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Best deal in RAID this year

Best deal in RAID this year

13 нояб. 2023, 17:5713.11.23

The question you finish with, well it speaks to the sheer entitlement and toxicity we see in the community when players who have never bought anything attack both pricing and people who choose to spend.

I've seen it in several of these threads this week, but people who feel the need to bloviate on how others spend their entertainment budget are ridiculous.... it's your money, spend it on whatever makes you happy.

As an aside, I don't spend, but only $40 for a nuker is pretty tempting when my only nukers after 4 years are just Trunda and Errol, and trying to whale out on shards for a nuker would be hundreds. And it's tempting cause Trunda and Errol try.... but they struggle in Plat pushes and weekend G4 Tag. 😭 😭

Aren't the free nukers (wukong ronda) better than trunda and error.



Maybe the community can help u identify a hidden gem in your vault? We kindly ask n00bs to post their roosters (or roster) to assist their progress. A new thread may be appropriate as not to hijack PGs 

13 нояб. 2023, 19:0213.11.23

Aren't the free nukers (wukong ronda) better than trunda and error.



Maybe the community can help u identify a hidden gem in your vault? We kindly ask n00bs to post their roosters (or roster) to assist their progress. A new thread may be appropriate as not to hijack PGs 

I do put Arix, Ronda and Wukong to good use. Wukong and Ronda are my best nukers these days, yes.

Although tbh Wukong is so useful as a Taras and Harima sheeper that I use him in a very very fast CC build that also has damage. :D

Also.... 😂

13 нояб. 2023, 19:0313.11.23

I'm fairly certain Q was agreeing with you :)

F2P opinion is valuable at the level they spend.  Shockingly plarium uses this multiplier as well.  The reddit community does not understand why their voices are not heard either lol

As a matter of fact, yes, I was agreeing with him! :D

13 нояб. 2023, 22:2713.11.23

As a matter of fact, yes, I was agreeing with him! :D

Canadian whales a little slow

14 нояб. 2023, 22:2114.11.23

Canadian whales a little slow

Yeah, deal with the same problem from @dthorne04 

15 нояб. 2023, 00:4315.11.23

I do always find it amusing when people are like "you're a loser for spending money, look at me, I'm doing just as well as you are, and I haven't spent a dime!", while at the same time complaining about how much of a grind the game is :)

15 нояб. 2023, 00:5215.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 00:52(отредактировано)

Yeah, deal with the same problem from @dthorne04 

I'm a minnow, maybe a trout on my best day 😂

15 нояб. 2023, 02:0715.11.23

I'm a minnow, maybe a trout on my best day 😂

Still a slow Canadian nonetheless 

15 нояб. 2023, 04:3615.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 04:41(отредактировано)

only got Xena to level 50 with 5  purple star ascention 

I have been too busy ranking up Kreela and Tatsu to complete the Mythical fusion so Xena  got put on back burner for now :/

You're very wrong about this being the best deal for a couple reasons. I'm not F2P and I have no problem if anyone wants to buy this, its still good value. Also those CCs spend $1000s a year on this game, they're pointing out facts and a lot of the ones not buying it (HH for example) have admitted its a good deal. But Best Deal this Year? LOL settle down. 

1. The Sacred Shard is free for all players, you don't pay to get it. So your comparison to the shop price for Sacreds is nullified.

2.  Revival Path. I'm assuming you haven't heard of this, so I'll link Plarium's site for you:


That's $20 USD with Guaranteed Legendary that is argueably better than Xena vs. $40 for Xena's Battle Pass. Also the rewards are much better. Now is it available to all? No. Is it a better deal than Xena Battle Pass? Obviously.

15 нояб. 2023, 04:5215.11.23

Still a slow Canadian nonetheless 

Look pal, it's cold and dark outside most of the day. I'm just going to hide in my igloo for the rest of the fall & winter, no reason to move fast. 😠

15 нояб. 2023, 04:5415.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 05:00(отредактировано)

You're very wrong about this being the best deal for a couple reasons. I'm not F2P and I have no problem if anyone wants to buy this, its still good value. Also those CCs spend $1000s a year on this game, they're pointing out facts and a lot of the ones not buying it (HH for example) have admitted its a good deal. But Best Deal this Year? LOL settle down. 

1. The Sacred Shard is free for all players, you don't pay to get it. So your comparison to the shop price for Sacreds is nullified.

2.  Revival Path. I'm assuming you haven't heard of this, so I'll link Plarium's site for you:


That's $20 USD with Guaranteed Legendary that is argueably better than Xena vs. $40 for Xena's Battle Pass. Also the rewards are much better. Now is it available to all? No. Is it a better deal than Xena Battle Pass? Obviously.

"Now is it available to all? No."

Can't really compare the two then, I think. One is a pack that's available to everyone and one is available to a fraction of a fraction of the player base to onboard folks who've been gone for awhile.

I prefer Forge Pass to this iteration of Champion Pass. It's tough for me to get excited about most champions though, so what moves me might not move another and vice versa. 

15 нояб. 2023, 05:2115.11.23

"Now is it available to all? No."

