Again plarium did not listen to us and pushed what they wanted and ultimately im sure the updates are geared more towards bringing in money than actually listening or making things much better.
You kept with the op gear for the top plat players making it harder for new players to make it in....
you kept with just adding more lesser potions for top stages of keeps which is garbage, I have over 1k lesser potions but I cant keep up with your silver robbing game to just combine them which means more farming and wasting energy and on top of that im now getting shards and brews even more now? just had 6 runs in a row with either shards or a single void brew in arcane keep....ripoff!
You also have made battle pass a resource hog enforcing people to waste even more precious energy....ascending champs of every faction when people do not always need to ascent 3 of every faction in a week, use low tier champs some might say but not everyone has extra rare voids laying around nor wants to waste the silver on useless champs....defeat 360 enemies in campaigns using uncommons...not everyone wants to farm and not everyone has enough uncommons or want to waste the energy for it and lately it seems I have not been getting as many mystery shards there to keep up, just a bunch of low tier crap gear....then on top of all that you keep having broken challenges like the sell 50 artifacts that is not working and if you fix it I do not want to go off selling artifacts once again....
Overall awesome job listening to us, no wonder your store ratings have dipped down to 3.9 now, you should update your website to reflect that since you are putting out another lie claiming you have 4.8 ratings....