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Stoneheart Castle Dev Notes

Stoneheart Castle Dev Notes

9 лют. 2018, 11:5009.02.18
Скажите пожалуйста, чем Вы руководствовались, когда ставили такие цены, т.е. откуда такое количество ресурсов  и сапфиров брать???
9 лют. 2018, 13:5109.02.18

Yet again an update that is ill conceived and Poorly thought out. There are some discrepancies, such as; Dragon Stone Bonuses. We can use Dragon Hammers to reduce Building Construction time, yet we Can't use Dragon Hide etc to reduce Troop training time. Either Dragon Stone applies to Stoneheart or it doesn't, make your mind up.

The cost for an upgraded Craftsman is Extotionate, 15k Sapphires is Rediculous, total rip off.

We need more accessibility to Soul Stones. Adamantine is available in the Black Market at a reasonable cost, so why not Soul Stones. This would also help beginners starting out in the game. Soul Stones are far too few in the game. When they do appear, which is infrequently, there are too few of them.

This is an update for the wealthy players and is a total turn off for the regular players. 

There are outstanding issues you should have resolved, before you launched yet another Money spinner. What about the outstanding issue of the Dragon Stone and what to do with Mana, when you have completed all the Dragon Stone levels. Killing Monsters in Dragon Stone is now Pointless, once one has completed all the Dragon Stone levels.

Sort out your outstanding issues, before launching more money grabbing ideas.

More thought needs to go into updates like these. Your developers need to heed the feedback on here, Most of which is Negative, although I very doubt that they actually care.
9 лют. 2018, 14:1509.02.18
SmoakQueen said:

Not bad does limit play for newer players to the game . definitely adds a new dimension to play . 
With how many sapphs and everything needed to quickly discover everything it will take longer for older players to max this which still keeps it even for new players in my opinion. When we could research our Lost arts to higher levels is kind of the same concept as this just keeping the game interesting for players who maxed these options and need new development :)
9 лют. 2018, 14:1609.02.18

news said:

Оборона ворот замков будет суммироваться? Это будет видно по общей цифре над главными замковыми воротами?

Да, они суммируются. Это показано над воротами. 

Hello, yes they are summarized and you can check it under the gates. 

9 лют. 2018, 14:1709.02.18

7-Я С М Е Р Ч said:

А лимит с замка увеличился ? Который был 50к 

Нет, увеличился только дневной лимит до 1 000 000 ресурсов. 

Hello, we expanded only daily limit to 1 000 000 resources per day. 
9 лют. 2018, 14:1909.02.18

Naskekashi said:

I love the update and everything that it brings for castles who are at end game. But the requirements need soul stones to completely unlock but there is still no  efficient  way of getting them in the game which puts those who do not have these troops at a big disadvantage especially to money spenders. My S1 Castle is at end game and has everything unlocked but my S3 castle ran out of soul stones and is blocked by that one requirement because of it. 

Hello, my Lord! You can join the Tournaments to get the Soul Stones. 

Also, thank you for the feedback, it will be passed to the team.     
9 лют. 2018, 14:2109.02.18
wascorbe said:

Hola no me gustó la actualización, pensé que era algo mejor como nuevos castillos con más poder defensivo o que anime a las ligas a tener más Almenaras con mayor poder defensivo 
Hello! This feature gives a lot of new possibilities. Of course, it can take some time to upgrade new buildings and new troops, but you'll get bonuses and special abilities when you reach the goals :) 
9 лют. 2018, 14:2409.02.18

bennettj99 said:

Yet again an update that is ill conceived and Poorly thought out. There are some discrepancies, such as; Dragon Stone Bonuses. We can use Dragon Hammers to reduce Building Construction time, yet we Can't use Dragon Hide etc to reduce Troop training time. Either Dragon Stone applies to Stoneheart or it doesn't, make your mind up.

The cost for an upgraded Craftsman is Extotionate, 15k Sapphires is Rediculous, total rip off.

We need more accessibility to Soul Stones. Adamantine is available in the Black Market at a reasonable cost, so why not Soul Stones. This would also help beginners starting out in the game. Soul Stones are far too few in the game. When they do appear, which is infrequently, there are too few of them.

