why so mad said:
T1000 said:
love this thread where everyone abusing the system with unkilleble coming and crying they wont spend any more money haha. They spend very little gems and get 15-30 transcendant chests a day and some sits with 100+ leg books and 200+ sacred shards and all heroes in game. And they are crying on forum.....Yep, they're not happy.
I have a clan member who has been running an unkillable team for a while, and he has a very healthy stance on this. He uses 1 Manetaer, 1 Occult Brawler and 3 Painkeepers. His Maneater and OB are built properly because he uses those champions anyway and would use them even if unkillable wasn't a thing. His Painkeepers are level 40, he never invested into them as he understood very clearly it is going to be nerfed at some point as it is OP. He's not mad at all.
What I don't like about this situation the most is that we, players have voiced our concerns about unkillable comps long ago. Cirilla and Marius were told multiple times it is being abused, and it's growing. Yet they dismissed it, they didn't deem it important enough, they didn't raise the question of it in their meetings with the team. And predictably the situation got completely out of hand: players started hunting unkillable champions only, some clans had more than half of the members running unkillable, some started only hiring unkillable, some created 4-30 proxy clans and were farming 2 best chests from each of them. Only then Plarium employees who are in charge of monitoring and reacting to this kind of stuff have come to their senses. Marius and Cirilla handled this situation extremely poorly and incompetently, and are responsible big time for the fallout we are seeing.
Ill exactly explain you why im not happy with this nerf at all.
First of all, I can auto Cb in 3 turns on auto without having to use unkillable. However, what unkillable did for me was to shave off the time I had to utilise for this 30min instead of 40+ min. It was another stage of my development, not to mention that dropping second maneater felt like winning a lottery.
I aslo consider building unkillable as a fantastic end game content. It is the best thing that has happened to this game imo.
Its not the unkillable itself that players need, its the journey you can take if you want to indulge yourself and start working towards more advanced versions of it where your speeds are 280+.
If clan hopping was to get fixed unkillable comps would still earn you 1 top chest, assuming that there is also a limit of one only. Eventually even every ftp player could get the unkillable team and be able to kill Cb with easy if he played long enough.
Besides CB rewards could get diluted with introduction of hydra where the top reward would be placed.
Additionally, players are still not informed that revive on death will get the nerf even though its out in the open.
Dmg dealer +4 revive on death heroes is another form of unkillable. Should i sink another 41 books because i love tweaking the end game content for nothing.
And lastly, once the hydra comes out it will defo have diff base speed. Unkillable teams could be used for CB while your main team could be hydra focused. It seems we will all have to regear soon to hit two bosses every day unless you have dupes of the top heroes. Good luck with that. This is exactly what they are doing, not only capping our future ability to smash hydra by nerfing their game mechanics, but also destroying the abilities if the most powerful heroes in the game.
So, my 100k hp sir nick (10/9/9/9/9/10) in town hall suddenly has no a3 after turn 50? Do i get increase def instead? It is utter nonsense. Why not nerf all heroes a3 after tutn 50?
And if you happen to buy books you just need to take it on the chin.