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Someone Please Explain this to me

Someone Please Explain this to me

10 апр. 2021, 14:0710.04.21

The way I see it. Unless you have a very powerful team, you cannot make any progress. I doubt if Plarium can do anything about it.  Currently Plarium has Bronze level 1,2,3,4 and Silver level 1,2,3,4 and Gold level 1,2,3,4 and Platinum level 4

The only real solution would be to introduce Platinum 2 3 and 4 levels. and then introduce a diamond level as well.

Alternatively Plarium should turn off the matching system which matches you with other players who have same levels. Removing players from any given level will not help. I am also stuck in Bronze level 1. Basically I am getting all players who have a better team than me. that is the end of it. Unless I have 4 fully built up champions even speed will not help. I am now trying to level up champions to a point that each of my champs should be maxed out, books, masteries, potions, glyphs, levels 60, 6* lego artifacts etc. there is no other way. I am unable to proceed to Bronze 2 either.

10 апр. 2021, 22:4410.04.21

That's not me saying that. Plarium says that.

Let's say your PP is 540K, you'll get matched against people with 540K PP regardless of anything else.

But let's say you are doing all faction wars, (that's 13 teams), let's say like 3 dungeon teams, CB team and your arena team. So you have 18 teams. So your individual team is expected to be 30K.

There is a lot of only semi-active players in lower tiers, so let's imagine someone does just 4 faction wars. Suddenly their expected team power is 60K. That's quite the difference. 

No - you are lying.

Plarium never told anyone to sacrifice all there heroes to lower Player Power.

This is the nonsense which you are telling people to do.

The only thing Plarium said was how the match making system works.

Bronze to Silver - you get matched up vs. other people with similar Player Power.

Gold to Platinum - you get matched up by other Factors.

You gave an example.

I am glad you gave an example because your own example is going to show you how wrong you are.

You said the following:

let's say you are doing all faction wars, (that's 13 teams), let's say like 3 dungeon teams, CB team and your arena team. So you have 18 teams. So your individual team is expected to be 30K.

There is a lot of only semi-active players in lower tiers, so let's imagine someone does just 4 faction wars. Suddenly their expected team power is 60K. That's quite the difference.  

You stopped your example by saying the 30k player is going up against the 60k player.

Lets continue your example.

You have been telling the 30k players to sacrfice all their teams.

You have told them this so they can Lower their Over All Player Power.

How is that going to help them beat the 60k players?

It really isn't going to help them win against those players.

The only thing you are doing is trying to get there Player Power low enough so they don't get match up with 60k Players, but that logic is flawed as well.

You are trying to tell players to dodge other strong players.

You can't dodge strong players in arena forever.

Reaching Silver 1 is part of the Missions.

Reaching Gold 1 is part of the Missions.

You are telling players to sacrifce to lower Player Power to get easier match making, but that system doesn't continue into Gold.

What does Low Player Power do for you in Gold?

It makes you a weak target!

In addition, Top Tier Clan's don't like recruiting Low Power Players.

They want High Power Players to maintain Clan Leader Board Ranks.

A lot of Clans have Player Power Requirements.

11 апр. 2021, 00:1711.04.21

It really baffles me how out of touch some people can be.

I would suggest to the 3 big defenders of the arena, Trips, Player J and Airmax, create am new account that is FTP and play like a noob, summon more heros that you need and level them to 30- 50, try to compete in the tourneys and events, don't race to 60 with your first toon, all things that new people tend to do and then see what your experince in the arena is like.

I also really don't understand the attitude that games IE entertainment should be work, while i don't want it to be too easy, I already have a job that i put in 40 to 50 hours a week and play games like this to blow off steam not feel like im putting in another 40 to 50 hours of work.

I know these comment won't touch you in any way because we are all just whiners and get gud =)

11 апр. 2021, 02:4611.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 02:48(отредактировано)

It really baffles me how out of touch some people can be.

