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(Notice) Unkillable and Block Damage Buffs in Clan Boss Battles in Update 1.13

(Notice) Unkillable and Block Damage Buffs in Clan Boss Battles in Update 1.13

15 янв. 2020, 08:3915.01.20
I just recently made a character that can do this. Spend all my turkeys doing so, just so I could be on par with other people. Is there going to be a reemburstment?  Every time platinum doesn’t like something you nerf it affecting everyone that busted their butts trying to get better. Half the time I think the creators do this just to get more money from players 
15 янв. 2020, 09:5215.01.20
love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....
15 янв. 2020, 09:5415.01.20
15 янв. 2020, 09:55(отредактировано)

glizdazla said:

Samcruel said:

I have invested 41 epic books (2 maneaters, 1 lightsworns, 1 warcaster) and 10 leg books (sir nick) to build 2 unkillable teams over the last 1 year and that is the cost of:

1) 41 epic books, 2 epic books in shop cost 19.99, so it's 409.759 pounds worth. 

2) 10 leg books, 1 in the shop costs 23.99, so it's 239.9 pounds worth. 


I am F2p and have 9 fully booked epic and legend champs. You dont need to spend money to get books u know? You get em easy from missions/quests/cb/fw/events and tournaments...

15 янв. 2020, 10:0315.01.20

Lotro_Fanatic said:

why so mad said:

glizdazla said:

I have invested 41 epic books (2 maneaters, 1 lightsworns, 1 warcaster) and 10 leg books (sir nick) to build 2 unkillable teams over the last 1 year and that is the cost of:

1) 41 epic books, 2 epic books in shop cost 19.99, so it's 409.759 pounds worth. 

2) 10 leg books, 1 in the shop costs 23.99, so it's 239.9 pounds worth. 

The above cost is for books only and does not include literally tens of thousands gems used for refills. 

Oh, poor you. How do you prefer your 650 pounds to be returned to you? Direct deposit to your bank account?

I have 5 fully booked legendaries, yet I haven't spent a penny on any books or energy.
Why are you antagonising this person? NOTHING anyone does effects your gaming experience. Yet here you are trolling. Please go elsewhere. 

Thanks for defending from clueless. 

I have 30+ legs fully booked, countless epics too, yet for my unkillable comps I did buy books and energy to speed things up. I have used a serious amount of keys to speed test these comps too. 

Regardless of whether its free or not it is still 41 epic books, right? In my case it wasn't free. 

This nerf does not really affect my ability to get the top chest. I have no time to hop clans too. I just think this is morally wrong what they are doing as they don't fix the unfair advantage that people get from hopping, but go for the little guy who might have got lucky with pulls. 

15 янв. 2020, 10:3515.01.20
15 янв. 2020, 10:37(отредактировано)

T1000 said:

love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....

Yep, they're not happy.

I have a clan member who has been running an unkillable team for a while, and he has a very healthy stance on this. He uses 1 Manetaer, 1 Occult Brawler and 3 Painkeepers. His Maneater and OB are built properly because he uses those champions anyway and would use them even if unkillable wasn't a thing. His Painkeepers are level 40, he never invested into them as he understood very clearly it is going to be nerfed at some point as it is OP. He's not mad at all.

What I don't like about this situation the most is that we, players have voiced our concerns about unkillable comps long ago. Cirilla and Marius were told multiple times it is being abused, and it's growing. Yet they dismissed it, they didn't deem it important enough, they didn't raise the question of it in their meetings with the team. And predictably the situation got completely out of hand: players started hunting unkillable champions only, some clans had more than half of the members running unkillable, some started only hiring unkillable, some created 4-30 proxy clans and were farming 2 best chests from each of them. Only then Plarium employees who are in charge of monitoring and reacting to this kind of stuff have come to their senses. Marius and Cirilla handled this situation extremely poorly and incompetently, and are responsible big time for the fallout we are seeing.

15 янв. 2020, 12:1315.01.20

Hey team,  

Couple of comments on the unkillable CB change:  


1) I appreciate you letting us know in advance of the change in the announcements section of discord - many prior changes have not been announced (e.g. maneater nerf), so appreciate this. Also appreciate that you are giving notice rather than making the change a day or so after the announcement.  


2) I understand that a 50 turn limit would still allow an unkillable team to 3-key CB daily - hence technically they can get the top chest each day without needing to pay for keys.  

If you can change the key system so you dont lose a key when the game crashes, then I think this is a reasonable compromise moving forward, as this means that a dedicated player can still get max rewards without spending real money.  

