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Summer Trials event

Summer Trials event

20 июль 2022, 11:4420.07.22

I knew this would happen and RoseRoyals numbers are pretty much exactly what I thought they would be. they should have made dungeons level 20 completions so more people could/would participate. The rewards although Ok don't really reflect the effort/resources needed.

I imagine what Plarium did for phase one was take the real data from these 9 mini-events, probably over a 2-3 month period then averaged them out, then to get the requirements to finish them for the event they added 10%-15% to the actual numbers. 

I agree that it would have been better to have stage 20+ count towards the goals.  It would have opened the event up to a much larger player base.

That said, I'm keen to see the progress of the first full week of data in particular to identify if we have a trend.  The first day could just be a rocky start with not enough people being aware or present, or running on empty after a fragment event.  Let's see what the next couple of days show us

OracleCommunity Manager
20 июль 2022, 13:2520.07.22

Hi, guys! Thank you all for sharing your feedback and your concerns!

The milestones you can see on the landing page are based upon the data of players' activity, and so we assume the goals to be achievable. 

The goals for Dungeons and other locations have relatively hard conditions (for example, stage 25) to motivate players to develop their accounts and not to stay comfortably in their current stages. However, any feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your suggestions to expand the conditions of the challenges for the greater player base. 

20 июль 2022, 14:3520.07.22

Hi, guys! Thank you all for sharing your feedback and your concerns!

The milestones you can see on the landing page are based upon the data of players' activity, and so we assume the goals to be achievable. 

The goals for Dungeons and other locations have relatively hard conditions (for example, stage 25) to motivate players to develop their accounts and not to stay comfortably in their current stages. However, any feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your suggestions to expand the conditions of the challenges for the greater player base. 

Okay, sure, but I think there are a few flaws in your reasoning...

First, no one is going to waste time and resources on building a dungeon 25 team just to participate in this event, even if there had been any sort of warning ahead of it dropping. As a motivator for that, this event is useless.

Second, even if people would be inclined to build a dungeon 25 team for this, it still relies on the assumption that they have the champions and gear to actually do it. It is pointless to try to motivate people to do something that they lack the capacity to actually do in practice.

Third, for most people, running 20 or 24 is preferable to 25, depending on the cirumstances. You get more CvC points and a higher chance of legendary 6* gear per energy out of 25, but if you're not at the stage where that is a requirement for your account progression, you get more viable gear out of 24 and more event/tournament points out of 20. With the exception of IG, I can auto all 25 dungeons with near 100% success and with little difference in time between 24 and 25, but I still don't do that and this event is not going to change that.

Fourth, there's no guarantee that the rewards you're asking people to work towards will actually be granted. First, they need to be unlocked by having enough people participate in this initial event, thus asking people to take a chance and hoping that enough other people will do it as well. Then, they also need to complete another event with unspecified requirements to actually get the rewards that they've already worked to unlock.

So to summarize, you exclude a sizeable portion of the player base from being able to participate at all, and then you exclude a sizeable portion of those that can participate by asking them to slow down their own progression for fairly meager rewards that a) may not even be unlocked, and b) will require them to later on invest even more resources to get even if they do get unlocked. My guess is that people will just do what they normally do and not care about this event at all, which is at least the case for me. Maybe some rewards will be unlocked, maybe not. Either way, the event itself is just an unnecessarily complicated version of the normal events/tournaments.

20 июль 2022, 15:0520.07.22

And do super raids count as 1 or 2 battles... probably like the asinine counting for CvC....

20 июль 2022, 21:1620.07.22
24 июль 2022, 19:15(отредактировано)

2 days update below.  Spider is more than double where I expected, which goes to show the participation rate of a dungeon during a fragment/fusion event.   Based on the growth of other events, I expect that this will drop off over the next couple of weeks.  One thing I am interested to see over the next 24 hours is just how much spider drops off.  

