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New players given overpowered gear

New players given overpowered gear

17 дек. 2018, 20:4317.12.18
5 сент. 2019, 22:43(отредактировано)
I have finally found the stats for the north gear and they all give you 21% rss yielding speed up apart from the amulet of the north which has no rss yielding increase at all so if I do ever get offered this gear in a gold pack I will still have use for my two centurion's Rings.
18 дек. 2018, 08:5318.12.18
Laird Brinni said:

I have finally found the stats for the north gear and they all give you 21% rss yielding speed up apart from the amulet of the north which has no rss yielding increase at all so if I do ever get offered this gear in a gold pack I will still have use for my two centurion's.
Just clarifying... That's a total of 84% resource yielding for the 4 cheapest items. 
18 дек. 2018, 08:5618.12.18
Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

I have finally found the stats for the north gear and they all give you 21% rss yielding speed up apart from the amulet of the north which has no rss yielding increase at all so if I do ever get offered this gear in a gold pack I will still have use for my two centurion's.
Just clarifying... That's a total of 84% resource yielding for the 4 cheapest items. 
Correct Eleria.
18 дек. 2018, 12:5618.12.18
18 дек. 2018, 13:05(отредактировано)

Laird Brinni said:

Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

I have finally found the stats for the north gear and they all give you 21% rss yielding speed up apart from the amulet of the north which has no rss yielding increase at all so if I do ever get offered this gear in a gold pack I will still have use for my two centurion's.
Just clarifying... That's a total of 84% resource yielding for the 4 cheapest items. 
Correct Eleria.

K.. and all 6 pieces of Centurions Gear only add up to 51% at Legendary Grade. 

Just simplifying this for anyone who's still wondering what the big deal is... You can get 33% more yielding speed instantly by purchasing the North set without the amulets than you can get from a full set of Legendary Centurions gear which could take weeks, if not months, to get and could potentially cost you even more money considering the level requirement for your hero, the invader knowledge, and hero energy you need to obtain and equip all 6 pieces. ;)

18 дек. 2018, 14:1518.12.18
18 дек. 2018, 16:03(отредактировано)

You do not get 33% more yield speed ... you get 33% more yield speed BONUS and that 33% more yield speed BONUS needs to be put into perspective ... that doesn't mean with them you will yield 33% faster. 

The higher your bonuses get the less extra bonuses "helps".

For example ... I just did an experiment ... I went and farmed 193,600 of food on a level 6 tile ... twice ... first time  with no resource yield bonus gear on ...  second time with my haakon's boots on which have 12% yield bonus plus a gem for 7% yield bonus for total of 19% yield bonus MORE ...  (I kept the amount I was farming 193,600 consistent ... because haakon boots also have capacity that means I didn't send same amount of troops out each time) ... also I didn't actually yield it ... I just had them arrive and noted how long it would take to yield it.

First time I would yield 193,600 food on level 6 tile in 13 minutes 6 seconds (786 seconds total)

Second time I would yield 193,600 on level 6 tile in 12 minutes 45 seconds (765 seconds total)

I reduce my time by 21 seconds with 19% equipment bonus ... that isn't much ... not even 3%

And  those 4 pieces of gear cost

5 euros/dollars for weapon

10 euros/dollars for armor

20 euros/dollars for helmet

50 euros/dollars for boots

oh and you get a little bit of rss with the purchase and a little bit of gold ...

You get diminishing returns on your bonuses ...  the hero skill bonus for resource yielding 1 is 80% for resource yielding 2 is 120% ... people should get those maxed pretty quickly.  Then you have spoils of war 1 knowledge ...  which also should be gotten pretty quickly ... that at lvl 9 gives 46% and at lvl 10 gives 66%.

18 дек. 2018, 14:5118.12.18
18 дек. 2018, 17:24(отредактировано)

Seems the forum is messing up again and not showing latest post(s) in the summary ...

