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So what exactly was the arena 'fix' supposed to do?

So what exactly was the arena 'fix' supposed to do?

20 май 2021, 14:1920.05.21

So what exactly was the arena 'fix' supposed to do?

So we have waited weeks for this miraculous 'fix' to silver arena

I waited for the fix to be applied, logged in, refreshed and...half my page is people who have completed the arbiter quest as they have arbiter leads, the others are either top tier tank teams or kymar leads... in mid silver tier..

What exactly is supposed to have changed? It looks like nothing has changed at all and it was a lie.

20 май 2021, 14:3020.05.21

I do not believe it has been applied yet, although the wording of their latest message makes that unclear. I believe the update was just to put in place some technical infrastructure necessary to eventually activate it.

20 май 2021, 14:3020.05.21

I do not believe it has been applied yet, although the wording of their latest message makes that unclear. I believe the update was just to put in place some technical infrastructure necessary to eventually activate it.

Ahh if so i misread the notice, thanks.

20 май 2021, 16:1820.05.21

Lol, I saw some youtube video titles suggesting it was live, rushed to refresh and had the same reaction.  Considering they are still using player power (a big fu to people who actually get characters to do things like faction wars in the lower stages), I'm not that hopeful but even bringing us back to where we were 1 month ago would be a huge improvement (still broken but it has gotten ludicrous).

20 май 2021, 16:3420.05.21

I guess I should say, I really hope this isn't their idea of a fix (I'm on day 114 - player power 800k and f2p):


20 май 2021, 19:0020.05.21

I guess I should say, I really hope this isn't their idea of a fix (I'm on day 114 - player power 800k and f2p):


Despite what a few trolls say, most are experiencing the same

I follow coldbrew on his ftp series, he has a similar line up to mine but is a bit quicker as he is 294 speed lead and he is stuck in S4 with 294 speed.

The thing is though account level and power is the most ridiculous way to matchmake. So even if their 'fix' is still to come it wont fix a thing if it really is just 'tweaking matchmaking'

20 май 2021, 19:1420.05.21

did they change something today? Havn't had time to play and checking now and my defense is very different from normal, or its just coinincedence? This is a SS from my defense today so far, normally I lose 50-65% of these but today ....

I can't remember but I was in low 1800s last night I believe and log in today up in the low 2000s. Offense seems no different but I dont think gold is being fixed at all so who knows.


20 май 2021, 19:3620.05.21

^^^ i had that happen about 2 months ago, i went from s3 to g2 on overnight defense then took 2 months to fall back into silver

At this stage i have no idea if plarium artificially manipulate it or not.

My log right now looks the same however.

20 май 2021, 19:4920.05.21

Well they sure did something. I'm trying to remain in S4 so that I can get the fragment from the tournament (almost there), so I've removed my defense team. No one has even tried to attack me for 3 hours. I'm 1 win away from G1 now despite my best efforts to avoid it, short of picking fights and losing on purpose.

20 май 2021, 19:5420.05.21

Well they sure did something. I'm trying to remain in S4 so that I can get the fragment from the tournament (almost there), so I've removed my defense team. No one has even tried to attack me for 3 hours. I'm 1 win away from G1 now despite my best efforts to avoid it, short of picking fights and losing on purpose.

Is it even supposed to be live?

I read it as so, but another forumer thought not and to be honest the announcement was ambiguous

20 май 2021, 19:5620.05.21

I have no idea. Either they've done something or I'm experiencing some sort of glitch. I have never seen a log without a single attack in 3h (and 17 minutes now), even with a defense team in place. I haven't lost a single point as far as I can tell, so it's not just a matter of not seeing it in the log. I'm in G1 now, we'll see if things change now that the matchmaking is not the same.