The spider tournament goes for 3 days for the fragment event, but I expect that a bulk of the participation is in the first 24 hours, as people dive into it to get the fragments and then stop.  The numbers tomorrow will show whether this is true or not

Classic Arena has slowed down a bit in the last 24 hours, which does say to me that the free arena tokens must have driven a lot of the initial growth.  I genuinely thought 10x full arena refreshes would have carried over a couple of days at least, but it is also possible that people have spent more of their time in Spider then anywhere else, which means they will resume using their arena tokens over the next couple of days.  Classic Arena went from 4.21% complete to 5.46% complete, gaining only 1.45% in the past 24 hours.

Demon Lord has also slowed, going from 3.02% complete yesterday to 3.98% complete today, gaining only 0.96% in 24 hours.  This is surprising to me as not only are the keys a static resource each day, but generally people always do their daily CB runs to get a consistent chest drop.  It makes me wonder a bit on whether the initial growth was unusual, or something is odd with the numbers today.  Tomorrow numbers will clarify

Faction wars is still going at a good pace, progressing from 3.09% complete yesterday to 5.56% today.  Not quite on par with the expected completion %, but close enough to still be in the running when the overall event completes.  Again, it's content that has a static amount of resources per day, so it is not surprising, and even more reason why Demon Lord's growth is a little concerning.

The rest of the dungeons and content is still woefully behind where they need to be, with most gaining less than 1% in the last 24 hours.  It is interesting to note that there are a couple of special events on for the skin pieces, but even these are not enough to drive the growth in those categories.  Dragon did go from 0.88% up to 2.41% in the last 24 hours which is one of the largest jumps of the dungeons (barring Spider), but it is still far behind.  Spider has shown that if the rewards are interesting enough to the players, then they will spend the time in that content, and I cannot see this happening right now for the skins

I am disappointed to see as usual that the out of fragment/fusion events and tournaments are still the cut/paste of a normal event, just with a different banner.  If Plarium really did want to drive some summer trials participation, changing these events and tournaments up would have been a great way to do this, but I suspect that it will be the same as usual, in that no-one will really participate in them until the next fragment/fusion event.  In other words, I expect no major growth out of dungeons for the next couple of weeks from these.

Speaking of Fragment/Fusion events, assuming that Plarium actually do one then the next one will likely start around the 5th of August, which means it'll run for the last couple of weeks of the Summer Trials.  This is good, in that when each dungeon comes around then it will drive the growth similar to what we see with Spider here.  Unfortunately, it won't drive growth in things like Tag Team Arena, Clan Boss, Faction Wars or Hydra though

Finally, another observation is that Champion Training events contribute nothing towards the Summer Trials, which makes them a useless event/tournament, and won't encourage people to participate in them.  This could have been dealt with by either having a campaign goal, or even a goal that focuses around leveling champions.  It feels like a bit of a miss


21 июль 2022, 07:1021.07.22

Thank you for the continued updates @RoseRoyal. Actually quite cool to get updates like this with analysis. I don't disagree on any points.


21 июль 2022, 07:1121.07.22

Also, interesting to see Arena move from Green to Yellow. And Spider to bounce into green so handily with both the fusion event and CvC ongoing.

21 июль 2022, 07:1921.07.22

And do super raids count as 1 or 2 battles... probably like the asinine counting for CvC....

Okay, confirmed with Plarium that SuperRaids count as only 1 run towards Summer Trials. So people using them are getting 1 run per go only.

21 июль 2022, 12:5021.07.22


Couple things to add to your analysis  :)

1. Clan Boss Keys are not a fixed quantity.  Extras for CvC, maintenance, gems, pack buyers.  The spenders in my clan often have an abundance that just expire. Others use to kill all CB during CvC

2. Arena tokens. People waste 40 gems on these refills all the time.  They are stupid, but it happens:) that said, the 10 freebies is likely a 1 time bump

3.Tag Refills.  I don't think most are using the freebies.   Even during cvc, when this is the easiest points around.  By far the most underutilized area of the game by players in general.  

4. Dungeons.  The 20/24/25 issue, super raids not counting... I should have been running 25 without super raids during CvC.  I ran 20 with super raids... So, no the summer trials will not impact how I play the game.  And yes, I can do all 25s :)

5. I forgot number 5... But a big thank you for the updates, please don't view my comments as criticism in any way. Ill save that for other threads, like Aleks vs.... (hi Hq!)....

