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Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

29 янв. 2021, 00:5229.01.21

It's always the game's fault lol 

The algorithm for matchmaking is completely messed up, so yes.  It's based on your account power level, which massively overvalues having a bunch of shitters sitting around leveling (or, in my case, for faction wars for glyphs/mats).  The best strategy for early game arena is to never open shards and keep exactly 4 dudes plus whatever food you need.

Sounds like a problem with the game design.  It would be like putting boxers into categories based on their names alphabetically instead of weight class.  (Or by "weighing" them by counting the letters in the name, maybe)

29 янв. 2021, 09:4529.01.21

Unfortunately, I've just started deleting every guy on my account except for the 4 I use for arena and a few others from my strongest factions for faction wars, a few epics I got during the summoning boost and a couple for clan boss.  My account power level went down ~100k and I started facing much easier enemies.

On the new account, I ate up all the 1 star dudes I had saved up for food, and same deal.

It turns out, the trick to winning arena is just delete all of your heroes.  On my new account, I got it down to 20 (the main guys plus a few that I'm working through to get my first dude to 60) and I got up to bronze IV.

SO ridiculous, that account level scales with # of dudes, more than their levels, masteries, ascensions, rarity, gear.... just deleting 10 1 star dudes at level 1 reduced my "power" TONS and ranking up gear to level 16 and equipping it makes no change.

It's a shame.  The account power rating has NOTHING to do with the power of the player, and yet seems to be the main factor in matchmaking (level does seem to matter, too, but there's no real way to manipulate that).

My advice to new players would be: just don't open any shards.  Only open them if you need to start leveling new food.  It's literally pay to lose.  What a joke.

Glad to hear you are starting to make arena progress in arena and that my hint with the player's power score helped you. If you kept your decent champions it's alright, alhough there's always the posilibty that you got rid of some who are seemingly bad, but useful for specific dungeons. I agree that this game punishes people early game for collecting many champions. I'm not sure what the best solution to this problem is, since a player can easily "fake" their team power by using one strong nuker and low power score speed lead and Warmaiden.

When you click on your avatar you can see your Player Power. It lists what it consists of:

  • Champion Power
  • Artifact Power
  • Classic Arena Power
  • Mastery Power
  • Great Hall Bonus Power

If I understand it correctly:

  • Champion Power is simply all power scores of the champions' base stats combined.
  • Artifact Power is the number of power score all your champions gain from artifacts. It ignores unused artifacts, so if you don't equip "niche" champions that you rarely use, you will have lower Player Power.
  • Classic Arena Power is the bonus you get for being in the specific arena tier. The more champions you have - no matter how bad they are - the more Player Power you will gain from your arena tier bonus.
  • Mastery Power is neglectable.
  • Great Hall Bonus doesn't play a big role early game, but still: The more champions you have, the more Power Score you will gain from the Great Hall.

In early game it could be benefitial to get rid of champions to have a lower Player Score. However, it doesn't matter anymore when you progress further in the arena. I face enemies with 3-4 times higher Player Power, simply because I'm way higher in arena than I'm supposed to. Thus, there is nobody with Player Power as low as mine. My team has lower power score than all my enemies' too, but that's not a big problem in my case.

29 янв. 2021, 13:2029.01.21

All these theories on matchmaking being determined by player power are new to me... I'm pretty sceptical, but then I haven't been in bronze in ages, for all I know it could be true. But even if it does provide you a short-term arena boost (only short-term because once you have a decent full-60 team, you can climb out of bronze and it won't matter much anymore), scrapping champions like that sounds pretty wasteful to me. 

29 янв. 2021, 13:5129.01.21

All these theories on matchmaking being determined by player power are new to me... I'm pretty sceptical, but then I haven't been in bronze in ages, for all I know it could be true. But even if it does provide you a short-term arena boost (only short-term because once you have a decent full-60 team, you can climb out of bronze and it won't matter much anymore), scrapping champions like that sounds pretty wasteful to me. 

