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(Player Survey) Faction Wars: Crypt Availability Time

(Player Survey) Faction Wars: Crypt Availability Time

27 сент. 2019, 03:2927.09.19
chipparsons1976 said:

Another complaint is you get your artifacts level 2 for no problems level 2-8 sometimes it takes up to five or six and then you get to 12 and I'm going up to 20 to 40 times which can be up to a million and silver also 16 I got to go through 40 or 50 times before it actually goes same thing you using 2 million silver to get to it I understand using it but there's no reason for you have to go 40 or 50 times of turning you down to do it maybe one each time or two each times but there's no reason when you're fully loaded at 60 with everything up and the only thing holding you back is silver or to upgrade well like I said why do I have to spend two million silver to upgrade an item it makes us not want to go past 12 we all I'm sure love the fact that you guys do the program of the longer you and the game you would see prizes that is very awesome you don't have to do it all the time but I would suggest maybe doing it for 30 days going to every month or two that shows us that you guys appreciate us my phone logs out constantly during battles I've lost Clan boss Keys more than enough times and reported them and nothing is being done about it when you're in the faction Wars if you get bumps or if you lose you get it back I think during the clan boss if you get bumped you should get it back and your points you should get them back your energy I mean again I apologize for complaining there's just a few things that work I noticed because I'm on the game up to 6 8 hours a day I'm retired and that's all the time I have is just sit and play the game I actually play until I run out of Amana and then either buy more or just wait for it to recharge but still don't have enough time in the day to do everything but I do my best to try also in your campaign you should maybe give us blues and options for void charge and the yellow shards and then in the dungeons you occasionally get blue ones besides one and a hundred maybe you could also do the yellow and purple shards occasionally I mean sacred and void that those where you're in the dungeon also again thank you for listening I hope this helps a little bit again have a nice day
Holy shit. This is why you stay in school, kids.
27 сент. 2019, 04:2727.09.19
freinao said:

i would like that the boss (level 7) not be so hard, if you try to kill him, in early is imposible.

please do it more easy.

I agree.  Its very strange that my teams can basically seal-club through stage 6, and then at the boss level 7 I am completely murdered in the first 3 turns with the boss stage. Its disproportionately more difficult. 
27 сент. 2019, 09:5327.09.19
27 сент. 2019, 10:03(отредактировано)

Before we even think about tweaking the QoL features regarding FW, I believe we need to address the elephants in the room:

Firstly. We need stronger heroes than 6*, and we need stronger gear than 6*. Plarium are offering 6* gear sets for (What I believe to be) the first time ever. Is this a sign that we might be seeing 7* heroes and gear in the near future?I hope so because I don't even look at FW because none of my compositions can get past stage 7.

As a newer/intermediate player whose made reasonable contributions to the game (£150-£200?) some of the factions I have acquired multiple 5* heroes and a 6* main within and still can't beat stage 7, and on the other end of the scale, the wales and OG's of the game have NO chance of completing Faction Wars with fully geared, ascended and maxed out 6* legendary compositions. The release of 7 star upgrades for equipment and heroes would be a massive bonus for all players, new and old, cheap and rich. Perhaps you could release a 'Nightmare mode' for campaign to coincide with this?

Secondly, it has been touched on many times here and I know Plarium currently have no interest in implementing this feature, but I think they need to bite the bullet and listen to the player base. Artifact swapping. It cannot be done, we cannot afford the silver to swap champions gears around for FW due to the extortionate costs, the games inefficient ways of earning silver across the game cannot support players attempting Faction Wars.

Thirdly I would like to extend my support to the players calling for extra inventory and vault space. I needn't go through the reasons why as they have all been stated.

Other necessary tweaks: Upgrade the reward system. Provide other avenues of receiving crypyt keys ONLY if the rewards are buffed otherwise it is dead content as nobody except END game whales are interested in FW right now.

Summary: There are a LOT OF OTHER issues that NEED to take priority in other areas of the game over these small QoL features that Plarium are pondering on regarding FW. I would say that currently only 1% of the player base which is not an exaggeration, is interested in QoL features in Faction Wars, because the massive whales are the only ones that can get anything done there, and IF you ARE only interested in tweaking faction wars, you need to look at the buffing rewards and balancing the scaled difficulty before you begin to think about tweaking anything else. Trust me, you have a shot at making a massive portion of the community MUCH happier in game and Plarium needs to act fast before it is too late. Don't let this great game die.

27 сент. 2019, 14:0427.09.19
Hello! Thank you so much for the feedback, guys! I want you to understand that the very fact that you did not keep quiet, but chose to express your thoughts about the subject in question matters immensely to us because sometimes we may not see what's bothering you and what we could improve knowing about it. I have read all of your comments carefully and forwarded the main points to our game designers. Would like to elaborate on the most pressing question - we are going to improve the sorting in the Vault and add more slots to the storage. We will also be working on other sides of the game mentioned in this topic. We heard you and we will continue our work in the direction which you have pointed out. I will now close the topic. Once again, thank you 
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