what the....?
Errol was never good, exept for magic keep. now you gave him an extra 30% chance for critical hits. sounds ok at first but then you realize that his A2 is total bullshit now. is does even less damage than his A1. a comparison for those who dont know:
A2 before "buff"/nerf:
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 50% chance to ignore DEF.
A2 now: Attacks 1 enemy. Has an extra 30% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Will ignore DEF by 50%. (I tested it, it does approximately the damage like one of the hits did before.)
so Errol basically got a huge nerf getting him from above average to not useable at all.
my only legendarys are Errol (who is now even more useless than before) and Sethallia (who could really use some buffs too because her skills really arent legendary at all)
I appreciate that you try to improve some champions that need a rework but do it right instead of nerfing bad heroes
Decent updates but many other legendaries needed a fix : Black Knight, Shamrock, MaShalled, Soulless, Lord Champfort...
To Fix Shamrock, make his a3 like apo or golden reaper....reduce cooldown by one and make it add a 20% attack bar for whole team....that would make him a good legendary.
garyparrish5 said:
Dude seriously I cannot wait til most of you guys quit. It’s literally like playing with children, if you hate the game so much moooovvvveee onnnnnn!
So people should quit the game just because they have a different opinion from what you think? I've read the comments and the complaints are really reasonable. For instance, why would Plarium Nerf Errol when he was already not an optimal legendary to begin with? It makes 0 sense to most of us who already had him in the vault for, either being absolutely useless, or being easily replaced by most rares and epics.
Errols A2 rebalance is definitely a mistake. I don't have him, but I know he was not so good, and people were mostly using him because he could 1-shot somebody with his A2. But now his A2 is much worse. Perhaps the intention was to make it triple hit with each hit ignoring 50% def? That would make sense, at least.That change would only Place him where he was already standing before, close to being useless or easily replaced. There is a reason why you don't see him being used often. There are rares, and I dare say, even Uncommon that do a better job than Errol does. Take it from someone who actually has him maxed out. Maxed out and rotting in my Vault
OpheliaA1 said:
Love the altan aura! and the aina aura fix ^-^'
overall nice buffs!
LOL! You looked at the fix you were really looking forward to, and called it an Overall nice buffs? As in, nice buffs for everyone?
Some of these champs are either performing the exact same, or worse than before (Errol for instance), so there is nothing nice about it except the fact that Your legendary got a good buffYup... am having a very hard time understanding why they would nerf Errol, who was never good to begin with, and call it a re-balance.what the....?
Errol was never good, exept for magic keep. now you gave him an extra 30% chance for critical hits. sounds ok at first but then you realize that his A2 is total bullshit now. is does even less damage than his A1. a comparison for those who dont know:
A2 before "buff"/nerf:
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 50% chance to ignore DEF.
A2 now: Attacks 1 enemy. Has an extra 30% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Will ignore DEF by 50%. (I tested it, it does approximately the damage like one of the hits did before.)
so Errol basically got a huge nerf getting him from above average to not useable at all.
my only legendarys are Errol (who is now even more useless than before) and Sethallia (who could really use some buffs too because her skills really arent legendary at all)
I appreciate that you try to improve some champions that need a rework but do it right instead of nerfing bad heroes
Your thoughts on Mountain King?Decent updates but many other legendaries needed a fix : Black Knight, Shamrock, MaShalled, Soulless, Lord Champfort...
To Fix Shamrock, make his a3 like apo or soulless....reduce cooldown by one and make it add a 20% attack bar for whole team....that would make him a good legendary.
Errol got nerfed or that was a mistake? He was already probably the softest hitting attack champ (aoe champs do more dmg on aoe then he does on single, and you changed his a2 to 1 attack (from 3?))
As a new player, I suggest you quit complaining until you have a better understanding of the game dynamics. The fact that Infernal Baroness now scales off DEF is a GOOD thing.kylahullu said:
What about nerfs to OP champs like Sinesha, Skullcrown, Reinbeast, Big Un, Bellower, Roshcard???haha , I have Sinasha too,
IM new player, I have only few epic champions, no legendary and now my best chamipons are week :)
Very great update :)
Pipsie said:
Marius, I sincerely think that you give virtually no importance to the opinions of your players.
This patch is a joke, on all pages of the forum minus 1 on the changes to champions, someone mentioned a black knight, even if he stopped having the + 30% deff, which is not a great buff compared to what he He makes other legendary ones, however he would make this champion playable, but you prefer to improve characters that are already quite strong and he is still completely ignored.
Edit: I just told them for you, there are 23 posts in "Champion Balance Requests Thread" that request the improvement of black knight
Nothing new there. Plarium always has and most likely always will ignore their players. All they care about is what will make them money, and they randomly make modifications like these that completely disregard the player consensus.
We told Plarium in MULTIPLE threads EXACTLY what was wrong with Tomb Lord. Instead, they COMPLETELY INCOMPETENTLY modified him in a way that made absolutely NO sense for arena, yet kept his aura as an aura exclusively for arena.
I do not believe the people deciding the modifications actually play the game, and they are clearly not listening to anyone who is competent in the least bit. The level of ignorance and complete disregard of the players in this game is astounding. As I have said numerous times now, I love the game, but can't stand the Plarium staff. The only thing I have seen them do even remotely right since I started playing was the long-awaited Faction Wars, and even that took at least 7 months of "coming soon" to finally be released.
I have used legendaries as FOOD, yes, FOOD because of how much of a joke they are. Meanwhile, they leave Hegemon, a completely god-broken champion for arena, completely unchecked. And Roshcard is not far behind him either.
Stridar said:
Great that Altan, already one of the top CB hero's was buffed to be even better while so many other hero's not being used weren't. How about a CB aura for both Nethril and Foli now too? Let's keep making those top guy happy and continue to buff their top hero's.
The developers clearly have favoritism towards the champions they play with, if they even play at all. They might just be puppets as well, with staff/players pulling those strings in their favor. It is clear as day there are champions they intentionally neglect and ignore, and others they leave unchecked that are god-broken, such as Hegemon and Roshcard.
Buffs seem decent but why do you continue to ignore the play base? Buff 3 already good legendarys and let many Legends sit in the dumpster. Black Knight could be good as with many others with some simple fixes. You should be trying to make pulling Legendarys a very exciting moment. Where the game sits now many people are only disappointed after a legend pull. This should never happen.
Also you guys need to implement a way to grind skill books in a dungeon or something. If you made the game more free to play friendly more people will invest money in it.
Why even invest in shards when I could get horrible epics or legendarys. Then if I get a good one I don't have skill books to try upgrading different characters. It takes the fun out of the game when you just sit on your skill books hoping one day you will pull a good end game character to use them on. Games like Elune let you choose what skill to upgrade with the books also. You guys needed to make that another rng factor. Then make it 15 books to fully upgrade a character so someone may have to use 15 books to upgrade the skill they want. Therefore you hope they will pay tones of money on books to do so.
All in all I like the game, but wish you would focus on what your playerbase is asking for and stop catering the entire game towards whales. Not to mention the events and tournaments are whale calls. The community is trying to help you grow your game as well as raid YouTube channels. Everyone is giving the same feedback over and over.
I really enjoy your game and hope something will improve.