This is an update for the wealthy players and is a total turn off for the regular players. 

There are outstanding issues you should have resolved, before you launched yet another Money spinner. What about the outstanding issue of the Dragon Stone and what to do with Mana, when you have completed all the Dragon Stone levels. Killing Monsters in Dragon Stone is now Pointless, once one has completed all the Dragon Stone levels.

Sort out your outstanding issues, before launching more money grabbing ideas.

More thought needs to go into updates like these. Your developers need to heed the feedback on here, Most of which is Negative, although I very doubt that they actually care.

I get why you’re frustrated but also have to look at it from all angles before completely stomping it down. Dragon arts I agree now that I’m maxed they’re pointless to me but others still need to finish them and adding more boosts in there for players who maxed it will put smaller players at a higher disadvantage. They help with building times in Stoneheart which are a lot longer than in our original castles and that is worth it in itself. Training Stoneheart troops faster would also again disadvantage non spenders and new players. They aren’t meant to have a million on the first day. When we first started if I could come in the game and build I wouldn’t get anywhere if players were making troops 20x stronger than mine at triple the pace. This will put more effort and time into building a Stoneheart army. I agree the builder is expensive but if it wasn’t everyone would have 2, then building would be doubled in time again disadvantaging small players. If they let us use all 4, everything would be built in a couple weeks and that would be kind of boring. The scrolls set us at a pace that is equal to gaining them in a slower pace to be able to advance. It costs so much but balances the speeds to in developing still giving non spenders time to catch up and be able to play with older players. It will take time to adjust but in the long run i think it’s better than adding onto levels of old Lost arts and our other buildings. It is hard to get soulstones and they aren’t available to buy again getting people to participate to earn them to build more troops. Just try it with an open mind and not look at it as how fast can I complete it with money attitude and it might change your perspective :)

9 лют. 2018, 14:2509.02.18

Stand Together said:

 I do enjoy the new upgrade but yes I feel the same along with everyone else I feel sorry for the younger castles .

 My only  big concern is to me everything that you put in your catacomb should be safe and out of harms way at all times I don’t like the new method where they’re allowed to come in your catacomb and destroy what you 

Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, my Lord. I'll pass the information to the team. 

As for the new players, requirements for accessing the feature are for experienced players. It doesn't mean you need to buy Sapphires to open Stoneheart Castle, it means you need to be experienced and old player. It will be strange to open this feature on low levels when players have so many features which need to be upgraded. Thus, Stonehaert Castle is available for those players who already reached high results in the game and want to upgrade something new. I'm sure each player will have an opportunity to open Stoneheart Castle in the near future :) 

9 лют. 2018, 14:2709.02.18
2677262 said:

The update is good but.

It doesn't add anything to game play really

Its just more to upgrade.

You incouraged members to get more castles with more servers

Now your overloading people's time to play these castles. Causing people to quit.Lossing members.This is happening.

Needs a solution.

Won't be good  for anyone in longer term

It adds trials which will give players who maxed battlegrounds a new start on something to do plus working with new troops and creating a new strategy is fun. I only play on one server but agreed it can be time consuming for all servers but in time it will all catch up to itself and be smoother moving forward
9 лют. 2018, 14:2809.02.18
9 лют. 2018, 14:30(відредаговано)

СчастливчиК said:

Ужасная обнова! Задумка может и неплохая, но исполнение просто ужас! 

1) Постройки нереально дорогие

2) Цены на строителей и того хуже 

3) Увеличили лимит по грабам (вроде бы плюс, но на деле огромный минус! Ресов на карте нет совсем, каждый выносит теперь в два раза больше)

4) Общий мудрец на теперь уже 2 ветки (у большинства игроков далеко не всё вкачено в первой)

Подвожу итог: Обнова исключительно заточена под донат.......

Приветствую, мессир! Для того, чтобы прокачать все новые возможности фичи, вы можете обращаться за помощью к Альянсу. Кроме того, я передам ваши замечания нашей команде. 

