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Someone Please Explain this to me

Someone Please Explain this to me

8 апр. 2021, 16:5308.04.21

Someone Please Explain this to me

WHY ????  This is Bronze Tier I 

Those are my Top 4 Heros , none of my team have over 125 speed

only 2 have a few pieces of 5 star gear


These are the teams that I face every day all day long in Bronze level I 


8 апр. 2021, 19:3108.04.21

"Those are my Top 4 Heros , none of my team have over 125 speed

only 2 have a few pieces of 5 star gear"

You asked "WHY?" - 3 answers are above 

Strike 1.  Your top 4 heroes, no level 60 champs yet.... Lots of FW40s though....

Strike 2. Speed < 125 (slight problem)

Strike 3. Bad gear (address #1 and #2 and this will magically get better)

9 апр. 2021, 02:1709.04.21

I replied to a thread long time ago on a random  post about arena, on what this community wants in matchmaking. 

They want to get match on players with the same crappy gear they have. 

I feel bad for Plarium for having these type of players. They are ruining the game. 

With that said, I think Plarium should put all  "bots" in their list from bronze to silver4. No real player accounts. Boring but that should shut them up. 

9 апр. 2021, 04:2109.04.21

Matchmaking and difficulty of the current arena aside, you have a lot of other issues to address first.

I stayed out of the arena for awhile when I started, focus on getting Elhain to lvl60 and max out her masteries so she becomes a real threat in all areas of the game, but especially the campaign. Then work towards brutal 12-3, but spend a lot of time farming stage 6 of the campaign for speed gear and stage 8 for life steal.  You should be able to get through normal easily, if you get stuck farming hard stage 6 or hard 12-3 for awhile, that's fine.  It's a grind, you'll slowly improve your gear enough to get her to do 12-3 brutal on her own so she can level up food.

As for gear and speed, 4* boots (any peice, forget about sets for a moment) maxed will add 35 speed, which should put any of those champs above 130.  Two peices of speed gear will add 10-12 speed to any given champ, a single pair of boots, even if not in a set, with a main speed stat, will add a lot more, so break your sets if you have to.  Keep any peice of gear you get with a speed substat as well, and roll them to at least 4 or 8 to see if you hit on it, regardless of the set.  

Ideally your high katune would be in all speed gear, but failing that, at least get her good speed boots and gear with speed substats (hopefully rolled up at least once).  Also get high katune to 50 when you can.

You'll eventually want to farm masteries for your entire arena team, regardless of who you have on it at any given point in time, and get them all fully ascended.  Those two things make a big difference, but they do take time so make that a part of your longer game strategy.

Also, for comparison, my Elhain is in 4 star gear (life steal and cruel sets), 4 star ring, 5 star amulet and banner, has 196 speed and can solo 12-3 brutal with ease 100% of the time in about 30-40 seconds.  None of it is god tier gear, it's all starter gear (I don't use her anymore so I've never bothered to update any of it).  Get some of your champs maxed out and you'll notice some big improvements in the non-arena areas of the game.  Level 60 is a massive difference.  After that, you'll start to notice improvements in the arena itself.

9 апр. 2021, 05:1409.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 05:18(отредактировано)

This continuous bleating about how "unfair" the Arena seems is getting old.

Everyone is getting better and stronger all the time. You need to get better at a greater rate than those that joined the game at the same time as you.  Should those that have put in the time, energy and even money get disadvantaged because newer players want everything on a silver platter.  You have to work for it and it takes time!

The Tag Team Arena should give you some idea to which tier you belong.

In my opinion, Plarium should remove all dummy or bot accounts and other "balancing" algorithms from all levels and just let the players fight for their spot.

Botto, your team is rubbish and deserves to be in Bronze 1.

9 апр. 2021, 09:2409.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 09:29(отредактировано)

These sort of responses would be fine except we know that arena MM is screwed because it works to whatever extent off player power not team power for some unfathomable reason. And I've reduced my player power somewhat and it has made a bit of a difference. 

Below is an example of the teams I can put up and I'm just into bronze 2!!! (Was almost in bronze 3 but lost 7 batttles overnight  - surprise surprise.)

So let's maybe not slag off newer players who, for some bizarre reason, might expect 'matchmaking' in the lowest possible tiers of the arena to make matches that are maybe balanced and encourage them to actually carry on playing. Weird idea I know.