Can't really compare the two then, I think. One is a pack that's available to everyone and one is available to a fraction of a fraction of the player base to onboard folks who've been gone for awhile.

I prefer Forge Pass to this iteration of Champion Pass. It's tough for me to get excited about most champions though, so what moves me might not move another and vice versa. 

They're both deals Raid offers. One is better than the other. Hell some of the deals you get at certain level milestones are better than Xena's Battlepass. In fact, you're welcome for me promoting the Revival Pass so now others know and can tell their friends to possibly get them to re-activate their accounts.

Not sure why a Mod wants to criticize points and argue semantics when everything I wrote is factually accurate. Did you quote and correct the OP that the Sacred was free? Oh well,  at least I've spent a fair amount of money on the game, so I won't be thought of as a "Toxic Entitled F2P Player" for pointing out the flaws in OP's Battle-Pass Value argument.

15 нояб. 2023, 05:4815.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 06:07(отредактировано)

They're both deals Raid offers. One is better than the other. Hell some of the deals you get at certain level milestones are better than Xena's Battlepass. In fact, you're welcome for me promoting the Revival Pass so now others know and can tell their friends to possibly get them to re-activate their accounts.

Not sure why a Mod wants to criticize points and argue semantics when everything I wrote is factually accurate. Did you quote and correct the OP that the Sacred was free? Oh well,  at least I've spent a fair amount of money on the game, so I won't be thought of as a "Toxic Entitled F2P Player" for pointing out the flaws in OP's Battle-Pass Value argument.

Whatever you say. 😂

Just pointing out a comparison that isn't analogous - when there's lots of offers you could accurately compare - and it just isn't that deep nor worthy of getting riled up over. 

Edit: Also why would I point out something to OP that was already made a point of earlier in the thread? I don't see a need in dogpiling them over that. 

15 нояб. 2023, 06:0515.11.23

They're both deals Raid offers. One is better than the other. Hell some of the deals you get at certain level milestones are better than Xena's Battlepass. In fact, you're welcome for me promoting the Revival Pass so now others know and can tell their friends to possibly get them to re-activate their accounts.

Not sure why a Mod wants to criticize points and argue semantics when everything I wrote is factually accurate. Did you quote and correct the OP that the Sacred was free? Oh well,  at least I've spent a fair amount of money on the game, so I won't be thought of as a "Toxic Entitled F2P Player" for pointing out the flaws in OP's Battle-Pass Value argument.

again  someone attempting to justify their  own math about a pack by saying well I can get that for free

I know you realize practically everything in this game is free. 5 star chickens / lego gear / clan boss keys / gems / energy / champions (assuming your lucky enough to pull the one you want with your free shards)

Packs for sale are a way to speed  up your progress  in the game for those who do not want to grind everyday for free (which I do not and probably the reason my account sits  on 180,000 energy)

Now if you really want  me to price everything out in that pack to prove Xena is  less than $5  I can do that for  you.  But your  point is  mute and your missing the ACTUAL cost of the  pack by just saying well that is free. 

ITS all free if you want to give a go ay yhe X10 pull for Xena  on the portal and  get lucky. 

So either  be happy that Plarium has yet again given its player base that chooses to spend $$$ on the game the  best deal of the year or just go get it all for free and be thankful that way  ;)

Raid  is  awesome just the same

15 нояб. 2023, 06:1215.11.23

Whatever you say. 😂

Just pointing out a comparison that isn't analogous - when there's lots of offers you could accurately compare - and it just isn't that deep nor worthy of getting riled up over. 

Edit: Also why would I point out something to OP that was already made a point of earlier in the thread? I don't see a need in dogpiling them over that. 

OPs exact words "Best Deal in Raid". Not "Best deal for regular players" or "Best deal for non-returning players" And its factually, by price, an inaccurate claim. 

I'm not riled up, you quoted me and seem to want to continue doing so yet not being the original target of my point. I can't make my point any clearer and its not disputable as a factually wrong statement. You're welcome to continue assuming emotions but given the amount of times you've chosen to quote me here and in other threads to dispute my opinion or statement(while ignoring the wrong info of many others) I have to wonder if I'm being targetted as a possibility.

15 нояб. 2023, 06:1315.11.23

You're very wrong about this being the best deal for a couple reasons. I'm not F2P and I have no problem if anyone wants to buy this, its still good value. Also those CCs spend $1000s a year on this game, they're pointing out facts and a lot of the ones not buying it (HH for example) have admitted its a good deal. But Best Deal this Year? LOL settle down. 

1. The Sacred Shard is free for all players, you don't pay to get it. So your comparison to the shop price for Sacreds is nullified.

2.  Revival Path. I'm assuming you haven't heard of this, so I'll link Plarium's site for you:


That's $20 USD with Guaranteed Legendary that is argueably better than Xena vs. $40 for Xena's Battle Pass. Also the rewards are much better. Now is it available to all? No. Is it a better deal than Xena Battle Pass? Obviously.

Word is that the Revival Path no longer exists.

