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Summer Trials event

Summer Trials event

23 июль 2022, 07:4823.07.22

There was an incentive to not use super raids and to run 25 for spider due to the CvC. It will be more interesting to see how the other dungeons will fare when the incentive is to run 20 with super raids.

23 июль 2022, 09:3723.07.22

Thanks again for all the work, @RoseRoyal

I think from the current stage it becomes clear, that 90% of the goals will not be achieved with the current rates. 

That is sad but I think it is on great part a miscalculation and suboptimal implementation of the numbers by Plarium. It is a shame that the announced *easy* champion training event now will become equally shallow....or Plarium needs to adjust numbers and rewards to make this a motivating event.

23 июль 2022, 10:4323.07.22

@RoseRoyal.....Thanks for your comments.  I realized I can "waste" Hyrda keys during this event.  I dont have any decent Hydra teams but the keys are free.  I have to save them in case of daily missions and only use them near the end of Hydra.  

@Trips ....Maybe Plarium is offering an incentive to play at a higher level.  I am Dragon20 and in no rush to improve.  But this may encourage some players to upgrade their teams?  

the hydra mission only appears if you have keys available. if you just waste (or use) them all day 1, you can dodge the mission entirely.

23 июль 2022, 23:4423.07.22

5 days later and the update is similar to yesterday.  I am surprised by Spider which continues to go strong, and I based on this I expect it to get to 50% in the next couple of days, and we will still have 20+ days left in the trials.

It's worth mentioning that it is not a case that Spider has a low goal, because the growth of it is 1.5 million per day, which is more than the sum of all other dungeon growth combined.


23 июль 2022, 23:5823.07.22

I think spider is winning because its the endgame silver farming spot alongside events , 2x , etc ... 

its a shame i cant help on more than 30% of those goals ...

24 июль 2022, 19:1224.07.22

6 days in and Spider is slowing down a little, but still remains well in front of the other content.

I expect that the below will be consistent until the next fragment/fusion event, at which point we *might* see a jump in some of the other dungeons, but I am not holding my breath.  The level 25 restriction will still be a hampering factor

Ignoring the level 25 dungeon requirement, I am disappointed to see just how far off Plarium's view must be for content like Tag Team arena, Hydra and Demon Lord.  Most of this content is only going up about 1% a day, which will put them at about 31% by the end of the 31 days.  I have to assume the growth of these events is consistent with normal play, which would mean that Plarium saw those numbers, and decided to triple them for goals for these Trials.  It just doesn't make sense.


24 июль 2022, 21:4824.07.22
25 июль 2022, 13:42(отредактировано)

I saw another @RoseRoyal post so I figured I'd cone and see if we were doing poorly.

As mentioned above, it really does show how the midgame and on is a lot silver farming to upgrade small bits of gear you find in the dungeons or just always seem to be behind on upgrading.

I do wonder how much of a bump we will actually see from the fusion event. How major will it be? What is the population of the million daily players who are even in a position to do the fusion?

24 июль 2022, 23:0924.07.22

I saw another @RoseRoyal post so I figured I'd cone and see if we were doing poorly.

As mentioned above, it really does show how the midgame and on is a lot silver farming to upgrade small bits of gear you find in the dungeons or just always seem to be behind on upgrading.

I do wonder how much of a bump we will actually see from the fusion event. How major will it be? What is the population of the million daily players who are even in a position to do the fusion?

Isn't 25 very inefficient compared to 20 for DD? And dd is only real energy drain.  Just saying fusion may not be a bump...

25 июль 2022, 05:0225.07.22

Isn't 25 very inefficient compared to 20 for DD? And dd is only real energy drain.  Just saying fusion may not be a bump...

Good point actually.

(20 is much better for tourney and events, yes.)

25 июль 2022, 05:0525.07.22

I saw another @RoseRoyal post so I figured I'd cone and see if we were doing poorly.

As mentioned above, it really does show how the midgame and on is a lot silver farming to upgrade small bits of gear you find in the dungeons or just always seem to be behind on upgrading.

I do wonder how much of a bump we will actually see from the fusion event. How major will it be? What is the population of the million daily players who are even in a position to do the fusion?

Iwould say it does not show how poorly we are doing.

It does show how different the opinions of the player base and Plarium are about how to play the game.

25 июль 2022, 05:0725.07.22

Iwould say it does not show how poorly we are doing.

It does show how different the opinions of the player base and Plarium are about how to play the game.

Hmmm.... interesting point

25 июль 2022, 09:3425.07.22

Plarium out of touch with it's player base, say it is not so.

If you are not a whale why bother 😟

25 июль 2022, 18:5325.07.22

7 days in and Spider has slowed down significantly.  I assume it was CvC or something that was driving it (I don't actually do any CvC content, so never really pay attention to when they are on), but gone are the 10% increases each day.  

If it remains at the 300,000 (1.5%) increase per day for the rest of the trials, then with 24 odd days left we will only get another 36% on the board, taking us to 80%.  That said, the fragment/fusion event starting around the 5th of August should hopefully push this up.  It is my hope that we at least get Spider across the line!

