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(Player Survey) Faction Wars: Crypt Availability Time

(Player Survey) Faction Wars: Crypt Availability Time

26 сент. 2019, 02:0526.09.19
Vault storage for this is dumb. When you select a champion in the vault their details don't show. Is this a dark elf or a knight reverant? Banner Lord or... Ugh forget it. I need to guess which characters in my vault are the right ones for the faction that day. That's nuts. Too much effort. I assume the rewards get better for late game... But at the moment there are other priorities and it's not worth the hassle to take my gearless level 30 rare out to fight for a 1 star ruin. Pls fix
26 сент. 2019, 02:3826.09.19

A Note Of Appreciation: 

To Marius and the rest of the front of house crew. You are fantastic! I used to search through this forum thoroughly and i saw Marius's name far more than i expected to. The PR for this game is on point. If they don't pay you well i beg that you leave them and find a team that appreciates you.

The Community speaks:

I humbly request that as a voice for the people you speak for us! Tell the people above you what you have seen here today! Out of the 63 posts at this time we have

  21 complaints of champion vault/storage issues!

 11 complaints of gear swapping issues

 17 complaints of difficulty scaling issues

That is a third of the people responding not about the question asked, but about the issue of storage. It is also almost a third of people complaining about difficulty. I urge you to read these complaints and relay them to your higher ups. 

Those that complain about difficulty are not level 20 beginners that haven't even used up their starting bonus energy. These are veteran players. There were two complaints about difficulty i discarded because it seemed like whining, but 17 complaints seem to come from a place of understanding that this is a ridiculous system. Read these messages and now our heart.

I beg that you reach out and tell us why this has been done. Are you planning on releasing a 7 star progression capacity? Did the company over estimate the joke buff that glyphs provide? Maybe the company just hates it players (probably not that last one) We don't know! Tell us what you are thinking! Save us from this misery of assuming the worst. 

26 сент. 2019, 03:4526.09.19
26 сент. 2019, 03:46(отредактировано)
I don’t have any issues with how FW operates - but it’d be nice to be able to combine multiples of each glyph the same way we can mix potions - to upgrade them to higher values.  And yes, we need more storage - Big time.
26 сент. 2019, 04:3826.09.19
Marius said:

Hey, Raiders!

We’ve been keeping an eye on your feedback concerning Faction Wars. What we’ve noticed is that one day is often not enough to spend all your Crypt Keys, be it because it takes time, or people need to reconsider their Team composition and what Artifact Sets their Champions should have.

As such, we are considering possible changes to the existing Faction Wars cycle. One of the options would be to keep each Crypt open for up to 3 days in order to allow for proper planning and preparation. It might also be possible to maintain the current system of having 2 Crypts open for 24 hours, and have another one available at the same time, but for longer than 24 hours.

The above are just basic ideas right now, we wanted to know what our players think before going ahead. Do you like either of these options? Do you think you have a better idea yourself? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll review all your feedback before considering changes.