Hello, my Lord! To upgrade new features you can ask for help your League--mates. Also, I'll pass your feedback to the team, thank you! 

9 лют. 2018, 14:3009.02.18

Олег0 said:

Играю, просто супер. Неплохо было бы з осадами. А так играю в удовольствие. Каждый день играю с друзьями, и все время радуюсь новыми обновлениями. А ещё можете добавить призраков которые будут действовать как шпионы. Спасибо за эту игру. 

Приветствую, мессир! Фича с осадой на рассмотрении. Что касается новых войск, то, пока что, у игроков есть возможность открыть совершенно новые войска :) 

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for the feedback! As for the siege, this feature is under review now. As for the new Units, I believe players have enough new content now :) 
9 лют. 2018, 14:3409.02.18

dragonzfyre68 said:

Worst pay to play money pit update ever. It’s nearly impossible for anyone except those with large bank accounts to actually make use of Stoneheart. If you can’t pay to upgrade storage you’re screwed. If you can’t pay for scrolls to open tree you’re screwed. If you can’t pay for anything you’re screwed. 15k saps to upgrade another craftsman?? Are you kidding?! You’ve basically told every non coiner that’s been a loyal player in game for years, and new players downloading a ‘free’ app FU! Plarium never fixed anything that didn’t work, trotted our shiny new shite instead that also failed to deliver instead. That didn’t change when Plarium sold out either. It’s just gotten far worse and the biggest money pit to date. I’m not alone in my opinion. 

Hello, my Lord! Please keep in mind this feature is a long-term process in the game. Of course, it can take some time to upgrade new possibilities. You can upgrade Stoneheart Castle without buying Sapphires and with League help. As for the Craftsman, you get the first for free and if you need another one you can buy it.      

9 лют. 2018, 14:3809.02.18

Zordic420 said:

It's becoming less interesting just like game of war got  less interesting fast, it's becoming a pay to win mobile game and I am starting to not like it, I use to play everyday and all day now it's getting to a point where that's not possible anymore, like the super long wait times. I understand it but keep it to a reasonable rates, a week? Eh maybe but longer? I start to say forget that it's like game of war, their wait times get to be year long, and your new Castle like what's the point of that? Trying to make more money? I understand you need money to maintain the game servers and pay your devs, but come on, plus the champions I still don't understand those like why? And the hero? Really? You're adding things that game of war has and it's becoming a copy in a way but this game looks better but these are reasons I left game of war, it's a pay to win, confusing mechanisms long wait times, stupid heros/champions, pay to winners steamroller those who invest their time to get somewhere and can't because pay to winners just dominant over everyone else who doesn't pay its just plain  less interesting 

HHello, my Lord! Thank you for sharing the feedback with us! It will be passed to the team. As for the main issue, there two ways how you can reach the goals and you can choose the way of development where you upgrade everything on your own. You can ask friends in the game and your League-mates for help. There are a lot of ways how to get more bonuses, items, and resources. And this way works in the case with the last update.  

9 лют. 2018, 15:0009.02.18

IP MAN 03 said:

Buenas tardes.... Las unidades están bien pero muy caras, los paquetes de elevan mucho, los que son visa podrán tener todo a poco tiempo pero los que no somos nos mandan al matadero, en vez de poner otro castillo deberían de modificar con el que comenzamos, por ejemplo podrían hacer que los castillos aledaños al de nosotros al ver que no tienen dueño poderlo tomar y agrandar el de uno abarcando ese terreno y pelear por el con quién desee abarcar más

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for the feedback. I understand we added a lot of new content to the game and it can be hard to learn everything fast. Also, you can upgrade new possibilities step by step. If you don't have enough resources you can receive them in Tournaments\quests\raids and so on. Also, don't forget you have a possibility to ask your League for help. 

9 лют. 2018, 15:0409.02.18

Чудовище said:

Alina Bright said:

Чудовище said:

обновление полный отстой. сапфиры оставьте себе. в подачках не нуждаюсь

Приветствую, мессир! Я буду благодарна, если вы подробнее опишите, почему обновление не понравилось. Спасибо! 

