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Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

6 март 2021, 21:5606.03.21

Don't be intimidated by the Epics and Legendaries you spot in Bronze. Some players get legendaries early on but have no proper understanding of gear or team synergy. They're in Bronze for a reason. Read some early game arena guides- most of those will only require your starter champ, a Spirithost, and a Warmaiden, and High Khatun. 

For now I'd suggest that you focus on Campaign first, and get your starter to 6*. You'll climb quickly once you get that done- like you said, the epics and legendaries you spot are only on the level 40s. Good luck!

The only way to fix the arena is to have more levels. currently you have 13 levels. Bronze 1,2,3,4 Silver 1,2,3,4, Gold 1,2,3,4 and Platnum 1 , please add Platinum 1,2,3,4 and that should ease the situation. just a suggestion.

6 март 2021, 22:1706.03.21
6 март 2021, 22:18(отредактировано)

@ Aleksandar Stefanovic: Your team composition is not good. I would even say it's really bad. Your champs don't synergize with each other. You have 2 revivers, a possible crowd control champ (Ignatius with his provoke) without accuracy and a damagedealer (Kael). 

  • if you use revivers, they need much more hp and def. If they die at the same time as your other teammembers, they can't help
  • you don't have a champ placing an AoE def debuff, so your attacks deal not enough damage
  • your Ignatius can't land his debuffs without accuracy
  • if you go second and let your opponent have the first turn, you need a tactic to survive the first big hit. You need a champ with high hp in a shield set. Scyl with her base hp of 19k could do that, but you put her in lifesteal gear instead

To summarize: Your team just doesn't have a plan. You just put any 4 champs in the arena.

A team with a plan could look like this: 

High Khatun in speedgear - def, hp and atk don't matter. Seeker in speedgear - hp, def and atk don't matter. Warmaiden in accuracy gear, some speed substats - hp and def don't matter, atk is just a nice bonus, not neccesary. Kael in damage gear, some speed substats - hp and def don't matter.

High Khatun acts first, speedbuff and tunrmeter filling. 

Seeker acts second, atk buff and turnmeter filling.

Warmaiden acts as third, AoE def debuff.

Kael acts last, AoE damage. All enemies dead. They never got a turn in the fight. 

If you say you loose within seconds, you probably loose against teams like this. If you can't go first, you need enough defense to survive their hit. Try to get a shield set with hp% as mainstat and put a champ with high hp in that set. Lifesteal gear is not good in the arena.

6 март 2021, 23:1306.03.21

If you only have one level 60 champ in your entire pool, then you're an extremely new player and of course should be in bronze. 

Why do people think that everyone can be in the top 10% of the game especially when competing against people who have been playing for a year? As a f2p player myself I've been playing 100 days and can now consistantly stay in Gold 4 but I certainly didn't start with the team I have now.

You KNOW you have tons of room for improvement, get 4 champions to level 60 first before you complain about anything. Your champs have less than half the stats than their potential before even considering gearing or team compositions.  You don't need legendaries, a level 60 rare is going to massively outshine a level 50 legendary. 

6 март 2021, 23:3106.03.21
Aleksandar Stefanovic

So there is no way you can even guess if you might win according to team power. So what is the point of it? Just to screw you over?

Skadi already gave you some comments, I have a few more: firstly, speed boots. On basically every champion that's important, you should try to get boots with speed as main stat. All of your champions but especially Kael are super slow because clearly they don't have the right boots (no other piece of gear can have speed as main stat - though you do need speed substats on other pieces, too). That hurts you in all parts of the game, but especially in arena. The more speed you have, the more turns you get - though in arena, it may often just be a speed race to go first and wipe out the other team before it takes a turn, as Skadi said. 

Secondly, Ignatius is a def-based champion, that means his damage scales off defense, not attack. Increasing his attack does nothing whatsoever, it's a purely wasted stat on those champions. From what I can tell from the picture, yours seems to have a higher attack rating than defense, so that's a big mistake. And then besides the high defense, he needs to have either good accuracy as Skadi said, or alternatively high crit rate so he just nukes hard without necessarily placing his debuffs. Both would be even better but ok, that may require gear you may not have. But yours has neither good accuracy nor good crit rate. 

