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Ancient shards in the market

Ancient shards in the market

22 нояб. 2019, 17:5322.11.19

Ancient shards in the market

So I have done my homework on this and I am positive there is a cap on how many ancient shards you can acquire from the market in a month.  

The first 2 weeks of each month is where I find my ancients. After that there is nothing until the 1st day of the next month almost like clockwork.

I have received a response from the mods a month ago saying there isnt a cap and that it is all based on rng.  

Is this the official statement from plarium that there is no cap on ancient shards every month?

This is not a hate post or a complaint I promise.  Just curious 😀

22 нояб. 2019, 17:5622.11.19
I'm positive I've seen somewhere where they say there is a cap of 5 per month.
22 нояб. 2019, 18:1122.11.19
I posted almost this same post a month ago and a mod posted saying there is most definitely NO cap and it's all rng.  The post than got deleted. 
22 нояб. 2019, 18:3922.11.19
Hi, about ancient shards in the market, IMO it's about modified rng. I don't believe that drop rate for ancients is the same as for mysteries. I never got more than 6 ancients from market in one month.
22 нояб. 2019, 19:3822.11.19
I saw somewhere, somebody was saying it's 5 per month max. And I believe it, becouse I've never had more than 5 ancient after first 2 weeks as you said. I've checked this a little bit by spending 200 diamonds (40x refresh market) to search for ancient, there were none. So I assume that this is capped unfortunately.
23 нояб. 2019, 04:4623.11.19
I check a lot and seem to get around 4 a month.
23 нояб. 2019, 16:4423.11.19
It's most definitely capped. I was getting them at a particular rate and then there was a drop off where they don't show at all.
23 нояб. 2019, 19:3423.11.19
5/month.I check the market a LOT every day,atleast 14 times,and i only get 5 in the first few days at the beginning of the month,and then no more.
25 нояб. 2019, 04:5125.11.19
Yea I am certain they are capped at 5 a month.  Is it possible to get an official post about this?
25 нояб. 2019, 09:1825.11.19
If they capped ancient shards from market to a maximum of 5 per month and still advertise its completely rng: this is considered as scam. As user you are in the situation to prove it but unfortunately without internal statistics nearly impossible 
25 нояб. 2019, 14:1425.11.19
25 нояб. 2019, 15:05(отредактировано)
Well as I said in the beginning this wasnt supposed to be a rant or a complaint.  I'm genuinely curious about this.  Anyone else pull more than 5 ancients in the market in a single month?
28 нояб. 2019, 10:1628.11.19
Any way we could get an official response on this?
28 нояб. 2019, 10:2528.11.19
28 нояб. 2019, 10:28(отредактировано)

Hey hey 

There is no limit to the number of ancient shards you can get from the market, its all RNG.(I'll see if I can find Marius post regarding this)

From my experience it definitely is RNG, sometimes I can get quite a few other times I don't get any at all.

many thanks and good luck
28 нояб. 2019, 14:2828.11.19

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey hey 

There is no limit to the number of ancient shards you can get from the market, its all RNG.(I'll see if I can find Marius post regarding this)

From my experience it definitely is RNG, sometimes I can get quite a few other times I don't get any at all.

many thanks and good luck

Many players checked this and agree with that is capped to 5/month, and you keep lying? What is wrong with this company...

Unless this is really RNG, but after you buy those 5 shards it's dropping to 0.00005% chance to get another one, than ok you can manipulate this saying it's still a chance.
28 нояб. 2019, 17:3228.11.19

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! There is a cap, indeed, per month for each player. Otherwise, we would have no way of restraining those lucky ones that know how to manage RNG :) There is no specific pattern to how often or when Ancient Shards appear on the Market, that is all decided at random. I am afraid, I cannot elaborate on what the limit of the Shards is, but you can find that out empirically.

So this is a post from a few months ago.  In July.  I guess I've heard multiple contradicting posts from mods.  I tend to agree with cirilla on this because I consistently pull five per month
28 нояб. 2019, 22:2928.11.19
I've never gotten more than 5/month and always from the 1st to 7th of the month.
30 нояб. 2019, 01:0230.11.19
30 нояб. 2019, 01:07(отредактировано)


Well, my apologies, I didn't intend to be misleading or contradicting, thanks for correcting me KSTHECR0W.

Though I'll be more vigilant in the future.

many thanks

30 нояб. 2019, 01:1730.11.19
Any talk about removing the cap?  Seems as if it should be based on rng instead of a set number
1 дек. 2019, 21:3901.12.19

I would love to find one but never found any in the market just green shards and been playing 52 days lol login count told me but it proves I have no luck in this game if they don't even give you a chance to buy one.

I think they should sell one of each shard every day cause unless you spend alot in game you never get epic or leg shards
2 янв. 2021, 03:0102.01.21

I can't even get any ancient shards

all I can get is mystery

2 янв. 2021, 05:1702.01.21

considering that we get duplicates from blue shards, we have to increase the limit to at least 30 blue shards, just my suggestion