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(Patch Notes) (07.05.2019) Update 1.7 Patch Notes

(Patch Notes) (07.05.2019) Update 1.7 Patch Notes

Jul 1, 2019, 20:4407/01/19
Jul 1, 2019, 20:44(edited)
^^^This is actually the whiniest thing I've read today.......   I have spent money as well, there is no guarantee of any specific drops.  I hope that the next fusion is a good value hero but if not, that life! Get used to it lol.  If you spend money on the lottery and don't win and the next guy hit the jackpot what are you gonna do, yell at Marius because it's his fault you wasted your money?!?!?!
Jul 2, 2019, 07:1607/02/19

Plarium has earned $ 7 million in this game. Is it not possible to allocate some of these funds for the release of patches on time?

Jul 2, 2019, 07:5307/02/19
yanejonnydepp said:

So where's the promised today patch notes of 1.8 update?

Once I have confirmation that 1.8 is good to go and is in the "Light Update" phase, i.e. available in stores, but the features are not yet enabled, I will be able to post the notes.
Jul 2, 2019, 08:0907/02/19

Marius said:

yanejonnydepp said:

So where's the promised today patch notes of 1.8 update?

Once I have confirmation that 1.8 is good to go and is in the "Light Update" phase, i.e. available in stores, but the features are not yet enabled, I will be able to post the notes.

Maybe stop delete comments at 1st?

And on second maybe don't give promises which u can't complete ?
Jul 2, 2019, 09:0807/02/19
blakecovell said:

I have purchased void shards twice, and a few other packs you offer and have not gotten any useful heroes from them whatsoever. I am getting ready to stop playing because I have dedicated so much time to this game and the in game rewards as well as the ones I have purchased have given me absolutely nothing of value. The sacred shards I used gave me useless heroes as well. I understand you try to balance the game but for players like me it is discouraging. You hit a wall and there isn’t really a way to move past it. What do I do? Dedicate another 100 hours to gathering a few sacred or void shards and get useless heroes again? Then what? 

The time required to gather these is not worth the return. Especially not when I have gone into my own pocket and not gotten even one legendary or epic champion that is of use. No legendary and maybe 2 epics that I can’t use. Please fix this for me or I’m just gonna stop playing and paying money for the packs you offer. As of now it has been a total rip off. Fix it. 

I don't understand the wall you're talking about since you can go to the very end game with farmable heroes.
Jul 2, 2019, 10:0607/02/19
)kumiluoti said:

blakecovell said:

I have purchased void shards twice, and a few other packs you offer and have not gotten any useful heroes from them whatsoever. I am getting ready to stop playing because I have dedicated so much time to this game and the in game rewards as well as the ones I have purchased have given me absolutely nothing of value. The sacred shards I used gave me useless heroes as well. I understand you try to balance the game but for players like me it is discouraging. You hit a wall and there isn’t really a way to move past it. What do I do? Dedicate another 100 hours to gathering a few sacred or void shards and get useless heroes again? Then what? 

The time required to gather these is not worth the return. Especially not when I have gone into my own pocket and not gotten even one legendary or epic champion that is of use. No legendary and maybe 2 epics that I can’t use. Please fix this for me or I’m just gonna stop playing and paying money for the packs you offer. As of now it has been a total rip off. Fix it. 

I don't understand the wall you're talking about since you can go to the very end game with farmable heroes.
Yeah go in gold 4  with heroes from campany. Ha ha ha 
Jul 2, 2019, 10:5407/02/19
Hoddooorr said:

Maybe stop delete comments at 1st?

And on second maybe don't give promises which u can't complete ?
Haven't touched the posts, but I've seen that several were deleted - assume it was done by the posters themselves, or moderators if the posts broke rules. As for your accusation, I did specifically state that we only have plans, nothing that can be confirmed yet and all depends on how validation goes. 
Jul 2, 2019, 11:0207/02/19
Marius said:

Welcome to the forum! There will be a new thread for 1.8 Patch Notes. I'm not going to go in-depth about the issues that the Update faced, but there should be more information on the ETA a bit later today.
"a bit later today" was yesterday, and there is still no information. Your turn.
Jul 2, 2019, 12:0007/02/19
Hoddooorr said:

)kumiluoti said:

blakecovell said:

I have purchased void shards twice, and a few other packs you offer and have not gotten any useful heroes from them whatsoever. I am getting ready to stop playing because I have dedicated so much time to this game and the in game rewards as well as the ones I have purchased have given me absolutely nothing of value. The sacred shards I used gave me useless heroes as well. I understand you try to balance the game but for players like me it is discouraging. You hit a wall and there isn’t really a way to move past it. What do I do? Dedicate another 100 hours to gathering a few sacred or void shards and get useless heroes again? Then what? 

The time required to gather these is not worth the return. Especially not when I have gone into my own pocket and not gotten even one legendary or epic champion that is of use. No legendary and maybe 2 epics that I can’t use. Please fix this for me or I’m just gonna stop playing and paying money for the packs you offer. As of now it has been a total rip off. Fix it. 

I don't understand the wall you're talking about since you can go to the very end game with farmable heroes.
Yeah go in gold 4  with heroes from campany. Ha ha ha 
There's actually multiple videos in YouTube covering this and yes it's doable. Maybe not Gold 4 but i myself have reached Gold 3 with only using farmable champions.
Jul 2, 2019, 15:4007/02/19

Marius said:

Submitted for validation, expecting further information.

Will just add my +1 to the whine of this thread - theres nothing I could add to the concern, that you aren´t aware of.

I´m still looking forward for the patch and can´t wait for it. 

Now something that I want to add: Thank you Marius, that you show presence even in this "unsmoothy" times, were you are not able to satisfy us completly with your answers. You could stay away or just say "soon", but you are sharing the informations you get without making promisses. Much appreciated.

Jul 2, 2019, 22:2407/02/19
STILL CANT LOG ON!....still getting re-Login or Support error! Tried everything, is there something wrong with servers?
Jul 3, 2019, 05:1507/03/19

i was playing art of conquest for 17 months and  they are doing big updates every week or max 2 weeks, how they are able  to do this thing? without delay or stuff like that( apple user)

ask other companies how they do, or stuff like that cuz i see is possible for other games 
Jul 3, 2019, 16:4707/03/19
Jul 4, 2019, 13:12(edited)

I think being in gold 4 with farmables really depends on the shard or arena server you are on.I have seen people on youtube yesterday in gold 4 fighting people with 60-70k power while i can't get past silver 4 because i am faced with only 90 and 100k.

Not sure how this works exactly but if you are on an older shard you can't get to gold 4 unless you have some crazy legendary teams.I know this issue was the same in other games.

Maybe a Dev or Mod can chime in on this?Some transparency with arena tiers would be welcome.