As for team power - you can tell some things from it, but it's quite subtle. Once you have some experience, you can start analyzing a team by comparing its actual power by the kind of power you'd expect given the champs, their levels and the arena ranking. If it looks unusually high, then that indicates the team is likely to have very high resistance, probably also high hp/def - probably a tough nut to crack unless you have strong debuffers with high accuracy. If it looks unusually low, though, that suggests it's probably a very fast team that wins mostly by being faster - if you can outspeed them, or alternatively if you can survive the speed nuke and then destroy them while going second, then you can still win. 

7 март 2021, 11:5507.03.21

I am in B1/B2 only because I want it, I only do the arena for the material. 

Sir nicolas, is it possible to defeat him with only rare champion and without being able to remove the buffs (I know there are alternatives but need champions that I do not have), the answer is no. (if it has not been build anyhow). The list of OP champions is long and it wouldn't be fun to review them but each one needs a well-built team to defeat them. If I am quoting Sir Nicolas it is because I have seen a lot of them in B3 and often he is well accompanied. 

Bellower, I deliberately show an image with stun equipment but we will explain, at the current time with a stun build I do not exceed 100 in ACC and in the tower it is too weak to place a debuff (I'm wrong may be) 

You are really impressive for deciding that I didn't know how to build my champions with just two examples.  

Apothecary contre l'Araignée du Néant. 

You have an image with all my champions, as you should have seen I only have Spirithost to remove debuff. 

1. it is against affinity and it is difficult to keep it alive 

2. I have not yet unlocked all of her skills even though I doubt that she will be useful against this boss 

3. My only alternative is Valerie who reduces the debuff count by 1. 

Do I need to explain to you that my only viable DPS when doing this dungeon was Elhain and that I needed some really important single target healing. I know the apothecary is not a good option but it is my only option, however I have a 100% chance of defeating this boss. Should I detail all the strategy, the skill rotations .... Because I don't particularly want.

I tried to make the arena. I totaled 67 wins and 2 losses in 2 or 3 days but I could only get B3 / B4, now I'm building a team to do this damn Scarabe. 

Je pourrais vraiment abordé tous les aspets de l'arène mais c'est trés contraignant d'utiliser google trad.

I did not specifically address the arena but the reality is that it is almost impossible for me to exceed rank B4 and the reason is the presence of truly OP champion and against which I have no option . (at the current time) 

You didn't Tagg me or Quote me so I didn't see your reply message.

However, A player resurrected this post which got me to re-read it again.

I have read your player message above.

What I wish to say is you are wrong!

You can defeat Sir Nicholas with only Rares.

The reason you fail is because your hero's are built poorly.

Your Bellower is in Sleep set.

If your Bellower was in Stun set, He would Stun Sir Nicholas.

The Sir Nicholas wouldn't even have a turn to put Unkillable Buff up on the team.

Your other heroes are poorly geared as well.

You have 3 star gear on your level 60 champions.

It is true I haven't see how all your heroes are geared.

I have only seen 2 heroes gears, but I can already tell its very bad.

You need to improve your Champions.

You will be stuck in Bronze forever if you don't build up your Champions properly.

People could help you if you just let them help you.

8 март 2021, 16:0208.03.21

Agree  with  critics .    Incredibly  frustrating.

8 март 2021, 20:2608.03.21

@ Aleksandar Stefanovic: Your team composition is not good. I would even say it's really bad. Your champs don't synergize with each other. You have 2 revivers, a possible crowd control champ (Ignatius with his provoke) without accuracy and a damagedealer (Kael). 

  • if you use revivers, they need much more hp and def. If they die at the same time as your other teammembers, they can't help
  • you don't have a champ placing an AoE def debuff, so your attacks deal not enough damage
  • your Ignatius can't land his debuffs without accuracy
  • if you go second and let your opponent have the first turn, you need a tactic to survive the first big hit. You need a champ with high hp in a shield set. Scyl with her base hp of 19k could do that, but you put her in lifesteal gear instead

To summarize: Your team just doesn't have a plan. You just put any 4 champs in the arena.

