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Three new Knowledge branches in the Oracle!Three new Knowledge branches in the Oracle!

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Three new Knowledge branches in the Oracle!

Dec 4, 2019, 06:2412/04/19

Three new Knowledge branches in the Oracle!

Warriors, we're preparing three new Knowledge branches in the Oracle!

Their features: 

- Each of these unique categories will include both Knowledge for increasing military stats and Knowledge for improving economic stats. 

- You will need Soul Shards to upgrade the new Knowledge. 

- After you start learning one of the three branches, Knowledge from the remaining categories will require more resources.

Dec 4, 2019, 09:0412/04/19

I know this is not related to this topic but still haven’t forgotten about the town skins, bring back Bastion of the beast as reward for CvC, if not from other events.. or at least create something similar to it that helps our town development and other things just the way it was. For some clans/ players, it’s what they’re fighting for to win their CvC, it makes them strive for it. The new town skins only have its individual bonus and only for fighting, there are still a lot of players that needs a little boosters from the good ole town skins like bastion or dragon for development and such.. Please don’t ignore this issue.

Thank you in advance 🙏

Dec 4, 2019, 12:4812/04/19
Yep, just another money grab Plarium. Instead of putting out things that are aimed at big spending players, hows about making the game more playable and interesting for EVERYONE so more people keep playing and keep the game fun instead of driving away players and killing the game. I'm sure the big spenders will enjoy it but for most others it's just another reason to say farewell.
Dec 4, 2019, 20:5812/04/19

When will this be released?

Dec 5, 2019, 01:4912/05/19
Gotta  agree with the comments on the new town skins.  Much prefer the olde system to the new, quite limited bonus military based ones.  
Dec 5, 2019, 02:5912/05/19
Bring back the Bastion of the Beast ;-)
Dec 5, 2019, 12:4912/05/19

I really hope the cost of resources/boosts for the new knowledge's is not gonna be outrageously high. The gap in influence between heavy spenders and people like me who spend couple hundred every 2-3 months which I think is still alot of money yet im still far behind, also play/pay for few accs and my top acc after almost 2 years is still only just over  50b influence... I think that the game should really start doing some updates that dont cost a fortune and actually help people like me who spend 200$-300$ CAD, every 2-3 months and help those who spend less then me, cause I really agree with others that you are killing the game by making it so hard to catch up to top players.... Please Plarium start thinking about the small-moderate spenders more, we like the game but its just getting so expensive to play, If you lowered cost of pack back to what it used to be it would help, used to cost 12.99$ for super packs and mega packs used to be between 6.49$ - 12.99$, but now for any good super/mega packs the cost is 25.99$, which is alot,especially since you need more then 1 kind of pack each time you need to spend.. all you did by raising the price was make it so I still spend same as I did before, but I get less packs for my $....

Also bring back Bastion of the Beast and the Dragon town skins please!!!

Dec 5, 2019, 13:2212/05/19
Dec 5, 2019, 13:25(edited)
Oolis said:

I really hope the cost of resources/boosts for the new knowledge's is not gonna be outrageously high. The gap in influence between heavy spenders and people like me who spend couple hundred every 2-3 months which I think is still alot of money yet im still far behind, also play/pay for few accs and my top acc after almost 2 years is still only just over  50b influence... I think that the game should really start doing some updates that dont cost a fortune and actually help people like me who spend 200$-300$ CAD, every 2-3 months and help those who spend less then me, cause I really agree with others that you are killing the game by making it so hard to catch up to top players.... Please Plarium start thinking about the small-moderate spenders more, we like the game but its just getting so expensive to play, If you lowered cost of pack back to what it used to be it would help, used to cost 12.99$ for super packs and mega packs used to be between 6.49$ - 12.99$, but now for any good super/mega packs the cost is 25.99$, which is alot,especially since you need more then 1 kind of pack each time you need to spend.. all you did by raising the price was make it so I still spend same as I did before, but I get less packs for my $....

Also bring back Bastion of the Beast and the Dragon town skins please!!!