I noticed that behaviour when I was in Bronze because I wanted to know why I am faced against stronger enemies. First I thought it was done on purpose to trick more players into spending money, but then I noticed that my Player Power was very similar to other accounts. These accounts probably scrapped many of their rares to get their champions to rank 6, while I kept mine... and I still have them.

I have ~60 useless rares in my vault and if they won't be needed in the next fusion event at all, I will get rid of them, excluding the ones you need to fuse Relickeeper and Rhazin of course. There's no point in keeping them whatsoever. The only thing they helped me with was getting 3* on early faction wars stages because they filled that empty champion spot.

29 янв. 2021, 19:5129.01.21

Since you already took your time to make this forum post, I guess you won't mind a longer reply.

I agree with you that arena is tough. What I noticed is that opponents seem to be primarily selected depending on your account's power score. I think your account's level could also play a role, but not sure about it as to how much it matters. Your team power doesn't matter at all. Basically this means that if you keep all your champions in your vault and have them geared that you are more likely to find harder opponents.

You got fairly good champions for arena [High khatun (40) Warmaiden (40) Galek (50) and Miscreated Monster (60)]. Generally, your problems could be the following:

  1. You use the wrong champions, team composition or team lead.
  2. You have too low speed and/or their turn order is not correct.
  3. You have too low damage output and/or don't land your debuffs.
  4. You don't have enough good gear and/or use it incorrectly.
  5. You don't have your skill upgraded and/or your masteries unlocked.
  6. You attack the wrong teams/champions.

I'm really no expert on the topic, but let me try to give some insight that may help you with your journey.

(1) You got fairly good champions and decent good team composition, although I'm not entirely sure about Galek - he alright but not fantastic. Who is your team lead? Personally I go for a speed lead, because speed is key, especially if you have lower team power than your opponents. Keep in mind that an Aura only increases stats based on your champions' base stats, not they total stats. Let's say you had a 20% speed lead and your champion has 100+80 speed. The 20% only refers to the 100 base speed, not the 80 gear speed. So you end up with (100 * 1.2) + 80 = 200 instead of (100 + 80) * 1.2 = 216 speed. Thos is the case for any aura.

(2) Generally, it's really important to have the correct turn order and enough speed. If you use High Khatun as a speed lead, you will go first in more battles. If you have lower power score than your opponents and don't go first, you basically lost (unless you have S tier arena champions). Seeing your champions, you want your turn order as follows: High Khatun -> Warmaiden -> Galek or Miscreated Monster. In terms of speed, you want about 104 + 70 on your High Khatun. The higher, the better.

You also want to make sure that there is no (big) speed gap between her and your following champions. Otherwise, your opponent could get their speed boost going and attack you first. If I'm not mistaken, if you had High Khatun's speed aura and the following speed values

  • High Khatun: (104 * 1.19) + 66 = 190
  • Warmaiden: (97 * 1.19) + 60 = 175
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 40 = 161  (Edit: actually 161 speed is enough, turn meter is a mysterious topic).
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 30 = 151 

that the enemy could get a chance to take full control of the battle after Warmaiden took her turn. That is because High Khatun's 15% speed meter boost isn't enough to ensure that Galek takes his turn next. I'm not entirely sure how much more speed Galek would need in this example to go next for sure, but I hope you get the idea. Another edge case to keep in mind that it's possible that the aura messes your order up. This can be the case when a champion with low base speed and much speed gear doesn't receive a lot of speed from the aura.

  • Champion A: 85 + 85 = 170. With 19% speed aura = 186 speed.
  • Champion B: 107 + 60 = 167. With 19% speed aura = 187 speed.

That already happened to me and can be huge pain when you don't have the needed gear/glyphs to fix it. So keep that in mind.