A team with a plan could look like this: 

High Khatun in speedgear - def, hp and atk don't matter. Seeker in speedgear - hp, def and atk don't matter. Warmaiden in accuracy gear, some speed substats - hp and def don't matter, atk is just a nice bonus, not neccesary. Kael in damage gear, some speed substats - hp and def don't matter.

High Khatun acts first, speedbuff and tunrmeter filling. 

Seeker acts second, atk buff and turnmeter filling.

Warmaiden acts as third, AoE def debuff.

Kael acts last, AoE damage. All enemies dead. They never got a turn in the fight. 

If you say you loose within seconds, you probably loose against teams like this. If you can't go first, you need enough defense to survive their hit. Try to get a shield set with hp% as mainstat and put a champ with high hp in that set. Lifesteal gear is not good in the arena.

I dont have a seeker. Can I use another one instead?

8 март 2021, 22:2808.03.21

So far as I know, the only champ exept Seeker that gives tunrmeter filling and atk buff at the same time is Gorgorab.

But you don't have to copy exactly the team I mentioned, I just wanted to show a way to build an arena team that has a clear matchplan. There are a lot of variations of this plan (Speednuker teams), and there are other plans for a team you could follow. Just make sure that the 4 champs you bring in work together in some way. Speed buff --> damage buff --> AoE def debuff --> big amage is just one simple way to create a team.

Just for example, you could also try a speednuker variation based on def. High Khatun, Doomscreech, Tayrel, Peydma. Same plan as before, but Peydma (the nuker in this team, replacing Kael) and Tayrel (the debuffer, replacing Warmaiden) have their damage based on their def instead of atk. Doomscreech (replacing Seeker) gives tunrmeter filling and 60% def buff for your team. 

Tayrel in general is much better than Warmaiden and should replace her in every team, I just mentioned Warmaiden because she is campaign-farmable, so you have access to her by sure. I don't know if you have Tayrel on your account. And there are much more AoE def debuff champs that are better than Warmaiden - Spider, Armina, Deacon Armstrong.

Speednuker teams are very common and a good way to earn some medals. But even with a well built speednuker team, you will not win every fight. You will have some opponents with a faster speednuker team, and you will meet other opponents with a hp-whale-team in a shield set, that survive your attack and strike back. Speednuker teams are glass canons because no champ is built for hp.

10 март 2021, 11:2410.03.21

Sorry to answer so late but I will broach a lot of subject and I did not have a lot of free time it will be long, hoping that the translation is done well. I did not participate much on the forums I do not know how to quote.

I don't know why but advice from experienced players can destroy your gaming experience. 

1. Team for the arena 

The first advice we give you is to do "one team" lvl 60/50 by sacrificing all that is "useless" so we see players having only 5 or 6 champions. So here is the team by following this advice 


The problem comes without any of the stuff. 



These are builds that are 4 or 5 weeks old. Obviously there is better but there is worse. 

So is it possible to defeat Sir Nicholas with just that, I remind you a lot of advice to focus on 4 or 5 (maybe 6) champions. I couldn't name you all the epic and legendary champions that we can't defeat with this team, on the other hand with my poor knowledge of the games I could more than ten. 

Player J you advise me to get into a fight with only a 20% chance of placing a stun and maybe winning, is this serious or just to make fun of me. 

In my case and maybe for other player it is almost impossible to pass B4 because Elhain in defense will always use his A2 which will do with my best stuff 20 / 25k of damage on the opposing champions and on the weakest champion 40 / 50k damage (a total of 60/75) ..... I am an easy victim to beat and I spend a lot of time finding a win. 

But again this is my stuff ... 

2. Farm the stuff 

Hope new players read this, under no circumstances should you farm dungeons for artifacts. 