I would suggest to the 3 big defenders of the arena, Trips, Player J and Airmax, create am new account that is FTP and play like a noob, summon more heros that you need and level them to 30- 50, try to compete in the tourneys and events, don't race to 60 with your first toon, all things that new people tend to do and then see what your experince in the arena is like.

I also really don't understand the attitude that games IE entertainment should be work, while i don't want it to be too easy, I already have a job that i put in 40 to 50 hours a week and play games like this to blow off steam not feel like im putting in another 40 to 50 hours of work.

I know these comment won't touch you in any way because we are all just whiners and get gud =)

To Bad - I couldn't summon more heros than I needed when I was a Beginner.

Roster Space & Vault Space was outragiously small.

It must be nice to have such Luxury as a new player to summon as many champions as you want + level them to level 30 - 50.

To Bad - You didn't start playing the game 2 years ago.

We didn't have Auto Battles for any of the Campaign or Dungeon Stages.

We had to manually click replay with our Hands.

It must be nice saying the game is like a secondary job when you have auto battles at your finger tips.

Image having a secondary job where you click replay with your finger till your arm gets carpal tunnel.

You wake up the next day with a throbbing pain radiating from your Elbow down to your Index Finger.

This is why we call you whiners and such ungrateful ones at that.

11 апр. 2021, 04:1011.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 04:15(отредактировано)
Player J

To Bad - I couldn't summon more heros than I needed when I was a Beginner.

Roster Space & Vault Space was outragiously small.

It must be nice to have such Luxury as a new player to summon as many champions as you want + level them to level 30 - 50.

To Bad - You didn't start playing the game 2 years ago.

We didn't have Auto Battles for any of the Campaign or Dungeon Stages.

We had to manually click replay with our Hands.

It must be nice saying the game is like a secondary job when you have auto battles at your finger tips.

Image having a secondary job where you click replay with your finger till your arm gets carpal tunnel.

You wake up the next day with a throbbing pain radiating from your Elbow down to your Index Finger.

This is why we call you whiners and such ungrateful ones at that.

And your point is...........?

Played other games like this before as in Summoners War.  I had to press the button multiple times.  Anyway with a Raid Card you pay for the privellage to multi batle.   Also because the content was less you didn't "need" the space so not exactly sure of the actual point.  The more content that comes for the WHOLE game the more space you need to make your roster larger.

Mind you there are some things about Summoners War that Raid could emulate.  For example if you upgraded levels with a dupe it also ascended the hero from memory.  Anyway whatever.  Also there was a clan vs clan battle system that Raid is only now emulating and that game is quite old.  It also had things like free swap days for gear and other things.  Can't remember it clearly as it was awhile ago.  Went to play it again before I started playing Raid but account had problems so I started Raid instead of that.

There is not X number of reserved positions available in Bronze - Gold and it is simply about the numbers of battles you win/lose so there aren't reserved places people are competing for.  Plarium have very clearly stated that you are matched up by Player Power.  Player power is calculated based on the number, rank and artifacts equiped and upgraded.  Thus if you are playing the WHOLE game you will have multiple teams and gear.  Which translates as you drop the number of heros and equiped gear you have (that costs silver) to drop your player power to compete in the arena.  Simple math.  So yes Plarium have provided the solution to Arena in dropping you player power.  Problem is if you want to be ready for the end game you have to keep any of the heros you might luck along the way for that end game content.

So because they expanded the game and the Daily and Advance Daily (FW, CB, DT content) it requires you to do multiple things you need a rounded roster of teams.  Also because getting heros is completely random and the luck of the draw and you can't farm lots of them you have to keep them.  I have seen the older players saying just run a team with these heros and I haven't got the heros in the suggested rosters so not sure how to do it.  Some I do have now but only just got some so I leveled up others and now I can level up these "Arena" heros.

At the end of the day the mechanics are also simple speed lead, speed gear, strike first, strike in order and it's all about luck and getting the right gear.  Time in the game gives the opportunity to get the right gear as well as pull the legendaries as well as get the legendaries as part of your daily rewards.  Not to meniton books.