I REALLY like what you did with faction wars - doesnt consume a key unless you win the battle. There is no reason you can't do the same, only consumes the key if you actually finish the battle and get a score for it!  


3) Something needs to be done as a one-off to compensate players that have invested significantly in unkillable teams. Hundreds/Thousands of dollars of Void shards to get champs, books to skill them up, silver to gear them up, chickens to rank them up.  

Certain players have taken advantage of this and got themselves hundreds of sacreds. One could argue they dont need compensation; however many players have still spent lots and have not abused the system. You cannot ignore them.  


4) We desperately want the ability for all clan members to attack the boss and get the top rewards if they do enough dmg.  




15 янв. 2020, 13:1915.01.20
15 янв. 2020, 14:32(отредактировано)

why so mad said:

T1000 said:

love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....

Yep, they're not happy.

I have a clan member who has been running an unkillable team for a while, and he has a very healthy stance on this. He uses 1 Manetaer, 1 Occult Brawler and 3 Painkeepers. His Maneater and OB are built properly because he uses those champions anyway and would use them even if unkillable wasn't a thing. His Painkeepers are level 40, he never invested into them as he understood very clearly it is going to be nerfed at some point as it is OP. He's not mad at all.

What I don't like about this situation the most is that we, players have voiced our concerns about unkillable comps long ago. Cirilla and Marius were told multiple times it is being abused, and it's growing. Yet they dismissed it, they didn't deem it important enough, they didn't raise the question of it in their meetings with the team. And predictably the situation got completely out of hand: players started hunting unkillable champions only, some clans had more than half of the members running unkillable, some started only hiring unkillable, some created 4-30 proxy clans and were farming 2 best chests from each of them. Only then Plarium employees who are in charge of monitoring and reacting to this kind of stuff have come to their senses. Marius and Cirilla handled this situation extremely poorly and incompetently, and are responsible big time for the fallout we are seeing.

Ill exactly explain you why im not happy with  this nerf at all. 

First of all, I can auto Cb in 3 turns on auto without having to use unkillable. However, what unkillable did for me was to shave off the time I had to utilise for this 30min instead of 40+ min. It was another stage of my development, not  to mention that dropping second maneater felt like winning a lottery. 

I aslo consider building unkillable as a fantastic end game content. It is the best thing that has happened to this game imo. 

Its not the unkillable itself that players need, its the journey you can take if you want to indulge yourself and start working towards more advanced versions of it where your speeds are 280+. 

If clan hopping was to get fixed unkillable comps would still earn you 1 top chest, assuming that there is also a limit of one only. Eventually even every ftp player could  get the unkillable team and be able to kill Cb with easy if he played long enough. 

Besides CB rewards could get diluted with introduction of hydra where the top reward would be placed. 

Additionally, players are still not informed that revive on death will get the nerf even though its out in the open.  

Dmg dealer +4 revive on death heroes is another form of unkillable. Should i sink another 41 books because i love tweaking the end game content for nothing.

And lastly, once the hydra comes out it will defo have diff base speed. Unkillable teams could be used for CB while your main team could be hydra  focused. It seems we will all have to regear soon to hit two bosses every day unless you have dupes of the top heroes. Good luck with that. This is exactly what they are doing, not only capping our future ability to smash hydra by nerfing their game mechanics, but also destroying the abilities if the most powerful heroes in the game. 

So, my 100k hp sir nick (10/9/9/9/9/10) in town hall suddenly has no a3 after turn 50? Do i get increase def instead? It is utter nonsense. Why not nerf all heroes a3 after tutn 50?

And if you happen to buy books you just need to take it on the chin. 

15 янв. 2020, 16:0215.01.20
glizdazla said:

why so mad said:

T1000 said:

love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....

Yep, they're not happy.

I have a clan member who has been running an unkillable team for a while, and he has a very healthy stance on this. He uses 1 Manetaer, 1 Occult Brawler and 3 Painkeepers. His Maneater and OB are built properly because he uses those champions anyway and would use them even if unkillable wasn't a thing. His Painkeepers are level 40, he never invested into them as he understood very clearly it is going to be nerfed at some point as it is OP. He's not mad at all.

What I don't like about this situation the most is that we, players have voiced our concerns about unkillable comps long ago. Cirilla and Marius were told multiple times it is being abused, and it's growing. Yet they dismissed it, they didn't deem it important enough, they didn't raise the question of it in their meetings with the team. And predictably the situation got completely out of hand: players started hunting unkillable champions only, some clans had more than half of the members running unkillable, some started only hiring unkillable, some created 4-30 proxy clans and were farming 2 best chests from each of them. Only then Plarium employees who are in charge of monitoring and reacting to this kind of stuff have come to their senses. Marius and Cirilla handled this situation extremely poorly and incompetently, and are responsible big time for the fallout we are seeing.