15 нояб. 2023, 06:2215.11.23

I made a thread  in the Tavern a while back about a Best deal ever which refered to a 

Lightning FLASH offer that I have seen a few times and yes I bought  it a few times

$134 Canadian  and  its  loaded with books lego/epic/rare  / stellar deal like 100 books  in total or something crazy like that wich gives  like 20 lego books at $5 a piece and 30-40 (do not remember exact number)  of epic  books at $1 each and a ton of rare books at $.50 each ... Basically in a nutshell

Now we all know this can be aquired for free  in the game so by your own logic this is a stupid sale not worth anyones  money

Again I disagree. Its a fabulous sale deal and a super way to progress faster in this game... Same as the Xena champion pass...

15 нояб. 2023, 06:4015.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 06:49(отредактировано)

again  someone attempting to justify their  own math about a pack by saying well I can get that for free

I know you realize practically everything in this game is free. 5 star chickens / lego gear / clan boss keys / gems / energy / champions (assuming your lucky enough to pull the one you want with your free shards)

Packs for sale are a way to speed  up your progress  in the game for those who do not want to grind everyday for free (which I do not and probably the reason my account sits  on 180,000 energy)

Now if you really want  me to price everything out in that pack to prove Xena is  less than $5  I can do that for  you.  But your  point is  mute and your missing the ACTUAL cost of the  pack by just saying well that is free. 

ITS all free if you want to give a go ay yhe X10 pull for Xena  on the portal and  get lucky. 

So either  be happy that Plarium has yet again given its player base that chooses to spend $$$ on the game the  best deal of the year or just go get it all for free and be thankful that way  ;)

Raid  is  awesome just the same

Your words were "$85 Canadian for a Lego and tons  of  loot along with a sacred shard"

My point was the Sacred is free and should not be considered part of what you get for $85 Canadian.

I would be interested in your breakdown of ONLY the items you get for $85 (not including any of the free items anyone gets with Battle Pass for completion) and how it makes Xena cost less than $5. I'm going to assume the $5 is based on the $40 USD price. 

What I show as included for $40 USD are: 30 Plarium Points, 150 Gems, 3 Rank 6 Accessories, 5 Superior Arcane Potions, 5 Superior Force Potions, 500k Silver, 1 Rank 5 Chicken, 1 Demon Lord Key, 1 Rank 5 Speed Glyph, 1 Rank 5 Attack Glyph and 10 Force Brews.


What can be calculated out of that is 30 Plarium Points, 150 Gems, 500k Silver, 10 Superior Potions, 1 Rank 5 Chicken, 1 CB Key and 10 Force Brews for a total estimated value of $5 USD

That leaves $35. We'll subtract $5 for Xena (rounding up) which gives us $30 remaining.

Again your words I have quoted are "Now if you really want  me to price everything out in that pack to prove Xena is  less than $5  I can do that for  you. "

So that means you're pricing 2 Rank 5 Glyphs and 3 Rank 6 Accessories at $30 as what most players who spend would pay? 

15 нояб. 2023, 06:4615.11.23

OPs exact words "Best Deal in Raid". Not "Best deal for regular players" or "Best deal for non-returning players" And its factually, by price, an inaccurate claim. 

I'm not riled up, you quoted me and seem to want to continue doing so yet not being the original target of my point. I can't make my point any clearer and its not disputable as a factually wrong statement. You're welcome to continue assuming emotions but given the amount of times you've chosen to quote me here and in other threads to dispute my opinion or statement(while ignoring the wrong info of many others) I have to wonder if I'm being targetted as a possibility.

I am quoting you again  (hope you do not take offence to it :/  )

I think we all have a threshold for the word DEAL. But for me getting a Guaranteed Lego champion has a lot  of merit and value. especially for $5

I remember  back when sacreds were removed and  guaranteed champions   put in its  place through fragments.   Pretty sure I was the  only one standing up a saying I loved that change while everyone else cryed about losing a sacred.

I just love  knowing what I am getting  and perhaps I have put a higher  value on getting Xena guaranteed than you sir

I will try not to quote you again in this thread (or target you)  but can not say I would  not do it  in another thread as I must conclude we  need to agree to disagree  on this one ;)

15 нояб. 2023, 07:1215.11.23
15 нояб. 2023, 09:36(отредактировано)

Priest Guardians Price breakdown for a $5 Xena based  on the  many offers  in the shop and  pricing I see evryday

ALL pricing in Canadian dollars !

only 2 times have I ever seen this deal in Raid   5 sacreds  for $54

Therefore  my value  on the 1 sacred shard  is $10  

5 star chicken  is $5  when on sale

avater $5 (some will agrue that perhaps)

Full accessory set 6 star lego (3  pieces) $20

Full artifact set not all 6 star lego $25

Brews/potions/150 gems/100 multi battles/600K silver/few days of XP/clan boss key/glyph/energy   $15

Xena $5

Total $85 

 Dam good deal for a guaranteed  lego but some will rather take their chances  on shards. I know  my luck and  I would easily spend a few $100s  to try and  get Xena from any shard  pulls ;)