We will advise you to set up your "team" to quickly farm stages 13/14 for example, you should never do that. (thanks again for that shitty tip) 

You have my Helain on the previous page, with rank 4 artifacts, she can solo steps 8 of the spider, 10 of the ice golem (be careful there is a care debuff heall can make you lose) and 11 of the dragon . You have to be aware that you are not going to do them once or twice but several hundred for barely average stuff.

With the xp bonuses that we have at the beginning you will lose for 100 dungeons between 200 and 400k xp per full xp character, personally I do between 60 and 120 dungeons per day. Like an idiot, I blindly followed the advice for a week, do the math and you will see that I lost a lot of xp by wanting to quickly farm something early in the game. (8 Million Xp lol)


On the other hand, you shouldn't mess around either. 


In solo it will still take 5 minutes for Helain to make a dungeon, I have a job and a life on the side so they go together to do it in less than 2 minutes.  

3. Build

My bellow with star 3 gears allowed me to go up to floor 40 of the tower. The plastron and the shield alone represent 70 or 80 ACC, I do not want to go into detail but it was the best I could do in terms of SPD / ACC at this time and I will repeat it again. times but it allowed me to pass floors with lvl 148 mobs while my complete team did not exceed 70K in power ...... 

When we do a build we must identify our needs, ......... Sorry I don't have the courage, it's an extremely complex subject to tackle ...... but to summarize a stuff 3/4 star may be more useful than 5/6 star stuff 

For the scarab we need resistance so a weapon with 25 RES regardless of its stars it will always be more useful than a weapon which at 0 even if it is a 6 star. 

Player J if it would please you to judge a build on the number of stars I do not know what to say.
I have done maybe over a thousand times the fire knight and this is the best I have for the shield set 


I currently don't have any HP Chestplates in my main stat drop, so how do I do it? 

There are other things to discuss, but I have other things to do. 

There are faction wars, the tower, leveling ....
At the moment the arena is made to promote P2W and / or those who already have a good experience of the game and have a second account. Personally, I chose Helain because I like little brunette .... euuhhhh these skills and I made a lot of mistakes, including following advice that was useless. 

I apologize if there are any translation errors. I probably forgot things I wanted to talk about or / and explain my thoughts badly .... 

10 март 2021, 12:3010.03.21
10 март 2021, 12:41(отредактировано)

You farm in low level dungeons that your Elhain can do solo because you want artifacts and exp at the same time. That does NOT work.

Solofarming low lvl dungeons is really the worst thing you can do. The exp for your food-champs by farming campaign 12-3 brutal is much more than farming lvl 20 (!) dungeons.

And, to make the whole thing even worse, in low level dungeons you don't get the gear you want. You want to equip your champs with 6* artifacts, not 3* or 4*.

If you would have spent half of your energy from solofarming low lvl dungeons in campaign instead, you would have much more champions at lvl 60. You could have spent the other half of that energy to farm lvl 16 or higher dungeons with that lvl 60 champs. You would have more exp AND better items.


Dragon Lvl 20 exp: 14455, per champ 2891 x 4 = 11564 exp for your food

Campaign 12-3 brutal exp: 17304, per champ 4326 x 3 = 12978 exp for your food (and only 8 energy per run!)

10 март 2021, 12:5210.03.21
10 март 2021, 13:00(отредактировано)

Is there any difference in % of drop rate in Dragon lvl 13 and lvl 16, all are mark as drop 4*-6*

Does auras apply to champ who has aura? eg HK her 19% speed aura applies to her or only to allies?

HK has base 97 with her aura it is addional 20 points

Currently i have Diabolist with 224 (105+113 from gear +6 from lore of steel) speed but it looks like is still slower that average HK

When i swap all gear to HK her total speed is 213 (97+113+6), much slower than Diabolist, but yet my Diabolist loose speed test agains any HK.

10 март 2021, 12:5810.03.21
10 март 2021, 13:08(отредактировано)

Is there any difference in % of drop rate in Dragon lvl 13 and lvl 16, all are mark as drop 4*-6*

Does auras apply to champ who has aura? eg HK her 19% speed aura applies to her or only to allies?

