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New Player Arena HELL

New Player Arena HELL

9 апр. 2021, 02:3809.04.21

76+ million player downloaded the game, only 335k+ players that are lv60+ account.

Yaga that is a free 60d free reward is the least owned hero.

Like it or not, people see mission as a progression road map, when even at bronze they hit a huge impassable road block people will see them as PAY WALL as other freemium games have set up, and immediately quit. I agree to an extent that people need to "git gud" but not that early into the game.

9 апр. 2021, 03:2409.04.21

9 апр. 2021, 17:1709.04.21

Hello, everyone! I would say that while you are in Bronze or Silver it is still worth keeping many of your champions because in Gold the Player power doesn't matter that much anymore for matchmaking. Therefore, if you dispose of too much of your Champions now, you may severely undermine your future performance in the Gold, where rewards are better. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to keep absolutely all your Champions, but try to preserve at least those whose Skills synergize well with your primary Champions.

Yeah, nobody is getting to gold with the system you have in place punishing them for aquiring new characters UNLESS they get rid of the characters.  Player power is a bad metric and using that bad metric to determine individual team fights is beyond a  bad idea.

9 апр. 2021, 17:2509.04.21
Player J

I saw a F2P player have 2 heroes level 60 fully maxed out in 7 days. 

The 2 heroes where (Athel + Warmaiden)

I saw a F2P player beat all the Stage 20 Dungeons in 40 days setting a new all time record.

It might shock you to know what people are capable of in this game.

Some beginners don't complain, whine, or make excuses on why they can't progress.

Some beginners put there head down and grind their way to victory.

You think I am disconnected from Arena.

The problem is you are unaware that I have tracked my journey through Arena in the game.

It's like a journal with pictures & text.

It shows my humble beginnings to my current state in the game.

For Example: This is a Picture of Me level 52 fighting in Silver 3.


1st move: Gorgorab ---> Speed Booster + Increase Attack

2nd move: Spider -----> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Kael -------> AOE Nuker

4th move: Seducer ---> AOE Decrease Enemy Attack + Provoke (I had him in Provoke set)

If the enemy wasn't killed by my Kael, They where Crowd Controlled by my Seducer.

61k Team power - Not Impressive, but the Team was Highly Effective.

I didn't pull my first Legendary till I was level 60.

The Daily Login Rewards stopped at Shaman.

I didn't own High Khatun.

I didn't own a Crowd Control hero.

I used what was available to me.

Seducer was my only very Tanky hero.

I made Seducer a Crowd Control hero by putting Provoke Gear on him.

You have got to be kidding me.  You don't realize it but you are proving our point.  The team you were facing in Silver 3 is far easier than anything I've seen since Bronze 3 when I was 3 weeks in.  I wish I could face either your team or your opponents but those teams are not sniffing silver these days.

9 апр. 2021, 17:4509.04.21

You have got to be kidding me.  You don't realize it but you are proving our point.  The team you were facing in Silver 3 is far easier than anything I've seen since Bronze 3 when I was 3 weeks in.  I wish I could face either your team or your opponents but those teams are not sniffing silver these days.

No - You don't want to face my Silver 3 team.

It would beat you and you would just create a new thread complaining Silver is unfair/broken.

9 апр. 2021, 18:2109.04.21

Never saw such teams in my S3, i wish to have such opponents :)


all above are from 102k to 165k (last one), the one i won wasnt have good composition, my power is (87k, since i get to s2 never fought team that has less that my team power)

9 апр. 2021, 20:3709.04.21
Player J

WTF!!!!! is this crap???????????

I backed  out at 30 seconds......just garbage!

good grief what has these forums come to :(

9 апр. 2021, 22:0809.04.21

WTF!!!!! is this crap???????????

I backed  out at 30 seconds......just garbage!

good grief what has these forums come to :(

I thought the video was fitting with the theme of this thread.

I come to give advice to help the OP of this thread.

Random Beginners come to this thread and reply to me.

The Random Beginners who are replying to me act as if they know all about me.