21 июль 2022, 16:5521.07.22

Hi, guys! Thank you all for sharing your feedback and your concerns!

The milestones you can see on the landing page are based upon the data of players' activity, and so we assume the goals to be achievable. 

The goals for Dungeons and other locations have relatively hard conditions (for example, stage 25) to motivate players to develop their accounts and not to stay comfortably in their current stages. However, any feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your suggestions to expand the conditions of the challenges for the greater player base. 

If you want to motivate players to increase their account, you should just heigthen the rewards for finishing level 25....I guess that would have a much greater impact than this festival.

21 июль 2022, 16:5821.07.22

Okay, confirmed with Plarium that SuperRaids count as only 1 run towards Summer Trials. So people using them are getting 1 run per go only.

Is this intentional, I would think they want the community to reach the goals.

Or are they saving the change to utilize creative accounting if needed? 

I still don't understand what they are doing.... 😆 

21 июль 2022, 17:1921.07.22

@RoseRoyal : Great Work, I am akin to numbers and like these analytics. 

I think after one week of the event with a CvC with personal rewards included, it will be a good base for a prediction. 

Spider itself is the most run dungoen during CvC from my clan and combined with the fusion event, it for sure explains the jump. 3vs§ is also a big income of points during CvC and that the number is stil lacking in this area bodes not well for the achievement of this goal. 

Overall I do agree with @Trips on many points: I did also not change my routine of playing Raid for this event though I normally run dungeons (prefereable Spider) on 25 for the daily missions.

Just another string of thoughts about this. I would like to pick the Dragon run events as an example. 

Just judging by the numbers normally achieved and given within my clan, I am at least among the Top 20% active players. Half of my clan cannot run Dragon 25. Judging from the numbers you have given for the active players as being about 750.000 (for ease of mathematics, let's say 1.000.000) and my clan, about 50 % are not able to run Dragon 25. 

That means 500.000 people doing Dragon25 runs. Let's assume, the distribution is even among those 500.000 and the number of runs are equal. Leaves 30 runs of Dragon25 for each of the half million. 30 runs are 600 energy...you get 300 energy back as a reward. And this is with very generously assumed numbers of players willing to do Dragon25 runs. 

So for pure effort/rewards ratio...this is not a good event.

I admit, that you can take into account fusion events or other tournaments. In this case the rewards are good because they are additionally awarded for doing your normal stuff...but as Trips pointed out...during tournaments I also tend to run dungeons level 20.

I think the festival for summer by itself is a good idea...but it is not implemented in a way that at least I feel motivated to take part in it. 

It would have been different, if I by myself (and not dependant on other players taking part) could have achieved those goals. So they should have been broken down to an individual level:

For example: Do 30 Dungeon25 runs and get the corresponding rewards. I think many people would have taken a closer look and think about doing this.

200 3vs3 battles over 4 weeks to get a legendary tome? Yep, count me in....great game...

21 июль 2022, 17:4421.07.22

Should be a matrix approach to this (and cvc) as well.  Simply adding multipliers to rewards based on individual achievement makes the most sense.   

The Individual thresholds can be some aggregate across all tasks so nobody has to do 25s... idk, just spit balling 

21 июль 2022, 17:5621.07.22

Is this intentional, I would think they want the community to reach the goals.

Or are they saving the change to utilize creative accounting if needed? 

I still don't understand what they are doing.... 😆 

It was apparently intentional for CvC, judging by official comments on the topic when it was initially questioned, so I'm guessing it's intentional for this too. I don't remember the exact phrasing about it in regards to CvC, but I do remember thinking that they were just arguing over semantics. Ridiculous, but it is what it is. Unless they intentionally want to make it bothersome for players to play their games so that they'd be "inspired" to buy more stuff to get faster teams, I have no idea what their reasoning is.

21 июль 2022, 21:5521.07.22
24 июль 2022, 19:14(отредактировано)


Couple things to add to your analysis  :)

1. Clan Boss Keys are not a fixed quantity.  Extras for CvC, maintenance, gems, pack buyers.  The spenders in my clan often have an abundance that just expire. Others use to kill all CB during CvC

2. Arena tokens. People waste 40 gems on these refills all the time.  They are stupid, but it happens:) that said, the 10 freebies is likely a 1 time bump

3.Tag Refills.  I don't think most are using the freebies.   Even during cvc, when this is the easiest points around.  By far the most underutilized area of the game by players in general.  

