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Corpulent Nerf in Hydra

Corpulent Nerf in Hydra

8 окт. 2023, 17:4608.10.23

I wanted to build the cadaver team but did not have the champs to do it.  I knew, it was likely to be nerfed.  I considered that risk as part of this game.  Always expect the unexpected.  

Plarium could match clans with cadaver teams against each other and non cadaver clans against each other.  There are several ways to deal with this.  Any guesses which method they will choose?

The answer to this appears to be 200k damage cap on extra shield damage. 

8 окт. 2023, 17:5408.10.23

All of this said - I don't entirely disagree with the point Deleted is trying to make. It's absurd that in order to maximize your points in Hydra, you're best off making absurdly high-damage teams to use *on normal*. The amount of damage you can put out there eclipses the multiplier of higher difficulties by orders of magnitude.

There are two relatively simple solutions to this problem, which would also tangentially handle the Corpulent Cadaver teams as well. Either cap the amount of points you can get per difficulty, or increase the multiplier from higher difficulties.

8 окт. 2023, 21:2808.10.23

200k Damage on his A1 is still massive considering the amount of shield you will have to have on him to get the 200k. Means you have to have Cadaver's shield at 666,666. 

Also the curious thing is if the 200k Cap before Crit Damageor after though. I'm guessing before Crit. So could still hit 500k at 250% Crit Damage.

8 окт. 2023, 21:4708.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 21:48(отредактировано)

this is a bit predictable of a response and it misses the point. 

teams like this, much like the acrizia (I assume you're talking about super high end) teams you're mentioning don't affect Clash a fraction of what Cadaver teams do, nor are they remotely as accessible. 

using an extreme outlier team/comp from SP as a whataboutism is just silly. 

So what is the point, high spenders were going boo hoo because moderate spenders and free to play had a level playing ground with them. Lets be fair it's a game and as such should be enjoyable for all. hYDRA was clan related, you get Mithrala and it just becomes a time hog. So it was moved into pvp to try to improve its playability and wham this is the result. You win the clash most of your team get no benifits due to the high requirements to get the rewards, next week 3 or 4 people play. The high spender play week after week as they can max the rewards. TBH if people want to spend shedloads on a game, nice you deserve to have an advantage, still to begrudge the little guy. Shame on you.

8 окт. 2023, 21:5308.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 21:55(отредактировано)

So what is the point, high spenders were going boo hoo because moderate spenders and free to play had a level playing ground with them. Lets be fair it's a game and as such should be enjoyable for all. hYDRA was clan related, you get Mithrala and it just becomes a time hog. So it was moved into pvp to try to improve its playability and wham this is the result. You win the clash most of your team get no benifits due to the high requirements to get the rewards, next week 3 or 4 people play. The high spender play week after week as they can max the rewards. TBH if people want to spend shedloads on a game, nice you deserve to have an advantage, still to begrudge the little guy. Shame on you.

This...didn't benefit the little guy at all, nor did it create a "level playing ground."

The Cadaver effects went far, far down into matchups and wasn't how the mechanics for Hydra were intended in the slightest. 

Lastly, if you think this was just high spenders - or even moderate, or any spenders - that had problems with Cadaver and what it was doing to Clash then you're simply incorrect. Cadaver was wildly unpopular. This was a massive issue for middling and lower clans who a large chunk of players that don't have Brogni, don't have good enough buff extenders, don't have the Cursed and Reflex necessary, don't have Cadaver (so on and so forth)

This was nowhere near as simple as one subset of players having a problem with Cadaver.

8 окт. 2023, 21:5908.10.23

This...didn't benefit the little guy at all, nor did it create a "level playing ground."

The Cadaver effects went far, far down into matchups and wasn't how the mechanics for Hydra were intended in the slightest. 

Lastly, if you think this was just high spenders - or even moderate, or any spenders - that had problems with Cadaver and what it was doing to Clash then you're simply incorrect. Cadaver was wildly unpopular. This was a massive issue for middling and lower clans who a large chunk of players that don't have Brogni, don't have good enough buff extenders, don't have the Cursed and Reflex necessary, don't have Cadaver (so on and so forth)

This was nowhere near as simple as one subset of players having a problem with Cadaver.

I just want to be a bit ironic here...

but if the Cadaver effects went far, far down and it wasn't how the mechanics for Hydra were intended in the slightest...

Why has this not been tested before? I mean Cadaver teams for ClanBoss have been known way before Hydra Clash became the tantrum starter?

And I like to point out...Cadaver was highly regarded and was fun to play...it was not wildly unpopular at least not in the PvE for which he was mainly built....but Hydra was forced into PvP by the Clash and than the fire began to start...