So new players are coming up against players that have had twice as long in the game.  I.e. 90 day players are up against teams that have 180 day legendaries that are at lvl 60 and 6 stared.

11 апр. 2021, 04:2311.04.21

It really baffles me how out of touch some people can be.

I would suggest to the 3 big defenders of the arena, Trips, Player J and Airmax, create am new account that is FTP and play like a noob, summon more heros that you need and level them to 30- 50, try to compete in the tourneys and events, don't race to 60 with your first toon, all things that new people tend to do and then see what your experince in the arena is like.

I also really don't understand the attitude that games IE entertainment should be work, while i don't want it to be too easy, I already have a job that i put in 40 to 50 hours a week and play games like this to blow off steam not feel like im putting in another 40 to 50 hours of work.

I know these comment won't touch you in any way because we are all just whiners and get gud =)

I am also constant gold4 every week. In and out of platinum during weekdays. I also wanted to start a new account while arena is "hard" just to prove a point to these players. 

But then it came to me, it will not help these players. Why? I play the game without the pressure of rushing my progression. I will not worry on missions that I can not finish. Even way back in 2019 that is what I am doing until I can finish the missions. I will just farm dragon everyday until I have the artifacts that I need and slowly progress. I will stop focusing in arena, stay in bronze by putting troll def if I have to. 

The problem is like I said in my other forum account (my old account got ban for some reason), arena whether it is bronze or gold, it does not matter how is the quality of your matches, it is how you can catch up with other players. 

These players does not want to catch up, they just want an easy game where they just cruise to get Arbiter. 

They won't listen when I said stop focusing in arena and just focus in stage 20 dungeons. Start focusing in arena when you can alreafy farm stage 20 dungeons. 

But they chose to be annoyed in the game. They listen to their favorite content creators that say arena is broken. So I advise is to just quit in the game. This game is not for you. 

TLDR, stop playing arena for a while. Come back when you can farm stage 20 dungeons. Get 6 star artifacts and get better. 

11 апр. 2021, 07:5811.04.21

It really baffles me how out of touch some people can be.

I would suggest to the 3 big defenders of the arena, Trips, Player J and Airmax, create am new account that is FTP and play like a noob, summon more heros that you need and level them to 30- 50, try to compete in the tourneys and events, don't race to 60 with your first toon, all things that new people tend to do and then see what your experince in the arena is like.

I also really don't understand the attitude that games IE entertainment should be work, while i don't want it to be too easy, I already have a job that i put in 40 to 50 hours a week and play games like this to blow off steam not feel like im putting in another 40 to 50 hours of work.

I know these comment won't touch you in any way because we are all just whiners and get gud =)

I'm sure he/she doesn't need my defence but to be fair Trips isn't what I'd call a defender of arena especially having given me advice outside of this forum- clealry acknowledges it doesn't work for newer players and needs changing - but given this seems unlikely (given Plarium's attitude especially) advises what is needed to progress as it is now. 

11 апр. 2021, 15:0311.04.21


I already proved my point.

Minin believes beginners summon 100's of hero's.

Minin believes beginners level them all up to 30-50.

Minin believes no beginners races to 60 with their first toon.

All these things Minin has said are an exaggeration of the truth.

- I didn't summon 100's of heroes when I was a beginner because it was impossible.

We didn't have the space like we do now.

- I didn't level up every hero on my roster because I wasn't using all of them.

I only leveled up a handful (Maybe a total of 6) which I was using vs. Campaign.

- The first thing I did was rush to get a 60 hero.

When I was a beginner, I asked for advice in Global Chat in the game.

I told them what should I do as a starting out player.

An experienced player replyed to me by saying I should rush to get a 60 to beat Brutal Campaign.

The experienced player told me the hero I should 60 was Executioner (Farmable Hero from Chapter 11).

Experienced Players didn't recommend leveling up the starters to farm Campaign.

They recommended Executioner or Relic Keeper.

They told me the starters were not strong enough to beat Brutal Campaign.

They said their was only 2 viable heroes Executioner or Relic Keeper.