Ill exactly explain you why im not happy with  this nerf at all. 

First of all, I can auto Cb in 3 turns on auto without having to use unkillable. However, what unkillable did for me was to shave off the time I had to utilise for this 30min instead of 40+ min. It was another stage of my development, not  to mention that dropping second maneater felt like winning a lottery. 

I aslo consider building unkillable as a fantastic end game content. It is the best thing that has happened to this game imo. 

Its not the unkillable itself that players need, its the journey you can take if you want to indulge yourself and start working towards more advanced versions of it where your speeds are 280+. 

If clan hopping was to get fixed unkillable comps would still earn you 1 top chest, assuming that there is also a limit of one only. Eventually even every ftp player could  get the unkillable team and be able to kill Cb with easy if he played long enough. 

Besides CB rewards could get diluted with introduction of hydra where the top reward would be placed. 

Additionally, players are still not informed that revive on death will get the nerf even though its out in the open.  

Dmg dealer +4 revive on death heroes is another form of unkillable. Should i sink another 41 books because i love tweaking the end game content for nothing.

And lastly, once the hydra comes out it will defo have diff base speed. Unkillable teams could be used for CB while your main team could be hydra  focused. It seems we will all have to regear soon to hit two bosses every day unless you have dupes of the top heroes. Good luck with that. This is exactly what they are doing, not only capping our future ability to smash hydra by nerfing their game mechanics, but also destroying the abilities if the most powerful heroes in the game. 

So, my 100k hp sir nick (10/9/9/9/9/10) in town hall suddenly has no a3 after turn 50? Do i get increase def instead? It is utter nonsense. Why not nerf all heroes a3 after tutn 50?

And if you happen to buy books you just need to take it on the chin. 

Nerfing revive on death? Just that or all revives during CB? Can you link where that is ‘out in the open’? I have never seen or heard of this.
15 янв. 2020, 16:5515.01.20
15 янв. 2020, 16:57(отредактировано)

Lotro_Fanatic said:

glizdazla said:

why so mad said:

T1000 said:

love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....

Yep, they're not happy.

I have a clan member who has been running an unkillable team for a while, and he has a very healthy stance on this. He uses 1 Manetaer, 1 Occult Brawler and 3 Painkeepers. His Maneater and OB are built properly because he uses those champions anyway and would use them even if unkillable wasn't a thing. His Painkeepers are level 40, he never invested into them as he understood very clearly it is going to be nerfed at some point as it is OP. He's not mad at all.

What I don't like about this situation the most is that we, players have voiced our concerns about unkillable comps long ago. Cirilla and Marius were told multiple times it is being abused, and it's growing. Yet they dismissed it, they didn't deem it important enough, they didn't raise the question of it in their meetings with the team. And predictably the situation got completely out of hand: players started hunting unkillable champions only, some clans had more than half of the members running unkillable, some started only hiring unkillable, some created 4-30 proxy clans and were farming 2 best chests from each of them. Only then Plarium employees who are in charge of monitoring and reacting to this kind of stuff have come to their senses. Marius and Cirilla handled this situation extremely poorly and incompetently, and are responsible big time for the fallout we are seeing.

Ill exactly explain you why im not happy with  this nerf at all. 

First of all, I can auto Cb in 3 turns on auto without having to use unkillable. However, what unkillable did for me was to shave off the time I had to utilise for this 30min instead of 40+ min. It was another stage of my development, not  to mention that dropping second maneater felt like winning a lottery. 

I aslo consider building unkillable as a fantastic end game content. It is the best thing that has happened to this game imo. 

Its not the unkillable itself that players need, its the journey you can take if you want to indulge yourself and start working towards more advanced versions of it where your speeds are 280+. 

If clan hopping was to get fixed unkillable comps would still earn you 1 top chest, assuming that there is also a limit of one only. Eventually even every ftp player could  get the unkillable team and be able to kill Cb with easy if he played long enough. 

Besides CB rewards could get diluted with introduction of hydra where the top reward would be placed. 

Additionally, players are still not informed that revive on death will get the nerf even though its out in the open.  

Dmg dealer +4 revive on death heroes is another form of unkillable. Should i sink another 41 books because i love tweaking the end game content for nothing.

