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New Player Arena HELL

New Player Arena HELL

11 апр. 2021, 00:2311.04.21

Listening to Experienced players is good, I think most people are doing that, myself included. It's how I climbed, along with weeks/months of grinding gear.

Begginer hype, now your trolling just like your free win excuse covering up that those were the type of teams you faced in your early days.

What I said is true, a team of non six stars, not fully ascended, sub 90k team power will sit in upper bronze in the current meta.

I'm not here advocating for all the crybabies that expect to be arena legends without doing time gearing properly, having a proper team, and selecting the right fights, and learning but you obviously as you said have been playing for two years and had a very different experience from current players.

I have just fought my way up from upper bronze into gold post what ever plariums claim of bots or not change.  With that said your posts in this thread are complete bull and a mockery of intelligence.

Good day.

Beginner Hype isn't trolling.

All players experience a Beginner Hype.

The Beginner Hype is merely different for each individual person.

Beginner Hype for me happened in the following ways:

1 - I was very addicted to the game.

2 - I couldn't put the game down.

3 - I spent tons of money on the game.

4 - I absorbed any good information I could from experienced players.

I was a Beginner, but I had Time - Money - Energy - Knowledge from good players backing me.

A player who wants to dominate with all the resources they need at there disposal to dominate.


What I say isn't bull or a mockery.

You simply are not putting the situation into perspective.

The team I had was a make Shift Whale team.

The game didn't have Arbiter back than.

All the teams you see in arena now with Arbiter Leads didn't exist.

All those teams had Gorgorab Leads.

Highest Dungeon was Stage 15.

Arbiter Mission came after the release of Stage 20 Dungeon + Introduction of 6 Star Artifacts. 

You are looking at 90k team power and you are saying that is low.

You are comparing it to todays power.

The problem is those people are using 6 star gear which didn't exist.

You are not factoring in all the things which have been added to the game since the time of my screenshot.

- 6 Star Gear

- Nightmare Campaign

- Forge Gear

- Free Legendaries Heroes

- Glyphs

- Great Halls (Resistance was considered bad back than no one put points in it)

Don't you see how your comparision is just bad?

Team power & Player power were considerably lower across the entire game.

The new features which have been added to the game has inflated Power.

12 апр. 2021, 08:3112.04.21

This game is Raid Shadow Trash on pvp. When you don't think it could get any worst.. it did!