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New players given overpowered gear

New players given overpowered gear

29 нояб. 2018, 03:4329.11.18

New players given overpowered gear

My entire clan is really upset at learning that new players who start accounts now are offered packs that include King of North gear allowing a player to level to 20 for free. One of our players did this exact thing, spending exactly $19.99. It took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold, and boosters to do the exact same thing for those of us that have been playing for months. This violates the terms of service for Google Play, iTunes, and Facebook apps, what does Plarium plan to do about it?

30 нояб. 2018, 01:5630.11.18
This is infuriating. 
30 нояб. 2018, 03:5930.11.18

Well the picture was very informative, and then I  read the other posts about deveolpments.

The whole thing is both interesting and telling.

Presumably  if what has been written is true,then they are hoping to get new customers  by giving them a fast start  and hoping they will  then join the herd.

I have to agree with you Eleria but isnt it something we have come to expect.

New update scramble to get it,

New update makes last one obsolete.

New update scramble to get it,

New update makes last one obsolete.

Rinse and repeat

1 дек. 2018, 11:4401.12.18
1 дек. 2018, 11:46(отредактировано)


Well the picture was very informative, and then I  read the other posts about deveolpments.

The whole thing is both interesting and telling.

Presumably  if what has been written is true,then they are hoping to get new customers  by giving them a fast start  and hoping they will  then join the herd.

I have to agree with you Eleria but isnt it something we have come to expect.

New update scramble to get it,

New update makes last one obsolete.

New update scramble to get it,

New update makes last one obsolete.

Rinse and repeat

Nice! I think you just detailed the first chapter of the next unofficial beginner's guide, and I've got the disclaimer... 

'Being conditioned by the POC to lower our expectations regarding the game's fairness and functionality doesn't make it okay. "Getting used to it" is just a nice way of saying we're collectively developing Stockholm's syndrome.' 

We can just add that part at the end with tiny print in a mix of a few different languages courtesy of Google since players can't translate text in the game anyway. XD

3 дек. 2018, 14:1103.12.18
Vandari said:

My entire clan is really upset at learning that new players who start accounts now are offered packs that include King of North gear allowing a player to level to 20 for free. One of our players did this exact thing, spending exactly $19.99. It took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold, and boosters to do the exact same thing for those of us that have been playing for months. This violates the terms of service for Google Play, iTunes, and Facebook apps, what does Plarium plan to do about it?

I have never seen that gear can it be only got from gold packs or can you craft it in the forge.
4 дек. 2018, 03:0404.12.18
4 дек. 2018, 03:06(отредактировано)

According to the post and several others,people starting a new account, on some promotional deal, from some source/device, get a fast start from special gear from a special pack that they are offered.

So the answer to your question would seem to be, no  you ,we cant acquire it.

5 дек. 2018, 06:3705.12.18
5 дек. 2018, 06:38(отредактировано)


According to the post and several others,people starting a new account, on some promotional deal, from some source/device, get a fast start from special gear from a special pack that they are offered.

So the answer to your question would seem to be, no  you ,we cant acquire it.

I have never seen equipment in packs before and the fact that you can't make it in the forge makes it even more unfair, I have just completed my yielding set after killing a hell of a lot of centurions and now I see some new armour with twice the yielding stats and I can't even make it, at least with the kings gear you have to be king of jotunheim to get a piece but the fact that only new player's get offered this new king of the north gear is absurd. 

15 дек. 2018, 09:2815.12.18
I started a new account and got offered this gear, this isn't even the strongest one, there's a piece of gear for each item slot and the next one is double the strength of the last one. it ends up amounting to at least a couple days worth of free speed ups. I only got the first two items and I manged to get my town and all its buildings to level 21 in about half an hour and I only spent something like £12 to get there. 
15 дек. 2018, 20:2015.12.18
Lu Fengxian said:

I started a new account and got offered this gear, this isn't even the strongest one, there's a piece of gear for each item slot and the next one is double the strength of the last one. it ends up amounting to at least a couple days worth of free speed ups. I only got the first two items and I manged to get my town and all its buildings to level 21 in about half an hour and I only spent something like £12 to get there. 
Can you post screenshots of the gear I would be interested to see what it looks like and what the stats are for other things like rss yielding speed etc
17 дек. 2018, 01:0117.12.18

Can someone please explain what happens if you purchase (for example) the axe of the North twice? I assume you just get saddled with a duplicate piece of equipment that is entirely useless but then I thought... Can you dismantle it for 10 million gold? (Haha-Optimism) Does it mysteriously turn into one of the other Northern Gear items? Does it instead morph into shaman gear so that you can equip it on either? Does it become a secret Santa gift that you can send to a clan member that doesn't have the benefit of a brand new account?

