Among some improvements brought by emporia :
- If I undesrstood well, risks to lose resources are reduced. Supposing you get attacked and your defense gets reduced to the point their carrying capacity is full, your troops will come back immediately with all they have collected and are currently able to carry.
With classical colonies, you just lost all.
- Players chosing to send reduced defense will collect more often. This will also free the emporium, so it's made available again.
While it can be a drawback for the owner, it's still his choice (he could as well have stored more defense, lengthen the collection time, and collected more), it also allows more turnover for other players to take a chance on it.
- Actually, we should stop considering them as properties as soon as your troops leave them. They're legitimately yours as long as you hold them, but you must consider them as new spots once you leave them, so anybody (including you, as you're free to send back another party immediately, with the advantage you know exactly when it's been freed) can race for them again.
- The drawback is clashes are more frequent as well, but i've noticed a way to avoid losing tons of troops out of accidental clashes : instead of sending a strong offense, just send a few heroes (or even just one).
It's enough to take the emporium over if it's still unclaimed on arrival, but it shouldn't even harm the new owner's defense if he reached it first.
With the huge advantage to avoid anger and useless losses. The hero will be lost, but it's free.
I've noticed the newcomer's defense units play no role at all in the skirmish, so don't hesitate to send what's needed to collect your share, in case you get there first, as it will be left 100% unharmed in case you don't get there the first.
- Collection is automated. Rather than having to stay awake and click on colonies every hour, you just program your collection time by sending the relevant defense.
- You can now hold 4 emporia, from 3 colonies.
To those who will certainly yell I'm subservient, I'll answer I'm only not prone to fight windmills and I prefer to adapt to the new situation.
Emporia are there, so you'd better learn to use them to advantage.
I gave a few tips above to allow smooth swapping without losing troops at every attempt.
You're free to follow them or not, but if you want to play in aggressive mode, you'll reap what you sowed.
Maybe the simple idea to swap might ruffle some of you, but yes, I do appreciate to be able to check the Oracle every now and then and find some free emporia, instead of having to stay awake up to 4 AM for the new colonies to appear. At least now I can sleep !
It does give more people more frequent possibiliies to collect some resources, and you're free to adapt the defense to the time you want to keep it. All in all, it's not such a bad addition.
Let's just say I agree both could have been kept, so you could have a choice. I don't think it would have harmed. in additon, it's the case in other Plarium games, such as Stormfall.
Just lose the habit to consider emporia to be your sole property until the end, as you used to do with colonies. They're yours s long as you hold them, period.Just learn to share, and leave some chances to others, for a change.
I'm also quite upset by the fact some people seem to be considering them as just PvP baits. Sane people will just consider them as most needed resources providers. Please try to be a bit more courteous and stop being aggressive.
If it was only for me, you would have to officially declare war to be able to fight another player. After all, ancient Greeks should have at least some basic sense of honor...
Now I'd still like to point the fact that drachmas ones are becoming excessively rare, as it has been reported by other players on this topic.
In my area, it often happened there was NO drachmas vault at all, and most of the time there would be only ONE. In the better cases, there were 3 or 4 of them, and traders emporia seem to be currently following the same "rule".
Knowing in addition they produce very small amounts, and considering the huge number of players, I think it's a bit exaggerated.
It would be nice if some efforts would be made to offer a bit more of them, please. :)