LAIRD BRINNI - you can also do an experiment ... holding the amount you are farming consistent ... so with hero once without your equipment and once with it and you will see even though your equipment adds up to 55% yield speed bonus ... you are not yielding the same amount of resources (same level and type) 55% faster ... not even close to 55% faster ... maybe around 10% give or take a few percentages ...

And that extra 33% you get from the new equipment that cost 85 euros/dollars for new people going to give you about 4 to 5 percent more yield speed for your march that has your hero ... I think there is better things in game to spend 85 euros/dollars on ... yea I know you are pounds so ... however much pounds that is ...

18 дек. 2018, 15:3918.12.18
19 дек. 2018, 10:15(отредактировано)

Just simplifying this ... seems there is some confusion by some (cough, cough) on how reduction of time goes for resource yielding with skills, knowledge and equipment ... which also applies to reduction of time for learn and building upgrades ...

There is a good article that addresses this on web ... it addresses learn and build but it also applies to resource yielding bonus for skills, knowledge and equipment ... the link doesn't work ... but if you do a google search on what I quoted you will get to the page ...

"To give you a rough idea without the math, use the figures below:-

    100% boost = Reduces time in half.

    200% boost = Reduces time to one third.

    300% boost = Reduces time to one quarter."

18 дек. 2018, 15:4318.12.18
Those resource yielding boosts that you can activate that help all your marches ... they are going to not help your hero much because your hero already has about 250% bonus just from skills and  knowledge that are some of the first things you would (should) do in game ... they work mostly on your troops that don't have the hero ... because those troops have at least 200% less bonus than your hero (from hero skills).
18 дек. 2018, 17:4718.12.18
19 дек. 2018, 03:30(отредактировано)

I hope all the above information makes sense ... since all along I have been trying to be helpful for our gaming public ... and that said the last thing this topic needs is misinformation (cough, cough) ...

I figure plarium isn't going to be so benefited by the information I have put out on this equipment ... that being said ... since I have only posted factual information I don't think they are going to have a real problem with me putting such information forward.  Might would be good for them to offer it for such prices to everyone ... so people that just have to have it waste their money ... (This equipment is most beneficial to those who first start ... even though I don't even recommend it for them ... better things in game to spend the money on I think).
21 дек. 2018, 14:4321.12.18
I i have been playing for more than 35 weeks and have 5 accounts and spent a lot of money on all of them but one and now i can probably be out matched by someone who started 2 or 3 weeks ago thank you plarium for being so greedy. apparently your own policies do not count when when you have a opportunity to squeeze more money out of players.  i should have quit a long time ago 3 players i know of have quit playing this month one over you cutting the time on yielding invaders and ghosts i had not noticed till he said something about it not being worth killing them any more because they disappear in 2 or 3 hours now . these new events ghosts and gear with the so called bonuses we get from them are just more gimmicks and scams to get more money. i have been seeing more dead cities in more kingdoms named not fun anymore i will add five more
28 дек. 2018, 12:5428.12.18

28 дек. 2018, 12:5428.12.18
31 дек. 2018, 13:3231.12.18
31 дек. 2018, 13:33(отредактировано)
CIM said:

Seems the forum is messing up again and not showing latest post(s) in the summary ...

LAIRD BRINNI - you can also do an experiment ... holding the amount you are farming consistent ... so with hero once without your equipment and once with it and you will see even though your equipment adds up to 55% yield speed bonus ... you are not yielding the same amount of resources (same level and type) 55% faster ... not even close to 55% faster ... maybe around 10% give or take a few percentages ...

And that extra 33% you get from the new equipment that cost 85 euros/dollars for new people going to give you about 4 to 5 percent more yield speed for your march that has your hero ... I think there is better things in game to spend 85 euros/dollars on ... yea I know you are pounds so ... however much pounds that is ...

