I wanted to ask(and by no means whatsoever I'm gonna say the same old, same old stuff that are known and most keep repeating, as it will magically increase speed in taking care of them, especially if they're being worked on currently), what about the campfire? Will you do something with it, or will it remain a base for the Christmas tree, in which case, just rename it "Christmas tree placement area" or something, so we know what to expect.
In case you're planning to use it, I have thought about it. The mechanic on utilizing champion duplicates for their improvement, will be available upon patch 1.14, so why not use it in some way?
Suggestion for Raid Shadow Legend's Bastion campfire usage(a different time and season to that of as a Christmas tree base) -
Process Name: "Sacrificial Altar", or "Sacred Fire".
When: 15 days before and after Summer Solstice(1 month duration).
How: Place character and 1 duplicate(from uncommon to Epic quality, or any two legendaries, cause those are hard to come by with for duplicates. (Also, to get income, a Legendary and a special item called "Crystal of atonement" from the shop for those that have too few legendaries and willing to pay to improve them could be possible) to the Altar or Fire and fuse or Burn the first Legendary mortal skin into an improved version with 100% success, denoted by 1 gold star. This resulting into a new 6 star cycle of ascendancy available that can improve their stats by the same amount that the core star gave. This upon completion gives the opportunity for another gold star, up to 6.
Exception: On the day of Summer solstice this can be attempted without any duplicate and with 70% chanse of success, but with the downside of losing that champ if the process fails.
The resulted Champions will be viable for use in one of the higher campaign difficulties, called Terror/Fright/Doom/Ultimate(or something) and can use Relic or Mythic or Demigod artifact sets and accessories.
(Edited for grammar)