The packs do have more in them per/money unit then they did before ... even though they cost more ... which allows you to get more each mega pack and for a better price per items ... and yes I spend about as much as you and been playing just a bit longer ... I know I am never going to compete with those who spend thousands a month (not sure how they do that) ...
Dec 5, 2019, 15:3812/05/19


bring back the beast and stop the new changing in the cvc which should come next year!

But realy, i not believe that Plarium will do this or other ideas or wishes special the change of matchmaking. They only do it when they could earn money with this.

This game had start good and fair years ago. But it goes only to a pay game. And I mean with pay big pay.

Dec 5, 2019, 17:4912/05/19
even the big spenders will get tired of consistent spending and where will the game be then its so screwed up now a lot of players have left and the few who hang on will be left with a unplayable game we have spent a lot of money on i have spent less on game the last four months because of plariums pay to play police every update now is loaded with something to pay for  so who will go broke first players or plarium and what happens to the game then for people who spent five dollars a week or a thousand will plarium tell us why every two or three weeks they have to add more pay to play updates and take things from the game it started with plarium gets more from us and we get less  i would like plarium to tell us why they have taken the game in this direction and do not tell us it is what players asked for ether because no one ever asked them to turn the cvc event into what you did to it a player will never get close to what he spends back even if his clan wins cvc and the new update for it looks to be even worse do people who have played this game for years really deserve this from plarium i would really like a answer form plarium about this and a thank you for not using all the nasty words i wanted to use and call plarium so let see how long it takes to get a answer if at all from plarium 
Dec 6, 2019, 06:0812/06/19

Aye CIM they did add more to packs because they added a lot of knowledges and other features that required more rss, so they had to up the amount of items in packs atleast a bit to help with the demand they made but they could've kept the prices the same, which would've been beneficial to everyone and it would'nt break plariums bank. Also I have no idea how some spend so much, when I started game I was in a clan with few people who told me they were spending between 800-1000 every month and they did that for about 8 months then they quit the game cause they realized that every update kept them spending just as much to try and stay top players in the kingdom.... I would guess if packs were bit cheaper more people would spend and probably have less people quiting which would keep more spenders playing.  =)

Dec 6, 2019, 11:4612/06/19
Dec 6, 2019, 11:48(edited)
There really needs to be kingdoms that have limits on influence on players there, Kingdoms with max 50 bill influence players, kingdoms with max 100 bill influence players, kingdoms with max 200 bill influence players, kingdoms with unlimited influence players, etc. Low influence players can go to higher tier kingdoms if they wish but high influence players cant go down. These kingdoms play against similar matched kingdoms so fighting is more even and fair for all players. If you are low influence you don't need to worry about being zeroed by oversized players. This solution then has players doing what they want, if you want to keep spending huge and getting everything Plarium releases then go for it but if you spend little then you can still compete. Personally I think this kind of thing will slowdown the amount of people leaving the game and entice more new players to come into it also, hopefully kingdoms would be more active and not have 1 huge clan doing everything and a few smaller clans picking up scraps. Not sure why it's so hard to understand that continuing the path the game is going is driving players away and making it less interesting no matter what new features are implemented.
Dec 6, 2019, 15:2112/06/19
Well said
Dec 10, 2019, 04:3712/10/19
Dec 10, 2019, 16:0012/10/19

What is your Hmmm....about?

Is it wondering about what I am wondering about?

Dec 12, 2019, 11:5812/12/19
Because of Bastion of the Beast. It is back again. If you check out your personal rewards for cvc. Stage 10. You will find it there. A friend of mine found that by random.
Dec 12, 2019, 13:4812/12/19

There is, or was, a post somewhere on the forum illustrating this ,(return of the bastion of the beast).

I had planned on writing there ,if I could relocate it.

Dec 13, 2019, 02:0912/13/19
Thanks , but no, that wasnt the one, there was a  post with a screen shot showing the 'returned' bastion of the beast.
Dec 13, 2019, 13:0912/13/19

Ughhhhh.... SOUL SHARDS!! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Dec 16, 2019, 02:5612/16/19
I need T-8.   Im just kidding i can barely afford t-7.  I support the influence Tiered events or kingdoms ;-)   Like a Jot for under 1T, then