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Wheel of Fortune discount has not changed in 2 weeks

Wheel of Fortune discount has not changed in 2 weeks

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Feb 23, 2017, 14:2202/23/17

Kaptain Kidd said:

@ Alyona Your reply here is typical and almost laughable 
If there is a bug ? No we players write here because we like your replies NOT

You're being too harsh. While I agree that this is being mishandled, it's not Alyona's fault. We give you the available info and instructions, but she has no more control over other departments than we mods do. In other words, don't shoot the messenger. ;-)

Kaptain Kidd said:

A discount on upgrade etchings or rubies would be nice

You can't buy rubies on the Wheel. You can only spend them there. And I don't think that they offer etchings there. At least I never got such an offer. Only global discounts on them.

However, they do offer troops revivals, discounted veterans, etc. and those discounts would indeed be nice to have.
Feb 23, 2017, 19:0002/23/17

Greetings pirates 

Yes you are correct here Crowbar 

Perhaps that was a little harsh 

Alyona i apologize 

i know that the CM and mods have no no control over support or development 

But this thread exists because obviously there is a problem here 

I also play Total Domination and have the same problem there 

@ Crowbar I have been playing both for over a year now and know that the wheel of fortune offers no such  discounts on rubies or upgrade etchings 

What i am saying is it would be nice if Plarium did offer something more useful than barrels skins haven defense  and troop revival 

Not all of us are coiners and would rather build troops than pay to revive them and how many skins does one player need ?

Just saying 


Feb 23, 2017, 19:3802/23/17
Feb 23, 2017, 19:44(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Kaptain Kidd said:

I just wish my wheel of misfortune was stuck on something i could use 

All cases are investigated individually by Support. Unfortunately, there's no way we could help you with technical issues on Forum. Forum is a place where you can receive some help with gameplay issues while all technical ones should be reported directly to Support.

May I remind you of this

"As every community manager and every gamer knows, all too often, some of the mechanisms that form the regular gameplay are cursed with bugs and glitches. Listen, and heed the words of the Lords and Ladies discussing the matter on the forum thread! Enter the game yourself, and verify whether the issue proves to be true, or whether the complaints are naught but rumors. If there is a real problem, make haste and send a Jira bug-report to the programming wizards. Once they have mastered a counter-spell, inform your people about it without hesitation! Make a detailed post to assuage any panic!"

This bug has been going on for months and you announced that it had been fixed

This should not be handled on an individual basis - what do you want? Thousands of tickets being sent from all plarium games and servers, and each one being fixed one at a time. That is insane

Feb 23, 2017, 19:5602/23/17

Kaptain Kidd said:

What i am saying is it would be nice if Plarium did offer something more useful than barrels skins haven defense  and troop revival 

Not all of us are coiners and would rather build troops than pay to revive them and how many skins does one player need ?

Agreed completely. There used to be nice discounts on veterans. I had 70-80% a few times, but that was 2 years ago. Now, I use 30d prestige if it's around 50% (otherwise I play without prestige), revivals if I really need them and the last global one was recently, and haven improvements if around 60% or more.

I think they will add etchings to the Wheel once the "normal" sales start dropping. They are already offering them on global discounts (which is the only way I buy them now).

Everything else are, as I call them, "perfect offers", because they save me rubies (I don't spend them on sucky offers ;-)). Same with "ruby specials". Unless I get 70% or more on "3 chests", I wait for my standard offers to drop to minimum, then - after a while - I buy this: . Patience is a poor man's friend and lame ruby offers save real world money. ;-)

@Erik: Please read the first half of my previous post.

Feb 24, 2017, 01:3902/24/17
My wheel of fortune has been stuck on barrels for over three weeks now. I submitted yet another ticket, but don't care if it gets fixed or not. The way this game has been going these last few months, and the support we have received....... I'm looking for Plarium to pull the plug on this game any day now.
Feb 27, 2017, 11:4002/27/17
My "wheel" is stuck on 40% improvements.  A purchase does not allow progression to other discounts.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Feb 27, 2017, 13:1902/27/17

rbrian said:

My "wheel" is stuck on 40% improvements.  A purchase does not allow progression to other discounts.

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket:

Mar 1, 2017, 13:3303/01/17
Mar 1, 2017, 14:04(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

rbrian said:

My "wheel" is stuck on 40% improvements.  A purchase does not allow progression to other discounts.

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket:

Alyona, please stop insulting us with your cut/paste answers

Maybe you should read this (posted today on facebook)
If Stormfall and Facebook can recognise this as a GLOBAL problem, then why can't you?

