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Wheel of Fortune discount has not changed in 2 weeks

Wheel of Fortune discount has not changed in 2 weeks

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Mar 7, 2017, 18:4903/07/17

Greetings pirates

30 + days now with my wheel of fortune stuck on Fortifications 

I am already at lvl 5 with all 

A reply from both Andrew and Helga at support stating they were aware and all over this 

This was 2 weeks ago 

Ya i know Alonya each case is separate

But with 2 of Plariums finest working on my tickets you would think i would have some results by now 

Not the case here 

My tickets have since been closed 

What now ? 


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 9, 2017, 12:4303/09/17
Kaptain Kidd said:

Greetings pirates

30 + days now with my wheel of fortune stuck on Fortifications 

I am already at lvl 5 with all 

A reply from both Andrew and Helga at support stating they were aware and all over this 

This was 2 weeks ago 

Ya i know Alonya each case is separate

But with 2 of Plariums finest working on my tickets you would think i would have some results by now 

Not the case here 

My tickets have since been closed 

What now ? 


Unfortunately, some issues can be fixed only by devs, when the update comes.
Mar 9, 2017, 15:5203/09/17
Well it seems l gave plarium too much credit, for finally fixing my wheel of fortune. it has now reverted back to 50-60% sketches for rubies for 3 days in a row now. No Honey No Money Plarium. last money l spend on this Game. BTW not sending in another ticket. Looks like this game will get bugged out of playability, like so many others.
Mar 9, 2017, 18:1103/09/17
Mine finally changed this morning after offering barrels for a month or more.
Mar 9, 2017, 18:5503/09/17

awmllr said:

Mine finally changed this morning after offering barrels for a month or more.

If your map has global barrels discount like The Golden Coast, I wouldn't be so quick to be happy about it. The Wheel never gives the same discount as the global one (and, if they collide, the Wheel changes its offer).

But I do wish you good luck with the Wheel.

Mar 9, 2017, 19:3603/09/17

Greetings pirates 

I just find it hard to believe it is taking this long to get this bug under control 

Plarium is losing revenue by not fixing it 

Nobody is going to spend rubies buying the same useless item offered to them for the last 30 + days 

And we all know that Plarium is revenue greedy

The developers and programmers can spend all kinds off time screwing up the TI's Prizes and what ever new tweeks they plan  putting on the players 

But cannot take the time to fix the bugs that are affecting game play 

Again well done Plarium 

If i ran my company like you run yours i would be out of business by now 


Mar 10, 2017, 13:2103/10/17

It's been almost 2 months now that my wheel has been stuck on fortifications

I've tried contacting support twice about it and I've never received a reply,, Just the automated response.

I'm beginning to wonder if the golden age of pirates tides of fortune is over as it seems there's no support anymore
Mar 10, 2017, 15:1803/10/17
Crowbar said:

awmllr said:

Mine finally changed this morning after offering barrels for a month or more.

If your map has global barrels discount like The Golden Coast, I wouldn't be so quick to be happy about it. The Wheel never gives the same discount as the global one (and, if they collide, the Wheel changes its offer).

But I do wish you good luck with the Wheel.

You right Crowbar. I'm over a barrel again.
Mar 10, 2017, 22:5203/10/17
Sorry to hear that. I'm not a bit happy to be right about this one. 
Mar 12, 2017, 02:2403/12/17

I have mentioned this b4 that I also get the same rotten offer and even decided to buy it to see if it would change, it did not.  I too have submitted tickets to no avail. but please do try again to submit a ticket  good luck and pleasant sailing.

Mar 14, 2017, 00:4803/14/17
My wheel of barrels finally switched to 30% off resources today. Maybe it's fixed this time ???????
Mar 14, 2017, 06:5703/14/17
awmllr said:

My wheel of barrels finally switched to 30% off resources today. Maybe it's fixed this time ???????
Let's hope so. Good luck! 
Mar 15, 2017, 22:0203/15/17

Greetings pirates 

Low and behold my wheel of misfortune has finally changed after 30 + days of being stuck on fortifications 

To 50 % off discovery mastery boosts

We will see if it gets stuck there now for 30 + days

But now the dreaded mail bug is back yet again with a vengeance 

Fix one bug and create several more seems to be Plariums motto 

For  once just  get it right Please 


Mar 16, 2017, 07:0303/16/17

Kaptain Kidd said:

Fix one bug and create several more seems to be Plariums motto

You can't say they're not constantly expanding their games. 

I think that my Wheel is formally OK, since it gives various offers. However, it's barrels, boosts, resources, fortifications (my haven is maxed on those and fully expanded). Haven't had a revival discount (on the Wheel) in months and troops training in years. At this point, I'm just ignoring the damn thing. It's useless, IMO, thus saving me rubies I'd otherwise be tempted to spend. 
Mar 16, 2017, 13:3103/16/17
I agree
Mar 22, 2017, 21:5803/22/17

About right on the discounts it rotates. What happened to the unit cost discount or prestige discount. Haven't seen that one in almost 2 years :(

Mar 23, 2017, 06:4203/23/17

Icy said:

About right on the discounts it rotates. What happened to the unit cost discount or prestige discount. Haven't seen that one in almost 2 years :(

I had a discount for a 30d ruby activator some time in the last Autumn. I usually play without prestige, but I did take this one. The Wheel didn't take a hint.

As for troops training one, nope. The last one I had was a few months after the wheel was introduced, but I've heard that it's still around. Apparently, some coiner got stuck on that offer (unless it's just a rumour, of course).