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The "Gift for the Master" contest

The "Gift for the Master" contest

9 авг. 2019, 22:5609.08.19

1) Amaria tournament Flag to get stone Production, Lumber Production and Irons Production.

2) Amarian Blued Canteen

3) Doghrish grappler Shield. To get it we need the Amariam Tournament Armor, the Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor and the Amarian Spiked Mace.

4) Whessian Ancestral Hammer. The shield we are looking for is the Amarian Spiked Shield.

5) For the Doghrish Ritual Shield he needs the Amarian Parade Helmet

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Predator Fang

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Lazurite

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Coarse Cloth

And finally, 256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Bear Hide to get the helmet epic.

9 авг. 2019, 23:0809.08.19
1.Amaria Tournament Flag.-2.Amarian Blued Canteen.-3.Doghrish Grappler shield: Amarian Spiked Guffs , Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor. 4.Whessin Ancestral Hammer shield looking for is Amarian Spiked Shield. 5. Doghrish Ritual Shield+Amarian Parade Helmet.   256 simple Predator Fangs---256 simple Laurite---256 simple Coarse Cloth---256 simple Bear Hide.
9 авг. 2019, 23:1009.08.19

Amarian Tournament Flag

Amarian Blued Canteen

Amarian Spiked Cuffs : Amarian Spiked Armor : Amarian Spiked Mace : Amarian Tournament Armor

are Required to Craft the  Doghrish Grappler Shield

Amarian Spiked Shield , needs to be Obtained to craft the : Whessian Ancestral Hammer

Kevin will have to get : Goatskin (x2) , Sword Hilt , Brocade : for the Oriental Shield , from the Heretic camp

the Ostler needs 

512 simple Hawk Feather

256 simple Bulat Ingot

256 simple Brocade

to Craft 100% Epic Fortified Helmet

 Happy Anniversary Amaria 

& Happy Birthday Master Cunningham

9 авг. 2019, 23:1009.08.19

1. Drapeau de tournoi armarien

2. Gourde brunie armarienne

3. Bouclier de lutteur doghrois, menottes a pointes armariennes, armure a pointes armarienne, masse à pointes armarienne et armure de joute armarienne.

4. Bouclier à pointes armarien pour le marteau ancien de whesse 

5. Barbute rituelle doghroise et il faut 256 brocart, 256 lingot de bulat et 512 plumes de faucon
9 авг. 2019, 23:1509.08.19

Amarian Tournament Flag

Amarian Blued Canteen

Amarian Spiked Cuffs : Amarian Spiked Armor : Amarian Spiked Mace : Amarian Tournament Armor

are Required to Craft the Doghrish Grappler Shield

Amarian Spiked Shield , needs to be Obtained to craft the : Whessian Ancestral Hammer

Kevin will have to get : Goatskin (x2) , Sword Hilt , Brocade : for the Oriental Shield , from the Heretic camp

the Ostler needs 

512 simple Hawk Feather

256 simple Bulat Ingot

256 simple Brocade

to Craft 100% Epic Fortified Helmet

 Happy Anniversary Amaria 

& Happy Birthday Master Cunningham

9 авг. 2019, 23:2009.08.19

 1 - Amarian Tournament Flag

2 - Amarian Blued Canteen

3 - Amarian Spiked Cuffs

Amarian Spiked Armor

Amarian Spiked Mace and Amarian Tournament Armor required for Doghrish Grappler Shield

4- Amarian Spiked Shield required for Whessian Ancestral Hammer

 5 - 512 Simple Hawk Feathers,  

257 Simple Bulat Ingots, 

256 Simple Brocades required for a 100% Epic Fortified Helmet. 😚😚😚😊😊😊😊

9 авг. 2019, 23:2609.08.19
9 авг. 2019, 23:31(отредактировано)

1. Amarian Tournament Flag - Lumber Production, Stone Production, Irons Production

2. Amarian Blued Canteen - Crude Leather

3. Doghrish Grappler Schild

4. Whessian Ancestral Hammer - The Shield that is missing is: Amarian Spiked Shield

5. Doghrish Ritual Barbute - Oriental Shield: 512 simple Goatskin, 256 simple Sword Hilt, 256 simple Brocade

9 авг. 2019, 23:2609.08.19

1) Amaria tournament Flag "Stone Production - Lumber Production - Irons Production"

2) Amarian Blued Canteen

3) Doghrish grappler Shield To build this equipment need: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor

4) Whessian Ancestral Hammer The shield that is missing is Amarian Spiked Shield

5) Doghrish Ritual Shield he need This helmet Amarian Parade Helmet

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Predator Fang

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Lazurite

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Coarse Cloth

256 Simple Material for 1 epic, Bear Hide

to build helmet epic

9 авг. 2019, 23:3009.08.19

First: Amaria tournament Flag, Second: Amarian Blued Canteen,Third: Doghrish grappler Shield 

To build them, you need: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor 

Fourth: Whessian Ancestral Hammer and the shield that is missing is Amarian Spiked Shield .

You need Brocade 256, Hawk Feathers 512, and bulat Ingot 256 to build this helmet epic.

