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Balancing Rotos without touching the champion

Balancing Rotos without touching the champion

22 апр. 2020, 19:3422.04.20

Ethan said:

LOL few hours after my post above:

StewGaming video on taking out Rotos and Void Baron (who I think is stronger than Rotos) with....

Free 2 play rare and fusion Skull-shitty-face


It's such a joke, because he was just doing 8k hits on Rotos, but force > magic -- and that's all you need. Like I been saying, Rotos is magic and doesn't do anything on force champions (Rotos does 2k hits)

Surely this ends the debate. lol

You did see in the video you linked that in the 2nd battle a poorly geared Rotos started popping off and Stew just skipped the battle, right?  If you watch Stew regularly, you'll have heard him complain about the imbalance of Rotos and Tormin.  TBH, Tormin is manageable.  But Rotos can't be allowe to have 1 turn, or it's game over a lot of the time.  I should not have to build my entire team around handling one champion.

I normally compete in high gold 4, low plat.  Rotos usually has a good team around him to protect hiim.  That's really their main function.  To protect Rotos so he can annihilate your team.  Let's see what the top 10 arena team defenses are right now as I post?:

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Siphi

Rotos, Arbiter, Krisk, Rae

Rotos, Raglin, Mountain King, Siphi

Rotos, Abiter ?? I forget names

Rotos, Siphi, Dutchess, Krisk

Arbiter, Hegemon, Foli, Foli

Rotos, Arbiter, Valkierie, Siphi

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Trunda

Rotos, Dutchess, Siphi, Krisk

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Siphi

This is not a mistake.  It's because he's overpowered and to be on top, you need every edge you can get.  Most of those teams have a speed lead (Arbiter is the best, but not OP), a disruptor or defense break, and a buffer.  Any other good damage dealer could slot in instead of Rotos...but they haven't been.  Why?  It's not because he's a new fusion flavor of the month, because I don't see Cillian anywhere in the top 100.  However, Rotos is on almost every one of those teams (I didn't count, but it looks like 85% or so?).

He needs a nerf.  Plain and simple.  It's unhealthy for the game for the top arena teams to all look so similar.  It's worse for almost all of them to have to rely on one champion.

23 апр. 2020, 04:4423.04.20

VeryGrimm said:

Ethan said:

LOL few hours after my post above:

StewGaming video on taking out Rotos and Void Baron (who I think is stronger than Rotos) with....

Free 2 play rare and fusion Skull-shitty-face


It's such a joke, because he was just doing 8k hits on Rotos, but force > magic -- and that's all you need. Like I been saying, Rotos is magic and doesn't do anything on force champions (Rotos does 2k hits)

Surely this ends the debate. lol

You did see in the video you linked that in the 2nd battle a poorly geared Rotos started popping off and Stew just skipped the battle, right?  If you watch Stew regularly, you'll have heard him complain about the imbalance of Rotos and Tormin.  TBH, Tormin is manageable.  But Rotos can't be allowe to have 1 turn, or it's game over a lot of the time.  I should not have to build my entire team around handling one champion.

I normally compete in high gold 4, low plat.  Rotos usually has a good team around him to protect hiim.  That's really their main function.  To protect Rotos so he can annihilate your team.  Let's see what the top 10 arena team defenses are right now as I post?:

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Siphi

Rotos, Arbiter, Krisk, Rae

Rotos, Raglin, Mountain King, Siphi

Rotos, Abiter ?? I forget names

Rotos, Siphi, Dutchess, Krisk

Arbiter, Hegemon, Foli, Foli

Rotos, Arbiter, Valkierie, Siphi

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Trunda

Rotos, Dutchess, Siphi, Krisk

Rotos, Arbiter, Hegemon, Siphi

This is not a mistake.  It's because he's overpowered and to be on top, you need every edge you can get.  Most of those teams have a speed lead (Arbiter is the best, but not OP), a disruptor or defense break, and a buffer.  Any other good damage dealer could slot in instead of Rotos...but they haven't been.  Why?  It's not because he's a new fusion flavor of the month, because I don't see Cillian anywhere in the top 100.  However, Rotos is on almost every one of those teams (I didn't count, but it looks like 85% or so?).