(3) In terms of dealing damage, it's extremely important that your Warmaiden lands her decrease defense debuff! It massively increases your nukers' damage, so you want to make sure to have a minimum of 100 accuracy, preferably 150+. That should be more than enough to reach Silver. In terms of Warmaiden's masteries, you want go for the support tree and get Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus and Swarm Smiter. These three masteries will effectively increase your accuracy by 10 + 20 + 16 = 46, which is huge! Also keep in mind that against weak affinity (Spirit), Warmaiden has the chance to score a weak hit and thus apply no debuffs. That's why she is most effective against Magic and Force champions. I think the chance of a weak hit to happen is 35%, so don't underestimate that!

The next thing to note is that you want 100% crit rate on your nukers and a balance between attack and crit damage. If you have 2.500 attack but 50% + 0% crit damage, then you will deal less damage than you could with, for example 2.000 attack and 50% + 50% crit damage. I don't know the specifics, but going full attack is not good, neither is full crit damage.

The last thing I want to say about this topic is that a single nuker could be more powerful than two nukers. That is the case when you use another support champion that casts additional buffs (like increase attack) or debuffs (like weaken). Also note that Miscreated Monster's damage is based on HP, so you won't be easily able to increase it. It's not affected by increase attack buffs. The good thing about that is that it's also not affected by decrease attack buffs.

(4) Another topic I want to mention is gear. You really want to make sure that you don't use gauntlets, chestplates or boots that have "flat stats", so no +1.000 HP, no +100 DEF, no +100 ATK. This is especially true for your nukers. It's not as important for your turn meter and debuff champion, since they rather need speed (and accuracy) over anything else.

Give Warmaiden as much Perception gear as possible, since it will increase her speed and accuracy, exactly what she needs. It's craftable in the Forge and even a solid 4* piece is more than enough. Accuracy and Speed set are also fine on her. Consider equipping her with a chestplate that has accuracy as main stat. Equip ALL your champions with speed boots. Even if you have to sacrify a 2-set combo, do it! The additional speed is what matters! There are a few exceptions to that, but most likely, they don't matter here.

Your Galek should have ATK% chestplate, crit rate % gauntlets and speed boots. Try to get enough crit rate from the other gear and the +5% from the offensive mastery Deadly Precision. If you somehow manage to get 100% crit rate without gauntlets, go for crit damage gauntlets. If you somehow manage to have high speed without speed boots, go for ATK% boots. I guess with Galek, you want 2.500+ damage and 150%+ crit damage. If it's only 2.000 damage and 100% crit damage it's also fine and probably enough to get you to silver, since the decrease damage debuff from Warmaiden is the most important part.

I'm not sure about Miscreated Monster, I don't have him. Probably give him high speed and HP gear. If you got a Shield set, consider giving it to him. He could keep your nukers alive for that one extra turn that you may need to win a battle.

A last note about gear is that your nukers won't be too useful outside of arena, since they are basically glass cannons and quickly die. If you also want to use them in dungeons, consider giving them a HP% chest, as that is advised in order to distract the enemy AI on targeting them. However, the lower damage could reduce your chance of winning arena battle though, you probably need to make a compromise.

(5) At first glance skill upgrades and masteries don't seem like a big deal, but they have a massive impact. In this case I mean the nukers, whose damage will be increased massively if they are fully booked and have the correct masteries. Galek's Hellraiser skill for example will deal an additional 25% damage if you fully book it. That is massive! Further damage can be gathered from Keen Strike (+10% crit damage), Heart of Glory (+5% damage), Bring it Down (+6% damage) and so on. I'm not sure about Shield Breaker. It sounds good on paper, but I heard some people say that it's not that great. I think Ruthless Ambush also doesn't work as most people think it does. Consider doing some research about masteries and watching a YouTube video may help too. Also, don't blindly copy suggested mastery trees from the internet!

(6) The last point I want to mention is the enemy teams and champions. First of all, you preferably attack enemy teams that have many weak affinity champions against your Warmaiden. In your case, you probably want to attack teams that have 2-3 champions of Magic affinity. Next you want to avoid enemy teams with low power score, a speed lead and Kael as a nuker. Chances are that they have 200+ speed and 1-hit kill you in the blink of an eye. I also would avoid teams with a (high) resistance lead, since it could mean your Warmaiden won't hit her debuffs. However, if she has the accuracy masteries and 150+ accuracy, there usually isn't a problem attacking teams with resistance lead, at least in Bronze and Silver. Another thing is that enemy teams with high team power usually have rather high resistance and health and fairly low speed. At least, that's my experience in Bronze and Silver. Apparently, since my current speed lead Gorgorab has bad gear, I prefer to attack opponents with higher power score than mine, since it increases the chances for me to go first.