Mar 1, 2017, 15:1703/01/17

Mine has been stuck on 50% Fortification purchase for over a month!

After two weeks I tried contacting Plarium and received an automated response and nothing since.

Now that they've changed the support page I can't contact at all.

Did they shut down support?

All I can see there now is a useless FAQ
Mar 1, 2017, 19:2903/01/17

Black Caesar said:

Mine has been stuck on 50% Fortification purchase for over a month!

After two weeks I tried contacting Plarium and received an automated response and nothing since.

Now that they've changed the support page I can't contact at all.

Did they shut down support?

All I can see there now is a useless FAQ

It seems support page changed much.

There is now a sign in button on the top, but i don't understand how it works:

This you will see after clicking on this button - so there are some options:

I am a agent (no) or I have forget my password (no) - how does that works?

Sign in with Facebook, Google - i dont tried it, cause i will not do this.

Do we must really sign up totally different to the support as to the game? With our real life name and the e-mailadresses of the game? Whats with the old tickets - the support already has much datas, e-mailadresses from us. What happens to our open tickets? All done with the Support change?

On the first link you will find the option: you have e-mailed us (yes, i wrote back to a open ticket a few days ago) get a password, but after i tried this i got following:

So it seems so much options but only 3 will do it. 

To Sign in with Facebook or Google or to sign in totally new with RL name/ e-mailadress. 

Mar 2, 2017, 13:4503/02/17
I for one feel the wheel of fortune is a waste as I also get the same useless offer never any good ones. I even purchased one to see if it would change and it did not.  I've submitted tickets about this b4 the change over to plarium and even with the change over it's still stinks. Get rid of it. but that is just my personal opinion.
Mar 6, 2017, 15:4903/06/17
My wheel of fortune is finally working today. :)
Mar 6, 2017, 17:4303/06/17


My wheel of fortune is finally working today. :)

What did you get? From 40% off to 50% off on resources? :)

Mine is on a 40% to 50% loop with zero offers for, hmmm... Haven increase size perhaps?
Mar 6, 2017, 19:3703/06/17
azhaarlaghari said:


My wheel of fortune is finally working today. :)

What did you get? From 40% off to 50% off on resources? :)

Mine is on a 40% to 50% loop with zero offers for, hmmm... Haven increase size perhaps?

Mar 6, 2017, 20:1103/06/17
l followed Alyonas link to support. that was my third ticket and Andrew from support sent me an email saying, this is a bug and we are looking into it. that was 3 days ago! Today my wheel of fortune finally changed after a month or so from 50-60 % of sketches for rubies to 30% Nautical charts.
Mar 7, 2017, 04:4203/07/17
My wheel of Barrels is still offering a fortune. Or something like that. Maybe someone will look at one of my tickets someday.
Mar 7, 2017, 09:0903/07/17

My Wheel says the same since 4 or 5 Week. It means i should by a new Skin for my funny Little Island... Support was contacted, Support answered that the bug is fixed (3 weeks ago) and nothing happened. like all the Time....

Alyona you said:

All cases are investigated individually by Support. Unfortunately, there's no way we could help you with technical issues on Forum. Forum is a place where you can receive some help with gameplay issues while all technical ones should be reported directly to Support.

I think that is quite funny, becaus it makes this whole bug-Section in the Forum totally useless. why is here a Bug-Section if your anser is "we cant do anything bla bla bla contact Support bla bla bla...

Close The bug section in total and make e Big movinb blinking Red Text which says: "Welcome To the Forum, we cant help you contact Support bye!"

i think that whould help the Players as much as the phrases you shoot around all the time

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 7, 2017, 10:2303/07/17
Scud88 said:

My Wheel says the same since 4 or 5 Week. It means i should by a new Skin for my funny Little Island... Support was contacted, Support answered that the bug is fixed (3 weeks ago) and nothing happened. like all the Time....

Have you contacted them to let them know it wasn't fixed for you? :)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 7, 2017, 10:2603/07/17

Scud88 said:

I think that is quite funny, becaus it makes this whole bug-Section in the Forum totally useless. why is here a Bug-Section if your anser is "we cant do anything bla bla bla contact Support bla bla bla...

In case if the bug is easy to reproduce on any account, and it's not account-related, I can pass it to devs directly. But if it requires testing under certain circumstances, or checking game logs/account information, only Support Team can test and document this bug.

Also, in this thread you can receive information about the most common and known issues :)