I'm basically ignoring arena other than for the daily missions - simply can't be bothered.


9 апр. 2021, 12:5909.04.21

"Those are my Top 4 Heros , none of my team have over 125 speed

only 2 have a few pieces of 5 star gear"

You asked "WHY?" - 3 answers are above 

Strike 1.  Your top 4 heroes, no level 60 champs yet.... Lots of FW40s though....

Strike 2. Speed < 125 (slight problem)

Strike 3. Bad gear (address #1 and #2 and this will magically get better)

None of these "answers" actually answers the question tho.

The real answers is:

Because Matchmaking is broken and you have way too many champions you are using outside of the arena which is increasing your Player Power without increasing your Arena power. So you are facing much tougher opponents than is appropriate for your team.

9 апр. 2021, 13:3109.04.21

None of these "answers" actually answers the question tho.

The real answers is:

Because Matchmaking is broken and you have way too many champions you are using outside of the arena which is increasing your Player Power without increasing your Arena power. So you are facing much tougher opponents than is appropriate for your team.

No it is not the matchmaking, it is the player playing the game poorly.  I sense you suffer from the same malady.  Enjoy Faction Wars!

9 апр. 2021, 13:4209.04.21

Poorly? all built is speed+anything.

If all builts need speed to win the game is broken.

9 апр. 2021, 13:5109.04.21

The matchmaking algorithm looks at your player power, so if you have a lot of champs you probably have an inflated set of opponents.

My fresh account hit bronze 4 in 8 days of playtime.... with warmaiden, kael, galek and spirithost... not amazingly fast either (fastest 180, slowest 155) . Use a mouseclicker if you find hitting replay boring.

So there are things you can do to improve your situation (for example i would in your situation focus on farming some speed boots)

However the way the game punishes people for playing faction wars is not right--- and we have seen people with a couple of million player power stuck in bronze with far more high powered opponents than those shown here. Pretending there is no issue with matchmaking in bronze and silver is disingenuous, because there is. 

9 апр. 2021, 14:0809.04.21

None of these "answers" actually answers the question tho.

The real answers is:

Because Matchmaking is broken and you have way too many champions you are using outside of the arena which is increasing your Player Power without increasing your Arena power. So you are facing much tougher opponents than is appropriate for your team.

What your saying is total nonsense.

You keep preaching the idea to be good in Arena you need Low Player Power + only focus on Arena.

If anyone is dumb enough to listen to you, They are going to get destroyed in Arena.

You can't get good in Arena (PVP) if you suck outside of Arena (PVE).

The PVE Content helps you do better in the PVP Content.

The players you get matched up with are not tougher opponents.

The players you get matched up with should be doing the same things you are doing.

You are getting matched up with players of equal strength to you.

If they are beating you, it means you have been slacking off or doing something wrong.

9 апр. 2021, 14:1209.04.21


Right or wrong that it influences arena, it is a fact.  And focusing on FW is flat out STUPID until END GAME.  I have been playing for 18 months, reached Hard Doom 114 (failed miserably for 3 months) and I still have never leveled a champ for FW.  I am just getting to the point now where it makes sense to do so.  Until you can smell Lydia, you should not worry about FW.  This is 100% fact.  

Plarium does not like my idea of creating two arenas to seperate new accounts from veterans, player power is the proxy for that.  It is not perfect, but at least it is transparent (a rarity from plarium).  No matter what they use for matchmaking, the bad players are going to lose.  There is no stupid division.  Well actually there is, it is called Bronze 1.

I am not against arena being modified to help new players, I think it should be a top priority in fact.  The bots were a bad idea becuase it didn't help people learn to play the game.  Which is why regardless the state of the arena, I am fine being labeled as one of the "Get Good" preachers.

9 апр. 2021, 14:1709.04.21

Blaming players and encouraging everyone down the cheesy speed route just lets the dreadful matchmaking system and Plarium off the hook. 

In all the tiers there appear to be teams of ridiculously varied power - I can be in bronze 2 with a 50k team power and meet a team of 120k power. 

How and why is that even happening? Surely a tier should work like a division in sport, where  the sensible approach would be for teams of similar power to be in similar divisions with  promotions and demotions. Not having random 'Barcelonas' pop up in the bottom tiers because their owner can't be arsed to play and they've slipped down several levels.

