fakeasnever said:
@lochlan297 (6 July, 2015, 1:22 PM UTC):
You're lucky it wasn't any worse... :DYou'd have to be speaking mutant or some other form of gibberish in order for me to not know what you're saying... I have the power of the internet and extrapolation to help me figure out anything else.
Yes. The Internet can be a powerful ally when in the right hands
you must learn to use it to its full extent
Hiya, I'm a high-schooler that likes to bee happy!
"I'm a hungry hungry herbivore,
plants are what I'm hungry for;
I don't eat insects, don't eat critters,
just give me some of those dern fern fritters.
If you're a hungry herbivore,
the world is full of food,
all you've gotta follow is this simple rule:
if it's green, it's GOOD!!!... etc."
Welcome aboard the Dinosaur Train, folks! XD