And Plarium for sure took some time and many players built those teams with lots of ressources. I just hope the A1 damage reduction is for Hydra only and not for CB

8 окт. 2023, 22:2208.10.23

I just want to be a bit ironic here...

but if the Cadaver effects went far, far down and it wasn't how the mechanics for Hydra were intended in the slightest...

Why has this not been tested before? I mean Cadaver teams for ClanBoss have been known way before Hydra Clash became the tantrum starter?

And I like to point out...Cadaver was highly regarded and was fun to play...it was not wildly unpopular at least not in the PvE for which he was mainly built....but Hydra was forced into PvP by the Clash and than the fire began to start...

And Plarium for sure took some time and many players built those teams with lots of ressources. I just hope the A1 damage reduction is for Hydra only and not for CB

As to why Cadaver wasn't addressed before, I simply don't know and won't speculate as it's not my department, I'm not a dev. 

Given what we know about reasonable damage numbers for Hydra (whether it be a team that relies on a ton of turns, EMHP or both), what Cadaver did is not healthy, nor is it something that was sustainable for the format.

Previously, no one cared about Cadaver because CB is a PvE activity which at most affects 30 players and is not in a PvP/Clan versus Clan setting. So yes, of course he wasn't unpopular before. Judging by the vast majority of feedback we've seen the past month or so that sentiment certainly changed.

We don't know yet what the effects will be on Cadaver outside of Hydra. I'll need to go back and watch again, but it sounded like a wholesale bop on the A1 for Cadaver.

8 окт. 2023, 22:2908.10.23

As to why Cadaver wasn't addressed before, I simply don't know and won't speculate as it's not my department, I'm not a dev. 

Given what we know about reasonable damage numbers for Hydra (whether it be a team that relies on a ton of turns, EMHP or both), what Cadaver did is not healthy, nor is it something that was sustainable for the format.

Previously, no one cared about Cadaver because CB is a PvE activity which at most affects 30 players and is not in a PvP/Clan versus Clan setting. So yes, of course he wasn't unpopular before. Judging by the vast majority of feedback we've seen the past month or so that sentiment certainly changed.

We don't know yet what the effects will be on Cadaver outside of Hydra. I'll need to go back and watch again, but it sounded like a wholesale bop on the A1 for Cadaver.

There is also the new Clan War that she mentioned, while it is in the works still there could have been something that is an activity in it that Cadaver being busted in PvP points terms could have been a major issue for that one as well which is also why it is being addressed now before there is yet a 2nd event added to the game that his massive damage could be used for. 

This is just speculation though as we don't know everything that the new Clan War system will have in it. 

8 окт. 2023, 22:2908.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 22:33(отредактировано)
Daehawk Gaming

There is also the new Clan War that she mentioned, while it is in the works still there could have been something that is an activity in it that Cadaver being busted in PvP points terms could have been a major issue for that one as well which is also why it is being addressed now before there is yet a 2nd event added to the game that his massive damage could be used for. 

This is just speculation though as we don't know everything that the new Clan War system will have in it. 

The inclination I've gotten leading up to this is there were multiple factors being considered with regards to whatever decisions they made with Cadaver. 

But I definitely don't know for sure, and again am not a coder or dev. :)

8 окт. 2023, 22:3608.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 22:37(отредактировано)

As to why Cadaver wasn't addressed before, I simply don't know and won't speculate as it's not my department, I'm not a dev. 

Given what we know about reasonable damage numbers for Hydra (whether it be a team that relies on a ton of turns, EMHP or both), what Cadaver did is not healthy, nor is it something that was sustainable for the format.

Previously, no one cared about Cadaver because CB is a PvE activity which at most affects 30 players and is not in a PvP/Clan versus Clan setting. So yes, of course he wasn't unpopular before. Judging by the vast majority of feedback we've seen the past month or so that sentiment certainly changed.

We don't know yet what the effects will be on Cadaver outside of Hydra. I'll need to go back and watch again, but it sounded like a wholesale bop on the A1 for Cadaver.

Yeah, the wholesome bop on the A1 is what I am fearing as well. In my opinion it would have been better to check the possibilities before changing PvE content to PvP content...than a quick solution would have been better than the week long heated discussion...and in the end there are at least 3 better solutions to the topic than to fully also nerf Cadaver for PvE content and demolish the efforts of players in PvE. I simply do not understand why Plarium takes a long time to choose the worst possible solution time and time again.

1.) (I steal from Krama here) Install damage limits on the stages of Hydra or modify the multipliers for the different stages

2.) Ban Cadaver from Hydra

3.) Change Cadavers A1 so he cannot hit through the Hydra head initial buff after regeneration

4.) Let Hydra heads have a damage reduction to Cadavers A1

I think there were many solutions which have been discussed and Plarium seems to choose the one which has a negative impact on other areas of the game which are stil PvE (ClanBoss).

