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Best deal in RAID this year

Best deal in RAID this year

15 нояб. 2023, 15:5815.11.23

"Now is it available to all? No."

Can't really compare the two then, I think. One is a pack that's available to everyone and one is available to a fraction of a fraction of the player base to onboard folks who've been gone for awhile.

I prefer Forge Pass to this iteration of Champion Pass. It's tough for me to get excited about most champions though, so what moves me might not move another and vice versa. 

Hello, you are a mod. You aren't allowed to argue facts. This is semantics, I am seeing. Instead you must allow others to argue semantics, must allow them tho handwaive the things they don't like, as well as argue incessantly about things, and you must never ever qoute anyone. :)

Can't believe you're always forgetting these rules, smh. Or maybe I can believe it, you evil polite Canadian.

15 нояб. 2023, 16:0415.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 16:23(отредактировано)

OPs exact words "Best Deal in Raid". Not "Best deal for regular players" or "Best deal for non-returning players" And its factually, by price, an inaccurate claim. 

I'm not riled up, you quoted me and seem to want to continue doing so yet not being the original target of my point. I can't make my point any clearer and its not disputable as a factually wrong statement. You're welcome to continue assuming emotions but given the amount of times you've chosen to quote me here and in other threads to dispute my opinion or statement(while ignoring the wrong info of many others) I have to wonder if I'm being targetted as a possibility.

Hello there. 

I am using the quote feature to directly reply to you, which is allowed and a feature on this site. If you don't want people who aren't the "original target" of your statements to be able to reply to you on a public message board, perhaps you should consider keeping all future communications to the DM feature here on this site. Otherwise, I fear you will continue seeing replies from people who might have a differing opinion from yours.

Also I would caution you against posting in any thread you aren't tagged in, as you aren't the original target of those threads. :D :D :D

15 нояб. 2023, 16:1215.11.23

Not to brag but I am pretty good at completing the champion chase daily quests. Haven't failed on one yet. 

15 нояб. 2023, 16:1515.11.23

Not to brag but I am pretty good at completing the champion chase daily quests. Haven't failed on one yet. 

Wow. I'll tell Plarium to look into nerfing you. Can't have you getting as powerful as these escort bots that are posting 500x/day.

15 нояб. 2023, 17:5715.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 18:00(отредактировано)

Priest Guardians Price breakdown for a $5 Xena based  on the  many offers  in the shop and  pricing I see evryday

ALL pricing in Canadian dollars !

only 2 times have I ever seen this deal in Raid   5 sacreds  for $54

Therefore  my value  on the 1 sacred shard  is $10  

5 star chicken  is $5  when on sale

avater $5 (some will agrue that perhaps)

Full accessory set 6 star lego (3  pieces) $20

Full artifact set not all 6 star lego $25

Brews/potions/150 gems/100 multi battles/600K silver/few days of XP/clan boss key/glyph/energy   $15

Xena $5

Total $85 

 Dam good deal for a guaranteed  lego but some will rather take their chances  on shards. I know  my luck and  I would easily spend a few $100s  to try and  get Xena from any shard  pulls ;)

Ok this is what I don't think you're understanding about your pricing.

The Avatar is Free. The Sacred Shard is Free. The Cruel Artifact Set is Free. You get those from the Event without paying any money. That's the flaw in your comparisson. The price you're paying only includes the bottom row, nothing from the top row.

Like, if you get free samples of food at Costo and then buy the product, you don't factor the free samples into the price

EDIT: Side note, I don't think the 3 Piece Accessories is something the average spenders would pay $20 for. If Sacreds are worth $10, there's no was 3 Accessories are worth the same as 2 Sacreds. This is my opinion tho.

15 нояб. 2023, 21:5715.11.23

since some  peeps continue to REMOVE items from the GREAT deal  I would like to add some with the exact mentality

You see your also getting in this great deal pack a second sacred shard making the pack 2 sacred shards . How you ask?

I used the FREE clan boss key and  it rewarded  me another sacred shard I would  not of had  if I did not buy the pack and get  the Clan Boss key to  get said extra sacred shard so lets  add this to the amazing deal

and lets  not forget what I also added to this amazing pack with my energy and gems which were also free (apparantly)  but I used them in game to aquire  numerouse goods  which I would not have  if I did not buy this pack and get said resources

Now I am sure  if I start listing all these things I got extra  from this pack (much like you choose to remove items at your  leisure)

Well seems we are deadlocked. Because the value of this pack just increased  and now that make Xena free too.  Heck I am pretty sure Plarium paid  me  when I added up everything this time ;)

15 нояб. 2023, 22:0715.11.23

Hello, you are a mod. You aren't allowed to argue facts. This is semantics, I am seeing. Instead you must allow others to argue semantics, must allow them tho handwaive the things they don't like, as well as argue incessantly about things, and you must never ever qoute anyone. :)

Can't believe you're always forgetting these rules, smh. Or maybe I can believe it, you evil polite Canadian.

I'm sorry :(

I'll try to be a better automaton in 2024. 

16 нояб. 2023, 01:0816.11.23

I'm sorry :(

I'll try to be a better automaton in 2024. 

You better be sorry. #BetterThorne2024

16 нояб. 2023, 01:3316.11.23

Your words were "$85 Canadian for a Lego and tons  of  loot along with a sacred shard"

My point was the Sacred is free and should not be considered part of what you get for $85 Canadian.

I would be interested in your breakdown of ONLY the items you get for $85 (not including any of the free items anyone gets with Battle Pass for completion) and how it makes Xena cost less than $5. I'm going to assume the $5 is based on the $40 USD price. 