In the battle, you obviously have your general routine of: Increase turn meter -> debuff enemy -> nuke them. If any opponent survives, you should consider attacking the reviver first. However, if the opponent's nuker is about to attack, better target it first, especially if it has damage buff... it really depends on the situation. You will figure these things out on your own. There are also a few champions that you want to avoid fighting, such as Skullcrown, Madame Serris, Duchess Lilitu and so on. It takes a while to know which teams are easy and which ones are hard to fight, but you'll learn it after a while.

I hope this helps.

If any of my information or thought process is questionable or wrong, simply point it out.

You can not say enough about speed in the Arena. The highest ranks also use Champs that are usually set up high speeds with each item that can have a speed substat equiped. And that speed substat is usually with 2 upgrade points (or more) on it so the champions overall speeds are 270 and higher so they go first most of the time. And then people run Champs like High Khatun who are massive speed boosters. 

Which sucks because its pure luck on which substats will get points added to them when upgrading gear. So it takes time to build a fast and effective team. But in the Arena, speed kills. Unless you can counter that speed with a solid defense somehow, you will lose most of the time. The only other option is being faster than your opponent.

29 янв. 2021, 20:3629.01.21
29 янв. 2021, 20:39(отредактировано)

I have only seen this post right now.

I just got done reading everything everyone has said.

Some of the things people have said are good.

Some of the things people have said are bad.

The reason the OP isn't doing good in Arena is very simple.

He didn't follow Tofu comment 3 days ago.

Tofu said the following statement:

You got fairly good champions for arena [High khatun (40) Warmaiden (40) Galek (50) and Miscreated Monster (60)]. Generally, your problems could be the following:

  1. You use the wrong champions, team composition or team lead.
  2. You have too low speed and/or their turn order is not correct.
  3. You have too low damage output and/or don't land your debuffs.
  4. You don't have enough good gear and/or use it incorrectly.
  5. You don't have your skill upgraded and/or your masteries unlocked.
  6. You attack the wrong teams/champions. 

The OP has done step 1 -----> Check

The Team he is running is a good composition.

The Speed lead he is using is High Khatun.

The OP has done step 2 ------> Check

The OP has speed on his High Khatun based on what he is saying.

The OP knows the right turn order.

The OP hasn't done step 3 -----> Nope

The OP Damage dealer (Galek) is level 50.

The OP Debuffer (Warmaiden) is level 40.

You want your Damage Dealer level 60 maxed so you can deliver the maximum damage to enemy team.

A level 50 Galek isn't killing anyone really.

You want your Debuffer level 60 + ascended because it allows you to put banners on your champion.

An Accuracy Banner on Warmaiden can be huge to help ensure you land her Def Down.

The OP has done step 4 -----> Check

The OP is a beginner in Bronze Tier with bad gear.

The people he is fighting against are beginners in Bronze Tier with bad gear too.

It cancels out - So he is fine for now

The OP hasn't done step 5 -----> Nope

The OP has admitted to not having full masteries on his Galek.

Galek is the one who is suppose to kill the enemy.

If Galek isn't fully done, Than your not going to fully kill the enemy.

The enemy is just going to turn around and spank you.

The Arena set up you have is a Glass Cannon Speed Nuking set up.

It is kill or be killed.

You destroy the enemey in 1 hit

or the Enemy will destroy you in 1 hit.

The OP hasn't told us about step 6 -----> Unclear

The OP damage dealer is Magic Affinity.

Magic Affinity heroes are weak vs. Force Affinity heroes.

You want to avoid heavy Force Affinity teams in Arena as they will give you the biggest chance of losing.