 All of that is wishful thinking, I know... but if a double is actually useless, why does the game continue to offer it after it's been purchased?

17 дек. 2018, 01:2717.12.18

Vandari said:

My entire clan is really upset at learning that new players who start accounts now are offered packs that include King of North gear allowing a player to level to 20 for free. One of our players did this exact thing, spending exactly $19.99. It took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold, and boosters to do the exact same thing for those of us that have been playing for months. This violates the terms of service for Google Play, iTunes, and Facebook apps, what does Plarium plan to do about it?

If it took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold and boosters to go to level 20 then you did something wrong.  I just started an account and in less than 2 weeks can get to level 20 without even buying a pack and I don't even have it in a big clan.  I think people are overdoing it with being upset about these items.  Once you get pretty high up I'm not sure what good they are, I think the "help" would be negligible.

And I don't see how this violates any terms of service ...
17 дек. 2018, 03:4317.12.18


The instant upgrade is equal to what I imagine VIP 100 would be. This is a dazzling bonus for new accounts but, true enough, it loses its spark when upgrades start taking weeks instead of days or hours. With this equipment, that happens fast, but as sparkly as the instant upgrade is, the resource yielding speed is what makes this equipment shine like diamonds. 

IF the gear is for new accounts only...

As LAIRD BRINNI said earlier, it can take AGES to get the only resource yielding gear (centurions) that's available to the rest of us poor suckers that have actually been supporting this game's development. After spending so much time and money on the knowledge and hero energy required to get Centurions Gear, it's offensive, to say the least, that they've added equipment with double the yielding stats and made it only available to players who have inherently given ZERO effort.


I think it's MARVELOUS that new players have this available. I really do. This gear could ultimately lead to more people staying in the game instead of quitting after an hour. It allows new players the option of doing things on their own for a while and get acquainted with the game without all the pressure to join a clan immediately for survival. The instant upgrades are like automatic clan-help and the resource yielding boost gives them the option of independence vs. relying on clan mates every time they are short on RSS for an upgrade. It's a metaphorical fishing rod, when we used to just hand out fish. 

IF the gear is for new accounts only...

The real issue lies in the fact that new accounts have been given a long term advantage over the rest of us because we will never be able to match those yielding speeds. Think of how many events reward points for yielding resources if you don't think we are disadvantaged now. Once you recognize it, think of how it will affect your shot at winning a high rank bonus. Do you see it yet? I won't even mention the additional boosts to training speed. Oops. In short-it's not fair. 


I don't have the terms of service memorized, so I can't comment on that, but until now I took for granted that all players in a game would be given a 100% equal opportunity to advance themselves and any practice that unbalances that scale would be in offense to the integrity of both the game and its developers.


 I doubt the word 'integrity' can be found in anyone's TOS. If you dig a bit into the TOS of iTunes, Facebook or Google, you may find that conflicts of fair play are synonymous with "violation", but what good does any of that do? What would you like to see done? Do you want access to the gear? Do you want it removed? Or do you not care what happens as long as the people responsible get a spanking for not following the rules, aka. "Terms"?

Food for thought...

Plarium hasn't responded to this thread yet. Rather than labeling this hiccup a 'violation' off the bat and getting people riled up over perceived injustices, maybe you could pose your question in a less accusatory and hostile manner. Whenever there's been questions about the availability of certain bank offers in the past, the response they most often give us is to just wait and keep checking because they will come around again. Maybe the bank bundles with the Northern Gear are just like any other rare offer (like the ones with convoy boosts). It's possible for them to be among the first offers for new accounts and then made available (few and far between) to the rest of us, like on holidays.. 😉 

17 дек. 2018, 04:3817.12.18

When your upgrades takes months and months and even years (yes years even with good bonus equipment) the help is really nothing.

