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Corpulent Nerf in Hydra

Corpulent Nerf in Hydra

6 окт. 2023, 15:0706.10.23

Corpulent Nerf in Hydra

From today's Raid Digest.  


6 окт. 2023, 15:1406.10.23


6 окт. 2023, 17:3706.10.23


1000% agreed, even as someone using the team.

6 окт. 2023, 18:0406.10.23

in b4 the pitchforks~

6 окт. 2023, 19:1506.10.23

Do not like it...having spent lots of ressources to build this team...guess I will just ignore Hydra Clash from now on...

6 окт. 2023, 19:4806.10.23

in b4 the pitchforks~

There's always pitchforks.  Mama said I should have grown up to be a torch and pitchfork salesman.

6 окт. 2023, 20:5006.10.23

Do not like it...having spent lots of ressources to build this team...guess I will just ignore Hydra Clash from now on...

I use a cadaver team in normal and as long as the nerf kills this team good. Sorry for the dozen rare skill books you used that is not a lot of resources. Plarium also said over a month ago they were doing something about the comp. So you should have waited.

6 окт. 2023, 21:2006.10.23

Hopefully the change isn't that he is just nerfed into the ground and completely unusable anywhere. Hopefully he is just balanced down to not be doing billions of damage. So that those that do have those teams could still use it, just won't be billions but will be good enough to get Hydra Chests for killing. Hopefully it is something like what my suggestion was that still keeps the ability functioning but then limits it on what the player can build in terms of gear. Had posted it in the thread discussing if should nerf or not, but was like one of the only comments to get 0 replies lol. It was a lot of text though.

TLDR version: 

  • It is a HP based champion. Limit the damage based on the Cadaver's max HP. 
  • The base shield it gives is 20% of it's own Max HP. So a 100k Cadavar will make a 20k shield. The damage from the ability is then 30% of the shield value. So a 100k HP Cadavar that makes a 20k Shield will do 6k Damage. 
  • Limit the amount of damage the A1 can do to X% of the champions Max HP. 
  • Example: If the limit was that his A1 cannot do more than 30% of this champions Max HP (before Crits, bonus damage, etc). Then Cavadar's shield would have to be equal to his own HP to get there. Which requires Shield growth to get to. 
  • This doesn't change the champion any outside of normal terms of the champion. Only someone with the field champions that have a shield growth champion will be able to increase it to where the shield is over the max HP of Cadavar. 
  • It still allows for Growth of the character in terms of new gear and new things that come out to boost HP. A person with a 100k HP Cadavar will do a lot less damage than someone with a 200k HP Cadavar in Shield growth teams. 

6 окт. 2023, 21:2206.10.23

I use a cadaver team in normal and as long as the nerf kills this team good. Sorry for the dozen rare skill books you used that is not a lot of resources. Plarium also said over a month ago they were doing something about the comp. So you should have waited.

This is where I'm at too. I did get masteries, went a bit further but even before it was announced they were looking at it it did feel like this would have to change eventually. I am not going to miss seeing stuff like this.


The comp I was running helped the clan get some Ws in the meantime so I'm more than at peace with the change.

6 окт. 2023, 21:5006.10.23

I use a cadaver team in normal and as long as the nerf kills this team good. Sorry for the dozen rare skill books you used that is not a lot of resources. Plarium also said over a month ago they were doing something about the comp. So you should have waited.

Do you really think it is only Cadaver? I needed to built 3 additional champions for this (Lanakis, Oella and Sandleashed)...Stop thinking it is just one champ as you need the whole team to fit...

6 окт. 2023, 21:5906.10.23

I mean, that's on you Matrim. You must have been aware the benefit of that team would eventually be removed. Whether it's to make the team itself do less damage, or whether it is simply to make it count for less points - there's no way they could leave Hydra Clash as a viable format while also still leaving this team intact.

6 окт. 2023, 23:4506.10.23

And the clan appreciates it.  This does mean I need to figure out my 3 teams again though.

7 окт. 2023, 03:4607.10.23

I mean, that's on you Matrim. You must have been aware the benefit of that team would eventually be removed. Whether it's to make the team itself do less damage, or whether it is simply to make it count for less points - there's no way they could leave Hydra Clash as a viable format while also still leaving this team intact.

Actually I agree but I think I come from a different point of view. 

I compare Hydra with CB as both have been PVE conten for a long time and everybody applauded Victortes with coming up with infinity teams and using Corpulent cadaver in CB and reaching new heigths. 

Nobody was complaining. Hydra was very much less well received than CB...but it also started out as PVE content and nobody actually cared if somebody in another clan could do immense damage in Hydra. CB and Hydra are actually the only uses for a niche champion like cadaver. 

Than, perhaps to increase activity in Hydra and make it look less like a semi failed content, Plarium decided to switch Hydra from PVE to PVP...setting players/clans against each other to increase activity in this area. 

All of a sudden, players starting crying about other players having build teams with cadaver which could do immense damage.

This is not because Cadaver can do this damage...but because this content has been switched from PVE to PVP. Nobody would have cared if Hydra Clash would not have been introduced.