The reason you are having trouble is because you are lacking Step 3, Step 5, & potientally Step 6

Improve these things and you will win.

29 янв. 2021, 22:3229.01.21

In addition, I gave Tofu comment an upvote.

Tofu said a few things which are correct & a few things which are not correct.

However, I thought her post as a whole had more correct things vs. incorrect things.

This is why I decided to give her the upvote.

Tofu stated at the end of her post if there was a few things wrong about it.

People could just leave a message to comment.

Thus, here I am, I will comment on those few things.

Point #2 - Tofu talked about the concept of Speed Order + Speed Tuning.

You want your team to move in the right order to maximize damage potiental.

You want your team to move in pace with each other so the enemy can't cut in on your team.

All of those things Tofu said are correct.

The part Tofu got wrong was the example she gave:

  • High Khatun: (104 * 1.19) + 66 = 190
  • Warmaiden: (97 * 1.19) + 60 = 175
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 40 = 161

that the enemy could get a chance to take full control of the battle after Warmaiden took her turn. That is because High Khatun's 15% speed meter boost isn't enough to ensure that Galek takes his turn next. I'm not entirely sure how much more speed Galek would need in this example to go next for sure, but I hope you get the idea. 

If you look at the example + read the comments, You can sort of tell she was guessing.

The truth is Tofu was right - She didn't have to make up an example.

The example she made up was sort of incorrect.

If your using High khatun 19% Speed Aura

High Khatun ---> 190 Speed

Warmaiden ----> 175 Speed

Galek ----------> 161 Speed

Believe it or not that team is speed tune perfectly.

Galek doesn't have to get faster.

The slowest Galek can be is 155 in order to stay tuned.

190 Speed High Khatun + 155 Speed Galek will be in sync with HK aura in the background.

The only time this team will not be in sync is if the enemy has a way to reduce or gain turn meter.

If you was to fight against a Valkyrie team.

The Valkyrie might reduce the meter on Galek throwing him off the speed tune.


If you was to fight against a Maulie team.

The Maulie might help gain her team meter pushing the enemy speed tuner above Galek.

For this reason, most people don't like to run the bare minimum amount.

They like to have a small buffer amount.

The bare minimum speed amount is good against 95% of teams.

There are just a few teams with specific key heroes that can throw it off.

Again we are talking about the OP who is in Bronze.

The chances of him running across these teams are unlikely.

161 Speed on his Galek would be completely fine.

Now that I have explained the situation, You can see how Tofu example was wrong.

The example is wrong because the person we are talking about is in Bronze.

Point #5 - Tofu talks about Masteries.

Tofu says the following statement:

I'm not sure about Shield Breaker. It sounds good on paper, but I heard some people say that it's not that great. I think Ruthless Ambush also doesn't work as most people think it does. 

Shield Breaker can be amazing!

It depends on your team composition.

It depends on the enemy team composiion.

Let me give you an example:

Lets say you go into arena and the enemy team has a Shield on.

What do you do?

In Perfect World, You want to remove the enemy shield.

In Perfect World, You want your nuker to hit the enemy health bar, not the grey shield bar.

However, we don't live in a perfect world my friends.

What happens if you have horrible Shard Pulling Luck?

What happens if you don't own a Madam Serris?

What happens if you don't own any Enemy Buff Stripper at all?

Well, Shield Breaker mastery becomes a very, very good mastery!

Shield Breaker is designed for people who don't have an Enemy Buff Stripper.

The whole point is to do more damage to the enemy team.

What masteries gives us the ability to do more damage.

Perfect World Situation, You own a Madam Serris (Enemy Buff Stripper)

You would want to go down the following Offense Tree:

Row 1 - Deadly Percison - 5% C.Rate

Row 2 - Keen Strike - 10% C.Damage

Row 2 - Heart of Glory - Increase Damage by 5%

Imperfect World Situation, You don't own any Enemy Buff Stripper.