Concerning the resource yield speed ... well that is only for the march your hero is in ... not all your other marches.  And the amount of money you spend for this you could buy gold and then buy clan tasks and then buy centurian gear coffers in the clan store.  Centurian gear doesn't have as much rss yield speed but it does also have capacity bonus.  My hero when it yields rss on tiles I equip with capacity equipment which a number of the items are standard equipment.  I prefer the capacity equipment to yield speed. 

Also once your hero is high enough level you get good yield speed from hero skill points and also from knowledge so the amount of increase you get from equipment is not that much (also you don't get much with your hero when it is such a level if you use those yield boost bonus items ... which I do use them but that is for my troops without the hero).  I could buy this new equipment for my new account but I personally don't find it worth it.  And to get all the items you spend a good amount of money. 

17 дек. 2018, 07:2617.12.18

CIM said:

When your upgrades takes months and months and even years (yes years even with good bonus equipment) the help is really nothing.

Concerning the resource yield speed ... well that is only for the march your hero is in ... not all your other marches.  And the amount of money you spend for this you could buy gold and then buy clan tasks and then buy centurian gear coffers in the clan store.  Centurian gear doesn't have as much rss yield speed but it does also have capacity bonus.  My hero when it yields rss on tiles I equip with capacity equipment which a number of the items are standard equipment.  I prefer the capacity equipment to yield speed. 

Also once your hero is high enough level you get good yield speed from hero skill points and also from knowledge so the amount of increase you get from equipment is not that much (also you don't get much with your hero when it is such a level if you use those yield boost bonus items ... which I do use them but that is for my troops without the hero).  I could buy this new equipment for my new account but I personally don't find it worth it.  And to get all the items you spend a good amount of money. 

"... Months and years...really nothing." 

Yeah. You already said that two comments ago, "Once you get pretty high up...the 'help' would be negligible". 

The logic is not lost on me. What did you think I meant by "true enough, it loses its spark when upgrades start taking weeks..."? However, that doesn't make it any less desirable especially given its role as an oversized stepping stool to get to what you call "pretty high up".

 This North equipment isn't an end goal, it's a tool to see you get there. You seem to think because you started a new account and got it into a beneficial clan right away that spoon fed it through it's first 20 levels in two weeks that you now have inside knowledge as to what it's like for truly new players, but you are way off base. I'm not trying to offend you..Perhaps you've been playing too long to remember what it's like to be smaller than everyone around you AND actually care. You're obviously at a comfy level with at least one account and I think it's causing you to discount everyone else's experience but your own... The evidence is in how much you talk about yourself and what things are -going to be like- instead of acknowledging how things ARE for other players.

Here it is again... 

"Once your hero is high enough level..." That's the beginning of a statement destined to suffer a big blind spot where the point is concerned. 

I hate to stoop to using my own account as an example but that seems to be the best way to communicate with you CIM. So here.. I recently created a new account just to see this gear in action. I bought the two cheapest Northgear items, total only $15. In two hours I managed to do what took you two weeks, and then some. I dominated my influence increasing event in the league of recruits 😉 and having reached level 39, was able to Max my resource yielding, building and learning skills. Despite the limited knowledge, this baby account with that gear is already faster than my son's old level 52 on tiles. It would take a month to get the invader knowledge to a properly functional material-hunting state on that level 52, and then I'd still need to purchase hero energy and cross my fingers that the Centurions don't go on hiatus when I'm finally ready for them. But of course...If I don't want to waste a ton of hero energy long term, it would be wise to go for Royal Guardsmen gear first, which means it would take even longer. 

The northern gear made it possible for me to compete in KvK with the little account almost right away, just gathering one tile at a time, with surprising effectiveness for my little army. It was actually fun! A waste of money on an account I'll never use again, but fun nonetheless.  I want that gear for my main account's hero.. she actually deserves it. 😉 Just saying, you really shouldn't knock it to you try it. If you could get it for your big account just to test for a day, I doubt you'd be disappointed.