HellHades recently did a video asking for everyone to put in 1 man defenses for Arena and Tag Team Arena, to get a push on these 2 events.  He also asked everyone to use their Hydra keys each week to gain some traction there.  I am curious to see if this video actually has a meaningful impact on the results, but I doubt.  

He did also mention in the video that he thought the Dungeon events would just done without too much effort, so I guess he hasn't really been paying attention to the numbers


26 июль 2022, 20:5226.07.22

8 days in and the update is the same as yesterday.  Spider is confirmed as being at the same progress level as other dungeons now, so whatever was driving the spike in runs (fragement event, CvC) is well and truely over.  

No noticable spike on any events from HellHades video either.


26 июль 2022, 21:1726.07.22

8 days in and the update is the same as yesterday.  Spider is confirmed as being at the same progress level as other dungeons now, so whatever was driving the spike in runs (fragement event, CvC) is well and truely over.  

No noticable spike on any events from HellHades video either.


Thanks for the continued updates Rose. <3

I really wonder what the completion rates would be if they included 20 and 24, which are the dungeons run the most. (20 for Tourneys, 24 for Farming)

26 июль 2022, 21:3026.07.22

Thanks for the continued updates Rose. <3

I really wonder what the completion rates would be if they included 20 and 24, which are the dungeons run the most. (20 for Tourneys, 24 for Farming)

No problem, I actually enjoying taking a snapshot each day of the numbers, as once I get enough data I was going to play around with some graphs to show the spikes and progress, and try to map them to events (e.g. Fusion/Fragments, CvC, etc.).

I agree on the Dungeon comment though, and really wish it wasn't restricted to just 25.  It is clear that this is a massive barrier for people, but I was more-so interested in actually getting a sense of where people spend their time.  

For example, based on the numbers I firmly believe that Spider 25 is accessible to more people than Dragon 25, which is both surprising and not.  Spider is the type of dungeon that is hard until you figure out the mechanics, but then immediately becomes easier once you do.  Combine that with the fact that with the right champions you can get 20 second Spider runs, plus the silver benefits, it is not surprising that this is a place with a lot of movement.

27 июль 2022, 01:2527.07.22

No problem, I actually enjoying taking a snapshot each day of the numbers, as once I get enough data I was going to play around with some graphs to show the spikes and progress, and try to map them to events (e.g. Fusion/Fragments, CvC, etc.).

I agree on the Dungeon comment though, and really wish it wasn't restricted to just 25.  It is clear that this is a massive barrier for people, but I was more-so interested in actually getting a sense of where people spend their time.  

For example, based on the numbers I firmly believe that Spider 25 is accessible to more people than Dragon 25, which is both surprising and not.  Spider is the type of dungeon that is hard until you figure out the mechanics, but then immediately becomes easier once you do.  Combine that with the fact that with the right champions you can get 20 second Spider runs, plus the silver benefits, it is not surprising that this is a place with a lot of movement.

And that the right champions to do a Spider 25 team are mostly accessible to anyone, with Armiger (for momma TM control), Akoth (AoE HP burner) and Visix (CC lockdown tank champ for Spiderlings) able to form a core of many HP burner teams.

The waves on Dungeon 25s seem to be a big barrier for many without Seer, based on working with people in the discords on that for 1.5 years or so, and then Fire Knight is a big issue all by himself in 21+.

27 июль 2022, 19:2627.07.22
27 июль 2022, 19:28(отредактировано)

9 days in and I expected it to have similar progress to yesterday, but oddly enough Dragon has jumped up 6%, gaining about 1 million runs in the past 24 hours.  There was a Dragon Tournament on which has just finished, but the tournament itself didn't have anything special with it (i.e. fragment/fusion event, skins, etc.), and also people would have likely been doing Dragon 20 or something instead.  Also, we didn't see any jump in Dragon runs during the first couple of days of the tournament, so it is odd to see a jump in the last 24 hours...

To put into context why the 1 million runs is so strange.  For the first 8 days of the trials, Dragon had accumulated 1.3 million runs, then on the 9th day it has effectively accumulated almost the same amount of runs again.  I find it very hard to believe, and assume it must be a glitch of some sort, or someone fudging the numbers to re-align the event

The rest of the events remain consistent with previous days.  The spider train has stopped and is inline with other dungeon growth now.


28 июль 2022, 02:4328.07.22

Thank you Plarium.  You got me curious and I used all my hydra keys.  I won my first hyrda chest and got stone skin gear.  

28 июль 2022, 05:5728.07.22

I'm not that surprised by the Dragon run jumps. You had 2x speed set drops, so if only that, it was worth running a little more than usual.

What i think happened, and this is just my 2 cents, i could be very wrong, but.... There's that game that just came out which broke its company records in sales for first 10 days.. You know that game which is the 4th, but not quite, because the 3rd is 10 years old, and the "official" 4th comes out later.

Anyways, reviews from hard-core gamers are pretty bad, but nevertheless, it could have had an impact on our player base who are temporarily occupied with their new toy, but who will soon get bored and then come back :P