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Best deal in RAID this year

Best deal in RAID this year

10 нояб. 2023, 21:0210.11.23

Best deal in RAID this year

$85 Canadian for a Lego and tons  of  loot along with a sacred shard


in my shop right now  $85 Canadian for 3 sacred shards and 1 mil silver

Youtube CCs crying rivers  on youtube about the  price...This  is  undoubtably the BEST deal in RAID this year  or ever for that matter. I bought  one Xena and  another for my wifes account

Best deal ever. Thankyou Raid . Cheers! :))

10 нояб. 2023, 22:2810.11.23

If you're happy with it, that's the only thing that matters.

More power to you! Enjoy your new Xena!

11 нояб. 2023, 12:5511.11.23

You build her yet? How's she performing?

11 нояб. 2023, 13:4111.11.23

You build her yet? How's she performing?

only got Xena to level 50 with 5  purple star ascention 

I have been too busy ranking up Kreela and Tatsu to complete the Mythical fusion so Xena  got put on back burner for now :/

11 нояб. 2023, 15:4011.11.23

only got Xena to level 50 with 5  purple star ascention 

I have been too busy ranking up Kreela and Tatsu to complete the Mythical fusion so Xena  got put on back burner for now :/

*eg* Well, you are in for a nasty surprise if you want to do the mythical fusion with Kreela..;-)

11 нояб. 2023, 16:4511.11.23
11 нояб. 2023, 16:52(отредактировано)

*eg* Well, you are in for a nasty surprise if you want to do the mythical fusion with Kreela..;-)

not sure what surprise that would  be as I got Kreela with 80 void shards and some other  work ----not the 60 some sacred some CCs were saying  and used  her to fuse my second Mythical champion

So you need to clarify how I am in a nasty surprise  when I achieved everything I had  hoped for and expected???

Oh the  english police  on duty...gotcha... Kreeyra (think thats correct spelling?)  I am a high school drop out so got to  add that to this equation

11 нояб. 2023, 17:0411.11.23

I'm not sure what he meant either, except maybe for needing mythical books

11 нояб. 2023, 18:1311.11.23

not sure what surprise that would  be as I got Kreela with 80 void shards and some other  work ----not the 60 some sacred some CCs were saying  and used  her to fuse my second Mythical champion

So you need to clarify how I am in a nasty surprise  when I achieved everything I had  hoped for and expected???

Oh the  english police  on duty...gotcha... Kreeyra (think thats correct spelling?)  I am a high school drop out so got to  add that to this equation

Why is a megawhale starting a thread talking about misguieded value? Stop advertising for Plarium. they are clearly just price gouging a dying game at this point

11 нояб. 2023, 18:1911.11.23

Why is a megawhale starting a thread talking about misguieded value? Stop advertising for Plarium. they are clearly just price gouging a dying game at this point

Dying game???  you say

Like that Dragonheir all those CCs  promoting that have  so many negative comments  on STEAM or maybe check the community HUB on Steam and see for yourself only 1000 players  online?  or you think WoR is any different?

Actually I wish RAID was a dying game (but its far from that and still making  100s  of millions each month. Because  if it was dying maybe all you cry babies would leave raid for the  next best want to be game

11 нояб. 2023, 18:3811.11.23

Honestly not sure if he was being sarcastic or a realy bad attempt at trolling

11 нояб. 2023, 18:4511.11.23

The surprise, I assume, is because Kreela isn't used for the mythical fusion :p

12 нояб. 2023, 20:1512.11.23

well done whale buy more   you should respect others players ho dont spend money 

12 нояб. 2023, 23:4612.11.23
12 нояб. 2023, 23:48(отредактировано)

well done whale buy more   you should respect others players ho dont spend money 

I think evryone  should respect all who play this game the way they want. 

I just happen to think its the best deal in Raid this year . Thats all I am saying

Edit : I made another   misspelling again :/  I ment to say everyone   (not evryone)

12 нояб. 2023, 23:5912.11.23
13 нояб. 2023, 00:00(отредактировано)

I mean this is the 2 deals I was  offered  on the exact same day in Raid

3 sacred shards and 1 mil silver for $85 Can  


Xena lego / avatar skin / 1 sacred / full 6 star legend gear set  with other goodies  like gems , energy etc $85 Can

As a spender I thought the Xena package was a great deal so I bought it.  Now to a Free to Play player  neither  of those would  be a good deal and I respect that too ;) But does a free to play player actualy have a right to comment  on pricing when they do not spend anything on the game?

13 нояб. 2023, 06:2013.11.23

I mean this is the 2 deals I was  offered  on the exact same day in Raid

3 sacred shards and 1 mil silver for $85 Can  


Xena lego / avatar skin / 1 sacred / full 6 star legend gear set  with other goodies  like gems , energy etc $85 Can

As a spender I thought the Xena package was a great deal so I bought it.  Now to a Free to Play player  neither  of those would  be a good deal and I respect that too ;) But does a free to play player actualy have a right to comment  on pricing when they do not spend anything on the game?

Everything except for Xena you get as a FTP player as well...so for a player not spending, the upper road is essentially a good thing. 

But you are lying to yourself if you take the sacred and other stuff into your calculation for the price.

13 нояб. 2023, 09:0413.11.23

I mean this is the 2 deals I was  offered  on the exact same day in Raid

3 sacred shards and 1 mil silver for $85 Can  


Xena lego / avatar skin / 1 sacred / full 6 star legend gear set  with other goodies  like gems , energy etc $85 Can

As a spender I thought the Xena package was a great deal so I bought it.  Now to a Free to Play player  neither  of those would  be a good deal and I respect that too ;) But does a free to play player actualy have a right to comment  on pricing when they do not spend anything on the game?