You would want to go down the following Offense Tree:

Row 1 - Deadly Percison - 5% C.Rate

Row 2 - Keen Strike - 10% C.Damage

Row 2 - Shield Breaker - Increase Damage by 25% for heroes under Shield

Depending on the team composition I.E the heroes you own.

It can change the masteries you go for.


Again, We need to take a momemt to think about the situation.

If you own a hero who can remove enemy Shields, Heart of Glory is better vs. Shield Breaker.

WHY? Because the shield is removed!

Shield Breaker only works when the target is under shield - Otherwise, it does 0% damage.

Heart of Glory works all the time when you have full health - It gives you 5% damage.

5% is greater vs. 0% 

If you don't own a hero who can remove enemy Shields, Shield Breaker is better vs. Heart of Glory

WHY? Because the damage difference

Shield Breaker does 25% damage to targets under shield.

Heart of Glory does 5% damage to targets under shield or not under shield.

25% is greater vs. 5% 


Yeah, I hope my explaination can help demonstrate how Shield Breaker can be good.

I think people misjudge or even misuse Shield Breaker. 

It all depends on your team + enemy team.

1 last thing I want to say is about the Size of the Shield.

The Size of the shield also plays another role on which mastery is better.

Some shields are crazy huge (Sir Nicholas) type of shields.

Some shields are crazy small (Metal Shaper) type of shields.

If Enemy Shield is crazy big, It is best to remove it + use Heart of Glory mastery.

If Enemy Shield is crazy small, it is best to leave it + use Shield Breaker mastery.

Keep in mind, Heart of Glory is 5% damage vs. enemy team shield or unshield.

Shield Breaker is 25% damage vs. only enemy team with Shield.

There is a 20% damage difference between them.

With out getting completely nerdy, The simple explaination is you want to pick the one which gives you more overall damage.

Sometimes, leaving the enemy shield on + picking Shield breaker can give you more over all damage vs. removing the shield + picking Heart of Glory.

Again, This is how the size of the shield can play a role.

Lets be completely honest:

Some heroes in the game can do massive shields.

Some heroes in the game can do really pathetic shields.

30 янв. 2021, 01:1330.01.21

Its  a  lot  easier  than  it  was....

30 янв. 2021, 08:2430.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 08:41(отредактировано)

Single most useful thing I did for the arena and every other aspect of the game as a f2p noob, was get my starter to 60 and spend 800 gems on her masteries.  Jumped a few tiers in arena because of that.  Then once I got high khatun I jumped another tier.  Like others mentioned, synergy matters.  My team power is low.  It was 49k at silver 1 and currently 55k at silver 2.

Also it doesn't get any better.  Started seeing 90-100k teams in bronze 3-4, now I'm seeing 110k+ teams pretty regularly and almost everyone has 4 60s and at least 1 legendary.

30 янв. 2021, 11:0130.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 11:22(отредактировано)

The slowest Galek can be is 155 in order to stay tuned.

190 Speed High Khatun + 155 Speed Galek will be in sync with HK aura in the background. 

That's interesting. You'd assume that a 15% turn meter boost increases the turn meter by 15%, but if I understand you correctly, it increases it by more, as 155*1.15 = 178  which is lower than 190. This actually seems to be a quite sophisticated topic I haven't dived in yet.

Never mind. Turn meter works completely different to what I assumed to far.

PS: I'm male.

30 янв. 2021, 12:1230.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 12:59(отредактировано)

In the silver and gold are the ballance also fuckedup. Not Olny bronze arena.

Thats one of the many reasons i quit with the game.

30 янв. 2021, 12:4330.01.21

So.. If you see 4 champions in bronze 1, max level and fully acended means that is no longer fair? 

What if the player just ignore arena and missions, and just keep on leveling champions? 

I know there is, because I am one of them. I ignore all missions when I started. Just do what I can do. I only focus in missions when I was like able to get 6 star artifacts from dragon. 

No need to rush there is no time limit on the missions. 

And as of power levels, dont get fooled on higher power level than yours. 