In today's modern age of Raid, we all know the starters are strong enough to beat Brutal Campaign. 

We all know their is more than 2 viable heroes which can farm Brutal Campaign.

A lot of players built Executioner or Relic Keeper as their campaign farmer.

I fell into the same category.

I leveled up Executioner as my campaign farmer.

It seems farfetched and unbelieveable that a mass group of people would believe in such a crazy thing.

The truth is that is what really happened.

- We didn't have youtubers 

- We didn't have people giving us fountains of information

- We ask questions on the forum. 

They went unanswered because no one knew the answer

The few people who did know the answer didn't feel like being helpful to share the information.

Secrets where a huge deal back than as well.

If a person knew how to beat Dragon Stage 13, They were suppose to tell the Clan and no one else.

If a person told someone outside of the team, They were labeled as a traitor.

Any way, I have talked enough about these issues.

11 апр. 2021, 16:1511.04.21

I'm confused as to what your point is.

If it is that reducing player power does not help you advance in the arena, you're blatantly wrong. I've tried it both ways, and increasing player power makes it more difficult while reducing it makes it easier. I've gone from midway to S3 back down to B3 and then back up to mid S1 (even touching S2 occasionally) doing nothing whatsoever except manipulating my power level. Will that help in gold? No, apparently not, but it's unlikely to hurt you much either. Either way, you think anyone stuck in bronze cares what will happen when they get to gold? They don't. They are concerned with getting there at all.

Speaking of which, is it that the arena is no more difficult now than it was for players previously? Sorry to burst that bubble, but this is really simple math. The game was released a bit under 3 years ago. At that point, there were no accounts 3 years old. Or 2 years old. Or a month old. The competition for the top spot was a lot less hardened. The influx of players at the bottom, the only place where arena points are generated, was relatively speaking much higher. How many Arbiters did the first person to get an Arbiter have to fight through to get her? 0. Now you can find them in bronze. It's not the be-all-end-all of champions, but it does signify that power is creeping downwards, while it's solidifying at the top. It is the inevitable end result of the way the arena is designed.

So yes, the arena is significantly harder now than it was at the start, and it will keep getting harder. Plariums strategy is not sustainable. It may have worked, once, because the amount of new players counteracted the power inflation of older players. When the game first opened, every account was new, so that wasn't a problem. This would be the good time to climb the arena, because the bottom tiers are filling up fast and pushing people upwards to a relatively unoccupied top tier. As time passes, more accounts will get older and more powerful. The amount of new players at the bottom will decrease, relatively speaking. The top tiers get filled up while the pressure from the bottom decreases. The push may still come from below, but eventually you'll reach a tipping point where the push turns downwards instead, and the saturation at the top will start to kick in. It will get harder and harder to get there, and eventually, it will be impossible, or so close to it that making the distinction between that and improbable is mostly academic. I don't know if we've hit that point yet, I don't have the statistics to tell, but it will happen eventually.

There are only a few limited ways to "fix" the arena. You can try to increase the influx of new players, but you'd have to have the growth accelerate indefinitely for it to work out long-term, and it should be immediately obvious to anyone why that's not a viable solution. You could encourage older players to quit, though I doubt that would go over well. Or you could artificially equalize the pressure at the bottom with the top. "Bot" teams, have battles generate a net gain of arena points, there are several ways to do it, but in the end it's about injecting more points into the system. Of course, you'd also have to give up the idea of exclusivity at the top tiers, and discard this whole fantasy about having a competitive environment in a game built on the idea of an uneven playing field. Judging by what I've seen so far, that's not likely to happen.

11 апр. 2021, 16:3511.04.21

I'm confused as to what your point is.

If it is that reducing player power does not help you advance in the arena, you're blatantly wrong. I've tried it both ways, and increasing player power makes it more difficult while reducing it makes it easier. I've gone from midway to S3 back down to B3 and then back up to mid S1 (even touching S2 occasionally) doing nothing whatsoever except manipulating my power level. Will that help in gold? No, apparently not, but it's unlikely to hurt you much either. Either way, you think anyone stuck in bronze cares what will happen when they get to gold? They don't. They are concerned with getting there at all.

