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So what exactly was the arena 'fix' supposed to do?

So what exactly was the arena 'fix' supposed to do?

21 май 2021, 00:0021.05.21

This is what i am up against every time i cant even do anything and i am under 950 power ion my profile


21 май 2021, 07:1321.05.21

For the passed few months now my arena defense has been hit 24/7 about every five to ten minutes. Sometimes I'm attacked by multiple teams at the same time the fights are so constant. It is actually ridiculous that there isn't some kind of CD on how often your defense can be hit. Normally I win about 40% of these defense battles.

All the sudden today my defense has been hit a extreme amount less, 20 minutes was the least amount of time between attacks all the way up to 2 hours the longest stretch of not being attacked. My current defense page is also 100% victories atm. A very stark difference.

I keep being pushed back into G1, I have not done a bunch of fights today but offense is litteraly no different or could it be possible, even worse?

Plarium needs to get their act together. I missed out on the free "bot" rush, they need to just roll back to what ever they were doing when a normal player could jump in and farm some medals. 2-3 years of great hall farming is not just stupid, it's fucking idiotic.

I think they have doubled on on matchmaking by player power and account level which is why some see a difference and others do not.

So with 2 million player power do i really eat my rares that are faction wars only, or just go find something decent to play...

21 май 2021, 07:2521.05.21

Im not seeing any change in bronze either... this was not what I were hoping for :(

21 май 2021, 08:3721.05.21
21 май 2021, 08:38(отредактировано)

They did the 'fix'. I moved up from Bronze III to Silver II (before I was in Gold I). 

But I'd say it's far away from enough and all teams are hard at Silver II. I'm far away from Gold as far as I can see. There are too many daily tasks and most of them are more and more time consuming. It becomes a burden to carry on. The Arena is the most time consuming one on top of all of them. With the so called 'fix', Arena is still tough and time consuming. I will just stay as before: only Arena daily tasks and that's it. 

Arbiter? Forget it. Why do I need her if I'm not playing Arena? Without Arbiter I'm already at all Dungon 20 and Doom tower normal. Dungon 25 will come in time and not planning on Doom tower hard for a long while. So I will just stay semi active then quit at certain point.

21 май 2021, 08:3821.05.21
21 май 2021, 08:39(отредактировано)

I think they have doubled on on matchmaking by player power and account level which is why some see a difference and others do not.

So with 2 million player power do i really eat my rares that are faction wars only, or just go find something decent to play...

Well defense seemed to be a random fluke as over night I was back to normal being attacked non stop every  3-5 lminutes and dropped over 100 points while I slept. Offense is no different still. Nothing has been fixed.

edit: I never payed much attention to player power. I'm 1.3mil and most teams I get are team power of 140k-200k. 

21 май 2021, 12:1421.05.21
21 май 2021, 12:38(отредактировано)

Based on ambigous statements and minimal hard data, thats what i expect to see each roll (in B and S) from current 'fix':

ONLY Opponents +- 2 player level from mine current player level

ONLY Opponents with +- 20k player power from mine current player power

ONLY Opponents with +- 20k team power from mine current team power

At least in this model, will give a bit more competitnes as i will be mached against simillar level of opponents, not impassible walls.

It wont be easy, but at least will add more fairness to arena.

21 май 2021, 13:1521.05.21

Based on ambigous statements and minimal hard data, thats what i expect to see each roll (in B and S) from current 'fix':

ONLY Opponents +- 2 player level from mine current player level

ONLY Opponents with +- 20k player power from mine current player power

ONLY Opponents with +- 20k team power from mine current team power

At least in this model, will give a bit more competitnes as i will be mached against simillar level of opponents, not impassible walls.

It wont be easy, but at least will add more fairness to arena.

Player level means almost nothing.  I'm about to turn level 65 on day 115.  They have vastly expanded the ways you can gain player level if you are active but it doesn't mean what it used to mean.  Player power doesn't mean anything.  It doesn't measure what actually makes  a team strong.  They vastly expanded inventory space so newer players have had a larger amount of space to store characters and have used it (making their player power stronger than it would be with people with more concentrated character inventories).  