Here is 1 example quote given to me by a person.

This 1 example is similar to all the other example quotes people reply to me with.

"You (Player J) and Airmaxx are totally disconnected from Bronze and new players to give your advice in this case"  

Other people say the same exact thing.

They have been playing for 1 week and yet they act as if they know all about me.

I have been playing for 2 years.

They are telling me my advice is bad or disconnected.

How can a person in Bronze tell a person in Gold/Platinum that there advice is bad or disconnected?

What experience do they have to make such a statement?

They have played the game for 1 week.

They have mastered the entire arena in 1 week.

Yet, they can't get out of Bronze Arena. 

All these Arena complaining threads are a joke.

The only good Arena threads are the ones where people are actually trying to improve.

I ran across an Arena thread yesterday by player named Gondorath.

People gave him advice - he listened to the advice.

He will most likely be in Gold 4 by next month.

Meanwhile, the rest of the people complaining about Arena.

They will still be in Bronze by next month or they will have quit the game.

9 апр. 2021, 22:1709.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 22:27(отредактировано)

I have been playing for a month now. It was fun in the beginning, but now, not so much. Just got High Khatun 2-3 days ago. She did help me quite a lot as basically I didn't get any other good speed champ. However, the only thing she helped me was to get to Bronze II as I was stuck in Broze I for almost 2 weeks.

My best attempt was touching Bronze IV (in the first 1-2 weeks and after the first fight I was back in Bronze III), but for over 2 weeks, I cannot reach Bronze III. I read a lot of strategies and guide and all, but its impossible. I am stuck on that Mission "get to Silver" for way too long. I only recently got lvl60 character and my team power is ~44k, but in the Arena I am only facing 50-85k, consisting of multile lvl60 and/or legendaries (I have zero legendaries so far). Sometimes I manage to beat some 50k, but if they are more than 50 I no longer try, as I never won. Its the same thing for the Tag Team Bronze I, all teams are 50-80k per team with only lvl60s and full on legendaries, while my teams are 44k, 27k and 37k. Yeah... so fun.

I now realize that is also part of me collecting all the crappy rares I get, which inflates my Player Power. But if that is the problem, then its just bad design by the developers for counting never used characters as "power". I don't want to use them as food, I want to keep them and use them in the Factions. I don't want to go over "luck" until I get someone again. I farmed 4th town sooo long until I got Spirithost that I got 7-8 Graybeards. The "luck" is so good that after farming the spider forever, I have 12+ rings and amulets for every fraction, but currently 0 for High Elves (my started is Elhain), so I don't have an amulet on my lvl60 character (not gonna talk about banner).

Events are not possible. On day 1, 10+ people are past halfway of the max reward, while I spend the whole time just barely reaching the middle reward with points.

If things continue like this, in 1-2 weeks I will just move on from this game, not worth the time being stuck on the same place for eternity.



I have a chance, right?

9 апр. 2021, 23:0109.04.21
Player J

I thought the video was fitting with the theme of this thread.

I come to give advice to help the OP of this thread.

Random Beginners come to this thread and reply to me.

The Random Beginners who are replying to me act as if they know all about me.

Here is 1 example quote given to me by a person.

This 1 example is similar to all the other example quotes people reply to me with.

"You (Player J) and Airmaxx are totally disconnected from Bronze and new players to give your advice in this case"  

Other people say the same exact thing.

They have been playing for 1 week and yet they act as if they know all about me.

I have been playing for 2 years.

They are telling me my advice is bad or disconnected.

How can a person in Bronze tell a person in Gold/Platinum that there advice is bad or disconnected?

What experience do they have to make such a statement?

They have played the game for 1 week.

They have mastered the entire arena in 1 week.

Yet, they can't get out of Bronze Arena. 

All these Arena complaining threads are a joke.

The only good Arena threads are the ones where people are actually trying to improve.

I ran across an Arena thread yesterday by player named Gondorath.

People gave him advice - he listened to the advice.

He will most likely be in Gold 4 by next month.