One last note concerning Centurion's junk. When it comes to yielding resources, the rate you gain event points is equal to the speed you gather at. It doesn't matter if it took you a 5k troop or a 50k troop to carry a million, just how quickly they can get it off the tile. Capacity might matter if you're concerned about tile hitting and want to keep your troops low, but it doesn't make one difference when trying to get points. High capacity is useful against towns, but Centurion's gear isn't. Compared to the efficiency of the new gear, it really is outmatched, especially considering the low cost, instant satisfaction of the new gear.  

I only had 2 pieces. The other pieces add an additional 3 or 4 DAYS to the instant speed ups and a formidable boost to resource yielding. Also, one lowers the cost of training tier 1s by 10.5% and another speeds up training by 10%. Sweet right?

Before you answer, please understand that it's not just about the stats, it's also about how easy it is to get. Crazy easy! It wouldn't be right to introduce a feature that actually affects gameplay like this does and not make it available to everyone. 

-That's why I'm keeping faith that everyone has been getting upset over nothing, and North Gear will actually show up in holiday deals or as an event reward or something. ;)

17 дек. 2018, 09:5517.12.18
17 дек. 2018, 20:36(отредактировано)
CIM said:

Vandari said:

My entire clan is really upset at learning that new players who start accounts now are offered packs that include King of North gear allowing a player to level to 20 for free. One of our players did this exact thing, spending exactly $19.99. It took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold, and boosters to do the exact same thing for those of us that have been playing for months. This violates the terms of service for Google Play, iTunes, and Facebook apps, what does Plarium plan to do about it?

If it took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold and boosters to go to level 20 then you did something wrong.  I just started an account and in less than 2 weeks can get to level 20 without even buying a pack and I don't even have it in a big clan.  I think people are overdoing it with being upset about these items.  Once you get pretty high up I'm not sure what good they are, I think the "help" would be negligible.

And I don't see how this violates any terms of service ...
The equipment has other uses like rss yielding speed I have just completed my centurion set after hitting so many centurions and this gear has double the rss yielding stats as the centurions gear and the fact that I can't craft it makes me really mad.
17 дек. 2018, 10:2817.12.18
Eleria said:

CIM said:

When your upgrades takes months and months and even years (yes years even with good bonus equipment) the help is really nothing.

Concerning the resource yield speed ... well that is only for the march your hero is in ... not all your other marches.  And the amount of money you spend for this you could buy gold and then buy clan tasks and then buy centurian gear coffers in the clan store.  Centurian gear doesn't have as much rss yield speed but it does also have capacity bonus.  My hero when it yields rss on tiles I equip with capacity equipment which a number of the items are standard equipment.  I prefer the capacity equipment to yield speed. 

Also once your hero is high enough level you get good yield speed from hero skill points and also from knowledge so the amount of increase you get from equipment is not that much (also you don't get much with your hero when it is such a level if you use those yield boost bonus items ... which I do use them but that is for my troops without the hero).  I could buy this new equipment for my new account but I personally don't find it worth it.  And to get all the items you spend a good amount of money. 

"... Months and years...really nothing." 

Yeah. You already said that two comments ago, "Once you get pretty high up...the 'help' would be negligible". 

The logic is not lost on me. What did you think I meant by "true enough, it loses its spark when upgrades start taking weeks..."? However, that doesn't make it any less desirable especially given its role as an oversized stepping stool to get to what you call "pretty high up".

 This North equipment isn't an end goal, it's a tool to see you get there. You seem to think because you started a new account and got it into a beneficial clan right away that spoon fed it through it's first 20 levels in two weeks that you now have inside knowledge as to what it's like for truly new players, but you are way off base. I'm not trying to offend you..Perhaps you've been playing too long to remember what it's like to be smaller than everyone around you AND actually care. You're obviously at a comfy level with at least one account and I think it's causing you to discount everyone else's experience but your own... The evidence is in how much you talk about yourself and what things are -going to be like- instead of acknowledging how things ARE for other players.

Here it is again... 