Speaking of which, is it that the arena is no more difficult now than it was for players previously? Sorry to burst that bubble, but this is really simple math. The game was released a bit under 3 years ago. At that point, there were no accounts 3 years old. Or 2 years old. Or a month old. The competition for the top spot was a lot less hardened. The influx of players at the bottom, the only place where arena points are generated, was relatively speaking much higher. How many Arbiters did the first person to get an Arbiter have to fight through to get her? 0. Now you can find them in bronze. It's not the be-all-end-all of champions, but it does signify that power is creeping downwards, while it's solidifying at the top. It is the inevitable end result of the way the arena is designed.

So yes, the arena is significantly harder now than it was at the start, and it will keep getting harder. Plariums strategy is not sustainable. It may have worked, once, because the amount of new players counteracted the power inflation of older players. When the game first opened, every account was new, so that wasn't a problem. This would be the good time to climb the arena, because the bottom tiers are filling up fast and pushing people upwards to a relatively unoccupied top tier. As time passes, more accounts will get older and more powerful. The amount of new players at the bottom will decrease, relatively speaking. The top tiers get filled up while the pressure from the bottom decreases. The push may still come from below, but eventually you'll reach a tipping point where the push turns downwards instead, and the saturation at the top will start to kick in. It will get harder and harder to get there, and eventually, it will be impossible, or so close to it that making the distinction between that and improbable is mostly academic. I don't know if we've hit that point yet, I don't have the statistics to tell, but it will happen eventually.

There are only a few limited ways to "fix" the arena. You can try to increase the influx of new players, but you'd have to have the growth accelerate indefinitely for it to work out long-term, and it should be immediately obvious to anyone why that's not a viable solution. You could encourage older players to quit, though I doubt that would go over well. Or you could artificially equalize the pressure at the bottom with the top. "Bot" teams, have battles generate a net gain of arena points, there are several ways to do it, but in the end it's about injecting more points into the system. Of course, you'd also have to give up the idea of exclusivity at the top tiers, and discard this whole fantasy about having a competitive environment in a game built on the idea of an uneven playing field. Judging by what I've seen so far, that's not likely to happen.

Even if I think the dozens (or hundreds?) of threads about "Arena is to hard" destroy the atmosphere in game and forum, and while I think that most people are in Bronze 1 because their teams belong exactly there, I like your post. You don't cry about arena like others, but use logic and valid arguments.

11 апр. 2021, 17:4711.04.21

I really think people read what they want to read 😁

Player J

I am going off the posts i see on these boards and my own experience.

if you really beleive that everyone who picks up a game does all the research before ever playing the game, then i can not help you. Yes we all understand when you started you all went uphill both ways and us new people will never understand how bad you had it.

I am not complaining well maybe i little😈, I am slowly working my way up but it is very disheartening to be in bronze 3 and faceing teams 30 to 40k higher than what i have, and to know that coming in 24 hours I am back where i started the week out at and have to work my way up once again.

Oh well I do not think there will be a meeting of the minds here some beleive that new people will never play long or hard enough to deserve what they have achived with their pixels that they don't own🙈🙉🙊

12 апр. 2021, 10:0612.04.21
Player J

No - you are lying.

Plarium never told anyone to sacrifice all there heroes to lower Player Power.

This is the nonsense which you are telling people to do.

The only thing Plarium said was how the match making system works.

Bronze to Silver - you get matched up vs. other people with similar Player Power.

Gold to Platinum - you get matched up by other Factors.

You gave an example.

I am glad you gave an example because your own example is going to show you how wrong you are.

You said the following:

let's say you are doing all faction wars, (that's 13 teams), let's say like 3 dungeon teams, CB team and your arena team. So you have 18 teams. So your individual team is expected to be 30K.

There is a lot of only semi-active players in lower tiers, so let's imagine someone does just 4 faction wars. Suddenly their expected team power is 60K. That's quite the difference.  