Hello, my Lord! I'll appreciate the details why you didn't like this update. Thank you! 
все просто - это не придало играбельности, а скорей наоборот создало разрыв между топовыми игроками и середняками. вы потратили кучу усилий чтобы добавить новых юнитов - хотя могли просто сделать супер-палов, супер-рыцарей и т.д, а вам следует подумать о наполнении стратегией этой "стратегической" игры. тупые тайники, бестолковые бастионы и ни каких целей у игроков и альянсов кроме места в рейтинге - вот что вас должно беспокоить. тупой пвп всем надоел, а вы его сделали еще тупее.

Приветствую, мессир! Благодраю вас за подробности. 

Не переживайте, старый функционал также будет обновляться, так как мы всегда стараемся поддерживать его интересным. Что касается данного обновления, то я уверена, что он может быть полезен игрокам. 

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for the details.

There is no reason to be worry because we try to keep old features updated. As for the new feature, I believe it will be useful and interesting for players. 
9 лют. 2018, 15:0609.02.18

genynf92 said:

Prima di tutto ringrazio tutti i collaboratori della Plarium. Sono anni che gioco a stormfall rise of balur e davvero è bellissimo, sempre migliorato e con sempre delle novità uniche. Solo un po' per quanto riguarda le risorse tipo i disegni difficile da guadagnare e le rune ossee, spero sempre in mogiorie e altri aggiornamenti che rendono la giocabilità ottima. 

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for the comments! :) I hope you'll like next updates as well! 

9 лют. 2018, 15:1109.02.18

Nightkroler said:

hola a todos

Sobre este update me parece bueno que hayan incorporado nuevas tropas , pero solo eso. Por el lado de tener un nuevo castillo en realidad convierte este juego en algo aburrido . Para jugares que ya tenemos tiempo en el juego , hacer un castillo nuevo es aburrido . Y esta actualización en lugar de animarte más a jugar , hace lo contrario. Deberían enfocarse me mejorar lo existente en lugar ir aumentando cosas al juego . Al final esto se convierte en un montón de cosas aburridas en lugar de tener pocas pero que si entretengan.

Pareciera que no se dan cuenta de la realidad del juego. Miren las almenaras , ya no sirven y nadie las suban de nivel . Hay muchas cosss del juegan que deberían reactivarlas y mejorarlas antes de empezar a meter nuevas características al juego .

En conclusión , deben de tener en cuenta que es mejor poco de lo bueno que mucho de lo malo . En este caso se convierte en mucho de lo aburrido .

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! It was passed to the team. I would like to focus your attention when we launch new features we don't forget about old once. We have plans to improve Beacons, for example. Some time ago we gathered players' feedback about the Beacons and our team discussed them. Also, we need to launch new features to the game to keep players' interest. 

9 лют. 2018, 15:1309.02.18

Lil Red Knight said:

Can you please ask the developers to work on a system for improving the tiers for the players?

There is no way we can recruit new players to this game when there is no chance for them to improve without

a) being hopelessly farmed 

b) acquiring soulstones quickly enough to getting those features necessary for Stoneheart

c) ensuring they have an adequate credit card balance if they want to overcome their late late start in this game

For point c) maybe we should all leave a comment in the app store that this is a requirement for new players.

What do you think?

Hello, my Lady! Thank you for the comments! Your feedback will be passed to the team. 

As for the new platers, keep in mind new players have a lot of features which need to be opened and upgraded. They have a lot of content which needs to be learned. Stoneheart Castle, it's a big part of the game now and it's feature for the experienced players. New players will reach this Castle as well. 

9 лют. 2018, 15:4109.02.18

Dragón Del Oeste said:

Good day, I found the improvements very good, although I would like them to include attack and defense units like minotaurs, centaurs, giants, cyclops, jellyfish and maybe the game would become a little more multicultural by adding mythical units from different countries and that will also increase the production of food to be able to create real armies of each of the units, that is my opinion and what I would like to greet all those who are part of Plarium! If any player I agree with my opinion comment here to let us know our wishes greetings and good battles!

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for the feedback. It will be passed to the team. 

I believe we will add new Units in the future when players upgrade current content in the game :)