I will certainly do that cim, at the moment with my hero  I can empty a full level six tile in about 1 hour and 6 mins with 5 pieces of centurions gear and hakkons boots, I will see how long that would be with hero without yielding equipment, and you are correct about how bonuses work for example the victors bracelet does not reduce building speed by 49.5% when doing a building upgrade the bonus of  it is added to all other bonuses you have for building from hero skills and and building knowledge so if you had say 200% bonus for building speed once the victors bracelet was added it would be 249.5% knocking maybe an extra 20% to 25% off the build time were as reducers work differently if you activated the 10 minute 35% building reduction you would truly have the building time reduced by 35%. Also I would like to add that you are correct about the importance of  capacity during events I can collect about 1m of stone or lumber from an umber lair with centurions gear and hakkons boots and only need to send about 13k of trebuchets to do this because of the capacity I have from my knowledge hero skills and the equipment and because of the rss yielding stats it only takes about 8 minutes, Without the hero I would have to send about 40k of trebuchets which I would never do during a global events and it would tale about 18 minutes too.
7 май 2019, 00:4107.05.19

The information on the Pack of the north is BS, period. This is the work of an amateur .......

It does not say:

Is it a one-time use or can be reused?

If you activate it now, when can you activate it again?

Do we really need to ask?

24 апр. 2020, 18:4524.04.20
24 апр. 2020, 19:40(отредактировано)

Hi, so i had this item in bank offer to get... it is my first time playing the game but i did not have much resources to justify buying thous items right then... but now that i see multiple weeks for single upgrade i wanted to get one, But they are no longer available it seems after (egg deals)... so my question is, will they show up in bank offers again or i lost that opportunity forever? :P


also... if someone could link a page that shows exact amount of VIP points required for each level that would be great...

wiki seems to be extremely outdated and i couldn't find new one myself... compared to wiki level 21 used to require 1.25mil vip points, now level 21 needs 5mil? https://support-portal-data.s3.amazonaws.com/images/vikings-web/tr/2e5dcea1ee9c46ada19425d674ac3567.jpg

and these items were not "given" but sold... to new players, just a detail ;)

i actually thought they are available to all... so back to first question Thanks

25 апр. 2020, 00:3325.04.20
25 апр. 2020, 01:14(отредактировано)

To the best of my knowledge .

The axe of the north is the first item that is offered,and is never offered to established players, only to new accounts.

If the offer has been withdrawn it is unlikely to be offered again.

Though this can never be certain, because when they were first introduced  the equipment of the north items were only offered to new account holders.

Subsequently these items were offered to established players,maybe not all,but definitely some, probably connected to some idea of how 'novice' the player was.

I do not know the exact timings of when the offers are withdrawn, but like the next offer that is shown, it seems to be connected with your in game progress. 

Once past this unknown criteria the item offer is withdrawn. So if you want it , you have to get it whilst you can.

I think they introduced these booster hero equipment, to speed up progress for new players, because the game has expanded greatly since I started playing.

Like everything in the game, when it comes to spending real money, you have to consider its long term value.

The equipment of the north can, according to previous posts on this subject, fast track players to palace 21,which is why many established players were upset at their introduction, because palace 21  was the highest available, and took most players a long time to get there. 

Some of the equipment gives better bonuses than those that take time and money to acquire by playing the game and attacking invaders.

The items are legendary items and that 's currently the highest available, and it takes over a 1000 of the basic piece to make a legendary piece.

It can take up to four different legendary items to forge one piece of hero equipment,so its potentially a big saving if you play the game long term, not so much if you buy everything and find the game is not for you and quit.

I am not sure what egg deals are.

If you haven't been playing too long, not progressed too far, and not already spent money,you could consider just starting a new account.

There may be a link to the VIP level gold costs in the data section, and maybe on the internet, but this information is likely to be out of date  since they just recently announced another 10 VIP levels.

I can tell you the cost rises steeply, and you are talking of millions of points or gold per level, though gold is potentially more inexpensive to get than was previously true. 

There is I looked it up for you. The search function is useful but can be a pain. 


Here's  another image