26 сент. 2019, 04:4326.09.19
Ther are problems with the Orcs Lair also it's almost difficult and I'm almost a hundred thousand to defeat the spider Lair over 7 and then the same with the night Slayer you can't defeat him with anything the the heel blocker doesn't work it says 100% block and it does not work and yeah you cannot get past level seven and then the spiders the baby ones attack every time one of your people attack you get to 6 it's okay and I've got three people that do all the spiders and it's it's impossible I understand making it difficult but every other thing you can get up to 80 or 90 but with that I've got four 60s or five 60s and I cannot defeat it I don't understand why you have those too too difficult to defeat you need to look at it and rework those two and then I guess I said the Oracle are in the factions everytime I try to login it won't allow me to is the Oracle there and one other ones and then also I've seen one time being able to buy a yellow shard you should allow us to purchase a blue Shard of purple shard in the yellow Shard at least once a month on the yellow and purple and once a week maybe on the blue in the market I also think you should put legendary characters instead of just the one and two I also have been playing a game for six months now I've purchased hundreds of void charge in the yellow shards and I've only been able to receive one legendary character other people have 2 3 and 4 and then in the end the last battle of the campaign you have rings you have necklaces and you've got banners so far I've only been able to get about for banners one necklace and two or three rings and usually the ones you win their only one star I do understand like I said making a game a little difficult but there's things you're doing that makes it impossible and then like I said purchasing why do I want to spend money when I have spent money and I'm not getting anywhere with those I've gotten to where I don't spend money because wasting money on charge isn't getting me anywhere thank you for listening I hope you make a few changes everything else I do enjoy the game but there's a few things that make certain things difficult and I'm also your tournaments you don't have enough time say right now there's a spider tournament there's a level up tournament and there's and Arena well you can't do both and have enough time to do them and your clan boss and everybody else also your clan bosses or dropping out and then leaving the Clans open is there any way to get the head of my clan nobody that was my clan boss assigned is still there and we can't let anybody else in without a plan manager if you please address to Macy's and let me know personally or on this I would appreciate it thank you I've also been trying to get ahold of you guys for a while and finally you guys let me in to do this have a nice day
26 сент. 2019, 04:5026.09.19
Another complaint is you get your artifacts level 2 for no problems level 2-8 sometimes it takes up to five or six and then you get to 12 and I'm going up to 20 to 40 times which can be up to a million and silver also 16 I got to go through 40 or 50 times before it actually goes same thing you using 2 million silver to get to it I understand using it but there's no reason for you have to go 40 or 50 times of turning you down to do it maybe one each time or two each times but there's no reason when you're fully loaded at 60 with everything up and the only thing holding you back is silver or to upgrade well like I said why do I have to spend two million silver to upgrade an item it makes us not want to go past 12 we all I'm sure love the fact that you guys do the program of the longer you and the game you would see prizes that is very awesome you don't have to do it all the time but I would suggest maybe doing it for 30 days going to every month or two that shows us that you guys appreciate us my phone logs out constantly during battles I've lost Clan boss Keys more than enough times and reported them and nothing is being done about it when you're in the faction Wars if you get bumps or if you lose you get it back I think during the clan boss if you get bumped you should get it back and your points you should get them back your energy I mean again I apologize for complaining there's just a few things that work I noticed because I'm on the game up to 6 8 hours a day I'm retired and that's all the time I have is just sit and play the game I actually play until I run out of Amana and then either buy more or just wait for it to recharge but still don't have enough time in the day to do everything but I do my best to try also in your campaign you should maybe give us blues and options for void charge and the yellow shards and then in the dungeons you occasionally get blue ones besides one and a hundred maybe you could also do the yellow and purple shards occasionally I mean sacred and void that those where you're in the dungeon also again thank you for listening I hope this helps a little bit again have a nice day
26 сент. 2019, 06:3126.09.19
26 сент. 2019, 13:16(отредактировано)

Personally I am really enjoying faction wars. I’m a big fan of breaking up the meta and requiring us to pick new comps to progress through content. 

I believe that the levels will be scaled accordingly, the initial 14+ levels are tweaked way to high, and scaling should be ramped down (the jump from 7-8 for example). 

Faction Wars / Champion Storage:

As far as which factions are open, I think a simple solution is to have them all open all the time, and use the keys themselves as the lockout. Let people keep a certain number of keys (say 20) and give out 2x12 per day. This solves the problem simply enough. 

Faction wars does bring to light a huge issue with champion storage. Personally I love the collection aspect of this game, and have kept a unique copy of every rare and up since day one. With a 300 champion storage limit, I find myself very strained when it comes to keeping food around. I have 3 possible solutions for this, both I think would work quite well. 


Let us convert a champ into a skill tome. This reduces the toll on champ storage, and give us the ability to keep extra tomes around if we need them. 


Let us convert champions to chickens. As far as I know, there’s not a limit a chicken storage. Level a common to 3 star, turn it into a chicken, which we can use whenever we like. This would hugely clean up allot of players vaults/pools. 


This is my personal favorite as far as organization, but will require some significant work with the current UI. I love the champion index, and feel that it could be better utilized. It’s already broken down by faction so it’s easy to search through. 

My suggestion is to give us the ability to lock a champion into the index, thereby removing it from our inventory. Have a tab to swap between your current champ and the max version (love this preview feature also). This frees up every unique champion slot, and fixes the issue of people having issues identifying champions by picture alone in the vault. 