Meanwhile, the rest of the people complaining about Arena.

They will still be in Bronze by next month or they will have quit the game.

Wow  man. Even without trying  you got me . Cheers M8 :)

You took the high ground  on this and gave a reasonable response. I was drinking  on this Fri night and  looking for a fight but you totally extinguished  my flame for a fight

You are a Legend  indeed.

Peaceout PG

9 апр. 2021, 23:5109.04.21

I have been playing for a month now. It was fun in the beginning, but now, not so much. Just got High Khatun 2-3 days ago. She did help me quite a lot as basically I didn't get any other good speed champ. However, the only thing she helped me was to get to Bronze II as I was stuck in Broze I for almost 2 weeks.

My best attempt was touching Bronze IV (in the first 1-2 weeks and after the first fight I was back in Bronze III), but for over 2 weeks, I cannot reach Bronze III. I read a lot of strategies and guide and all, but its impossible. I am stuck on that Mission "get to Silver" for way too long. I only recently got lvl60 character and my team power is ~44k, but in the Arena I am only facing 50-85k, consisting of multile lvl60 and/or legendaries (I have zero legendaries so far). Sometimes I manage to beat some 50k, but if they are more than 50 I no longer try, as I never won. Its the same thing for the Tag Team Bronze I, all teams are 50-80k per team with only lvl60s and full on legendaries, while my teams are 44k, 27k and 37k. Yeah... so fun.

I now realize that is also part of me collecting all the crappy rares I get, which inflates my Player Power. But if that is the problem, then its just bad design by the developers for counting never used characters as "power". I don't want to use them as food, I want to keep them and use them in the Factions. I don't want to go over "luck" until I get someone again. I farmed 4th town sooo long until I got Spirithost that I got 7-8 Graybeards. The "luck" is so good that after farming the spider forever, I have 12+ rings and amulets for every fraction, but currently 0 for High Elves (my started is Elhain), so I don't have an amulet on my lvl60 character (not gonna talk about banner).

Events are not possible. On day 1, 10+ people are past halfway of the max reward, while I spend the whole time just barely reaching the middle reward with points.

If things continue like this, in 1-2 weeks I will just move on from this game, not worth the time being stuck on the same place for eternity.



I have a chance, right?

Save Every Legendary, Epic, & Rare hero you pull.

Unless, you pull multiple copies which you might consider using them as Food or Tomes.

Don't listen to people telling you to reduce Player Power.

It's all rubbish which is going to Harm your progression.

You have to Gain Player Power in order to become stronger!

The reason you are losing in Arena is because your set up bad.

You need to go back to the Arena Basics.

The Enemy Team you are fighting against is going to beat you.

You have no chance to win.

I don't know who told you the set up your using is good, but its not good. 

You have to redesign your team.

I see High Khatun on your team.

I see Elhain on your team.

I see Bellower hiding in your roster, but your not using him in the fight.

I see Spirithost hiding in your roster, but your not using her in the fight.

You could redesign your team to become a Speed Nuking Team.

It would give you a better chance of Victory.

Leader: High Khatun - 19% Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun

2nd move: Spirithost

3rd move: Bellower

4th move: Elhain

You should strive to make your Bellower 6 star.

10 апр. 2021, 01:1810.04.21

I am saving every rare and epic, the other epics you don't see are Nazana, Lodric Falconheart and Rock Breaker. When I get a rare dup I either use it as a food or if its a bit nicer, I use it to level the character skill. The only dup rare I keep is 2nd Elhain, which at the time i got her, she was quite helpful.

I am currently leveling up Bellower. And Spirithost I just got her 2 days ago after sooo many attempts, and getting 7-8 Graybeards. I am also still leveling her up too. At the current level, she isn't helping me as I don't have good gear for her.

