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(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

7 авг. 2019, 05:3107.08.19
Marius said:

Hello, everyone!

Some of you may have already seen the Champion that goes by the name of Steel Bowyer - she is a new Dark Elf Champion of the Force Affinity, we had her available as a mid-tier Event reward not too long ago.

Unfortunately, we noticed a number of issues with her performance recently. Steel Bowyer was always meant to be a powerful Rare Champion, however, when it comes to Clan Boss, she is outperforming too many Epic and Legendary Champions that should be performing the same role as her. This is not something that she was intended to do despite the initial goal when she was being created.

As such, we will be adjusting her damage output as soon as we are able. While we will do our best to keep her a viable Champion, she will not be able to pull of things she can right now with the Clan Boss.

All those leveling her right now, please pause until these adjustments come through. At the moment, I have no information apart from the fact she will be changed - not even how she will be changed - and will do what I can to keep you guys apprised.

Further information will be posted here as an update. Please accept our apologies for the situation and keep your ear to the ground, I will be getting back to you later.

7 авг. 2019, 05:3307.08.19
Hii just Pulled a Steel Boyer, is she already been nerfed ? should I start leveling or when she is gonna be nerfed im trying to find imformation about her status and see nothing 
7 авг. 2019, 08:0607.08.19
rickluque1 said:

Hii just Pulled a Steel Boyer, is she already been nerfed ? should I start leveling or when she is gonna be nerfed im trying to find imformation about her status and see nothing 
If you see her as viable, that means nerf hammer have not hit her yet ...
7 авг. 2019, 09:1507.08.19
7 авг. 2019, 09:26(отредактировано)

dmitrisavin92 said:

Give info what will be changed in character. It's disrespectful to the players. More than a month the hero is in the warehouse, because it is not clear what will happen to him next. And the hero spent time, resources, books, which are always not enough

I asked them via Twitter. They said they can't give this info ahead of 1.10 but they will release it "very soon™" .. sigh :(

Please @Plarium. Why couldn't you tell us what is going to happen?

The nerf is going to happen anyway, so there is no difference in telling us now or letting us wait. The upside is, that players can plan ahead, maybe unstrip her artifacts or put her into another role. The downside is players will get more and more pissed.

The shitstorm will happen anyway and players who want to quit because of this won't change their mind with 1.10..

So please get it straight and give us a few breadcrumbs. We don't ask for the whole 1.10 note, just for the redesigned skills of steelbowyer.. it's just that.
7 авг. 2019, 13:1007.08.19
Thatsh fine, and if some players have invest like toms in her? They will get their toms if she get nerdet right?
7 авг. 2019, 13:2507.08.19

vampir4ebg2 said:

Thatsh fine, and if some players have invest like toms in her? They will get their toms if she get nerdet right?

in your dreams...

Devs stance here is known already: you invested, champion got nerfed, suck it up or gtfo.

8 авг. 2019, 12:5308.08.19

You are the best! This is your rebalance? Instead three attacks to leave one. Pulled out of the players books, other resources and destroyed the hero without any compensation. Pure fraud and a slap in the face to the players. F you, plarium, with that attitude. And do not tell tales about "didn't know that the hero will get strong." 18 books, pile of poop, paint and trips to the Minotaur, the energy spent, all went nowhere

8 авг. 2019, 12:5508.08.19


3rd skill have now only ONE attack! = 1/3 dmg than before :D

so now is below avarage on everything :D
8 авг. 2019, 13:0208.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 13:02(отредактировано)

I want my resources back, she is useless now ;(

8 авг. 2019, 13:1408.08.19
mmmmm i was happy with this game, now i dont feel like playing if things like these have been happening!
8 авг. 2019, 13:2208.08.19
Such a massive downgrade. The demage of A3 was not even multiplied by 2 or 3. Totally useless champion now! Dungeons, arena, CB... everywhere. How to get back the 15 tomes I invested in her? 
8 авг. 2019, 13:2708.08.19

Marius said:

On top of that neither you nor I know exactly what Steel Bowyer will be like after the changes. As I've mentioned in my original post, we want to keep her a viable Champion. 

And this is viable?
8 авг. 2019, 14:3308.08.19

I will ask for a refund for the purchase of sets of books, if you treat the players, then you have the same attitude

8 авг. 2019, 14:4308.08.19
give me back my books! i invested so many books on her !@#!@!!
8 авг. 2019, 14:4608.08.19

Seriously, how is this a champion rebalance and not a complete and total destruction of Steel Bowyer?

You reduce her A3 from 3 attacks to 1, AND increase its cool down by a turn (it also seems to crit less than before, but that could just be bad luck on my part)??

The result being that my lvl 50 champ that used to do ~1.2 million damage a key on CB normal now does ~350k. In what world is this a rebalance? I could possibly see the justification if you made her viable in other areas of the game, but that's not the case either.

Steel Bowyer was already a knock off Coldheart that wasn't as good and now you've completely wrecked her without providing any sort of compensation to the people that used her.  This is a terrible way to treat your player base. I will no longer be spending money on this game

8 авг. 2019, 15:3208.08.19
R.I.P Steel Bowyer. Viable R5 roast chicken fodder 🙂
8 авг. 2019, 15:3508.08.19
Legit pissing myself laughing at the sheer balls it takes to say she will be viable knowing this nerf was coming. Take a bow marius, you've some set of stones!! 
8 авг. 2019, 16:3508.08.19
So she was finally nerfed today.... ok, then i'm out of here. Good luck plarium, losing the trust of your customer base withthings like this.
8 авг. 2019, 16:5508.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 17:04(отредактировано)
Ok im one of these female players that doesnt have a legendary at level 53 and now you take one of my best champs away... go f yourself for it. I PROTEST I PROTEST I PROTEST
8 авг. 2019, 17:1308.08.19
This is a terrible thing to do with this Champion. A lot of people put a lot of time/resourses into this champion only for you to completely break her. She does less than half her original damage on CB with no use anywhere else! If better champs are doing less, then buff them, because they're probably underperforming anyway... but give us back this champ!
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