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We want your feedback about Team Setup/Presets

We want your feedback about Team Setup/Presets

16 июнь 2021, 15:4316.06.21

We want your feedback about Team Setup/Presets

Hey  everyone!  

We  are  looking  for  feedback  on  the  new  Team  Setup  feature.  If  you  want  to  express  your  opinion  on  it,  whether  you  love  it,  hate  it, are  indifferent,  or  if you have any suggestions please  leave  a  comment  below!  

I'm  going to bed now so  I  won't  be  responding  right  away.  I appreciare  everyone  who  takes  the  time  to  leave  a  comment  and  I  will read them all when i  wake up.  

16 июнь 2021, 15:4916.06.21

Better than nothing, but still a fairly blunt instrument. I'm guessing you're not looking for suggestions on more advanced scripting, so I'll just offer one relatively simple improvement: add the option to split the behavior into a per-stage setting. One behavior might be desirable for the waves leading up to the boss, but not the boss itself. For example, AoE may be very helpful on stage 1-2 of the FK dungeon, but directly detrimental against the boss itself (e.g. Athel using her 1-hit A2 over her 3-hit A1).

16 июнь 2021, 15:5116.06.21

Better than nothing, but still a fairly blunt instrument. I'm guessing you're not looking for suggestions on more advanced scripting, so I'll just offer one relatively simple improvement: add the option to split the behavior into a per-stage setting. One behavior might be desirable for the waves leading up to the boss, but not the boss itself. For example, AoE may be very helpful on stage 1-2 of the FK dungeon, but directly detrimental against the boss itself (e.g. Athel using her 1-hit A2 over her 3-hit A1).

I like this!  Gives you the opportunity to save your A3/A4 for the boss instead of getting to it and not having your best available skill on cool down.

Great suggestion Egdnit!

16 июнь 2021, 16:2916.06.21

Need more than 10, like closer to 100 lol

16 июнь 2021, 16:3216.06.21
16 июнь 2021, 16:32(отредактировано)

I like it, it isnt perfect, as there is no way to set conditions- for example chancellor yasmin is still useless as i cant tell her to use her slumber ability only when there are buffs on targets (i try to use her as a budget buff stripper). So i would still like to see AI fixes please

But it is definitely an improvement.

16 июнь 2021, 16:4716.06.21

Honestly, I've yet to find any use for the AI presets... of course this is linked to which champions you use where. In arena I manual my fights anyway and in CB, having an unkillable, I've long been used to putting things on auto and letting the game AI handle it anyway. In the other game modes, I guess I'm using champs for which either the AI is fine as it is, or the AI presets don't allow me to do what is needed anyway. E.g. Ma'Shalled should in most cases use his A2, followed by A1, then A3, rather than A2 followed by A3 as the AI does now. But with the presets you can't set him up that way.

But EGDNIT had a good point - if there were separate settings for dungeon waves and a boss, I could for instance block his A3 for the waves, which is still not the perfect solution but better than the current AI. 

16 июнь 2021, 17:0516.06.21

We  need  more  than  10  PvE  presets.  There  are  so  much  more  than  10  PvE  areas  of  the  game  that  we  can't  use  the  same  team.

I  would  also  like  an  "overall  AI"  feature.  It  is  a  new  button  on  the  bastion  that  allows  you  to  change  AI  even  if  not  in  presets.  Maybe  make  a  requirement  that  the  champion  has  to  be  Rank  5  or  6  to  do  it.  So,  the  champions  automatically  use  this  AI,  unless  you  decide  to  use  a  preset  with  a  more  specific  AI.

16 июнь 2021, 17:0816.06.21

We need a feature that says (automatically target Enemy so and so) because I am tired of my champs going for the minions in IG

16 июнь 2021, 17:2216.06.21

I  love  the  team  setup  /  presets.

It  is  an  amazing feature.

I  only  have  2  negative  things / suggestions to  say  about  the  presets.

These  suggestions I  am  going  to  say  are  just  my  opinion.

Other  people may  agree  or  disagree with  them.

1.  I  would  like  a  Double Opener  option.

The  Double  Opener  option would  be  good  for  Clan  Boss  +  Doom  Tower.

I  will  explain why  below:


In  Ultra  Nightmare  Clan  Boss,  I run  a  team  which  skips  the  beginning cycle  of  moves.

It  is  a  Ultra  Nightmare  team  speed  tune  to  Nightmare.

UNM  CB  moves  at  190  speed

NM  CB  moves  at  170  speed

We  speed  tune  our  team  at  the  170  SPD  mark  so  that  we  can  stack  more  survivability.

If  we  speed  tune  to  190  SPD,  we  would  need  a  larger  priority of  SPD  over  DEF  &  HP.

