Well they found something the CC brigade can spend their money on and stretches the imbalance even more for the majority of players.
The top 20 clans with Lvl 4 SH maxed. Players with LvL 70 heros maxed Shamen Maxed as well have nothing to spend their cash on, so Of course Plarium need to make more updates. I'm sure they are already working on the next updates to keep the cash flow going.
Whats the saying Innovate or die.
Problem they have is 80% of the players are not in that situation and never will be so in time the cash cow will die. I am already hearing the rumblings of players saying they will not waste their money on these SK updates. "Just not worth it" Enjoy what you have and don't worry about what a few giants of the game have, they will have to fight among themselves. Everyone else can just shield up and avoid them they wouldn't be around long.
Have a great day all.