My Elhain has quite a high speed and she usually goes first (its not endgame high ofc, but at the current level 170, I hit first 90% of the time), then High Khatun. I am trying to get better gear for High Khatun to beat Elhain and I am still leveling her up, I got her 3 days ago. But because of that I am using the current setup. Elhain usually goes first and kills or nearly kills a target (if enemy team is no more than +10k of my level). Speed boost from High Khatun, damage decrease by Kaiden, shields by Thenasil (if he doesn't drop it in time, he at least heals the team after that and drops it). 50% of the time I manage to survive enemy nukes (sometimes Khatun dies, but Kaiden revives her). I often see High Khatun, Kael and Spirithost/Warmaiden, all lvl60 and even though they say are my team power, I know they will nuke me without me even hitting :D If enemy team isn't speedy, Elhain goes again and hits before the enemy attacks and often kills 1 or 2 targets. But enemy team with legendaries has soo many buffs, shields and abilities, and those fights go for longer, but often due to a single legendary I lose the fight in the long run as even without buffs, those legendaries hit hard and die hard.

That's my experience so far. I am not an expert or claim to be. I am willing to learn, but I don't like the current curve of how hard the Arena is, while the next 10+ missions I have already accomplished them 3 weeks ago, but since I can't get to Silver to finish the mission, I cannot obtain the rewards of those 10+ missions. I heard about the nuke you suggest and I was trying to build it, that's why I farmed for Spirithost for sooo long. Finally got her, so I will be spending this week trying to improve Spirithost, Bellower and High Khatun gear. But if in the end nothing really changes, I may just quit.

Thanks for the advice. I was also wondering who my next 6 star to be and was considering High Khatun, Bellower or Kaiden, the rest of my charters doesn't really seem to need to be 60.

I recently unlocked the Doom Tower and I am experimenting a lot there, since its free attempts XD and rotate/teams to see which can synergise good. Although I can barely beat the first 4-5 stages.

10 апр. 2021, 01:4010.04.21

I'm 3 months in and dropping in and out of bronze III.

I love looking at the lists of heros people are suggesting to progress because I actually don't have most of them in my roster.  Or while I may have some of them now they didn't come to me late in the game so it now takes time to progress them and the ones I did get earlier and progressed aren't great.

Mechanics are broken.  Couple of reasons is because the player power is not functioning.  Interestingly when a player is my player level I can win more than I lose and every loss you need two wins to progress.  Usually in my roster I am the bottom player level in the group.

The other reason the mechanics are broken is because every team needs a speed lead and every hero pretty much needs speed boots.  Based on these two things tells you there are issues with the way the mechanics of the game works.

The other one is if you didn't get the memo when you started and didn't choose Kael, which I still don't have, you do start a little behind.  I chose Elhain and doing alright with her but you don't progress as fast and the farming is a little harder.

I am smart enough to balance my team and at the moment I do have a not too bad team but I still have crap artifacts and accessories as well.  Look at what people say to kit them out with and just haven't lucked the gear.

10 апр. 2021, 08:2610.04.21
10 апр. 2021, 08:28(отредактировано)

I am saving every rare and epic, the other epics you don't see are Nazana, Lodric Falconheart and Rock Breaker. When I get a rare dup I either use it as a food or if its a bit nicer, I use it to level the character skill. The only dup rare I keep is 2nd Elhain, which at the time i got her, she was quite helpful.

I am currently leveling up Bellower. And Spirithost I just got her 2 days ago after sooo many attempts, and getting 7-8 Graybeards. I am also still leveling her up too. At the current level, she isn't helping me as I don't have good gear for her.

My Elhain has quite a high speed and she usually goes first (its not endgame high ofc, but at the current level 170, I hit first 90% of the time), then High Khatun. I am trying to get better gear for High Khatun to beat Elhain and I am still leveling her up, I got her 3 days ago. But because of that I am using the current setup. Elhain usually goes first and kills or nearly kills a target (if enemy team is no more than +10k of my level). Speed boost from High Khatun, damage decrease by Kaiden, shields by Thenasil (if he doesn't drop it in time, he at least heals the team after that and drops it). 50% of the time I manage to survive enemy nukes (sometimes Khatun dies, but Kaiden revives her). I often see High Khatun, Kael and Spirithost/Warmaiden, all lvl60 and even though they say are my team power, I know they will nuke me without me even hitting :D If enemy team isn't speedy, Elhain goes again and hits before the enemy attacks and often kills 1 or 2 targets. But enemy team with legendaries has soo many buffs, shields and abilities, and those fights go for longer, but often due to a single legendary I lose the fight in the long run as even without buffs, those legendaries hit hard and die hard.