You stopped your example by saying the 30k player is going up against the 60k player.

Lets continue your example.

You have been telling the 30k players to sacrfice all their teams.

You have told them this so they can Lower their Over All Player Power.

How is that going to help them beat the 60k players?

It really isn't going to help them win against those players.

The only thing you are doing is trying to get there Player Power low enough so they don't get match up with 60k Players, but that logic is flawed as well.

You are trying to tell players to dodge other strong players.

You can't dodge strong players in arena forever.

Reaching Silver 1 is part of the Missions.

Reaching Gold 1 is part of the Missions.

You are telling players to sacrifce to lower Player Power to get easier match making, but that system doesn't continue into Gold.

What does Low Player Power do for you in Gold?

It makes you a weak target!

In addition, Top Tier Clan's don't like recruiting Low Power Players.

They want High Power Players to maintain Clan Leader Board Ranks.

A lot of Clans have Player Power Requirements.

If you used your tiny little brain which you don't seem to have or at least use, you would know that what you are saying is complete nonsense.

Yeah, reducing their PP doesn't help them win against people with double their TP, it helps them not face these teams and have an actual chance at getting some wins.

Yes, I am telling people to dodge teams that are much more powerful than theirs. because it might come as a surprise to you, but having no chance at winning is not fun for a lot of people.

And here is another newsflash for you: New players don't give a single damn about how matchmaking in Gold works, because they can't get there. And similarly, they don't give a crap about top tier clans because they are hitting easy or normal CB, not NM or UN.

12 апр. 2021, 16:1912.04.21

Below is my movement from Bronze VI to Silver II, all within the past 22 days on a brand new account. My fastest champ is Spirithost at 207. I beat teams that have power ratings well above mine. My gear is not maxed out and I have no 6* gear. Only two of my team are level 60. You can progress as a newbie F2P if you follow the advice others have given. Arena is hard and it should be.








12 апр. 2021, 17:0912.04.21

If you used your tiny little brain which you don't seem to have or at least use, you would know that what you are saying is complete nonsense.

Yeah, reducing their PP doesn't help them win against people with double their TP, it helps them not face these teams and have an actual chance at getting some wins.

Yes, I am telling people to dodge teams that are much more powerful than theirs. because it might come as a surprise to you, but having no chance at winning is not fun for a lot of people.

And here is another newsflash for you: New players don't give a single damn about how matchmaking in Gold works, because they can't get there. And similarly, they don't give a crap about top tier clans because they are hitting easy or normal CB, not NM or UN.

Oh, this is beautiful.

Comments like this put a smile on my face.

It seems to me like people don't understand the points I am making.

They are probably visual learners!

People are stuck on the below mission: Reaching Silver 1


Walazard + Others are telling people to sacrifce their Champion's to lower Player Power.

 They are telling people to reduce PP in order to dodge teams that are much more powerful than theirs.  

I have been telling Walazard + Other people the strategy they are using isn't going to work.

It doesn't work because the same Match System doesn't apply to Gold Arena.

Walazard believes I'm not using my tiny little brain.

Walazard says no on cares about how the matchmaking system in Gold works.

I find it amusing Walazard says no one cares about Gold Arena.

How do those people who are sacrificing their champions plan to get past the below mission:


Reaching Silver 1 is Part 2 of the Arbiter Mission.

Reaching Gold 4 is Part 4 of the Arbiter Mission.

All the Sacrificing + Dodging of Strong players in Silver Arena isn't going to help in Gold Arena.

I think you better start caring about Gold Arena.

You are hung up on 1 Mission (The Silver 1 Mission) which is 1 out of 286 Missions.

You are allowing yourself to get caught up looking through a NARROW LENS.

You are not seeing the BIG PICTURE. 

Furthermore, Sacrificing Hero's can damage Players Long Term Progression.

Players might need those sacrificed heros to progress in Dungeons or Faction Wars.

Walazard says no on cares about top tier clans because they are hitting easy or normal CB, not NM or UNM CB.