This will free up loads of space and potentially even (if used with the chicken converter) reduce issues with the game itself  

I realize not everyone is a collector like myself and doesn’t want unique copies of every champ, so when you pull a unique champ for the first time, it’s automatically locked in the index, and can be removed by unlocking (like how epic/legendary champs currently function). 


I feel that the cost of gear swapping (which is very costly, therefore not frequently used by many) hurt the players ability to experiment with sets. Having something like equipment sets where you fill up the 6 main slots (you could do accessory sets also) and lock those in, giving an option to name each (full spd, or LS+ACC for ex) that can be temporarily equipped on any champ at not cost. 

Think of a FW setup. Pick your champs, pick gear sets if needed and go out and fight. 

On the gear note, I think many of the 4 piece sets could easy have effect/procs halved and work as a 2 piece. This would encourage new gameplay choices without being locked into a 4 piece. For example, have the stun set with a 10% proc on 2 piece, and 25% on 4 piece. 

Additionally, have set bonuses that provide a buff/debuff would be interesting. A 2 piece for a 15% weaken or an aoe 30% def up would be hugely beneficial, especially with factions that have more limited options (orcs do not have a single champ that give a def up buff). 

I enjoy this game tremendously, and look forward to playing for a long time to come. A appreciate all the work being put into this game and look forward to balance and content updates :)

26 сент. 2019, 08:2826.09.19

Most of the concerns I have with faction wars revolves no where around the keys or length of time it's open. Most of the people I talk to, including myself, don't really participate in it, because of a number of reasons.

1. The price of gear, and having to regear champions, compared to the reward is way out of balance.

2. Most of the people I talk to including myself, can't make it past stage 6 due to the difficulty of the bosses in stage 7.

3. We really need 88 champions and multiple gear sets for each?? with the amount of storage space we have and the silver required to regear each? aside from the fact we really don't have the space even with the vault maxed out and the storage maxed out to handle all that gear.

4. What use are the glyphs anyway, so far the only glyphs I've seen useful are the speed glyphs, beyond that, for most of the population that i've seen is the glyphs are useless for the effort and time put in.
26 сент. 2019, 08:3326.09.19

OK, I freely admit I'm a noob (I got High Khatun from daily logins yesterday). But I'm managing to use all FW keys every day. I only run higher than stage 3 with 4 factions and none of those can beat stage 7.

I'm using FW to familiarize myself with the various champions that I don't use on a daily basis, and each time a faction makes a run I try to improve 1 champions gear to slowly make progress with that faction. Today for instance I've progressed stage 3 of the Undead Horde Crypt from 1 star to 3 star, a very minor gain but progress for a noob.

I don't consider myself qualified to comment on the pros or cons of FW, but I will say a lot of what others have said about champion management makes sense to me. The difficulty scaling is beyond my ken, as is gear swapping (my gear is such crap it's almost a pleasure to destroy rather than retain it).

Having 2 crypts open daily is sufficient for me.

I'm also enjoying the game, playing for 3-5 hours daily and am planning on staying around for quite a while.

26 сент. 2019, 11:1926.09.19

I definitely think that keeping crypts open for longer would lead to a great increase in FW activity.  Personally, I do not have the time (patience) to swap two full teams in and out of storage everyday.  

More importantly, and as some others have already mentioned, I think there needs to be a serious re-evaluation of the difficulty spike between Stages 6 and 8.  The boss stages are difficult enough (Fear mechanic truly turns it into an RNG coinflip-fest) but currently I can auto Stage 6 with several different teams in under 20 seconds.  These SAME teams cannot even complete Stage 8 (auto or manual)

I can auto Stage 6 with a full group of 4 stars (not epics, just 4 star champs).  However I cannot complete Stage 8 with (2) 6-star and (3) 5-star champs.  The difficulty rises what feels like 500% between just two stages out of 21.  I am not asking for easy content, and I am more than happy to manual every stage if needed but even when playing manually I cannot seem to advance.  

PLEASE think about adjusting the difficulty scaling among stages.