I know that you are not responsible for the development but perhaps you can give the feedback to not nerf a champ into the ground for PvE content because he suddenly became OP for PvP.

8 окт. 2023, 23:0508.10.23

This...didn't benefit the little guy at all, nor did it create a "level playing ground."

The Cadaver effects went far, far down into matchups and wasn't how the mechanics for Hydra were intended in the slightest. 

Lastly, if you think this was just high spenders - or even moderate, or any spenders - that had problems with Cadaver and what it was doing to Clash then you're simply incorrect. Cadaver was wildly unpopular. This was a massive issue for middling and lower clans who a large chunk of players that don't have Brogni, don't have good enough buff extenders, don't have the Cursed and Reflex necessary, don't have Cadaver (so on and so forth)

This was nowhere near as simple as one subset of players having a problem with Cadaver.

"a large chunk of players that don't have Brogni" But thats not problem, when lot players dont have dual thudra or acrizia to damage 9 billions. :D What a ... explonations. :D

8 окт. 2023, 23:2908.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 23:38(отредактировано)

"a large chunk of players that don't have Brogni" But thats not problem, when lot players dont have dual thudra or acrizia to damage 9 billions. :D What a ... explonations. :D

When you have an argument against the Cadaver change that doesn't involve whataboutisms I will be here eagerly waiting, with bells on. 

The Cadaver issue is much more more prevalent in Clash matchups with a significantly larger effect than double Trunda teams that require setup, and Acrizia teams doing 9 billion (????). Full stop. 

I was hoping for a change to scoring + damage cap, but such is life. 

9 окт. 2023, 05:4409.10.23

I dont have cadaver on any team.  But if I built a 1 key CB team around cadaver and that got nerfed, I would be very upset.  Lets find out what happens in CB and get a report please.  

9 окт. 2023, 09:1709.10.23

Right now in my current hydra clash, the guy in first place did more damage with 1 key using a corp cadaver team than 118 out of 119 other keys all the clans combined have used.

That one exception? the guy in second place, with another corp cadaver team which has ALSO done more damage than 118 out of 120 keys combined

10 окт. 2023, 17:5910.10.23

I dont have cadaver on any team.  But if I built a 1 key CB team around cadaver and that got nerfed, I would be very upset.  Lets find out what happens in CB and get a report please.  

There shouldn't be any changes that prevent people with Cadaver teams from still one keying CB..... it would theorectically just run a bit slower except that all those teams should be able to still one-key instant battle, so no time changes at all.

11 окт. 2023, 07:4111.10.23

support this change

12 окт. 2023, 14:2112.10.23

Seems they didn't make the Cadaver nerf Hydra specific. He looks to be nerfed for CB now as well.  Insanely disappointing having grinded Iron Twins for the last year to further ascend champions that I likely won't use anywhere else now.  With the exception of Krisk anyway.

12 окт. 2023, 15:5112.10.23

Seems they didn't make the Cadaver nerf Hydra specific. He looks to be nerfed for CB now as well.  Insanely disappointing having grinded Iron Twins for the last year to further ascend champions that I likely won't use anywhere else now.  With the exception of Krisk anyway.

Except he can still super easily 1k CB.

Does it really matter to you if you only do 100 million damage instead of 1 billion, when you only need 70.2m to start with?

12 окт. 2023, 16:0012.10.23

Yes, actually it does for me.  On days when clan mates aren't available to hit CB, using the Cadaver team to wipe out the rest of CB with only 1 key is huge.  Not to mention, you are completely ignoring the time and resources spent to build up the supporting members of the team to now be worthless since there is no other champ like Cadaver (was). 

12 окт. 2023, 19:0112.10.23

Yes, actually it does for me.  On days when clan mates aren't available to hit CB, using the Cadaver team to wipe out the rest of CB with only 1 key is huge.  Not to mention, you are completely ignoring the time and resources spent to build up the supporting members of the team to now be worthless since there is no other champ like Cadaver (was). 

I'm sorry to say that them changing it for Demon CB too means it wasn't working as intended there, they just want the team to one key rather than instant battle the whole CB down. Seems that they want both Clan Bosses to be a clan activity, not a single player run by a rare gone crazy.

Can blame Instant Battle on CB being as responsible for this change too, since you now can do those keys in 5 seconds rather than a couple hours. So there's not even the pain of time anymore. I'm counting it a positive he's still able to 1 key CB. Hopefully your clan can get more folks hitting CB so they're not reliant on one player to do all the damage for UNM.