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Update Highlights 2.20

Update Highlights 2.20

Sep 10, 2020, 16:3909/10/20
Sep 10, 2020, 16:40(edited)

To all those who say 'give us back the books we used on champions who got nerfed to make it fair'. So when a champion gets buffed, should it be deleted from your account and you reimbursed with a shard you pulled it from? It would be fair.

If Rotos gets nerfed, you get back your books and chickens.

But if Draco gets buffed, Draco is removed from your account and you get an ancient or a sacred you pulled Draco from. 

Sounds fair! Lets to it!

Sep 10, 2020, 16:4209/10/20
nobody gives you back stuff after nerfs in any game
Sep 10, 2020, 16:4309/10/20

Wrong ... because the investment is based on the status of the champion if they do it wrong, it is not our problem .... they create champion OK at first.

Sep 10, 2020, 16:4409/10/20
Duchess was well balanced, why the hell are you guys nerfing her? And this change only makes her useless in Clan Boss, changes absolutely nothing in Arena whatsoever since fights usually don't last for 5 turns anyways, you guys don't have a god damn brain cell among you.
Sep 10, 2020, 16:4509/10/20
Sep 10, 2020, 16:46(edited)
Khorona was very good in PvE but is much weaker now. To nerf void legendary like that is a death sentence to players who paid a lot in void shard. I can't get the reason behind to nerf his meter control as not many ppl used him in arena, or used him but was one shot killed by rotos.
Sep 10, 2020, 16:4709/10/20

They should atleast give us a way to get the books back using Gems or something, if not for free, it's long overdue. Especially considering how expensive and rare books are in this game.

why so mad said:

To all those who say 'give us back the books we used on champions who got nerfed to make it fair'. So when a champion gets buffed, should it be deleted from your account and you reimbursed with a shard you pulled it from? It would be fair.

If Rotos gets nerfed, you get back your books and chickens.

But if Draco gets buffed, Draco is removed from your account and you get an ancient or a sacred you pulled Draco from. 

Sounds fair! Lets to it!

Sep 10, 2020, 16:5209/10/20
everybody knew ROTOS IS OP and will be nerfed . dont cry now
Sep 10, 2020, 16:5609/10/20

why so mad said:

To all those who say 'give us back the books we used on champions who got nerfed to make it fair'. So when a champion gets buffed, should it be deleted from your account and you reimbursed with a shard you pulled it from? It would be fair.

If Rotos gets nerfed, you get back your books and chickens.

But if Draco gets buffed, Draco is removed from your account and you get an ancient or a sacred you pulled Draco from. 

Sounds fair! Lets to it!

You should get back any books spent on champions that were heavily changed, whether it be buff or nerf, then let us decide if we want to use those books again on the updated champion. 
Sep 10, 2020, 17:0109/10/20
For Serris I would recommend that they just move the decrease attack from her A3 to her A1 and replace the fear debuff with decrease attack, this way, she becomes way more viable in clan boss and not so busted in the Arena. There's atleast some decent counterplay to it. It doesn't seem like these guys understand their own game even one bit. And the Duchess nerf is absurd and stupid beyond reason, it only makes her useless in Clan Boss and doesn't serve any other purpose.

Valkay said:

Plarium Please Reconsider your approach on Dutchess Liltu and Serries

You will notice a pattern in both discord and here that everyone agrees on these two Serries Nerf is usless and Liltu's nerf doesn't address her problem but ruins everyones clan boss and dungeon teams what really needs to be nerfed with her is her shields just reduce her Booked Shields 40%MaxHP Shield on her and another champion to either (25 or 30% instead) or change the champs or how she places the shields that make her harder to kill as for Serries make the reduce defence or atk one of them at least their weak version when used in arena and apply only after the remove debuffs so that there is a change to stop these debuffs at least.

Sep 10, 2020, 17:0109/10/20

So you’ ve just killed my best champions, so give me back books from Rotos, because now he is not a gold hero, but piece of shirt. RIP the hero who equaled donate and f2p players. Instead you’re improve the hero which is already MVP, as Tormin or Warlord. Nerf Lilit is breaking up my clan boss stratagy, but unkill is still using as well as half year ago. Well done Plarium!!! So we have no new fraction, no new content, no quality improvement of weak hero. But we have great  nerf of available golds and great improvement of Void gold hero in case to players donate as more as they can! Great job! There is no motivation to play in your donated trash.