26 сент. 2019, 13:0226.09.19

FW needs serious rework. It’s getting more and more obvious, to complete stage 20, we would need 5 well equipped lvl 60 champions, just like other stage 20 dungeons. I don’t have 5 level 60s in a same faction, nor would never intend to acquire it. Making maxed out champions takes a week of work, and we don’t always have epic champions, forces me to level up blue, rare champions. To me at his point, leveling anything less than epic champions is pure waste of energy, quite frankly, not fun at all.

Thus, I would suggest, team should be not by race but by Telerians, Gallen pact, the Corrupted, Nyresan Union. This way, it would be more accessible to crypts.
26 сент. 2019, 14:1026.09.19

Time is not the issue, there's just not much reason to go to the crypts everyday.

Faction teams are stuck on their current max stage most of the time so you're not getting stars for progression rewards.

Glyphs are nice but much easier to get than the upgraded gear you want to use them on so you farm a stage you can run on auto in less than a minute a couple of times, once or twice a week.

And that's it.

If the goal is to have people spend more time in the crypts there needs to more to gain from going there. More XP and silver for starters but perhaps also a farmable rare champ for each faction. Some brews and shards. Maybe faction specific skillbooks.

26 сент. 2019, 18:4826.09.19

First I want to say I like faction wars it's a new thing to do and doesn't use energy so it feels like a extra game mode but there are a Few things to fix faction wars! 

1.  Increase champion storage and gear inventories so we can have more room for everything.  

2.   Lower cost of regearing champs maybe at a feature that gives 10 free undresses a day where all the gear on a champion is completely removed to storage on one click.   

3.   Better rewards for petes sake.   You give a few hundred xp for the champions wtf is that good for?   Make it the same as campaign.   We like the glyphs yes but give us something else.   People hate minotaur and potion dungeons cause their rewards suck.  Fw is getting to be the same sure the good glyphs and spellbooks are nice but they are hard to reach for a lot of people.   I think you should add a third item that can be anything. Potions chickens xp brew shards.  Something to spice it up.  

4.  It's very nice that you made it where a failure didn't cost keys but it would be nice to have more keys too.  especially with the gradually increasing cost of stages.  Maybe give 50 keys a day to use in the two dungeons combined.  

5.  Open more dungeons a day.  Right now a lot of us have a couple good teams then a bunch of shit ones that we just play to use the keys.   Allowing more dungeons to be opened gives us a bit more choices.  We often get stuck with both dungeons being crap teams.

6.   And most important of all. Fix the champions.   Right now there are so many shit champions and crappy factions.  I mean most people have decent sacred order or dark elf teams cause they have a lot of good champions.  But banner lords suck their champions are pretty shitty as a whole.  Boosting up some of these turd sandwiches would help people want to take time to develop them.   

   And balance out the champion numbers. You have a few champions with like 8-12 legendary champions then a few with three or four.   How are those understaffed factions going to compete on the same level.

  Just a few ideas but like I said I like faction wars and think you are going in the right direction just need to tweak it right to hammer it home 
26 сент. 2019, 18:5426.09.19
Yes pleas put on crit chance and crit damage glyphs!!!!!!!!!!
26 сент. 2019, 20:1126.09.19
26 сент. 2019, 20:41(отредактировано)

It seems like a lot of players have problems with pulling champs in and out from vault, also not being able to see information about the champs while inside the vault. What might solve the problem is remaking the "Index" section. I think "Index" is kinda useful in it's own way, but honestly I rarely visit it.

First of all the "Index" section is already organised by factions and by looking on the portraits we can tell wether we've ever pulled a champ or not, you could take that a bit further by putting an icon in the corner of the portrait informing wether we actually have this champ right now. Lack of an icon means that you've pulled it but don't currently have it. 

Even adding a shortcut from the Champs information page in "Index" directly to wherever my champ is located right now. Several shortcuts if I have several champs. Like small portraits to the left, there's plenty of room for that.