He needs a nerf.  Plain and simple.  It's unhealthy for the game for the top arena teams to all look so similar.  It's worse for almost all of them to have to rely on one champion.

No, he doesn't need a nerf.

Btw now there isn't the issue with extra turns stacking with relentless gear anymore, plus he can't get extra turn on CA now. These were his bugs and they fixed them. Rotos is less op than before.

23 апр. 2020, 15:4023.04.20

He's still out of whack.  "Less OP" still has him on almost every top team. It doesn't have to be a big nerf.  Champions should be powerful, just not game-imbalancing.  How about making the block revive a 50% chance?  Or reducing the damage on that ability.  Having a one-shot ability with no chance of recovery is just wrong.  Getting extra turns to speed that up is nuts.

In lower arena levels, you see more variance in team composition.  It's more about the synergy/strategy of the team.  There's more variety and you have to try to conquer a strategy, not a single champion.  At higher levels, it's all Rotos, all the time.  My current arena pages have him on 8 of 10 of the teams.  Your "strategy" is focused only on stopping him from getting turns.  Without having a Rotos yourself, you have to sacrifice at every position to focus on handling him.

29 апр. 2020, 17:5529.04.20

Ethan said:

LOL few hours after my post above:

StewGaming video on taking out Rotos and Void Baron (who I think is stronger than Rotos) with....

Free 2 play rare and fusion Skull-shitty-face


It's such a joke, because he was just doing 8k hits on Rotos, but force > magic -- and that's all you need. Like I been saying, Rotos is magic and doesn't do anything on force champions (Rotos does 2k hits)

Surely this ends the debate. lol


Your buddy Stew wonders what you're smokin'


1 май 2020, 11:1601.05.20
1 май 2020, 12:40(отредактировано)

Well, he got a secondPVE nerf disquised as a bugfix here: https://plarium.com/forum/en/raid-shadow-legends/672_release-notes/195026_rotos-the-lost-groom/  and a third nerf coming in 1.15 
That's a total of 3 nerfs (two of them mostly focuses on his PVE).
The 'he will not be nerfed' is just BS.
- Will he lose his top place in PVP? No.
- Will he be worthless in CB? Yes.
- Will he be worthless in dungeons? Not sure, but they are trying their hardest to do so.
You keep bugifxing his mediocre PVE capabilities....

14 май 2020, 03:5014.05.20

I didn't get Rotos until after the change on relentless gear and he's doing awesome for me in every aspect. Arena, CB, dungeons,  etc

He's an awesome champion and his extra turn still procs quite a bit. I didn't have him before so I don't know how great it was but he's still a top tier champ.
14 май 2020, 03:5214.05.20
Ivekiil4lol said:

Victory March said:

duco said:

Valdys said:

They won't nerf him.

haha they did, everyone know that relentless is almost always used on champions that grant extra turns. and rotos is widely discussed to be used with relentless for best results. Nerfing a set that is almost always used on Rotos is nerfing Rotos, beacuse that set is there with a reason.

Pardon me for calling you out on a lie. Now undo this nonsence.
Relentless set can give you three turns in a row sometimes.  Combining that with a Champion who has extra turn ability does sound at little crazy.  How do you defend against a Champion that attacks you 4x in a row?

Many of those champions still prefer speed set as going first is more essential then an extra turn. Also 4 turns in a row is extremely lucky, you might also get no extra turn from this set. According to their description the change of getting 3 -4 turns in a row is already significantly reduced as each additional proc gives the next proc -45% change of occuring.

How do you defend against this. More speed. I mean toy got to more speed sets then them now right? and then a stun/freeze. How many rotos's did you see with 250+ resist? Bomb debuff is also extremely potent against rotos. Lord shazar eats rotos for breakfast.

They could also just nerf it a little so that extra turns from skills count towards extra turns from relentless. If you get from both the set and the skill extra turn instead of 9,9% chance you get the 5.5% chance to get extra turn until your chain end or you get mroe extra turn to decrease the chance further.

I've gotten Rotos to hit 7 times in a row in faction wars once.  It was epic