well now from beeing very good(not op wthat ever you say) against bosses,nothing better than fck coldheart(wich is again just ok-glass cannon) you made her now just a bad joke of a champ,worst than armiger by far and all the rest of max hp dmg champs,she is siting in valut for everybody who invested in her,and after one year you did not even try to just tweak her,same on you plarium,i know she was just cutting your revenue bc people was using her insted of buying sacred packs to use 1% of usuable legos,and rest just sitting in valut again,just like all the others caring about money and player base can f themself like usuall,just a reminder that she still needs to be buffed regardless you nerfed her to the point that she is worst now than half of the uncomes,think about it a litlle