That's my experience so far. I am not an expert or claim to be. I am willing to learn, but I don't like the current curve of how hard the Arena is, while the next 10+ missions I have already accomplished them 3 weeks ago, but since I can't get to Silver to finish the mission, I cannot obtain the rewards of those 10+ missions. I heard about the nuke you suggest and I was trying to build it, that's why I farmed for Spirithost for sooo long. Finally got her, so I will be spending this week trying to improve Spirithost, Bellower and High Khatun gear. But if in the end nothing really changes, I may just quit.

Thanks for the advice. I was also wondering who my next 6 star to be and was considering High Khatun, Bellower or Kaiden, the rest of my charters doesn't really seem to need to be 60.

I recently unlocked the Doom Tower and I am experimenting a lot there, since its free attempts XD and rotate/teams to see which can synergise good. Although I can barely beat the first 4-5 stages.

The whole thing of using HK is making her fast, acting first and use her turnmeter-boost, so your whole team can follow, without the enemies interrupting. HK needs speed-gear.

Spirithost doesn't need any gear, exept that much speed that she goes before Elhain. Spirithost's job is to give an atk-buff. It's obvious that your attacking champs should have their attack-buff before they attack.

Is that a Tayrel at lvl 40 in your roster? Tayrel is a great champ and definetly worth lvl 60, even better than Bellower for a nuking arena team, because he decreases the enemy-def by 60%. He will do some damage with this move, but the main thing is the debuff he places. He needs accuracy-gear. He has to reduce the enemy-def before Elhain, your main damagedealer, attacks.

Elhain's job is to wipe them out. If Elhain goes first, she wastes her attack and doesn't benefit from the atk-buff Spirithost gave and from the defense-decrease Tayrel made. 

Your biggest mistake is using your resources not efficent. You have a Galek lvl 50, a second Elhain lvl 50, a Shaman lvl 50, Sinper and Warpriest lvl 40. Stop spreading your resources, make some lvl 60 champs. Tayrel should be the next one, he is the best champ in your roster.

10 апр. 2021, 11:4410.04.21
Player J

No - You don't want to face my Silver 3 team.

It would beat you and you would just create a new thread complaining Silver is unfair/broken.

I normally lean toward the git gud arena side of things, but the pic you posted is absolutley laughable. I made the climb from b4/s1 -> g1/g2 over the last month after a good dose of l2p and git gud myself. You are delusional if you think teams non fully ascended and not even full 6 stars(other than the single speed booster team lead), with sub 90k power have a chance period to pass B4 in the current game.

10 апр. 2021, 12:0710.04.21
10 апр. 2021, 12:08(отредактировано)

I normally lean toward the git gud arena side of things, but the pic you posted is absolutley laughable. I made the climb from b4/s1 -> g1/g2 over the last month after a good dose of l2p and git gud myself. You are delusional if you think teams non fully ascended and not even full 6 stars(other than the single speed booster team lead), with sub 90k power have a chance period to pass B4 in the current game.

I'm not delusional.

The player I attacked put an arena drop team in his defense so he could get attacked + lose points.

It happens all the time.

Some peope put a level 1 hero in their Arena Defense.

The player I attacked decided to put his unascended "work in progress" champs in his defense.

The picture I posted was to designed to show I was in SIlver 3.

Not that I can beat a "work in progress" team.

People in this thread needed a picture because they magically think I was in Gold 4 at the start.

There was a time when I started in Bronze 1 as well.

10 апр. 2021, 12:1910.04.21
10 апр. 2021, 12:25(отредактировано)
Player J

I'm not delusional.