9 авг. 2019, 23:4309.08.19
  1. Amarian tournament flag
  2. Amarian blued canteen
  3. Doghrish grappler shield : Amarian spiked cuffs, Amarian spiked armor, Amarian spiked mace, Amarian tournament armor.
  4. Whessian ancestral hammer : Amarian spiked shield
  5. Whessian ancestral shield :  Amarian blued helmet
    (epic amarian blued helmet = 256 black oil + 256 wool + 256 lazulite + epic fortified helmet)
    (epic fortified helmet = 512 hawk feather + 256 bulat ingot + 256 brocade)
9 авг. 2019, 23:4509.08.19
10 авг. 2019, 00:00(отредактировано)

1. Amarian Tournament flag 

2. Amarian Blued Canteen 

3. Doghrish Grappler Shield, which requires Amarian Spiked Cuffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, and Amarian Tournament Armor 

4. The Hammer is the Whessian Ancestral Hammer, which requires the Amarian Spiked Shield. 

5. He needs 2 goatskins, 1 sword hilt, and 1 brocade from the heretic camp for the shield.

6. Epic Fortified helmet requires 512 Hawk Feathers, 256 Brocade, and 256 Bulat Ingot 

9 авг. 2019, 23:4909.08.19

First you need Amaria tournament Flag "Stone Production - Lumber Production - Irons Production"

Second Amarian Blued Canteen 

Third Doghrish grappler Shield To build this equipment need: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor 

Fourth Whessian Ancestral Hammer The shield that is missing is Amarian Spiked Shield 

Fifth Brocade 256, Hawk Feathers 512, and bulat Ingot 256

Thank you for the chance and opportunity!!!

Good luck to all. :)

10 авг. 2019, 00:1010.08.19

Amarian tournament Flag;

Amarian Blued canteen;

Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor, Amarian Spiked Cuffs;

Amarian Spiked Shield

Brocade 256, Hawk Feathers 512, and bulat Ingot 256

10 авг. 2019, 00:1210.08.19

Amarian Tournament flag 

Amarian Blued Canteen 

Doghrish Grappler Shield, which requires Amarian Spiked Cuffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, and Amarian Tournament Armor 

Whessian Ancestral Hammer: Amarian Spiked Shield. 

The heretic abjured and the shield needs 2 goatskins, 1 sword hilt, and 1 brocade

Fortified helmet requires 256 Bulat Ingots 256 Brocade, and 512 Hawk Feathers 

10 авг. 2019, 00:1810.08.19

1. Amaria Tournament Flag

2. Amarian Blued Canteen

3. Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, and Amarian Tournament Armor are need to craft Doghrish Grappler Shield. 

4. The Amarian Spiked Shield is missing needed to craft Whessian Ancestral Hammer. 

5. The Amarian Parade Helmet is needed to complete Doghrish Ritual Shield. 

They will need 1024 of the following simple materials;

Predator Fang, Lazurite, Coarse Cloth, and Bear Hide.
10 авг. 2019, 00:2210.08.19

1) Amaria tournament Flag "Stone Production - Lumber Production - Irons Production"

2) Amarian Blued Canteen

3) Doghrish grappler Shield To build this equipment need: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor

4) Whessian Ancestral Hammer The shield that is missing is Amarian Spiked Shield

5) Brocade 256, Hawk Feathers 512, and bulat Ingot 256

to build this helmet epic

10 авг. 2019, 00:3410.08.19

1.- Amaria tournament Flag "Stone Production - Lumber Production - Irons Production"

2.-Amarian Blued Canteen

3.-Doghrish grappler Shield To build this equipment need: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor

4.- Whessian Ancestral Hammer The shield that is missing is Amarian Spiked Shield

5.-Brocade 256, Hawk Feathers 512, and bulat Ingot 256

10 авг. 2019, 00:4810.08.19

1. Amarian Tournament flag

2. Amarian Blued Canteen

3. Required for Doghrish Grappler Shield : Amarian Spiked Cuffs + Amarian Spiked Armor + Amarian Spiked Mace and Amarian Tournament Armor

4. Required for Whessian Ancestral Hammer : Amarian Spiked Shield

5.  Required for a 100% Epic Fortified Helmet : 512 Simple Hawk Feathers, 256 Simple Bulat Ingots, 256 Simple Brocades

10 авг. 2019, 00:5610.08.19

Amaria tournament Flag

Amarian Blued Canteen

Doghrish grappler Shield: Amarian Spiked Guffs, Amarian Spiked Armor, Amarian Spiked Mace, Amarian Tournament Armor

W hessian Ancestral Hammer, Amarian Spiked Shield

 Doghrish Ritual Shield + helmet Amarian Parade Helmet

256 Simple, Predator Fang , 256 Simple, Lazurite 256 Simple, Coarse Cloth 256 Simple, Bear Hide

10 авг. 2019, 00:5810.08.19

1: Amarian Tournament flag 


2: Amarian Tournament canteen  


3: To make Doghrish Grappler shield he needs Amarian Spiked cuffs , Amarian Spiked armor , Amarian Spiked mace and Amarian Tournament armor 


    To craft those four pieces he also needs : Prison chains , Sharp hairpin , Straight sword , Solid armor , Turban helmet , Killer armor  


4: Amarian Spiked shield is needed To make Whessian Ancestral hammer , in addition to 3 materials he already have   


5: To make 100% Epic Fortified helmet he needs 512 simple Hawk feathers , 256 simple Bulat ingots and 256 simple brocades

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