Therefor from my point of view....the problem is not Cadaver...the problem is that Hydra Clash is suddenly PVP...and thats why many players are suddenly howling for a cadaver nerf. And i think CC teams are much more FTP friendly than a combination of multiple Yumekos, Acrizias or other voids...


7 окт. 2023, 05:0207.10.23

I hope, those players who has Acrizias and do billion damages, starting crying too. I told, its a bad message from Plarium for everyone, when they starting to nerfing those team builds,  what some smart players after many days of trial and invested resources, he manages to create a team that works better than others. Dont nerf Cadaver skills, just made the Hydra heads, to remove inceased shield, not the main shield purifying. There is not just Hydra clash, many players i bet use him at other content too. 

8 окт. 2023, 06:0508.10.23

I wanted to build the cadaver team but did not have the champs to do it.  I knew, it was likely to be nerfed.  I considered that risk as part of this game.  Always expect the unexpected.  

Plarium could match clans with cadaver teams against each other and non cadaver clans against each other.  There are several ways to deal with this.  Any guesses which method they will choose?

8 окт. 2023, 06:5908.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 07:35(отредактировано)

I hope, those players who has Acrizias and do billion damages, starting crying too. I told, its a bad message from Plarium for everyone, when they starting to nerfing those team builds,  what some smart players after many days of trial and invested resources, he manages to create a team that works better than others. Dont nerf Cadaver skills, just made the Hydra heads, to remove inceased shield, not the main shield purifying. There is not just Hydra clash, many players i bet use him at other content too. 

EMHP champs/teams aren't remotely comparable to Cadaver teams in Clash, anyone that thinks this is deluding themselves. 

Coincidentally the people with the higher/highest end max HP damage teams are a small percentage of those getting dumpstered by Cadaver teams, they just were the ones running into the teams from YouTube videos and screenshots floating around.

8 окт. 2023, 07:0008.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 07:35(отредактировано)

I wanted to build the cadaver team but did not have the champs to do it.  I knew, it was likely to be nerfed.  I considered that risk as part of this game.  Always expect the unexpected.  

Plarium could match clans with cadaver teams against each other and non cadaver clans against each other.  There are several ways to deal with this.  Any guesses which method they will choose?

I doubt it'll be match up based in terms of adjustments. Anything from damage cap on Cadaver, point adjustments for difficulties, combinations of solutions would all make sense.

All speculation though until we hear details which will be soon :)

8 окт. 2023, 11:5008.10.23

They fix this overdamage too or billions damage Acrizia's teams ? :D


8 окт. 2023, 14:0308.10.23
8 окт. 2023, 14:20(отредактировано)

They fix this overdamage too or billions damage Acrizia's teams ? :D


this is a bit predictable of a response and it misses the point. 

teams like this, much like the acrizia (I assume you're talking about super high end) teams you're mentioning don't affect Clash a fraction of what Cadaver teams do, nor are they remotely as accessible. 

using an extreme outlier team/comp from SP as a whataboutism is just silly. 

8 окт. 2023, 14:5408.10.23

this is a bit predictable of a response and it misses the point. 

teams like this, much like the acrizia (I assume you're talking about super high end) teams you're mentioning don't affect Clash a fraction of what Cadaver teams do, nor are they remotely as accessible. 

using an extreme outlier team/comp from SP as a whataboutism is just silly. 

Yeah, have to agree that screeshots of the normal team from the guy who is perhaps the biggest spender in Raid doesn't prove a ton. 

I just think it's nice that 99.9% of clans are going to hugely benefit here, even if about 5 clans of the biggest spenders have to face each other with double Yumeko, double empowered Trunda, double empowered Acrizia comps or whatever craziness they come up with for their crazy out of reach kraken rosters.

8 окт. 2023, 14:5608.10.23

Actually I agree but I think I come from a different point of view. 

I compare Hydra with CB as both have been PVE conten for a long time and everybody applauded Victortes with coming up with infinity teams and using Corpulent cadaver in CB and reaching new heigths. 

Nobody was complaining. Hydra was very much less well received than CB...but it also started out as PVE content and nobody actually cared if somebody in another clan could do immense damage in Hydra. CB and Hydra are actually the only uses for a niche champion like cadaver. 

Than, perhaps to increase activity in Hydra and make it look less like a semi failed content, Plarium decided to switch Hydra from PVE to PVP...setting players/clans against each other to increase activity in this area. 

All of a sudden, players starting crying about other players having build teams with cadaver which could do immense damage.

This is not because Cadaver can do this damage...but because this content has been switched from PVE to PVP. Nobody would have cared if Hydra Clash would not have been introduced.

Therefor from my point of view....the problem is not Cadaver...the problem is that Hydra Clash is suddenly PVP...and thats why many players are suddenly howling for a cadaver nerf. And i think CC teams are much more FTP friendly than a combination of multiple Yumekos, Acrizias or other voids...


I don't disagree at all with the point that Corpulent Cadaver wouldn't be an issue without Clash having changed Hydra from PvE to PvP content.

Unfortunately it IS PvP content now, so here we are....