Something like this:

26 сент. 2019, 20:2526.09.19

Goaterson said:

Missed Opportunity:

Raid has a big issue that faction wars had the ability to completely fix: most of the champions are completely unused, some of the champions are used until you find a better one, and a very small number are "end game" champions.  By requiring you to build a team within each faction, Faction Wars had the opportunity to vastly increase the number of useful champions.  Unfortunately, the way that the difficulty scaling works makes it so that you need the same end-game champions fully kitted out just to make it half way through faction wars.

There are other problems, like the way that you vastly increase he number of champions and gear needed without giving us the ability to manage them, but the biggest and most fundamental one, is difficulty scaling.  If you don't believe me gather the following data: find players that complete their daily rewards every every, spend some money but not a huge amount,  and have been playing for at least 6 months.  Look at the average Faction crypt they have beaten.  If the median is is past 12 (half way there) then you've built something balanced and shouldn't worry about what I have said.  If it is (as I would guess) substantially below 12 then you need to ask yourself: who is this content for if my super engaged players then who is it for?

This post sums it up well. I was really hoping FW would give me a reason to use more champions, but the fact is there's still no point; you still need the same overpowered legendaries to get anywhere. It's ridiculously overtuned. And maybe there's some gear sets that aren't normally used that will be a big help in FW, like stun/daze or something, but honestly, getting super niche gear sets/champions up to speed just isn't worth it to farm some shitty glyphs.

Also seconding what many people have said that the crappy vault setup makes FW even more of a chore. I am completely ignoring it for now. Haven't used a key in weeks. It's just not a good feature right now.
26 сент. 2019, 20:5126.09.19

Adapted from a comment on the Facebook post:

2 open at a time is fine, but it's sometimes hard to find time to use all the keys each day after spending time preparing teams. Considering the various options, I propose:

1) Keep each keep open for 2 days at a time.

2) Stagger them so only 1 crypt changes each day. E.g. Day 1 has A and B open, day 2 has B and C, day 3 has C and D, etc.

3) Instead of 12 keys per crypt per day (which would still mean players sometimes waste their day 1 keys) you could provide 24 (or just 20) keys for each crypt when it opens, but allow the full 48 hours until it closes to use them.

With the above, players have double the time to prepare for and use each faction's keys, daily players only need to focus on preparing 1 team each day, and it's even possible to skip an entire day without wasting keys, as long as all available keys are used on the days before and after.

Champion storage space is also a major factor which slows down the team setup phase. The maximum slots you can unlock hasn't changed in the 6 months I've been playing, yet the total number of champions in the game has risen by at least 30 or so. Storage space should scale with the size of the roster.

26 сент. 2019, 21:3926.09.19

I don’t play crypts that I can’t get 3 star glyphs from because swapping champs from the vault is an unpleasant experience. If I could select from any champ of the appropriate faction from the team select screen of the crypt I am in, regardless if they are in storage, that would be great!

If I could break down low lv glyphs into crafting components that could be reforged into higher lv glyphs I may be tempted to grind lower level crypts.

I am satisfied with the crypt rotation and high level of difficulty but desperately need more champ storage. The lack of storage and high level of difficulty required to swap my teams and keep track of which champs I had on any given team is unpleasant in a way that causes me to skip many faction war keys.

The inability to search gear by primary and sub stat coupled with the inability to search gear that is equipped also prevents me from progressing in faction wars which is a primary reason I skip several crypts.
27 сент. 2019, 00:4927.09.19

Enotpwnz said:

I like the existing system of access to crypts, at least if I am not ready to farm a specific crypt, then it will change the next day, and will not turn me off from the game for a week.

BUT ... I do not like the situation when, on 16 crypts and higher, a group of 5 fully completed 6 * champions receives oneshot from level 200+ mobs. Not all fractions even have strong enough support with the ability to resurrect or unkillable to survive this damage. that is, I don’t specifically have these champions, the factions don’t have them at all. What to do with this problem?

^^^^ This is why I hardly bother with Faction Wars. I have 42 champions at rank 6 and 15 are legendary, but I haven't gotten past stage 17 on ANY faction... my total power is 2.2 mil, I feel very confident that no one in the game is beyond stage 20 without an unkillable or block damage rotation.

27 сент. 2019, 00:5827.09.19
I would also like Crit Chance and Crit Damage glyphs!!
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