This  means  our  team  would  die  sooner  in  the  fight.

Their  is  a  sacrifice which  is  made  in  the  process of  speed  tuning  to  170.

It  means  we  have  miss  out  on  the  first  3  turns  of  the  fight  damage.

The  fight  plays  out  the  following way:

Turn  1:

1st  move:  UNM  Boss  -  1st  AOE  Hit

2nd  move:  My  Team  -  A1  moves  on  team

Turn  2:

1st  move:  UNM  Boss  -  2nd  AOE  Hit

2nd  move:  My  Team  -  A1  moves  on  team

Turn  3:

1st  move:  UNM  Boss  -  Stun

2nd  move:  My  Team  -  My  team  begins  doing  my  main  abilities.

Currently,  The  game  only  has  Single  Opener.

This  means  on  Turn  1  -  they  will  do  A1  move.

Than  opener will  disappear and  the  heros  will  start  doing  regular  skills.

Essentially,  Players  running  these  composition still  have  to  auto  the  fight.

What  I  would  like  is  for  a  Double  Opener.

This  means  on  Turn  1  -  They  will  do  A1  move.

Than  on  Turn  2  -  They  will  do  A1  move.

Than  opener  will  disappear  at  turn  3  which  will  work  out  perfectly.

This  would  allow  players  to  auto  from  the  start  of  the  fight.


In  Doom  Tower,  The  Double  Opener  will  help  players  save  time.

Players  on  the  Best  List  love  running  Double  Prince  Kymar  or  Renegade.

A  popular  Best  List  team  players  use  again  Doom  Tower  Waves  is  following:

2x  Prince  Kymar

1x  Duchess  or  Bad  El  Kazar

1x  Lydia

1x  Seer

The Doom  Tower fight  can  go  down  following  way:

Wave  1:

1st  move:  Kymar  #1  --->  A1  move

2nd  move:  Kymar  #2  -->  A1  move

3rd  move:  Duchess  ---->  Inc.  Atk  +  Block  Buffs  +  Veil

4th  move:  Lydia  ------->  Strengthen +  Inc.  Spd  +  Def  Down  +  Weaken

5th  move:  Seer  ------->  AOE  Nuke

Wave  2:

1st  move:  Kymar  #1  --->  Reset  Skills

2nd  move:  Kymar  #2  -->  A1  move

3rd  move:  Duchess  ---->  Inc.  Atk  +  Block  Buffs  +  Veil

4th  move:  Lydia  ------->  Strengthen +  Inc.  Spd  +  Def  Down  +  Weaken

5th  move:  Seer  ------->  AOE  Nuke

Wave  3:

1st  move:  Kymar  #1  --->  Random  move  -  Doesn't matter  at  this  point

2nd  move:  Kymar  #2  -->  Reset  Skills

3rd  move:  Duchess  ---->  Inc.  Atk  +  Block  Buffs  +  Veil

4th  move:  Lydia  ------->  Strengthen +  Inc.  Spd  +  Def  Down  +  Weaken

5th  move:  Seer  ------->  AOE  Nuke

Currently,  The  Opener  in  the  game  is  only  for  1  time  

Against  Wave  1  -  the  1  time  Opener  will  get  used  up.

Against  Wave  2  -  the  player  will  have  to  stop  Auto  to  manual   1  of  the  Kymars  

They  will  have  to  force  1  of  Kymars  to  do  A1  move  again  to  ensure  a  reset  at  wave  3.

Its  such  a  drag  -  🐳  problem's


2.  I  would  like  more  Team  Setups  /  Presets.

The  game  gave  us  10  PVE  +  10  PVP.

Man,  I  already  used  up  all  the  slots  they  gave  us.

I  need  more  for  PVE  &  PVP.

I  have  like  24  PVE  teams  and  all  they  gave  me  was  10.

I  have  like  13  PVP  teams  and  all  they  game  me  was  10.

Truthfully,  I'm  not  really worried about  PVP  has  much  as  I  am  with  PVE.

If  the  game  gave  me  20  more  for  PVE  +  10 more  for  PVP,  I  would  be  fine  with  it.

6  Doom  Tower  Bosses  +  4  Dungeon  Bosses  +  Clan  Boss  +  13  Faction  War  Bosses

The  game  is  also  planning  to  bring  out  Shadowkin  Faction  +  New  Doom  Tower  Bosses  eventually.

We  simply  need  more  to  be  honest.

16 июнь 2021, 21:3916.06.21

I never bother with it, game has enough busy work.

16 июнь 2021, 22:0416.06.21

One massive improvement would be the ability to say "Wait X turns before using this ability".