P.S. RIP my best friend Rotos.
Sep 10, 2020, 17:1609/10/20


Please don't nerf duchess in PvE. Please. You already killed her shield by changing the A1 from additive to multiplicative. In the most intuitive interpretation, the booked A1 should be putting MASSIVE shields out and all it gets is 30% bonus on top of the 10% HP base line. You're talking the difference between an 8K shield, and a 25K shield. (at approx 60K hp). Effectively, the last 3 LEGENDARY BOOKS on Duchess A1 gives an extra 1800 point shield at 60K hp.  THREE BOOKS FOR 1800 HP!!! LUDICROUS!  Just change the talent. Reword it. Do something to not make half the books you put into duchess a waste. and THEN comes an extension to the CD?  Why not Nerf her AOE dmg reduction aura (again) or get rid of it. At least that does something to balance PvP while screwing with CB teams. Clearly her original concept made her Legendary. The continuing changes put that into doubt. Even if her raw skills are strong enough to make her legendary, the lengthy cooldowns put her into the questionably usable category. Duchess is a big part of my team.  It's hard to accept but I may bench her for a Spirithost.

Why are you calling the change to Abbess a buff when she puts herself to sleep? This is a MASSIVE nerf. Even combined with a positive change, it should be highlighted in red. Also what is the point? She isn't so OP that you need to add a self debuff sleep. Quite a foolish choice for an under performing legendary.

It's obvious that you must balance over-performing champions. I'd be very curious to see some developer notes on the reasoning behind a number of the changes (that effect me). I'm sure everyone would appreciate notes on some of the bigger or more surprising changes. What did you see that you want to change from xyz buff or nerf? What expectations do you have for the heroes you change? Obviously the player base will work it out on it's own. That doesn't mean a one or two line note wouldn't help.

Please revert the Duchess change.

Yours in gaming addiction,


Sep 10, 2020, 17:2409/10/20
Why do you do this? How do I get my legendary books back?! This is awful. Stop paying these people!
Sep 10, 2020, 17:2509/10/20

I agree with you completely. I don’t know what they are doing. But Tormin has been changed soooooo many times it’s crazy

There is no point in pulling shards in this game or bothering to get new champions. They can just change them later anyway. 

Dutchess wasn’t near as good after the first nerf. Now she’s even worse. Ya a Spirit host would be a good replacement 
Sep 10, 2020, 17:2709/10/20

So this is your "huge" champion rebalance... Dear god we do not have the same definition of this word.

This looks lazy at best.

You didn't address most of the current broken champions issues and didn't really buff any champions either.
Look at Rowan for example, people complained that she has so little def she isn't suitable for any content (she's got good ATK but hits like a noodle). But you only change small numbers to the chances of placing debuff to her skills. And she's a void epic.

This is just an example but it shows that you're completely missing the point for most of these champions.

Dutchess didn't need a nerf.
Warlord didn't need a buff.
Serris isn't nerfed at all.
Rotos changes are decent.
Gruptuk is still uber trash.
And most of the other are meh.

Why are you so afraid to decently buff champs ?
Give them a purpose instead of being vault guards...

Sep 10, 2020, 17:3109/10/20
So what you’re saying is, you’ve made 0 changes to belanor, a freaking void attack legendary that literally requires you to have ANOTHER LEGENDARY to do anything... placing perfect veil means nothing, you fixed his AI like, that’s cool.... no one uses him without Zavia.... just this oversight alone makes me care about it less... like come on... you think slapping a useless aura is going to do anything most monsters in the game are aoe, where would you throw belanor that would make that even remotely useful.... rediculous
Sep 10, 2020, 17:3209/10/20
Sep 10, 2020, 17:36(edited)

We increase Duchess Lilitu’s Skill cooldowns for the same reasons as that is one of the least painful ways of balancing her without affecting the Champion’s core strengths

This is actually the most painful way you could have nerfed her, it makes her unusable in clan boss and it changes nothing in arena in terms of balance. You could have simply reduced the value of her shields to make her less annoying and that would have been a much better change. This completely ruins her. You guys should reconsider this nerf and nerf her in some other way. You could have increased the cooldown of her Revive skill, or maybe remove the veil buff from her revive skill, there are several ways you could have gone about this nerf that would have made a lot more sense than this.

Sep 10, 2020, 17:3409/10/20

1. Rotos the Lost Groom  - will be just 0   ( -dmg, -block res). Remove this trash extra turn from a1 and leave all another stuff

2. "Madame Serris

Removes all buffs from enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff and a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns."

Skill with buff remove and place biggest debuff in-game must be separated or debuff for 1 turn. This is epic champ btw....why sethallia so weak?

STOP to smoke!!! if You think this is nerf for epic....

Sep 10, 2020, 17:4109/10/20

Lol bisthopus Is shit

Sep 10, 2020, 17:4709/10/20

Cant believe you destroy rotos for CB and also for arena

I have 2 of them fully booked, it costed me a lot of real money

now I will have to buy new champs top replace them, great job Plarium, you will be richer and your players poorer.

duchess is also out of the CB, Why? are you releasing new champs and want more money?

Very Disappointing

Sep 10, 2020, 17:5609/10/20

Hakkorhn Smashlord

Rallying Bellow

Removes all debuffs from all allies, then places a [Block Debuffs] buff on all allies for 2 turns. 

Why is this in green??? Is The same skill, they don't change anything!!!