From personal experience, I am not seeing anything that you are seeing or even close to it.  Not only do those metrics mean nothing in terms of how strong an arena team is, but I'm also not seeing what you are seeing or what others have said they are seeing.

21 май 2021, 15:1021.05.21

Well, if you put those variables into alghoritm, they become meanignful in terms of matching your opponents. Give alghoritm proper variables in proper ranges, then you get proper resoults.

Feed alhoritm with rubbish you get rubbish

Narowing down poll of opponents will make your chosen oppoents more bearable and increase fair competitivnes.

22 май 2021, 09:5722.05.21

Best indication that your fix didn't work: Several threads in the forum with the question, if the fix is allready implemented or not.

22 май 2021, 10:2922.05.21
22 май 2021, 10:29(отредактировано)

Best indication that your fix didn't work: Several threads in the forum with the question, if the fix is allready implemented or not.

Wall to wall arbiter or kymar leads for me still, and i actually go for the speed teams since i cant get through the tanky teams anymore, they invariable have krisk etc and i cant get through the shields and dont have a buff stripper yet.

They arent the best arbiters to be fair, ive upgraded my speeds and have a 292 speed seeker for turnmeter now, and win the speed race 2/3 of the time.

But its a cycle, fight back into gold - then wake up to find im at the bottom of s4 or even top of s3 

TLDR if anything its a bit worse.

22 май 2021, 10:2922.05.21

Whether it's "working" or not is relative. I suspect that all it'll really do is make it easier for some and harder for some (and probably mostly unchanged for the rest). Tweaking matchmaking alone can't do much more than that, and their idea to make it more difficult for people to de-rank (unintentionally) may just make the arena frustration even worse. I'm not in a hurry to advance in tiers, though I'd like to feel reasonably sure that I will be able to eventually, but what I do want is to be in a place where I can find reasonable matchups without refreshing all day long. Unless you can find opponents, advancing in the arena will not really help you with anything except a minor boost to the tier bonus.

Basically, I think people will continue to complain about the arena, and not without merit, until the following conditions are met:

1) There is a light at the end of the tunnel; a belief (and a rational one) that you can reach the top eventually and a steady (if slow) progress towards that goal as you improve. As long as overall progress is linked to arena progress, this is necessary. In another truly boneheaded move, Plarium decided to drag the tag team arena into it with their new missions, so be prepared for history to repeat itself with that in the future.

2) Meanwhile, people should remain roughly stable in a spot where they can get a reasonable number of viable opponents with a reasonable amount of effort. That means, essentially, you should be able to use most of your tokens, have reasonable successrate (ideally 50/50, but given the asymmetry in attacking/defending, you'd need to make some adjustments), and not have to make the arena a full-time job to achieve that goal. This includes, perhaps seemingly somewhat counter-productive, making it harder to advance to tiers where players will not be able to do that.

3) Make participating in the arena either fun, so that people want to spend time on it, or make it low-effort, so that people don't have to spend time on it. Forcing people to work hard for something that doesn't feel rewarding is not a recipe for success in games...

22 май 2021, 15:3522.05.21

So far, overnight i dropping from middle of S2 to middle of S1 (due to defence), then need to top up offence to back to middle of S2, and then overnight will drop to middle of S1, and so on so on and so on.

Slower decay to lower tier  - pure bullshit so far

22 май 2021, 18:3222.05.21
22 май 2021, 18:32(отредактировано)

I have been at a friends barbecue all day so not played, just logged in and ive dropped 200+ points on defence, i won about 40% on defence but was hit every few minutes.

I am actually in S2 for the first time in months and months, since being in G2 i have dramatically improved my team, grinded tonnes of dragon etc...and fallen 4 tiers... and i have refreshed and its still arbiter/kymar speed teams or krisk/tormin go second teams.

It seems because i have fairly high player power all i get now is matches with high power whales.

Which moron thought this was a good 'fix'? Its complete BS.


22 май 2021, 19:5822.05.21

I hope they do the "fix" for Gold IV as well, I do not really have trouble with current "unfixed" Gold IV but the path to fill all lvl 10 towers will take more years, lol.