9 апр. 2021, 14:2109.04.21


Right or wrong that it influences arena, it is a fact.  And focusing on FW is flat out STUPID until END GAME.  I have been playing for 18 months, reached Hard Doom 114 (failed miserably for 3 months) and I still have never leveled a champ for FW.  I am just getting to the point now where it makes sense to do so.  Until you can smell Lydia, you should not worry about FW.  This is 100% fact.  

Plarium does not like my idea of creating two arenas to seperate new accounts from veterans, player power is the proxy for that.  It is not perfect, but at least it is transparent (a rarity from plarium).  No matter what they use for matchmaking, the bad players are going to lose.  There is no stupid division.  Well actually there is, it is called Bronze 1.

I am not against arena being modified to help new players, I think it should be a top priority in fact.  The bots were a bad idea becuase it didn't help people learn to play the game.  Which is why regardless the state of the arena, I am fine being labeled as one of the "Get Good" preachers.

Dont get me wrong, i am not trying to get into online arguments with you :0 , quite simply we see bronze and silver differently.

To me bronze and silver are newbie tiers, they come so early in the mission tree and the rewards for each week are awful, and lots of people stuck in bronze/silver are hitting unm or nm clan boss which seems silly.

I watched HH do an account takeover to get into silver 1 (still a newbie tier) and the takeover account had gorg and apoth - and he tuned it to 250 sheet speed lead which just about got him out of the newbie tier and into silver 1

That should not (in my opinion) be needed to get out of bronze.

If it was me? i would have bots in silver and bronze, so people can at least make slow progress on their halls, and keep gold as competitive as it is. That would not spoil the competitiveness of gold, and gold would still be the best way to farm for later game players- but it would also mean players dont hit a complete roadblock

Finally i think the best way to matchmake is obvious- by the level of great hall development.

BUT i appreciate you feel differently and life would be boring if everyone agreed. :)

9 апр. 2021, 14:3009.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 14:31(отредактировано)

Players have tried telling Beginners Bronze Arena isn't an issue.

The Beginners don't listen and continue to complain about Arena.

They don't listen to what other people say.

They are completely hard headed.

My only option to get thru to you thick skulled players is to complain like you.

All you understand is a person complaining.


The other day I lost to a Siphi in Platinum Arena with 395 speed.

The person had 20 mil Player Power.


And guess what? it doesn't look like he is trying to reduce his Player Power.

It looks like he is trying to increase it.


Platinum Arena is so Broken.

I faught against a team with 400k Team Power.

His team had over 800 Resistance.

I couldn't land a single debuff on him!


Platinum Arena is so Unfair.

I faught against a Trunda who hit me 2 times doing 125k damage per hit.

How can that even happen? It was a random counter attack from a mastery.


Platinum Arena is so RNG.

I faught against a team with 3 Hegemon's.

How on earth do you beat 3 Hegemon's?

They went first and nuked me to death.


Platinum Arena is so Pay to Win.



9 апр. 2021, 14:5809.04.21

Player power matters, as base on it alhoritm choose opponents = bigger player power harder opponents

This is a fact.

Opponents are taken from teams pool, which contains players which level deviates from +4 -4 of current player level

Simple test for everyone:

1. look at current player power

2.pull 10x green shards

3.look at current player power

single 3* food champ adds almost same player power (3-6k)than four 4* champs

9 апр. 2021, 15:1609.04.21

Blaming players and encouraging everyone down the cheesy speed route just lets the dreadful matchmaking system and Plarium off the hook. 

In all the tiers there appear to be teams of ridiculously varied power - I can be in bronze 2 with a 50k team power and meet a team of 120k power. 

How and why is that even happening? Surely a tier should work like a division in sport, where  the sensible approach would be for teams of similar power to be in similar divisions with  promotions and demotions. Not having random 'Barcelonas' pop up in the bottom tiers because their owner can't be arsed to play and they've slipped down several levels.

 The "cheesy speed route".  You do realize that speed is the meta for the entire game, not just arena?

9 апр. 2021, 15:4009.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 15:41(отредактировано)

According to the information Plarium gave on Discord, playerpower influences matchmaking only in Bronze and Silver. The idea why they did this was to help newbies, as everybody starts with a low player power and increases it over time with levelling up the champions. So in theory new players are protectet from getting a match vs. old accounts. 