"Once your hero is high enough level..." That's the beginning of a statement destined to suffer a big blind spot where the point is concerned. 

I hate to stoop to using my own account as an example but that seems to be the best way to communicate with you CIM. So here.. I recently created a new account just to see this gear in action. I bought the two cheapest Northgear items, total only $15. In two hours I managed to do what took you two weeks, and then some. I dominated my influence increasing event in the league of recruits 😉 and having reached level 39, was able to Max my resource yielding, building and learning skills. Despite the limited knowledge, this baby account with that gear is already faster than my son's old level 52 on tiles. It would take a month to get the invader knowledge to a properly functional material-hunting state on that level 52, and then I'd still need to purchase hero energy and cross my fingers that the Centurions don't go on hiatus when I'm finally ready for them. But of course...If I don't want to waste a ton of hero energy long term, it would be wise to go for Royal Guardsmen gear first, which means it would take even longer. 

The northern gear made it possible for me to compete in KvK with the little account almost right away, just gathering one tile at a time, with surprising effectiveness for my little army. It was actually fun! A waste of money on an account I'll never use again, but fun nonetheless.  I want that gear for my main account's hero.. she actually deserves it. 😉 Just saying, you really shouldn't knock it to you try it. If you could get it for your big account just to test for a day, I doubt you'd be disappointed.

One last note concerning Centurion's junk. When it comes to yielding resources, the rate you gain event points is equal to the speed you gather at. It doesn't matter if it took you a 5k troop or a 50k troop to carry a million, just how quickly they can get it off the tile. Capacity might matter if you're concerned about tile hitting and want to keep your troops low, but it doesn't make one difference when trying to get points. High capacity is useful against towns, but Centurion's gear isn't. Compared to the efficiency of the new gear, it really is outmatched, especially considering the low cost, instant satisfaction of the new gear.  

I only had 2 pieces. The other pieces add an additional 3 or 4 DAYS to the instant speed ups and a formidable boost to resource yielding. Also, one lowers the cost of training tier 1s by 10.5% and another speeds up training by 10%. Sweet right?

Before you answer, please understand that it's not just about the stats, it's also about how easy it is to get. Crazy easy! It wouldn't be right to introduce a feature that actually affects gameplay like this does and not make it available to everyone. 

-That's why I'm keeping faith that everyone has been getting upset over nothing, and North Gear will actually show up in holiday deals or as an event reward or something. ;)

I really hope your right Eleria I would love to get my hands on the north set even though it does not have capacity I think I could live without it for the double rss yielding stats, I wonder how the boots of the north compares with hakkons boots as I have hakkons boots instead of centurions calceus as they have even better rss yielding stats and capacity too were as the centurions calceus do not have any capacity.
17 дек. 2018, 10:4817.12.18
Laird Brinni said:

CIM said:

Vandari said:

My entire clan is really upset at learning that new players who start accounts now are offered packs that include King of North gear allowing a player to level to 20 for free. One of our players did this exact thing, spending exactly $19.99. It took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold, and boosters to do the exact same thing for those of us that have been playing for months. This violates the terms of service for Google Play, iTunes, and Facebook apps, what does Plarium plan to do about it?

If it took hundreds of dollars of packs, gold and boosters to go to level 20 then you did something wrong.  I just started an account and in less than 2 weeks can get to level 20 without even buying a pack and I don't even have it in a big clan.  I think people are overdoing it with being upset about these items.  Once you get pretty high up I'm not sure what good they are, I think the "help" would be negligible.

And I don't see how this violates any terms of service ...
The equipment has other uses like rss yielding speed I have just completed my centurion set after hitting so many centurions and this gear has double the rss yielding stats as the centurions gear and the fact that I can't craft it makes be really mad.
Yes I understand you are mad and a lot of people are ... people who got their town to level 31 before build shaman came out and before better equipment came out could be mad also.  I'm just saying that this madness I THINK is a bit overblown because the gear is not that great.  The only benefit you get for rss yielding is to the one march led by your hero ... and centurion gear is one gear I did not even bother to make because I also don't find it so beneficial and I think it's better to concentrate on other gear than that.
17 дек. 2018, 11:1817.12.18

ELERIA, I'm not going to put in quotes your whole post ...