20 май 2021, 20:0420.05.21

Im still being hit constantly, i have 2 million player power- i guess i need to start eating faction wars characters as that is the only reason i can think im not getting different matches

20 май 2021, 21:1520.05.21
20 май 2021, 21:17(отредактировано)

I can only say i am giving up on this game its not fun anymore i cant do anything in arena anymore i keep getting hammered with powerfull legend teams and boom teams.

you need to be a hardcore gamer in this game to do anything and use tons of hours on it to get somewhere 

20 май 2021, 21:2620.05.21

Apparently it is live.  There is a facebook post about 7 hours ago saying that they had to do technical maintenance in order to push the arena changes to production.


There's no real mention on what these changes are though.  The link in the comment just goes to the post back on the 6th of May with the same high level overview of what we had before (https://www.facebook.com/RaidShadowLegends/posts/3954744677974341?fbclid=IwAR2ppagyFId3V0MqGZyEuu3C7vXvy31-5-UNuJbmm7-Vd3BgKS249BhDvxU)

20 май 2021, 21:4620.05.21

Thats the post i saw, but its ambiguous - would be nice to have confirmation of whether it is live.

20 май 2021, 21:5820.05.21

Well, 5h20m since my last defense, despite having a single-champion defense team. Something is definitely different, whether it's a bug or a feature.

20 май 2021, 22:1520.05.21

i am getting matched with insane powerfull teams its insane

20 май 2021, 22:2020.05.21

Well dropped back into silver, at least I can test for the fix? Arbiter teams still make up over 50% of S4, still losing speed race with 283 speed. God comps still take up all slots.

Maybe something was changed with how often you're getting attacked, other than that my initial thought is arena remains broken af.

20 май 2021, 22:2820.05.21

Well dropped back into silver, at least I can test for the fix? Arbiter teams still make up over 50% of S4, still losing speed race with 283 speed. God comps still take up all slots.

Maybe something was changed with how often you're getting attacked, other than that my initial thought is arena remains broken af.

Im not even sure if it is live

I just fought ten battles, first time in ages ive done that- i won 7 (including 3 arbiter teams as half my board is arbiter leads). Its the heavy shield sets i struggle with now as i dont have a buff stripper levelled

But my net point gain was cancelled by the points lost in defence, i must look tempting because i am getting hit all the time and i have a 40% win rate in defense so slowly dropping still 

20 май 2021, 23:5420.05.21

Im not even sure if it is live

I just fought ten battles, first time in ages ive done that- i won 7 (including 3 arbiter teams as half my board is arbiter leads). Its the heavy shield sets i struggle with now as i dont have a buff stripper levelled

But my net point gain was cancelled by the points lost in defence, i must look tempting because i am getting hit all the time and i have a 40% win rate in defense so slowly dropping still 

For the passed few months now my arena defense has been hit 24/7 about every five to ten minutes. Sometimes I'm attacked by multiple teams at the same time the fights are so constant. It is actually ridiculous that there isn't some kind of CD on how often your defense can be hit. Normally I win about 40% of these defense battles.

All the sudden today my defense has been hit a extreme amount less, 20 minutes was the least amount of time between attacks all the way up to 2 hours the longest stretch of not being attacked. My current defense page is also 100% victories atm. A very stark difference.

I keep being pushed back into G1, I have not done a bunch of fights today but offense is litteraly no different or could it be possible, even worse?

Plarium needs to get their act together. I missed out on the free "bot" rush, they need to just roll back to what ever they were doing when a normal player could jump in and farm some medals. 2-3 years of great hall farming is not just stupid, it's fucking idiotic.

20 май 2021, 23:5520.05.21
21 май 2021, 00:43(отредактировано)

Still hanging around getting nowhere in silver 4. Still losing almost every speed race with my gorgorab-led team. He is wearing all speed/divine speed gear. As before the simple reason is the hordes of account level 80+ arbiter-led teams. 

Here's my Silver 4, post "fix": 

Are we now going to get the "working as intended" stall for another 6 months? Please do let me know because that will decide whether I'll be an ex-raidie or not. 

Here's my Silver 4, post "fix":  