I don't think it works as intended in practice. Getting out of Bronze 1/2 is much more difficult than getting out of Silver 1/2. Even if the most teams in Bronze 1 are poorly built, you can't win if your champs are lvl 40 and the opponent's champs are lvl 60. It takes time to make some lvl 60 champs.

That said, on the other hand a lot of players complain without any reason. They allready have enough lvl 60 champs (or, very often, so many lvl 50 champs that they could have enough lvl 60 instead) and cry how broken arena is, but in reality they just don't know what they are doing and put 4 random champs into battle. After day 30, where you get your High Khatun, everybody can build a team that wins in Bronze. 

For example the thread-op, his team composition is just bad. The typical mistake of building a speednuking team with HK-lead, but without def debuff. Of course that team can't win. Second mistake is, that the main damage dealer, Elhain, is only lvl 50. We can see in the roster that there is no lvl 60 champ at all, but exp, ascension potions (and probably the best aviable gear) are spread among a bunch of heros. Champs that are not used in his team are fully ascended, the champs he uses are not.

Things to do to get into silver:

  • make Dark Elhain lvl 60 (she is a better damagedealer than her counterpart, higher base atk and she can buff herself with 50% atk-buff)
  • run Dark Elhain together with 3 food-champs in Act 9 of the campaign, choose a stage that she can beat alone (probably 9-3)
  • Act 9 is the first choice because you can farm Warmaiden here, Warmaiden brings AoE def debuff, what your team needs
  • keep farming that stage after you got your first Warmaiden to farm copies, you need a 100% chance on her A3, copies from a champ can be used instead of books
  • switch to farm campaign 12-3 now, you get more exp and gold there, make Warmaiden and Hope at least lvl 50, better lvl 60

You have an arena team that beats Bronze now: HK (speedbuff), Hope (allready used by the op, at first sight I wanted to say "why Hope?", but she is not a bad choice, she can strip buffs from immortal or shield sets, and with Dark Elhain as nuker you have a free spot in your team for that, you don't need somebody else to give atk-buff), Warmaiden (def-debuff), Dark Elhain (AoE-atk). High Khatun in speed-gear, Hope and Warmaiden in accuracy gear, Dark Elhain in damage gear. 

10 апр. 2021, 07:5710.04.21
Player J

What your saying is total nonsense.

You keep preaching the idea to be good in Arena you need Low Player Power + only focus on Arena.

If anyone is dumb enough to listen to you, They are going to get destroyed in Arena.

You can't get good in Arena (PVP) if you suck outside of Arena (PVE).

The PVE Content helps you do better in the PVP Content.

The players you get matched up with are not tougher opponents.

The players you get matched up with should be doing the same things you are doing.

You are getting matched up with players of equal strength to you.

If they are beating you, it means you have been slacking off or doing something wrong.

That's not me saying that. Plarium says that.

Let's say your PP is 540K, you'll get matched against people with 540K PP regardless of anything else.

But let's say you are doing all faction wars, (that's 13 teams), let's say like 3 dungeon teams, CB team and your arena team. So you have 18 teams. So your individual team is expected to be 30K.

There is a lot of only semi-active players in lower tiers, so let's imagine someone does just 4 faction wars. Suddenly their expected team power is 60K. That's quite the difference. 

10 апр. 2021, 12:5210.04.21

This is Bronze II and you think that these teams should be in here with new players?  Just hit 100 days and these have heros from 180 days.  That's nearly twice as many days of play and collecting gear and heros.

Yep player power is high because I have teams for the WHOLE game content because it's actually the WHOLE game you play.  Also have some food champions in the vault waiting for the next tournament/event to use them so I can at least have an opportunity to get some books etc.

If the content shouldn't be available to the new player it shouldn't be in the list.  The Advanced quests with the FW and CB content is available to players so you do need to build to get it.  If you don't it's a disadvantage as much as is the Arena bottleneck.


10 апр. 2021, 13:5710.04.21

Those teams you will see in b3/s1/s2/s3 and further

I assume that your player level is between 55 and 50, you progessed to fast (irony), so now you need simply cope with it (another irony), as all is git gut