Let us say you only have 40k team power. And you are matched with a 70k+ team power. It does not mean you are already have no chance of winning. Your opponent might have just like bunch of these. Higher teampower than yours but have almost no stats at all. 


30 янв. 2021, 13:0230.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 13:29(отредактировано)

So.. If you see 4 champions in bronze 1, max level and fully acended means that is no longer fair? 

What if the player just ignore arena and missions, and just keep on leveling champions? 

I know there is, because I am one of them. I ignore all missions when I started. Just do what I can do. I only focus in missions when I was like able to get 6 star artifacts from dragon. 

No need to rush there is no time limit on the missions. 

And as of power levels, dont get fooled on higher power level than yours. 

Let us say you only have 40k team power. And you are matched with a 70k+ team power. It does not mean you are already have no chance of winning. Your opponent might have just like bunch of these. Higher teampower than yours but have almost no stats at all. 


That is not the point, the point is that the balance is not right. you don't let a normal car race against a sports car.  
level 60 is much stronger (have mor HP/Def, better champions, and so on ) If these are fight up against people in bronze level 40 is just not acceptable.

you have easy talking to your legends chamions. 

30 янв. 2021, 14:0030.01.21

Then get a sports car first before you race. That is the point. 

30 янв. 2021, 14:1830.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 14:20(отредактировано)

Then get a sports car first before you race. That is the point. 

No, there must be ballence. Normal cars racing to normal cars.
Like light weight boxing, no heavyweight can participate. 

30 янв. 2021, 14:1830.01.21

You mean, if I have 0 quality artifacts I should be matched with 0 artifacts too? 

30 янв. 2021, 14:2430.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 14:40(отредактировано)

You mean, if I have 0 quality artifacts I should be matched with 0 artifacts too? 

some people only have 3 star gear, that wouldn't be fair against chamions with level 60 with 6 star gear. people with a low rank champion cannot achieve 6 star gear.  usually 60 chamions also have a ring, amulet, and banners. rank 40 champions do not have that. So yes indeed.

That determines the class weight of boxing. 

So with light weight boxing, no heavyweight can participate. there's got to be a line somewhere, for a fair fight.

To be able to complete the missions and start the next you are asked to fight 5 times in the arena. When asked, there must be a balance in the arena. 


30 янв. 2021, 14:2830.01.21

Sorry I just want to add. Arena tiers does not show how good or bad a player is. 

Sometimes it just show how often a player attacks in arena.

Like what I said in many threads like this. This is like a ladder tournament where everyone will start at the bottom, both strong and weak players. So if even in bronze expect that there are players with much better gear and champions than you. 

The only "fix" that I think most of you guys like is to get match with the same quality of champions and gears that you have. This is I think what you guys call balance. 

But there will always be imbalance on this game because players decide how they want to play this game. And there is luck factor in this game. 

30 янв. 2021, 14:4030.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 14:42(отредактировано)


Allso with dressage horse sport, in category L only people who are in that level are allowed, no Z levels.. 

30 янв. 2021, 14:5530.01.21
30 янв. 2021, 14:58(отредактировано)

While you guys want "fix" in bronze, I want fix in gold4 too!

Gold 4 became arena for early-mid game. I can't be proud that I reach gold 4 if opponents are just like these. 

Like in this example which is taken just now. 


Some will say these are bots. If I remember it correctly in one of the interviews with Cirilla, she said these are not bots. These are players "that are not on the right tier". 

But whatever these are, they are like newbie account that are in gold 4. Now how can you say you are close to "end game" arena when the matches are like these. 

So I check their team power. 


So only 100k team power with 2 legendaries. This the teams you probably complaining in bronze. You guys said this team is strong. But, I will fight it with only one epic champion with only 60k power 🤣 


Of course they go first but it does not matter. Speed is not the king in this situation. After they exhaust their skills with a counter attack from my Skullcrown, my opponent is left with only 2 champions and with very little health. So you must know by now what will comes next. 

My point here is, one, dont look at team power. Two, dont mind the legendaries of your enemies. Think of how you can counter their team.