I'm not denying the negative reaction to this disbalance, but in this case, I highlight that PogsterPlays understood this rebalance in the right way, I mean, what the developers wanted it to be
Hey peeps, I use a mobile and my one of my top weps is still EM rifle. Yes it's difficult to use on mobile but try adjusting your camera speed play with ur targeting system. I constantly rack first place with em's and I've never played on a PC. Also I've only ever had a blue em damage implant since I've played the game and still rack up 1 shot kills. Play with ur settings you'll be surprised.
I do agree that it sucks they removed the target assist without at least some comp to the weapon, but a monetary comp..... You might as well blow smoke out ur ass.
There are way too many other issues than that to worry about.
The top two being op bots, and rocket mortars
Sure they're fixing things and to us it's taking waaaaaaay too long but figure how many 0's & 1's they have to configure with all the other 0's & 1's in the game in order to work it out correctly.
I know computer programming is a lil above my pay grade but imagine how hard it is to make a program go from BEEP BOP BOOP to "DIE MOTHER F-CKERS"