4. Dungeons.  The 20/24/25 issue, super raids not counting... I should have been running 25 without super raids during CvC.  I ran 20 with super raids... So, no the summer trials will not impact how I play the game.  And yes, I can do all 25s :)

5. I forgot number 5... But a big thank you for the updates, please don't view my comments as criticism in any way. Ill save that for other threads, like Aleks vs.... (hi Hq!)....

Morning Trips.  I agree with all your comments too, and was thinking about the 20 vs 24 vs 25 Dungeon stages before.  With the Kael skin on for epic champions, I doubt anyone is running Dragon 25, so the numbers here would not be reflective around how players are engaging with the Kael skin event

3 days in below.  I have an early morning meeting so don't have as much time as yesterday to add a lot of my thoughts, but what I will say is that everything is quite far behind what I thought they would be.  I debated about flagging Faction Wars as yellow, but utlimately it is now almost 24 hours behind what it should be, which is bad considering it has only really been 3 days into the event.  I struggle to see how events like this one will catch up in the remaining 28 days.  The same is true for Classic Arena

Spider continues to go strong, and I think Trips is right with the CvC benefit, so between that and Fragment there are probably more people running Spider at the moment than normal.  Even if Spider was to drop back down to a modest pace, I tentatively predict thta it should be able to be completed by the end of the event now.


22 июль 2022, 17:5022.07.22

@RoseRoyal.....Thanks for your comments.  I realized I can "waste" Hyrda keys during this event.  I dont have any decent Hydra teams but the keys are free.  I have to save them in case of daily missions and only use them near the end of Hydra.  

@Trips ....Maybe Plarium is offering an incentive to play at a higher level.  I am Dragon20 and in no rush to improve.  But this may encourage some players to upgrade their teams?  

22 июль 2022, 22:2122.07.22
24 июль 2022, 19:14(отредактировано)

4 days in and the progress is much the same as yesterday.  Spider continues to grow significantly, gaining almost 10%, while the other content is struggling.

In seeing the progress each day, I do think a major miss by Plarium is making the dungeon content require stage 25 runs.  I genuinely don't undersatnd how they have come to these numbers with that restriction, as it must have been clear in their data that there simply isn't enough players that do it.  

I have to think that they misinterpreted the numbers and calculated the goals based on all dungeon runs, and not just stage 25.  In theory, it's not too late for Plarium to recognize this and change this restriction now, and allow for all dungeon content to contribute towards the goals (or even dungeon content above level 15 for example)

Demon Lord and Hydra are also major concerns for me.  With the limited number of Hydra keys, there is no way it can reach it's goal at the current pace.  With regards to Demon Lord, while you can purchase keys from the shop, it's clear that players are not maintaining the pace that Plarium expected, and since there is no other content that drives CB runs (e.g. tournaments/events/fragments/etc.) then I cannot see anything changing on this front between now and the end of the trials

I'm still banking on the next fragment/fusion event to push some of these numbers higher, but I'm not holding my breath.  The next fragment/fusion event should start the first week of August if they stick to the schedule


22 июль 2022, 23:1422.07.22
22 июль 2022, 23:16(отредактировано)

Spider is really high right now because of super raids. It will drop down into the red after its over. But like I said at the beginning, were not going to complete more than 2, and now it looks even bleaker. 

23 июль 2022, 00:5123.07.22
23 июль 2022, 00:55(отредактировано)

Spider is really high right now because of super raids. It will drop down into the red after its over. But like I said at the beginning, were not going to complete more than 2, and now it looks even bleaker. 

I thought so too, but from what I understand from Quinn above, Super Raids only count as 1 run towards the trial, which is also unfortunate


23 июль 2022, 04:5823.07.22

I thought so too, but from what I understand from Quinn above, Super Raids only count as 1 run towards the trial, which is also unfortunate


This is 100% confirmed, yes. Super Raids only counted as 1 run per super raid.