I find it amusing Walazar says no one cares about Clan Boss.

The Final Mission in Part 4 is the Clan Boss Mission.


100 Million Damage to the Clan Boss on Nightmare Difficulty.

Its kind of Poetic in a way.

Arbiter is the Light.

The Path way to heaven is thru the Door.

The Clan Boss is the Dark.

The Clan Boss stands guard at the Door trying to prevent you from going thru.

The Clan Boss is the Ultimate Gate Keeper.

You better start caring about Clan Boss.

Easy Mode & Normal Mode are not going to cut it!

13 апр. 2021, 08:0913.04.21

Well Player J, with all due respect, I do think you are a bit out of touch with the new players.

They are not going to care how much damage they need to do to the clanboss at the end of part 4. Mainly because they cant even see that task as they are stuck behind a arena task in part 1 or 2.

Now ofcourse you are absolutely right that if they drop too much player power to progress through the arena today, they will have a hard time in a few months. But they might not be playing in a few months as they cant progress today.

Now I am a casual player. bouncing between Silver 4 and Gold 2. And the strange thing is, the way the current matchmaking system is working, for my 1.5M player power, Silver 4 is way harder then Gold 1.

To illustrate, three weeks ago I was slacking off and dropped back into Silver 4 on sunday night. So I needed the full 200 points to get back into gold. Bit unlucky, but shouldnt have been slacking. I know its my own fault.

Anyway, I needed 5 days to get back into gold 1, and 2 days later I was in gold 2. And thats while you need a 100 points more for that.

In my opinion that is indicative of a design flaw. Now I wont complain as I can deal with it, but I can imagine it to be quite the problem for newer players.

13 апр. 2021, 10:1813.04.21
Player J

Oh, this is beautiful.

Comments like this put a smile on my face.

It seems to me like people don't understand the points I am making.

They are probably visual learners!

People are stuck on the below mission: Reaching Silver 1


Walazard + Others are telling people to sacrifce their Champion's to lower Player Power.

 They are telling people to reduce PP in order to dodge teams that are much more powerful than theirs.  

I have been telling Walazard + Other people the strategy they are using isn't going to work.

It doesn't work because the same Match System doesn't apply to Gold Arena.

Walazard believes I'm not using my tiny little brain.

Walazard says no on cares about how the matchmaking system in Gold works.

I find it amusing Walazard says no one cares about Gold Arena.

How do those people who are sacrificing their champions plan to get past the below mission:


Reaching Silver 1 is Part 2 of the Arbiter Mission.

Reaching Gold 4 is Part 4 of the Arbiter Mission.

All the Sacrificing + Dodging of Strong players in Silver Arena isn't going to help in Gold Arena.

I think you better start caring about Gold Arena.

You are hung up on 1 Mission (The Silver 1 Mission) which is 1 out of 286 Missions.

You are allowing yourself to get caught up looking through a NARROW LENS.

You are not seeing the BIG PICTURE. 

Furthermore, Sacrificing Hero's can damage Players Long Term Progression.

Players might need those sacrificed heros to progress in Dungeons or Faction Wars.

Walazard says no on cares about top tier clans because they are hitting easy or normal CB, not NM or UNM CB.

I find it amusing Walazar says no one cares about Clan Boss.

The Final Mission in Part 4 is the Clan Boss Mission.


100 Million Damage to the Clan Boss on Nightmare Difficulty.

Its kind of Poetic in a way.

Arbiter is the Light.

The Path way to heaven is thru the Door.

The Clan Boss is the Dark.

The Clan Boss stands guard at the Door trying to prevent you from going thru.

The Clan Boss is the Ultimate Gate Keeper.

You better start caring about Clan Boss.

Easy Mode & Normal Mode are not going to cut it!

Brain damage like this causes an aneurysm in my brain.

I will try to use simple small words your tiny brain will do the understand to:

When player is doing the stuck in Bronze, player is not doing the caring about Gold. 

When player is doing the stuck on reach Silver I mission, player is not doing the caring about the last mission.

