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Update news!Update news!

Get Vikings: War Of Clans
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Update news!

4 дек. 2017, 13:2804.12.17


With the app version it works as follows:

In your knowledge tree you'll find a new section "Shaman Knowledge" - learn the initial task, and you'll be able to create 2 new buildings right in front of your palace!

hope that helped...
4 дек. 2017, 13:3104.12.17
oru said:


With the app version it works as follows:

In your knowledge tree you'll find a new section "Shaman Knowledge" - learn the initial task, and you'll be able to create 2 new buildings right in front of your palace!

hope that helped...
Thats brilliant thank you, once the browser version is updated, and the eternal update loops are fixed, I may be able to see new features !!!
4 дек. 2017, 13:3104.12.17

bellajade said:

If you are using iOS just remove the game and reload it... worked fine for me after

Worked for me!!

4 дек. 2017, 13:3104.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 13:34(отредактировано)

wtf..this update freez my browser, white screen... i needed restart brow..:/

i cant open a game..:/

4 дек. 2017, 13:3904.12.17
Would be sooo nice if a plarium forum admin would show up and bring some light into the darkness. But no, how can I dare to expect just the simplest of customer relation management here.
4 дек. 2017, 13:4204.12.17
undead Fox said:

wtf..this update freez my browser, white screen... i needed restart brow..:/

i cant open a game..:/

Same here all frozen and locked out
4 дек. 2017, 13:4204.12.17
DarthKermit said:

Would be sooo nice if a plarium forum admin would show up and bring some light into the darkness. But no, how can I dare to expect just the simplest of customer relation management here.
But they never do that ??
4 дек. 2017, 13:4404.12.17
monikaheyman said:

Well no shaman with me either!  But some clanmembers have. Did i demolish a infirmiry for nothing now??

And now im not even able to log in again! its a good thing there isnt a KvK or CvC going on ... and all the others have an advantage now ... nice going

4 дек. 2017, 13:5104.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 13:52(отредактировано)
is there anybody who can login the game on desktops or laptops?
4 дек. 2017, 13:5404.12.17
mimi could after the update but she can't now
4 дек. 2017, 13:5504.12.17

and now i see only a black screen can do nothing to enter the game and when the shild run up time loosind milons off troops the game dosent worth to pay anithing for cause u will get nothing back what u r loosing

4 дек. 2017, 13:5904.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 14:02(отредактировано)

Yes, and losing millions of resources, not being able to collect, and we get ZERO compensation for plarium screwups

Come on plarium do the decent thing and RESPOND
4 дек. 2017, 14:0104.12.17

Browser - Was online; none of the new features available, so logged out, cleared cache...now can't get back on.

You're lucky i drink 

Will try again later.
4 дек. 2017, 14:1304.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 14:16(отредактировано)

First game loaded like usually, but no new features (only the normal bonus that is given after an server update).
Beeing unsure about the new features, I tried to reload the game - now I have a black screen ond nothing happens.

Clearing cache did not help (firefox & opera).

On my tablet (android) everything works fine... (two new buildings in front of castle etc...)

EDIT says: right in that moment I was able to start...

4 дек. 2017, 14:1604.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 14:17(отредактировано)

mimi has emptied everything, cache, history, it changes nothing

can't load

it stays black screen 

Instead of making everyone believe it's a good game, make it work so it would not be a lie, and it would be nice if we have at least answers from the support of the game

it is unacceptable not to have news and when the main support (plarium account) does not work anymore, the other supports can connect, it's just unfair

4 дек. 2017, 14:2404.12.17
4 дек. 2017, 14:25(отредактировано)

browser now working, account on iphone app still wont update

Oh and great work again plarium allowing some players to continue accessing the game, while others are locked out
4 дек. 2017, 14:2804.12.17
Only new in update is U get a new pet to play with   update = COPYCAT
4 дек. 2017, 14:3204.12.17
google chrome doesn't work anymore to load viking, contrary to firefox
4 дек. 2017, 14:3404.12.17

I cleared my browser cache once more, reloaded the game once more... And I got the new version! 

The loading screen is different (it shows some details about various units instead of showing a castle in the background) and now I got the new buildings, new info about the shamans, etc.  I am glad to see that it works now!
4 дек. 2017, 14:3804.12.17
mimicat said:

google chrome doesn't work anymore to load viking, contrary to firefox
Same here, bizarre, opera doesnt work either
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