And lastly, once the hydra comes out it will defo have diff base speed. Unkillable teams could be used for CB while your main team could be hydra  focused. It seems we will all have to regear soon to hit two bosses every day unless you have dupes of the top heroes. Good luck with that. This is exactly what they are doing, not only capping our future ability to smash hydra by nerfing their game mechanics, but also destroying the abilities if the most powerful heroes in the game. 

So, my 100k hp sir nick (10/9/9/9/9/10) in town hall suddenly has no a3 after turn 50? Do i get increase def instead? It is utter nonsense. Why not nerf all heroes a3 after tutn 50?

And if you happen to buy books you just need to take it on the chin. 

Nerfing revive on death? Just that or all revives during CB? Can you link where that is ‘out in the open’? I have never seen or heard of this.

I am sorry, but I cannot link it. Don't have the source, but screenshots of people hinting at Cirilla saying this, also apparently RTZ mentioned this on stream.

Unfortunately, whether she really said it or not is meaningless at this point as this is almost the last bastion of hope for unkillable. Once people use books on this, itll get hammered. 

I can only think about 1-2 more unkillable comps after this, but just extremely, extremely difficult to come by. I have not tested them or worked them out on paper yet, so the 2nd one may actually not even work nor I have required heroes to do it. 

15 янв. 2020, 20:5115.01.20
Wow this is just ridiculous!!!!!! Of all thing they put all our money into is to fix the Clan boss unkillable comp? Screw all the people who spend money on this game and screw the people who waste countless resources on the game because of the freezing/crashing issue that they refuse to fix! No they have to fix a mechanic that does not affect the community as a whole, people have to dedicate time, money and resources into that comp and not your average player can do that. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOU AZZ PLARIUM!!!! you alone will destroy your game and you wouldnt have been here without us in the first place. Maybe you should spend your time and resources of finishing the game since you decided to release a half finished one in the first place. Oh and maybe stop advertising illegal packs, like showing a discount on a pack that has never been sold before! I have tried to stick with you since release of the game but this is the last straw. We finally see that you got enough money from us now and dont care about the game all I hope is that everyone else can see this and that your company crashes then maybe we could get a game that's enjoyable. Good bye!
15 янв. 2020, 23:4415.01.20

Spent 2 grand on those void shards, and when i finally have all I needed for that team, they nerf it...

Time to go f2p and search for a better place to spend, this company is way to ignorant and never tries to get an opinion from the playerbase.

16 янв. 2020, 16:2116.01.20
16 янв. 2020, 16:23(отредактировано)

Is Plarium going to refund the books used on this team comp now that it is being nerfed again?

Is Plarium going to refund Void shards purchased used to get the champions required?

Is Plarium going to fix the multitude of problems in this game instead of nerfing things that actually work?

16 янв. 2020, 19:1616.01.20
motts5663 said:

Is Plarium going to refund the books used on this team comp now that it is being nerfed again?

Is Plarium going to refund Void shards purchased used to get the champions required?

Is Plarium going to fix the multitude of problems in this game instead of nerfing things that actually work?

17 янв. 2020, 01:3417.01.20

I'll start by saying don't play it even if it's a good game, let me tell you why, I make a lot of administrative and market mistakes, I invested money to move forward a little faster, getting heroes that plarium I think, I managed to build a good team, it cost me money, hours of game, good objects, masters, etc. and plarium considered him nerfing horribly, I feel very scammed by this company because nobody returned that time or money to me, and the worst thing is that this would fix a problem with many better solutions, they could restrict the entry to clans or have the possibility of opening only two chests at the maximum day, I could nerpheise the hero itself but maybe, no, plarium makes the decision that affects the players who trusted them and who thought they could invest in them because they were worth it, because we would receive something in return, but don't let me tell you something plarium, nobody wants you to destroy a legal game mechanic, we want you to restrict clan changes, that's the solution.

I hope you think things better, I hope you listen to your customers, remember to ask the customer what they ask.

Because customers have you at the top but they can also have you at the bottom.

I demand a refund. 

17 янв. 2020, 04:0917.01.20

So after this nerf what's going to be nerfed next. Us as a community comes together in figures out A counterattack or speed comp. That  is min maxed that has low amount of lego in the Roster (oh got to nerf that to). I do not have a unkillable team but this kind of action (nerfing sorry that's wrong  Neutering Is more like the correct word) hurts games more.

This game is about figuring out the best team comp. You can make with what you got and "nerf" players hard work is not ok by any  Means.

