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Apr 20, 2024, 20:1704/20/24

BISON's emmi 109 hits:

Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

Wave 4

Wave 5

Wave 6

Wave 7

Wave 8

Wave 9

Wave 10

Emmi 81 reconned:

Emmi 82 reconned:

Well ladies and gentlemen from the wasteland since Plarium has decided to do nothing and just mostly watch with this issue I have decided to personally make them a visit myself to their emmis and took one while I was at it and recconed the other two. Do i get a refund of my troops for literally been fighting against a program? I guess not. This is what the future of TD will look like. I publicy chanllenge you, bot clans leaders to come and take out every single emitter of Anti Social if you want to make a mess from our map start with me.

Apr 22, 2024, 04:4304/22/24

BISON's emmi 109 hits:

Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

Wave 4

Wave 5

Wave 6

Wave 7

Wave 8

Wave 9

Wave 10

Emmi 81 reconned:

Emmi 82 reconned:

Well ladies and gentlemen from the wasteland since Plarium has decided to do nothing and just mostly watch with this issue I have decided to personally make them a visit myself to their emmis and took one while I was at it and recconed the other two. Do i get a refund of my troops for literally been fighting against a program? I guess not. This is what the future of TD will look like. I publicy chanllenge you, bot clans leaders to come and take out every single emitter of Anti Social if you want to make a mess from our map start with me.

Thanks for the comment Commander but as stated several times before this is not going to contribute to a solution.

The only way is to contact Support.

Apr 22, 2024, 10:3104/22/24

Thanks for the comment Commander but as stated several times before this is not going to contribute to a solution.

The only way is to contact Support.

Yes, i'm perfectly aware of that as a matter of fact I've been contacting support for months. Me and multiple spanish players reporting every single bot clan. Have you seen any progress? The answer is No.

More and more bot clans come out every month. The bots are taking several emmis from us clans with no programs and all the company is doing is NOTHING. None of the bot clans have been deleted yet :) So I wanted to share how the future of this game will look like (normal players vs cheat programs). Don't like it? Sorry but it is what it is. 

Apr 23, 2024, 06:2104/23/24

Yes, i'm perfectly aware of that as a matter of fact I've been contacting support for months. Me and multiple spanish players reporting every single bot clan. Have you seen any progress? The answer is No.

More and more bot clans come out every month. The bots are taking several emmis from us clans with no programs and all the company is doing is NOTHING. None of the bot clans have been deleted yet :) So I wanted to share how the future of this game will look like (normal players vs cheat programs). Don't like it? Sorry but it is what it is. 

All I can say is keep reporting them as Plarium will never accept botclan and third party programs.

Contact support and give them as much evidence as possible!

Apr 23, 2024, 16:0604/23/24
Apr 23, 2024, 16:17(edited)

All I can say is keep reporting them as Plarium will never accept botclan and third party programs.

Contact support and give them as much evidence as possible!

like I said, been doing that for months. Many examples and emmis taken by those clans and a lot of pictures and information provided yet 0 actions against them they just keep multipliying and making a mess around here. The lack of action of the company will make a lot of people to just go away once they get tired of this. I'll be frank: I do NOT care if the bots come and destroy all my emitters we are the Anti Social clan we do not fear anyone and those who came here in the past knows what trying to take us out means and they will too.... programs or not, hell i'll even be thankful if those cheaters finally give me a nice eternal vacation lol, i'm just speaking for the rest of clans whose emitters(hard dedication and years of troops building) are being robbed by programs. 

keep doing nothing at this rate in a year or two maybe a few good clans are gone out for good thanks to Plarium ;) no more else to add, bot clans welcome if you want to take me out i'll give you all a good fight I promise.

Apr 24, 2024, 21:0404/24/24

@ ivan can we unite some attacks on bots emitters? we are a small clan and wanted to lvl up our hq on lvl 12 we need for that an lvl 1 emitter we wnat only that nothing more so please help us that we can do this 

Sep 14, 2024, 07:1909/14/24

I sure love watching emitters of even the largest HUMAN clans get taken down by bots, lol. 

Can't believe nothing is being done about this, even with constant reports by the HUMAN players.