Creed HellRazzer said:
How is it that some support staff aBuss the code an when u attack there alt acount they stop u from reporting them an lock ur acount can any 1 give me a reson as 2 why this is ??????????
Indeed wrong topic.
But please explain who and what. But make shure you have proper proof of this accusation!
fakeasnever said:
@CK-Basilius Errant Le'reaper (16 March, 2015, 8:33 PM UTC):
I think an arrow to the knee sounds fancier lol
In case you didn't know:
And of course Basil, I'm much more lovable, like a cuddly teddy bear :P
Creed HellRazzer said:
How is it that some support staff aBuss the code an when u attack there alt acount they stop u from reporting them an lock ur acount can any 1 give me a reson as 2 why this is ??????????
Commander, we never lock players for reporting alts or any other issues. You have confused the case with something else. If you want discuss the case, write me in PM (Our Team section)