When player is doing the shit getting kicked out of them in Bronze, player is not doing the playing in Gold.

When player does not do the having good enough gear and champions to beat Brutal, player is not doing the caring about Nightmare.

It is big stupid to think that player can do the playing in Gold and the one-keying of UN on day one and do the ignoring that player has to do the game progressing thing first.

13 апр. 2021, 10:4813.04.21
13 апр. 2021, 10:48(отредактировано)

Brain damage like this causes an aneurysm in my brain.

I will try to use simple small words your tiny brain will do the understand to:

When player is doing the stuck in Bronze, player is not doing the caring about Gold. 

When player is doing the stuck on reach Silver I mission, player is not doing the caring about the last mission.

When player is doing the shit getting kicked out of them in Bronze, player is not doing the playing in Gold.

When player does not do the having good enough gear and champions to beat Brutal, player is not doing the caring about Nightmare.

It is big stupid to think that player can do the playing in Gold and the one-keying of UN on day one and do the ignoring that player has to do the game progressing thing first.

What Player J wants to say and you don't understand:

If you are stuck in Bronze and reach Silver with the stupid "lowering your account power, delete all champs" method, you will be stuck in Silver for direct two reasons. 

1. No champs to farm better gear in dungeons, you deleted them. 

2. You still don't know how to play the game. You got into silver by getting weaker, kind of abusing a game mechanic. Indeed a very stupid game mechanic, Plarium should change it, but that doesn't matter.

If you reach silver instead by getting a better arena team and bringing them to lvl 60, you will not get stucked in Silver forever. Getting weaker playerpower by deleting champs doesn't solve the problem, it just delays it for the price of really beeing stucked afterwards. Getting into Silver by building a team that is good enough for Silver solves the problem.

Every single complainer thread here in the forum shows us mediocre, weak, very weak or "wtf are you doing?"-weak teams. Speednuking teams without def debuff, teams with 3* artifacts, teams without any lvl 60 champ. Do you really think that players benefit from deleting all their champs? You method may bring them into silver (their is not even a proof for that). But for what? Fullfilling this single mission of the arbiter quest line? And then going direct into Bronze again, because a lvl 50 champs, 3* artifact team without def debuff can't win a single fight in silver.

13 апр. 2021, 10:5913.04.21

I think there is a bit misunderstanding abut artificial tuning of player power,

It is not about to remove all you  champs.

5* and 4* champs (inc food ) have low impact on power player.

Biggest impact on PP have food 3* and 2* champs, so if you stockpile them you inflate you PP dramatically

four 4*1 champs = 6k

four 3*1 champs = (+-10k)

10x green shard pull = (+- 12k)

It is about optimisation (dont stockpile 3* champs move them stright to be 4* champs), it is more efficient int therms of PP to have bunch of 4* food than 3* food champs


13 апр. 2021, 11:1113.04.21
13 апр. 2021, 11:12(отредактировано)

I think there is a bit misunderstanding abut artificial tuning of player power,

It is not about to remove all you  champs.

5* and 4* champs (inc food ) have low impact on power player.

Biggest impact on PP have food 3* and 2* champs, so if you stockpile them you inflate you PP dramatically

four 4*1 champs = 6k

four 3*1 champs = (+-10k)

10x green shard pull = (+- 12k)

It is about optimisation (dont stockpile 3* champs move them stright to be 4* champs), it is more efficient int therms of PP to have bunch of 4* food than 3* food champs


Managing your food champs doesn't harm you. But a lot of people in the "lower your player power"-faction say, you should delete everybody exept a "core team of 6 to 10" champions (I've read this number in one of the million arena complaining threads). 

Even if that would work as intended, a player that is stuck in Bronze 1 because his arena team is Kael, Elhain, Shaman, Warpriest, all lvl 50, probably brings his account to death by deleting the wrong champions.

13 апр. 2021, 11:2313.04.21
13 апр. 2021, 11:23(отредактировано)

... smh...

Agree 100% with J and skadi