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Ancient shards in the market

Ancient shards in the market

2 янв. 2021, 15:0302.01.21

I would love to find one but never found any in the market just green shards and been playing 52 days lol login count told me but it proves I have no luck in this game if they don't even give you a chance to buy one.

I think they should sell one of each shard every day cause unless you spend alot in game you never get epic or leg shards

Thank goodness Plarium is generous enough to give us ancient / void and even sacred shards for free every month

52 ancients / 12 void / 12 sacreds every year of playing all for free. But these numbers are just a sampling of the daily quests rewards for free

If you want to include all the other ways  in the game to get shards without spending money you will have to increase those numbers substantially 

To the OP , I usually buy 3 ancient shards at the first of every month in market each for 200,000 silver. Then see  no more :/

14 сент. 2023, 22:4014.09.23

ive never seen ancient shards in the market my whole life

14 сент. 2023, 22:4114.09.23

ru talking about mystery shards? because i see those a lot

15 сент. 2023, 00:1615.09.23

Necropost to the extreme, but yes, you can get five per month from the market. It's random when they show up.