I have put somewhere around two thousand $$ into this game and I still dont feel like have been given anything worthwhile back(no counterattacks,no unkillable) I have good  Campaign farmers but that it. I can't even begin  To imagine how the people that I  Actually  Got. these  Champs are actually feeling. 

17 янв. 2020, 07:5817.01.20
17 янв. 2020, 08:00(отредактировано)

Great solution!

 Dear administration, less listen to the whining of disgruntled players. Most of us support all your recent changes - necessary and important. I say not just as some newcomer, but a player who has been beating 6 KB for a long time and also tried to some extent from the last cuts of the heroes. But I understand, unlike the others, that this is all for the good of balance. Thanks!

17 янв. 2020, 15:4217.01.20

Slashman said:

Great solution!

 Dear administration, less listen to the whining of disgruntled players. Most of us support all your recent changes - necessary and important. I say not just as some newcomer, but a player who has been beating 6 KB for a long time and also tried to some extent from the last cuts of the heroes. But I understand, unlike the others, that this is all for the good of balance. Thanks!

The balance of what? What is being balanced?

I have lost 41 epic books because of this,  7 of my fully developed heroes lose 1 of their 3 skills after turn 50. 

Not only two of my unkillable teams get the hammer, but individual legendary heores too.

20 янв. 2020, 00:5520.01.20

Plarium designed a game with a problem with the mechanics. This is a game that is very costly for a lot of people. I have never, as I said, paid this much for a video game before.

They cost players a lot of money, and without any further ado they can adjust the power of a whole collection of champions that people have invested in. Not one hero that has a small adjustment, but a whole collection of champions that they render useless.

These champions is a digital property that I have invested in, just like I invest in something physical like a car or a radio. If Plarium is all of a sudden significantly changing the value of my property, from a problem inflicted by the company itself, then the least they could give me is a compensation. Or perhaps I will never buy anything from that company anymore, and perhaps warn people of their products.

If I buy a car that goes 0-60 mph in 4 seconds, and the car manufacturer calls the car in to the auto shop and changes the acceleration from 0-60 mph to 14 seconds, because the company made a flaw in the engine that makes it unsafe to accelerate as fast as advertised, then I wouldn't specifically like that car or that company after that. Digital property can be viewed equally as physical property. And if a company makes a flawed mechanic they are responsible for that, not the user.

There is also an argument that people should have read about this change on forums and what not. If someone purchases something he/she cannot be expected to use hours going though forums for a possible future change.

Plarium could choose not to amputate unkillable teams to the degree that they'll do if the changes described above goes through, by giving them more than 50 rounds of unkillable. That way they don’t render them useless.

20 янв. 2020, 14:0620.01.20
sauronv7 said:

50 turns? Even assuming we have 10 poisons on the boss 100% of the time - it will be 25m dmg at MOST. +- a few millions from wm/gs. 

That's terrible. RIP unkillable.

20 янв. 2020, 23:1720.01.20
Yeah it’s like these free 2 play games follow a certain play book on how to draw people in to the game. It’s always the same The new game seems to be really awesome and as you continue to log on day after day all along little by lil For some or a lot by the second either way all of us getting suckered into your first purchase that fruitful Purchase that seems to ramp up your stats and make u think it will help out so much and the second you make that purchase everything becomes so clear. You realize what you can Become and be able to get and how much stronger and closer it’s going to bring you to some imagined goal that we all seem to dream up in the first weeks of play. yes u can try your luck at free to play and there are people out there that do and they can be successful. But will probably will never be as powerful as the pay 2 play players. Who are already seem 2 be light years ahead of you. Which just draws us in that much more 2 spending.  It’s a really cool notion being able to play without spending money. But the sad truth is most players can’t pull it off. Especially when the designers put in these little surprises into the game that makes it near impossible to defeat some Players/Teams even if your spending some major coin on this game. It’s all designed to bleed us dry, It’s always starts with really great intentions until they start to see that they can make some serious money if they cut corners on updates,Servers etc. They may act like they are trying to fix certain so called problems like The “Unkillable” or  “nerf” problems but the truth is they designed and coded the game. They new exactly what is and was going on from the beginning & yes sometimes there are glitches but there’s a difference between loading problems and not being able to kill something. In the end they all turn out to be just like Game of War~MZ (Machine Zone) Greedy and money driven and only truly concern is making money even if they destroy the game in the process. Game designers know that these games have a shelf life even if it turns out to be a longer then normal shelf life it’s still has a expiration date. So they will just stay churning out updates and new gear etc. and just do enough to try to keep us spending money while not really being concerned with what we have to say, want or need in the end it six but we all know this to be true. Anyways just my opinion