What I show as included for $40 USD are: 30 Plarium Points, 150 Gems, 3 Rank 6 Accessories, 5 Superior Arcane Potions, 5 Superior Force Potions, 500k Silver, 1 Rank 5 Chicken, 1 Demon Lord Key, 1 Rank 5 Speed Glyph, 1 Rank 5 Attack Glyph and 10 Force Brews.


What can be calculated out of that is 30 Plarium Points, 150 Gems, 500k Silver, 10 Superior Potions, 1 Rank 5 Chicken, 1 CB Key and 10 Force Brews for a total estimated value of $5 USD

That leaves $35. We'll subtract $5 for Xena (rounding up) which gives us $30 remaining.

Again your words I have quoted are "Now if you really want  me to price everything out in that pack to prove Xena is  less than $5  I can do that for  you. "

So that means you're pricing 2 Rank 5 Glyphs and 3 Rank 6 Accessories at $30 as what most players who spend would pay? 

So. Just to respond to this specifically, and to try to steer this conversation somewhere productive. The pass to get the free lego is 55 CAD. The 85 CAD version us just 30 bucks to skip the event - which, to be fair, as I mentioned earlier, isn't something to scoff at either. For the equivalent of less than an hour of work, you complete the event and save however much time it would have otherwise taken you.

Now - as to the 55 for a lego. Previous lego-related events, be it guaranteed legos, or the various incarnations of the events, required anywhere from 12-20 sacred shards to complete. For simplicity we'll call it 15. In the process of pulling 15, you'll probably get at least one other lego, which will have a varying degree of value. 15 sacred is probably worth about 45 bucks, so, on the surface I'd probably call this an okay deal, not great, but not terrible either. 

The rest of the stuff you get is just icing. What you're buying is the lego.

16 нояб. 2023, 01:4816.11.23

So. Just to respond to this specifically, and to try to steer this conversation somewhere productive. The pass to get the free lego is 55 CAD. The 85 CAD version us just 30 bucks to skip the event - which, to be fair, as I mentioned earlier, isn't something to scoff at either. For the equivalent of less than an hour of work, you complete the event and save however much time it would have otherwise taken you.

Now - as to the 55 for a lego. Previous lego-related events, be it guaranteed legos, or the various incarnations of the events, required anywhere from 12-20 sacred shards to complete. For simplicity we'll call it 15. In the process of pulling 15, you'll probably get at least one other lego, which will have a varying degree of value. 15 sacred is probably worth about 45 bucks, so, on the surface I'd probably call this an okay deal, not great, but not terrible either. 

The rest of the stuff you get is just icing. What you're buying is the lego.

Correct, it is a great deal and I've never said otherwise. My only two issues have been A. That it was the *best* deal overall in all of Raid and B. That when pricing it out, Xena's cost ending up being $5 Canadian.

I'll say again here for any further clarity: Xena Battle past is a great deal, argueably one of the best Raid has offered this year. Just not THE best.

17 нояб. 2023, 02:2417.11.23

Long story short: You guys can spend your money how you want in a game like this. At the end of the day, it definitely is a gotcha game and they dangle the keys in front of your face going "oh look at what you can get here!" by spending a boatload of money, with only the CHANCE to get the guy you want.

I've been playing raid for about 8 months and I've never seen a game try so hard to spam you with buying every little thing, and then plarium just doubles-down by making even harder events or more expensive and thinks people will still buy them. 

Again, it's fine if you want to spend your money how you want, but at the end the of the day, plarium is being tone-deaf to 95% of it's customers and all they seem to cater to is 5% of the whales that play. Seriously, why would I want to spend 100 bucks of my hard earned money with a 1% chance to get legendaries during 2x events and not even get it? It's literally just a gambling game at the end of the day. 

17 нояб. 2023, 02:3017.11.23

Long story short: You guys can spend your money how you want in a game like this. At the end of the day, it definitely is a gotcha game and they dangle the keys in front of your face going "oh look at what you can get here!" by spending a boatload of money, with only the CHANCE to get the guy you want.

I've been playing raid for about 8 months and I've never seen a game try so hard to spam you with buying every little thing, and then plarium just doubles-down by making even harder events or more expensive and thinks people will still buy them. 

Again, it's fine if you want to spend your money how you want, but at the end the of the day, plarium is being tone-deaf to 95% of it's customers and all they seem to cater to is 5% of the whales that play. Seriously, why would I want to spend 100 bucks of my hard earned money with a 1% chance to get legendaries during 2x events and not even get it? It's literally just a gambling game at the end of the day. 

Short answer? Because one of those whales likely outspends the entire rest of the bottom 80% combined.

17 нояб. 2023, 02:4317.11.23

Long story short: You guys can spend your money how you want in a game like this. At the end of the day, it definitely is a gotcha game and they dangle the keys in front of your face going "oh look at what you can get here!" by spending a boatload of money, with only the CHANCE to get the guy you want.

I've been playing raid for about 8 months and I've never seen a game try so hard to spam you with buying every little thing, and then plarium just doubles-down by making even harder events or more expensive and thinks people will still buy them. 

Again, it's fine if you want to spend your money how you want, but at the end the of the day, plarium is being tone-deaf to 95% of it's customers and all they seem to cater to is 5% of the whales that play. Seriously, why would I want to spend 100 bucks of my hard earned money with a 1% chance to get legendaries during 2x events and not even get it? It's literally just a gambling game at the end of the day. 

95% of players not customers. I think this caters to any spender of any level.  That's my worthless f2p opinion 😆 

Good deal, yes. Best, idk.  Poor math by the Canadian, definitely! 

17 нояб. 2023, 10:3017.11.23

95% of players not customers. I think this caters to any spender of any level.  That's my worthless f2p opinion 😆 

Good deal, yes. Best, idk.  Poor math by the Canadian, definitely! 

Obviously you never watched the movie    1984

truth is the truth ;)