If you look at what you got for those $85 canadian dollars compared to those who dont spend a dime, its like the Legendary, 150 gems and a 5 star chicken.

IMHO, objectively, not that good a deal.

But if you are happy with it, then it is for you off course.

And to be honest, Ill probably be getting her as well. I am a low spender, and If hold off on my normal spending for the duration of this event, I can buy the pack at the end and it will probably even out.

Xena does have some sentimental value after all.

13 нояб. 2023, 10:0813.11.23

Everything except for Xena you get as a FTP player as well...so for a player not spending, the upper road is essentially a good thing. 

But you are lying to yourself if you take the sacred and other stuff into your calculation for the price.

Everything may very well be free. Because as I understand you have a chance to pull her with an ancient  or sacred shard for a time.  That is why I say this game  is so free to play friendly add  in all the amazing things  Raid gives away

But I am a spender and check all shop deals everyday and buy many of them so I do actually know the shop pricing very well and the deal I already stated did appear  in my shop as I stated earlier. To be very fair about it. If you managed to get all the other items  in the shop at their  best values it would  basically mean your getting Xena for less than $5  

This game  is 100 % free to play and I encourage everyone to play that way. But some  of  us  do need to bank roll this game ;)

13 нояб. 2023, 11:2013.11.23

I'm *mostly* f2p, I occasionally buy the monthly gem packs. I also live on a fairly tight budget, or I'd probably spend more.

I think of things in terms of entertainment time: If i were to go to the movies, what would that cost me for ~2 hours of entertainment, vs how many hours would I get out of spending that much in a game? Or against the cost of buying a book, and the time I'd spend reading it? etc.

Priest is happy with the deal he got, and I'm happy for him.

13 нояб. 2023, 15:3013.11.23

I mean this is the 2 deals I was  offered  on the exact same day in Raid

3 sacred shards and 1 mil silver for $85 Can  


Xena lego / avatar skin / 1 sacred / full 6 star legend gear set  with other goodies  like gems , energy etc $85 Can

As a spender I thought the Xena package was a great deal so I bought it.  Now to a Free to Play player  neither  of those would  be a good deal and I respect that too ;) But does a free to play player actualy have a right to comment  on pricing when they do not spend anything on the game?

The question you finish with, well it speaks to the sheer entitlement and toxicity we see in the community when players who have never bought anything attack both pricing and people who choose to spend.

I've seen it in several of these threads this week, but people who feel the need to bloviate on how others spend their entertainment budget are ridiculous.... it's your money, spend it on whatever makes you happy.

As an aside, I don't spend, but only $40 for a nuker is pretty tempting when my only nukers after 4 years are just Trunda and Errol, and trying to whale out on shards for a nuker would be hundreds. And it's tempting cause Trunda and Errol try.... but they struggle in Plat pushes and weekend G4 Tag. 😭 😭

13 нояб. 2023, 17:4113.11.23
13 нояб. 2023, 17:46(отредактировано)

The question you finish with, well it speaks to the sheer entitlement and toxicity we see in the community when players who have never bought anything attack both pricing and people who choose to spend.

I've seen it in several of these threads this week, but people who feel the need to bloviate on how others spend their entertainment budget are ridiculous.... it's your money, spend it on whatever makes you happy.

As an aside, I don't spend, but only $40 for a nuker is pretty tempting when my only nukers after 4 years are just Trunda and Errol, and trying to whale out on shards for a nuker would be hundreds. And it's tempting cause Trunda and Errol try.... but they struggle in Plat pushes and weekend G4 Tag. 😭 😭

So I say to you this  in a different context in hope to clarify my point.

A Author is staging a book release signing at a  local book store .  The book is a fantasy novel with sci fi elements in it and a splash of horror

I show up at the book signing and although I have  not read the book I am not particularily fond  of the authors  other works . Having spoken to some friends about the book being released they all supported  my negativity in discussions

At the  book signing I tell everyone the  book is  no good and a rip off  of someone elses  work not having read a single page from the book  . In an attempt to steer would be buyers  from purchasing the  book. 

Everyone gets an opinion but do I actually have a right to tell people the book is no good?  I do not think I have that right even if I have  opinions

People who never  purchase anything in this game rarely look at shop deals and are  unlikely to know what is a good deal or not. The mere idea of spending any money on this game outrages them.   Power to anyone that plays for free here :)  But do they really have the right to say what is a good  deal or not?

I do not look down on FTP players. The game need them to be an active game (arena).  But the game also need Pay ers as well.  We need to respect each other more often

13 нояб. 2023, 17:5313.11.23

So I say to you this  in a different context in hope to clarify my point.

A Author is staging a book release signing at a  local book store .  The book is a fantasy novel with sci fi elements in it and a splash of horror

I show up at the book signing and although I have  not read the book I am not particularily fond  of the authors  other works . Having spoken to some friends about the book being released they all supported  my negativity in discussions

At the  book signing I tell everyone the  book is  no good and a rip off  of someone elses  work not having read a single page from the book  . In an attempt to steer would be buyers  from purchasing the  book. 

Everyone gets an opinion but do I actually have a right to tell people the book is no good?  I do not think I have that right even if I have  opinions

People who never  purchase anything in this game rarely look at shop deals and are  unlikely to know what is a good deal or not. The mere idea of spending any money on this game outrages them.   Power to anyone that plays for free here :)  But do they really have the right to say what is a good  deal or not?

I do not look down on FTP players. The game need them to be an active game (arena).  But the game also need Pay ers as well.  We need to respect each other more often

I'm fairly certain Q was agreeing with you :)

F2P opinion is valuable at the level they spend.  Shockingly plarium uses this multiplier as well.  The reddit community does not understand why their voices are not heard either lol