Right now, for example, on CB, I have my Brogni delay one turn before using his A3, so the block debuffs lines up with the CB stun. Yes, I can do this manually of course, but if I could set this as part of the AI I'd be able to just start the fight on full auto.

16 июнь 2021, 22:1216.06.21

One massive improvement would be the ability to say "Wait X turns before using this ability".

Right now, for example, on CB, I have my Brogni delay one turn before using his A3, so the block debuffs lines up with the CB stun. Yes, I can do this manually of course, but if I could set this as part of the AI I'd be able to just start the fight on full auto.

If I am interpreting what you want to do, I think you can do this with the preset.  I have two champs which I want to delay 1-turn on UNM CB as well.   FB and Skullcrusher I select A1 as opener, RT I disable A2.  My team is now full auto.   

16 июнь 2021, 22:4216.06.21

It will be nice if we can drag champions in the team presets. 

After selecting the team, the name of the preset should appear so we can know if the custom ai we set is ON. The name should also appear when we go back to that dungeon. Because right now, let's say I did not do Dragon for days then I go back to fight Dragon, I am not sure if I modify the team that I use before so I have to reselect the team again to be sure. 

There should be an indication whether the custom ai we set is ON or if there is no custom AI is set. 

This one is probably not part of the team preset, it will be nice to know which team we use when we set the best time in the dungeon. When we click the best time it will show the team/champions we use. 

16 июнь 2021, 22:4816.06.21

If I am interpreting what you want to do, I think you can do this with the preset.  I have two champs which I want to delay 1-turn on UNM CB as well.   FB and Skullcrusher I select A1 as opener, RT I disable A2.  My team is now full auto.   

Yeah that works, but only if you have a single ability and a one-turn delay.

To give another example, on NM, I want Brogni to wait *two* turns before using his A3. That's not possible with the setup you use - I could, for example, put his A1 as opener, but then he'll use his A3 next. And if instead I prioritize his A2, then he'll use his A2 on turn 2 instead of on turn 1 of the next cycle like I want.

Also, I'd like to have my Vizier use his A3 when it's up, as a damage mitigation move, but I don't want him to be using it early, since I need him to build stacks up first. So in this case I'd like to put, say, a 15 or 20 turn delay on his A3. Since I can't do that, I have to just flat-out disable his A3.

16 июнь 2021, 23:3116.06.21

It will be nice if we can drag champions in the team presets. 

After selecting the team, the name of the preset should appear so we can know if the custom ai we set is ON. The name should also appear when we go back to that dungeon. Because right now, let's say I did not do Dragon for days then I go back to fight Dragon, I am not sure if I modify the team that I use before so I have to reselect the team again to be sure. 

There should be an indication whether the custom ai we set is ON or if there is no custom AI is set. 

This one is probably not part of the team preset, it will be nice to know which team we use when we set the best time in the dungeon. When we click the best time it will show the team/champions we use. 

You do know if a preset is selected, the icon is highlighted blue i think, but its not very clear. The display of the name would be helpful 

16 июнь 2021, 23:3616.06.21

Not related to the presets, but the link to last campaign is actually nice. This should be added for dungeon as well, particularly helpful since I have been switching between 20/24/25 of dungeons and this way the team i used last would be correct. Having 4 links (IG FK DR SP) would be even better. I can remember which stage I did last for the others:)

17 июнь 2021, 00:0317.06.21

Thank  you  everyone,  I'll  write  all  these  up  after  work  and  submit  them.  

17 июнь 2021, 06:4117.06.21

On my ice golem dungeon team, every time I try to name it, after I type a few letters it kicks me over to the character page.  This didn't happen when I named my first 4 teams.  I'm on plarium play on windows.  Overall it seems pretty good although I have to admit that I haven't fully used it yet.  The fusion is taking all the time that I have.  Once we are in between fusions, I'll have time to actually focus on the game again for a bit.

OracleCommunity Manager
17 июнь 2021, 09:5617.06.21

On my ice golem dungeon team, every time I try to name it, after I type a few letters it kicks me over to the character page.  This didn't happen when I named my first 4 teams.  I'm on plarium play on windows.  Overall it seems pretty good although I have to admit that I haven't fully used it yet.  The fusion is taking all the time that I have.  Once we are in between fusions, I'll have time to actually focus on the game again for a bit.

Hi, Quintinar ! This is a known bug which we're going to fix in one of the upcoming updates

17 июнь 2021, 10:2717.06.21

I tried it and found it cumbersome to set up a team.

17 июнь 2021, 18:2317.06.21

Need set name for each setup. I can't remember which one for what. 

I want switch teams in tag team. Currently I have to do manually. 

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