Yes I said at first "Once you get pretty high up I'm not sure what good they are, I think the "help" would be negligible." And then you replied " true enough, it loses its spark when upgrades start taking weeks instead of days or hours."  THEN I wrote "When your upgrades takes months and months and even years (yes years even with good bonus equipment) the help is really nothing." ... So I was conveying that eventually upgrades don't take "weeks instead of days or hours" as you wrote but take "months and months and even years" ... so I was making the point that eventually things don't take "weeks instead of days or hours" but take truly outrageous amount of times to finish ...

At the price they are offering it I am not interested in buying it ... I think there are more beneficial things to buy with ones money for the game.  And you say you doubt I would be disappointed if I could get it for my own "big account" ... but I wouldn't even want it for that account.  Like I said I prefer capacity equipment because most the time one is farming when enemy is around ... also when you have a lot of marches which one would have on their "big account" your other marches actually bring in much more than your hero march ... if I got it for free I'm not sure I would even use it ... again I would rather use capacity equipment.

And the clan my new account was in was not a clan that reached very high checkpoints ... so was not such a beneficial clan ... and I bring in new players into our clan often ... and I work with them ... so I am not totally oblivious to what it is like to be a new player.  I personally don't and won't recommend new players buy this equipment at the cost it is now because I think there are better things to buy with their money for the game.

And I do realize that the rate you can gather determines how much you can gather during a specific amount of time ... that being said it is only one of your marches that can benefit from the equipment ... so overall it is not going to greatly effect how much you gather when you have a lot of marches out.

Don't get me wrong ... I have no problem with them offering it to everyone ... but ... I don't find it to be something I even want or something that is very beneficial.

And I worked hard not to reply to you in the same snarky way you responded to me ... since I noticed that I am not alone in receiving your snarky replies I didn't take it personal.

17 дек. 2018, 11:5917.12.18

CIM said:

Don't get me wrong ... I have no problem with them offering it to everyone ... but ... I don't find it to be something I even want or something that is very beneficial.

And I worked hard not to reply to you in the same snarky way you responded to me ... since I noticed that I am not alone in receiving your snarky replies I didn't take it personal.

I apologise if I came across as "snarky". I was going for informative, and it seemed relevant to point out that your comments are more self-serving than helpful for our gaming public. In fact, your latest declaration that this equipment wouldn't suit you because you prefer "capacity equipment" calls into question whether your negation of everyone's opinions about the actual topic of this thread has any relevance at all. 

It's not your favorite? That's cool. No one's making you use it. You're too big and badass to benefit? Congrats. Most people aren't there yet and would benefit greatly from this equipment. 

This thread was created, according to the bottom line, to figure out whether or not players will have equal access to the shiny new toys. The "anger" you have perceived is about the unjust condition of ownership of the gear, needing a new account, it is not jealousy or merely exasperation as you implied with your comment about the building shamans. It's not at all the same thing. Those shamans were made available to everyone. As of yet, the North Gear is not. People can't even be jealous or angry yet because Plarium hasn't confirmed or denied any plans to present this equipment to the masses. That said, the last thing this topic needs in place of some attention and  a direct answer, is the patronization of someone whose vast indifference to the topic is rivaled only by the ego that flaunts it. 

I hope that makes sense. I've never been very good at apologies. 😬

17 дек. 2018, 12:1017.12.18
17 дек. 2018, 13:21(отредактировано)

LOL ... I guess people here will determine who has more of "the ego and flaunts it" ... and whose "comments are more self-serving than helpful for our gaming public" ...

I am not indifferent to what is being said here ... I think I have made my position clear ... in the scheme of things concerning the game ... I don't find this equipment is very beneficial and I don't recommend even beginners to buy it at the price it costs ... that is the point I am making ... and it is relevant to the thread.

17 дек. 2018, 16:0217.12.18

wat the fcuk this will stop players playing this game if we are took for mugs you = plarium need to sort this now many have spent 10 to 20 times the amount these spend to get to the same level 

look at your records for money spent by players and give them something back you thieves