HK has base 97 with her aura it is addional 20 points

Currently i have Diabolist with 224 (105+113 from gear +6 from lore of steel) speed but it looks like is still slower that average HK

When i swap all gear to HK her total speed is 213 (97+113+6), much slower than Diabolist, but yet my Diabolist loose speed test agains any HK.

1. Yes. Higher dungeons have better chance to drop 6* gear.

2. Auras applie to the teamleaders, too. 

The term "all allies" allways includes the champ that has the ability. If the Aura says "increases the speed of all allies by 19%", High Khatun gets the bonus as well.

It's the same with other skills. For example Spirithost:

Strengthen (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level: 2 Cooldown -1 

Spirithost will get the atk buff, not only her teammembers.

10 март 2021, 13:0310.03.21

OK so in this case HK gets 20+ to her base speed, so 107+113+ 6=236

in that case will need to swap diabilist to HK then

thx mate

10 март 2021, 14:5810.03.21

So I'm going to repeat, for a day of farming I may have 1 or 2 potentially good artifacts. If we farm at the limit of the skills of our champions we lose 200k to 400k XP per champion (in 800k to 1.2M solofarm). When did I pretend not to level in the countryside ??? 

At the start of the game we have a lot of days of XP boost, so I repeat it if we have to farm artifacts (event or tournament) during an XP boost, it is better to do a solofarming than to rush artifacts 5 * or 6 * (like the advice to make experienced players) it is only a considerable loss of XP and not necessarily profitable in terms of quality. 


We are sure about missions for beginners. I haven't completed the Minotaur step 5 mission yet so now I have to farm from 6 * step 16. You are serious. 

 When we unlock this mission we are 2 or 4 weeks away from the game. We don't necessarily have epic or legendary ....
No but the ..... 

11 март 2021, 18:2211.03.21

I personally found broze and silver significantly harder then gold. 

12 март 2021, 11:4012.03.21

The best bit for me right now is that i'm stuck about Bronze 3 level.

But my current Mission (for gettin Arbiter) is to upgrade a Great Hall bonus to lvl 4.

That takes 400 silver Arena rewards.. which I'm probably never getting.

So Arbiter is essentially locked by how bad the Arena set up is.

Why they don't just switch to an ELO system where who you face is based on comparable success, I don't know.

12 март 2021, 12:2612.03.21

Same here - bronze 3 at best.

See we have another Arena based tournament currently - the leader already has 336 points - utter waste of time as the points earned scale with the higher level arena - so those already riding the broken system will always win. I need to win about 25 bronze battles to earn the very lowest award.

Can't they see how daft that is?

15 март 2021, 10:2115.03.21

Do have any gift code? How to get 4star hero for new player

17 март 2021, 08:0817.03.21

If you only have one level 60 champ in your entire pool, then you're an extremely new player and of course should be in bronze. 

Why do people think that everyone can be in the top 10% of the game especially when competing against people who have been playing for a year? As a f2p player myself I've been playing 100 days and can now consistantly stay in Gold 4 but I certainly didn't start with the team I have now.

You KNOW you have tons of room for improvement, get 4 champions to level 60 first before you complain about anything. Your champs have less than half the stats than their potential before even considering gearing or team compositions.  You don't need legendaries, a level 60 rare is going to massively outshine a level 50 legendary. 

Only logged in now for the first time in ages, so I don't know if you're responding to OP or someone else.  But if it's to OP, your reply is so misguided it's hilarious.  OP was about bronze arena.  Where are you getting top 10% of player base from?  Is silver the cutoff for the 90th percentile?

And the point of the complaint isn't even so much about leaving bronze, it's about the opponents in bronze and where arena missions are placed.  Silver II is right after 3 starring HARD difficulty campaign.  It's a joke.

Getting out of bronze has nothing to do with having level 60 champs.  You can do it easily with 1 level 60 and 3 level 50s.  Probably even a 40 or two.  Getting out of bronze requires three things:

-Win speedrace, def down, nuker

-Delete every unnecessary hero from your acct to keep player power rating low

-Refresh arena page every 15 minutes

Bad. Game. Design.