4th dungeon divers.I had to sell over 500 5* shields i had saved up because i had full inventory and full inbox and i also needed the silver for all these events.Anyone wanna guess what next event will be?Pretty sure Artifact upgrade and won't be able to complete it.I'm pretty sure many other players are in the same boat.

Then,instead of any content...we get some jacked up dungeons and all the monsters and bosses in the game gain accuracy and resistance.So no,they won't give you any content,just make the game harder.

Legendary gear is even worse than epic because of the RNG.IT basically makes it even more disappointing when you have a almost perfect stats gear and the upgrade lands on resistance or plain def.

Chicken...we get like what, 1 4* in a week long event?Daily login is pretty nice but useless if you can't stack energy and xp boosts for later in the inbox.I refuse to stack energy and lose 480 per day.

I'm not sure who is advising and beta testing for this company but they have absolutely no knowledge how online games work and how to keep customers happy.They learned some psychology about hook/habit/hobby shit and how to go "whale hunting" and that's it.

Plarium,i hope you guys are preparing a new game because this one is on  it's way out...Some guy asked me on this forum why am i so pessimistic about this game and here is your answer