mir egal ob du der kaiser bist oder wer anders von mor ist ist ein wenig komisch weisst du das wenn ich deine comments lese und wieder ein vasall von dem kaiser der meint er wäre besser ich kann von mir behaupten ich habe ehrlich gespielt mit all meinen acc und sie über jahre hinweg aufgebaut und nur weil euch es in den krahm besser passt den clan zu zerstören und dazu meine deff in die ewigen jagdgründe zu schicken heistt das nicht das ich ein schlechter leader bin mfg jane
If you think Clans are using ptograms please contcact Support
Yes, the BOTs are probably made by plarium, the server is empty and someone will start the game. There are already several players like khaiiseer who think they own the server. This guy is simply pathetic.
Commander, our company does not create bots (third-party programs) because they contradict the balance and game policies. Therefore, if you feel suspicious activity among other players, please provide their coordinates via this link to the support team so they can thoroughly check everything and take the necessary measures 💪
It has begun. The bot clans are beginning to take over emitters. In mere months, bot clans have grown from nobody into large forces that are wanting to take down even the largest clans of actual human players.
It is unbelievable that Plarium refuses to do anything DESPITE CONSISTENT REPORTS to their support. Even if you kill them now, it's mostly automated and they'll grow strong enough even if they can't do it now.
Go to war everyone
Commanders. The only way to report these issues is by connecting Support and include evidence/photos.
Making posts here will in no way contribute to solve the issue.
It has begun. The bot clans are beginning to take over emitters. In mere months, bot clans have grown from nobody into large forces that are wanting to take down even the largest clans of actual human players.
It is unbelievable that Plarium refuses to do anything DESPITE CONSISTENT REPORTS to their support. Even if you kill them now, it's mostly automated and they'll grow strong enough even if they can't do it now.
Go to war everyone
If you check the defense rankings of that week you'll see that MoR has not suffered any significant damage meaning that those were empty emitters if you think that it would be that easy to take 5 emmis from MoR for a few botters then that means you never fought them, they are very strong.
Do you all like the bot sector? all new sectors are like these sector
how can such a sector reakt ? I would like to ask Plarium to take a closer look. Regardless of whether the game is so old that it can't be updated anymore, I still enjoy playing it. But with all the bots it's no longer fun even for a paygamer
and they also imposed a restriction on requests (robberies, intelligence, occupation, etc.) I wanted to take 1-3 places in the occupation tournament and then banish me for no reason they think that I am a cheater. And how to play if you are temporarily blocked and you lose temp and time. What's the point of putting a limit on requests if these cheaters are playing without it .
and they also imposed a restriction on requests (robberies, intelligence, occupation, etc.) I wanted to take 1-3 places in the occupation tournament and then banish me for no reason they think that I am a cheater. And how to play if you are temporarily blocked and you lose temp and time. What's the point of putting a limit on requests if these cheaters are playing without it .
Hi, Commander! Answered you in this thread 🙏
Do you all like the bot sector? all new sectors are like these sector
how can such a sector reakt ? I would like to ask Plarium to take a closer look. Regardless of whether the game is so old that it can't be updated anymore, I still enjoy playing it. But with all the bots it's no longer fun even for a paygamer
Hey! Thanks for your report. I have also answered you in this thread 🤗
Posting here on the Forum will not result in a solution Commander.
The only way to solve this is by submitting a ticket:
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