The player I attacked put an arena drop team in his defense so he could get attacked + lose points.

It happens all the time.

Some peope put a level 1 hero in their Arena Defense.

The player I attacked decided to put his unascended "work in progress" champs in his defense.

The picture I posted was to designed to show I was in SIlver 3.

Not that I can beat a "work in progress" team.

People in this thread needed a picture because they magically think I was in Gold 4 at the start.

There was a time when I started in Bronze 1 as well.

The free win team is irrelevant. Your team in the picture would be hard-pressed in the current meta to pass b3 let alone be catching wins in s3.

Aside from that almost no one runs free win defense teams currently. I see maybe one free win a week between 2 active accounts.

10 апр. 2021, 13:2210.04.21

Guys lots are struggling- i am probably going to slide out of gold myself this week, i have worked on arena team this week and got my lead above 260 speed (before aura) and my nuker above 200 crit damage, but the teams i am facing are either too quick for me - or i cant sit their defensive champs down and lose in the riposte... 

I cant seem to pull a gorg or a lyssandra to help, or even a skullcrown for a 'surprise' riposte.

Which may be how gold should be, but when i slide into bronze ill in turn make life more difficult for those other players in bronze and i may well be the team new players see as an opponent in matchmaking ...since my experience is silver is not easier in the slightest than gold i will prob slide all the way to bronze

So it is probably going to get worse for bronze players, the whole system is deflationary with the way points are taken off each reset

But plarium (and those who already have their arbiters) clearly think this is all working as intended and everyone just needs to 'git gud' - so really guys this is NOT going to change, this is how arena is set to be now

They have had thousands of 1 star ratings on all platforms as a result and every plarium post on social media is dominated by complaints about this, but they havent budged, their analytics must show enough people try to spend their way out of trouble to compensate for those who quit in frustration. Their system is based on low retention and high marketing at the end of the day

So- one last time, It is not going to change.

So you either accept that - and accept crappy arena bonus and no hall development. 

Or you try to spend your way out of it

Or if the frustration makes the game not fun anymore- just find another game, i get that its hard to quit when you have spent a long time on the game (i have started playing something else but still log on to raid) - but the  'time sunk cost fallacy' is just that, a fallacy

10 апр. 2021, 21:0010.04.21

The free win team is irrelevant. Your team in the picture would be hard-pressed in the current meta to pass b3 let alone be catching wins in s3.

Aside from that almost no one runs free win defense teams currently. I see maybe one free win a week between 2 active accounts.

No way - My Team in the picture would slaughter Bronze 3 teams.

You underestimate the Strength of my team!

I was a Young Inexperienced Silver 3 player, but I had 2 advantages working in my favor:

1 - I listened to all the Experienced players which played the game before me.

2 - I had Beginner Hype

My Gorgorab was moving crazy fast with 23% Speed Aura.

10 апр. 2021, 21:5310.04.21
Player J

No way - My Team in the picture would slaughter Bronze 3 teams.

You underestimate the Strength of my team!

I was a Young Inexperienced Silver 3 player, but I had 2 advantages working in my favor:

1 - I listened to all the Experienced players which played the game before me.

2 - I had Beginner Hype

My Gorgorab was moving crazy fast with 23% Speed Aura.

Listening to Experienced players is good, I think most people are doing that, myself included. It's how I climbed, along with weeks/months of grinding gear.

Begginer hype, now your trolling just like your free win excuse covering up that those were the type of teams you faced in your early days.

What I said is true, a team of non six stars, not fully ascended, sub 90k team power will sit in upper bronze in the current meta.

I'm not here advocating for all the crybabies that expect to be arena legends without doing time gearing properly, having a proper team, and selecting the right fights, and learning but you obviously as you said have been playing for two years and had a very different experience from current players.

I have just fought my way up from upper bronze into gold post what ever plariums claim of bots or not change.  With that said your posts in this thread are complete bull and a mockery of intelligence.

Good day.